ft TAOE TWO THE DAILY NEWS Summer Shoes 1.T : V I. We Have the Finest Variety and Styles in Summer Footwear. In White and All Other Colors. New Shipment of Wedge Heel, , Dutch Box Heels in Colors Just Arrived t Agents for "Mosco" Wonder Corn Cure Family shoe store ltD. The H6me of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PHINCE UUPERT - Br.ITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News. Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN Managing-Editor ADVERTISING RATES Classified advertising, per word, per Insertion Local readers, per line, per insertion SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by carrier, yearly. period, paid In advance Paid in advance, per week Paid in advance, per month By mail to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, yearly period, paid in advance By mail to all other countries, per year News Department Telephone ... 86 Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION Ihureday. May 18. 1S39. ITVTTF.n STATES POLITICS .02 .25 RELEASING OF STAGNANT CAPITAL IS ADVOCATED Contlnued From Pji- Om-i of becoming a burden to the people heavier than they should be a scad to bear. While I regard much of this criticism as valid. I leti that, broadly speaking, the sau efrt.-cism can be turned with equal fcree on modern business, "It is not drffirult to pio that the efficiency of frjdlridual batfn-"I units jfhouk nt be ttfcffi a measure of the efllelspc af fcssain-m as a whole. "If two ikllled and eiLzxnl i jd:-ingmen are forced to s e-ul M per cent of their time fKfeUr ?aeh other mtrtir for the cvrtasJ t work, their actual "rrnrtrtrt nt oods and services will he hut rn'f their potential "rariu-tlon Hi" their effort wHl hire b-rn w 1 and their standard nt living will.r-but half what it mlht hav tjsfin. "In bushier today, wr sr ilie : and efficient bu.inr: fl-m m fnr as their internal affairs ar? r1 cernedl spending a lare H f their Ume and effort flrt:n" -a-ii other for the opportunity to nr vide their goods and servt?3 to public. That meant. In Jame measure, a wasteful and useless dl1-'-pation of . energy which is partly responsible for the low living standards prevailing today. , "But even more to be deptered than the consnkious waste of mi- i unable to do. "After all. business enterortse. as a vehicle for maklnt ava'law to ;the neople the discoveries and In ventions of pure and angled science. ha topic "Vfsitnra tn - p ritv frnrn th United States TllCSdaV MWereowU to Ha credit seemed unanimous that the spending policy of the P. "anSrry-dent was all wrong and that the people had nov disco v- ,np oa our fa1r, htTP bwn rid. ered that it was leadincr them deeper into trouble while jCaiiy altered bv the industrial Rev- now so widespread that a Democrat couia not ne eiecieu physical wealth. next year unless there was some radical cnange oi poncy in the meantime. EXPRESSED SURPRISE One thing that interested and surprised visitors to for capital declines in relation to secure the necessities of life the ability of the economy to supply it, and where the effective daman Is definitely less than the available Turning to the subject of th? ergy and materials is our refusal to supply, we are bound u no Jru co-operative movement, Mr. Dol-use our vast arsets in idle man- trouble. son explained that consumer and power ana natural resources. Present lunmj Inadequate !aoducer co-opera tire are owned "If we are honest with ourselves. , and operated for the benefit of as we should be in these days, we "I believe that the receet dk- t Maaut tnl primary producers, are forced to admit that modern tress and Instability of business, the while these classifications somc- . -- - 1 suu no unfair ujc iiumjuobibs; oi some of its oontfsatttn Hv-f- the economic machine to the ex- i"i "'wutiH w vofii inai iney succeed. ccntsneat alone, we see. on the one "There is comcarativriy little isu&d. a land rich in natural re- rHnaer of eo-ooeracive rnternrlv I CBrcr t-ethr !th a nrte sMUhhii Iv skUled n tk t?wjntriol arU ami the nmfeMions. a uir am ner ssauioaro at offerine no solution of the employment ' problem. They oiution which ir stm in fun swim. ua ha. J" v ben DCTn exowienced expenmceu. , . . -0 i n i l: if who. that t.M v,.,. i k-. seemea to uiinK inau n Mr. uooseven onereu lumscu iu; - " a third term, he would be defeated. While they realized ;h Utandin who benefited directly from the policy that most people .eWe,.mMlt -f ,;... era has v., yn been would support the Democratic party the opposition was increasingly rapid accumulation of tendencies that w-tll mean Btfhr living sundarda for ail of us. "While I have apetu moat of my time outlining Some the economic attnation and ousiness leaaers nave not given us raauvejy mgn pei-crana j un- uxact overlap, they are broad tloa today, the answer to there quertlons and employment, the generally low Jr- riloU.n to include the mass of trw, -r kh.. future, let us all w It n fl"' 'mlc eeononiv wtiren h Indsr .trial Revolution s tW 'n nn o- . . : . ruunn vm " wuny oi noiiceaae over. v,,n . . hD u uim It Agrees with Babies There are so many hundreds of Carnation is cows' milk cases reported to us of babies who with part of the natural were not doine well until put on a watr removed by evap. . Carnation Milk formula and liter- oration. Homogcnization Jtsl&? ally thousands who did well from the and heat treatment make start on Carnation, iity spec'ulitls it far more digestible than milk m know the reasons Irradiated Carna- ordinary form. It is always the jme tion Milk is so rapidly becoming the wherever you buy it unopened, leading milk for bottle-fed babies. It keepi without ice it is econornual is because it is so successful and this in price AND through irradiation because it agrees with babies. it has added "sunshine" vttarr. in. D Co-operative Movement Carnation does wonders for cooked dunes that call for milk or cream. It saves on cream bills for cereals, coflce and fruit. Write for Carnation books. 'The Gmtcntcd ltaby' is free. The big, colorful Carnation Cook Dook is Mi (postpaid). Carnation f) Company Limited, . .ai LC ADIO ; iht "CtnlnttJ mf tttn Mtmuj might, Set fttr W mfyrifjtr fat ilMitml aaJ Umt Carnation fH, IRRADIATED Milk A CANADIAN PRODUCT 'from Co.Ui.Ud Cows- Milk, Vandalism Of 'r unm rorm At gesUng the contribution the eo Riifml Hs-nnnr! operaUve movement can make. ! DUliai UIUUIIU is not my desire to suggest that in this movement we have Ue a rather -." only conatrueMve focce In opra- vandaUssn ts reix lew Crftsei y addition, we apparently by u r pernaps u is noi oui oi me way xo in$ uuaru jiu uitioftur people. And in the very nature of vrrMM ii.i.. mm attlfleMi i. ttJ)0,condude that business management cessity lor government to prop up iheir orranUaUon the net surplus e4ur applied arid efficiently d- the gram .12, is not able to give an answer that the industrial structure majr be r vtilh made available by their ministered I betlrv that In th- riM OiwUl mean a more abundant life taken a. an indication that our ec- operations la distributed to th Mme way tautneamen orsnuab-naw ben ausd nor you ana i. onomy. as ai presem uiHiiru. bj, oI tne p,pie That stands for the protection of IMr tutor- of the eesnHrry Tr 3.00 ( -perhaps, however, we should 1101 adequate to present-day de- out in sharp contrast to the ten esta. the workers in tndwmy o dfkd. 9 00 hesitate to lay at the door of bus- niands upon it dency of most classifications of should organtee In bddVa to ftp- llness a charge of failure to do a lob m l8Qk currct sit- tuiaa eotcrprite to concentrate reaent tbtlr Interaata HI IJ, nnu s CLIMC .i, i. . j i i i .... atattnn mnr, anoMiftal.v BHD Arav i. u - w. t .l. iu i: uui urniuira ana B anaarcouy - - wutui u wc uuiui u hit jrw -tl.. ,u .t win. What ralaht have been.i., ..- .. -- hMlth t r That aombiaatiaa erain hy big business Sa dl- Ci,. vTT . ' J 1L. idn Ms elmsr should enabs us to rroduce an rtbsrted 1desjr by eo-operaUvr or- nJZZ. Ktnt Bsfwaid Bch-abundance " of goods and vrvioM to -anlraUons. I p- I ataire the oevnle of this eeoimeot "Then, too co-operatives usuallv iivsng uun -oneraie Tnere It attle reaaon the ,.lo . u ftni ct.iu u. ... .. n -4., , .. n our resources only partially with the "o-orduiMe their activities that) relt that Hvlna standards are be- 'd' bv-ft mav h mUted for 11 we review trie twentieth cent- Jng kept at starvation levels. 'IWr nenb-lil' That a-alr urv. we cannot help but be Impress- -The concentration in the flow -t'sH to the tMsdaacy of bH ed with the rapid industrialisation and eontrol of the United SUtoa H-lrw. and a-.cumuhitlon of nhvdcal xvnlth U inches tad bv the fact that Kt. h-. ..i..tM weaUh in most countries of the 6 bllMons out of a total saTinsi cf t HttrU So ennat dire-'tlon wor3d- J15 billion' vas 'W lde v 21.- fr to exact a .wafer tl fmm ih- "Insofar a corcerm the aeeumw- W)0 out of the fmllli ronuw. nr frith the inthl- Pvi0 P,m in tlo rliiQ m-ppV rna ihp flnnearance W'cn of wealth to aawply ho easd- n the eoanlnr In otner warrta wK a f-t4her eontrimi us rrembr thj' ' A4ay we navt in vtstoo and' Ps(M elitldreTi "cHMe ' B thia Tn-s tne courage to saott the cha: Keop tan to dai a : , for to orvanisaUoas nwned b" ' ". "On th other hand. fe have rnos dlsvntln 'heir en- ' nnarlv million tinfnnlnvd In -t1m in iiuImi An'yiia iLrm nf i V E i I rr.A .,. mim, i - . . ooooooooooooooooooooocraooootoooooooooooooooow m V j ""i'4"- rV" V 7u ; noticed Jsrr in VnnmUr number nf Of requirements of a ranloly ox- one-lnU of one per cant of Use of wooHh w4ta the tmhTmy re- 5 beds in a Of of perennial plants they ir hrvTlnnod pani5lni economy, and where the -eoaJr saved half much aa the I ciiuciin aiiu uv JKiu; iutu vuuai t a -" ..v Uc.mua lor caiui reirtMiM rnw- resrajfitnv 8 on nin-srauil par v. eio Htte a no ijv en- which looks its best JU?t now. Tfiey said this Was tfie SOrt isfled. the modern wln if nri- cr f the nonulat'on. si -M rfi.--v,,, Af w,Kh of thin" they had not seen anywhere in the gardens at enternrise has orovwi lUelf to This state of affaira ct-aaoH at Htbin the arc nf IU Influ'ric.'. hnmo nr .ni-mstn Not. nnlv was it what thev saw now bllt ;wl.adantad to tHl to needs a time when a Urge port in of th- I brieve Uh.1 th co-o-rafiv. Bat where We cUecUve demand parnwj gna 10 gwment and maInto'n the promise of continuousHowerine in the perennial beds in a good many wardens. They said it seemed easy enough to grow leds of annuals which flowered later but to ne ready for spring and the early summer, such as what they saw here, was indeed surprising. There did not seem to be many gardeners among the Rotarians but those "ho seemed to know plants were keenly interested. They thought it was somethine for them to aim at when thev returned home. They said it was common to see beds of tulips at home but they had not seen the perennials prorr ising a succession of Woom. , AMAZING DENUNCIATION Members of the C.C.F. political party were amazed recently when their pa'-ly was denounced by a Vancouver religious leader who declared that the policies of the 'arty were anti-religious and that they emanated from Moscow. Four columns of headlines were used to express the amazement of the party in this denunciation. The C.C.F. leaders have become so accustomed to denouncing everybody and everything that when they fce-( come the victim of denunciation they are amazed and .say' so in unmi&tageable language. If they remain in politics for a few years they will get accustomed to being denounced. It is only when political parties are in opposition and have never been in port er that they can indulge In unrestricted denouncing such-as has been experienced Jn-fhe past few years. Once they have the responsibilities of office thrust on them they modify their tone and have to learn to take unmerited abuse without being worried thereat They then are no longer amazed. , The Daily News is a member ot the Canadian Daily Newspaper Association, of the Canadian Press and of the . Audit Bureau of Circulations. It is the only paper north' of Vancouver and west of Edmonton holding membership in these organizations. 4u : British Columbia INDUSTRIES thr i,lp and patrr fiulutlrj uf tttUUh Cntu m l,ia It one of I he IraHinf rmptoy rr of raintal and Ulxmr In the pruti'nrr. KrirrenlinK an tntf Intent nf pnmt $4b,MHI,tHrt), It pay, more than SljHtO.MHt annually In trafrt to tome 3JKHI rrn-playeet. H.C.. pulp and ttaiter ttoduett to the talne of $I6.MI0,MH1 are ihlpped eacn year to many differrnt tuunlrlrt 'lirouglinnl the irnrlii. Silver Spring Laprr Itcr h inlcrnulionally known for iU flue llavotir and tmiroriii quulitv. It Uu hej-i, i,Uc of llritih OjiirnliiaV inort poptilur beer for neurly h itirt r century. SILVER SPUING Lager Beer I 1 fpiiXft ICI This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or bv the I? 'I 0 t S1 0 0 ' O 8 0 0 18 o i Special . -. FREE A Beautiful Decorated Tumblei With Every Purchase of Effervescent Fruit Saline Both for 39c Regular 25c Plate Brush Free With a Tin of DENTAL FIX POWDER Both for 50c FKKE With Kvcry Purchase of BRITEN TOOTH PASTE A Decorated Fruit Juice Tumbler Both for 29c Ormes Ltd. 77ut Pioneer Drttf&ists The Itesall Store rhones: 81 & l! Open Daily from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. 6undars and Holidays from 12 noon till 2 Pm-7 p.m. till 9 p.m. oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooao NEW ROYAL HOTEL 3 Zarelll Proprietor -A IIOMK AWAY FKOM IIOMir Itates 81.00 up 50 Rooms IIot& Cold Water Prince Rupert, D C. I'lione 281 I'.O. Hoi 19C COAL firain Feed Seeds and Fertilizer PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. I'honrs 58 and 858,