PAGE FOUR SCORING SCHEMES New Zealand Government Seeks Income to Cover Security Measures By J. C. GRAHAM Canadian Press Correspondent AUCKLAND. N. Z.. May Id: CPl One of the most ambitious of the socialistic schemes undertaken by New Zealand's labor government during the past four years Is a measure aimed at freeing everyone from anxiety against old age. Ill ness or unemployment. ihredded WheatiBMsferl! CHREDDED WHEAT Is rich In all those vital food elements found In whole wheat. Shredded Wheat Is 100 whole wheat nothing added, nothing taken away. Crisp, crunch, toasted Shredded Wheat Is a delicious, well-balanced food that helps keep you feeling tip-top. Order the familiar box from your grocer today. Th Canadian SKwMad Wha Company, ltd. Niagara rant UMOt libit biscuits Ui titty box I5 SHREDDED WHEAT MADE IN CANADA t OF CANADIAN WHEAT ' 1 ' - BaWIlM O. Rollas, 99 10x). Peter Brass, 99 (8x. Mrs. W. Brass. 98 8x). Malcolm Lamb, 97 3x. This Is the first time the Dom mlon Championship Trophy ever come West. MADE FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY Question: What is black and white and yet read all over? Answer: The daily newspaper! t This time-worn conundrum still aptly describes a good daily newspaper. The daily paper' is designed to be read by every member of the family. From the front page with its last- - . minute bulletins of world events righ through the dozens of feature sections, the daily newspaper is a constant source of information and entertainment designed for each and every reading taste. Accurate information on local and world market . prices intelligent and thoughtful editorials 'describing the news behind, the headlines social, news fashion and home- making'lnformatiori the world of sports comics and special children's departments. These are the thing that make a irood daily newspaper such an integral part of pur daily lives. Keep in tune with today's world every day through tho columns of a daily newspaper I H 3 0 1 1 141 U I U 9 J .'RESERVATION OF PEACE siioi:i.n nr. objective (Continued From Page One) there is a difficult mountain to climb, Just start from where yen are." Dean Bollerfs Inspiring address was listened to with much Interest by a dinner audience of over one hundred persons Including men as well as women. Mrs. J. D. Fraser. president of the club, was In the chair. In opening her address. Dean Bollert. whose subject was "War or Peace. What Can We Do About It?" started from the point view mat "for security and opportunity the world needs tne complete removal of the burden of war." if permanent economic security was to be created for the masses. To talk of war as being a biological or socloligtca! necessity, the speaker declared, was "simply silly " Great physical and scientific changes involving time and spaue had been accepted as part of the ordinary every day life. Why then the experience that nations wlh colonies had not to a great extent used those colonies for excess population. Paradoxically the countries that talked most about population pressure. Ita!) for instance, were those which subsidized mothers to brine forth lal Security Act, which has Justing collected. ton. NB- 492-30x. imre ;hltfrn. The need of raw' come into operation, played a large; AU penslon invalidity and un- Essex-Scottish Regiment Rifle materials H$l ben put forward as part In returning the government em . lment 'benenu are Assn., Windsor, Ontario. 491. another excuse for waslng war , to power for a second term at last I Free-hospital treatment has Blc Miniature Rifle Chib Purchase "was the surest and 0 o civumi. fmHU"' ih iko H"""1"'" iv. not . yet . . been Intrrvtiirprf hf?!ii! ok' hcwiuuiiuwuu, i. .urairai im-ailS 01 access lO T1' benefits promised j.. the v, i - tji..ij..i . -r. jcai liberal but already government . f licated C(im te finding difficulty in g.vfng the , nPot , administrative prob- '""V4 u' mmrrji,; ne jreaKcr pontenaed solved. Doctors are strongly opposed to the medical side The act provide, for pensions of 100, lOx Qt the e and as a result fe 41 V, A medical treatment has been post- at en 00. The same amount is paid to DOne(j indefinitely Invalids. Aoproximately $7 a week is the rale for a married man during unemployment or temporary Daily advertising lit . the Dallj sickness while a widow gets Just News is sure to bring . daily re-' under $5 a week, with additional suits. Rupert team were as follows: W. Brass. 100 UO-xt. Possible, Nor end tiftde any lontrcr follow the flag as indicated in India where the Japanese had been male-tag heavy Inroads on British trade What Getnany really wanted, a! far as colUhics were concerned suggested the speaker, was the strategic position which they af- hgj! forded. i Japan had endeavoured to Jus-Itlfy war through danger of com-munlsm but the fact was that1 communism' was at its lowet ebb In fifteen sears when the "inci dent" m China began. Psychological Keason The real reasons that nation ,wcnt to war were psychological rather than economic, the speaker believed. Those might Include an ln-jferiority complex or lust for pow-jer. In the case of Gsrmany. Deal I Bollert believed that the latter was the case. Desire for war was nn attitude. ' i Many pinned their faith on economic measure to end war. Unl-! ted States women had made a , quiet but systematic boycott )f Tapanese goods. One mean of 'dealing with-war i would be the revival of tru1 League of Nations, suggested the THE SEAL QUALITY 03s COLD SEAL Fancy Red, Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll In Prince Rupert Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY I'HONK C57 speaker who felt that this mag-nlflcent machine had never been given a ftolr trial. When difficult! had arisen 0r U did not autt certain nation, they had simply quit If women had been amresslve around the world in the belief of collective security, the Leaftie have been saved, neorjan-'jffltlon of the League, the speakn believed, should involve M pw-mlses of denunciation ,r ww m an instrument oi national jwicy In establishment of an EB2 IHila strong and resolute publk opinlwt against war and for peace Women should be more aggress! v. more informed and more In earnest about problems wtlleh confirmed them m vastly and about which tney had done so little Oraat things eould be accomplished- by? the women of the various minor uniting- in the campaign for pre ( enatlon of peace. Ttvj mueh time was spent In dMrtrtwtW crtUeksn. Before Munich the people nan the seUiemmu of disputes, the .prayed In the churches that Pr- ternatlonal police force and nowrui in acuirTin pw i mum- i withdrawal. The process ahouW be , h. No sooner had ho returned first, judicial procedure of eone-lwUh lr tlum hd of'atloit and arWtmtton. swond. ee-Nuwed at the terms or peww onomlc stwwtlnns. and. ttotrti. mlH- .There muH De an aiwuKR niron-tary fore-. eiltatfon and peace. HumartUr Collective .security bum be tu' common preoiem w mm jww War must be eliminated way r preserving Mlt Hallert. Blo-Mni effMtlve In-inner criiamoenam nugni 00 mip- rtd vkh oi pease, naiioiwi Mwma up n( nay eome together to settle or talk tlons aoalntt nations was boumt out their difference. To this ejJi to result In war. person (Kxikl ami' atwrnW Women's Part play ft part. Mifw Dotlert spoke of the great Another guwt of honor at tJ thinos thai might be done for dinner was Mr. Jutk A. 1 Fltti-humanlty with the huge sum of er who. following Mm DoUe x money, besides the appalling lots spoke briefly and humorolr add- could not oblectlonable views and of life, involved In war and pre- Ing hw note or anpre-iwmn im attitudes which mitigated against paration for war. Women could the splendid addr?v by the nwk the welfare of humanity be alo'do a Kr at work in developing a er of the evenimr eliminated? payments for each dependent Pro- UTTDC'DT IC I All For Peace vision is also made for free and un- lJl LilV 1 lu I Women and men- to- Dan Bo1" Iversal medical and maternity at- 1ITY bYTI TrV sIVT Iert ur8ed- 5,1011111 stand more detention, hospital treatment and WINNrKIIM finltely tosher for peace. The pharmaceutical supplies. To galm " Ulilil III 1 central dominant feature of mod-a correct Idea of the scale of pay-1 CTJOOTITVIf0 rn endeavour snou,d be In- ments, It should be Dome In mind ullvV 1 lnVJ ternat,onal ace- Without it no that the cost of food and many other projects could be brought to other items of living is. lower In ! Word has Just been received ' fulfilment. New Zealand than In' Canada. from Dominion Marksmen Head-, Miss Bollert went on to discuss To pay for the benefits a tax of quarters, Montreal, that the C. theories of the causes of war. The five cents on the dollar has been N. R. A. Rifle Club or Prince Rup-!dea of population pressure, mak-levled on all Incomes, earned and ert has won In the shoot-off for ing more land necessary to take unearned. This, however, is not Dominion Championship Team t care of the people, had been pret- sufficlent to pay the expenditure, Trophy ror small Pore rifle shoot-ity well done away. It had been which has aroused widespread cri- ng, run on me rosiai system, tlcism. These critics claim the Following were the final scores scheme goes far bej'ond the ca- of the teams competing, each pacity of the country to pay. champions of their respective dU- In addition the government has trlcts: found It Impossible to introduce- C. N. R. A., Prince Rupert 492- some of the benefits on the date 38 "500 possible). Benefits promised under this Soc- proposed allthough the fulll tax Is . . . . a i a a. t I 1 - 1 I Sunny Brae Rifle Club. Moric- IVSY MODEL "JM" Bi33t vtue in hih grde wnficf, Improved baty Gyutor deUjn, Lirjc roomy tub of utctt snti-ipUih, roll top style. Hindsomc to look t ind t wonder worker with the i i i ?3 81" Other Models From $69.50 1TP i(mM tint (My nr,t S1 Easy Washers Offer the IlijiKtt Value (iet Full Particulars From Chesterfield Suite, Bedroom Suite, Dinette Suite. Specially Priced For Quick Selling 1 Sets Only, Apiece Chesterfield Suite Rep. $135 to $165. Specially in-iced for cjuick selling ?103, $112, $120 5 Sets Only, piece Redroom Suite Consisting of full size bed, chiffonier, vanity dresser and upholstered bench. C0 Special V 7 Sets Only, G-piecc Dinette Suite Consisting of Ruffet, table and set of 4 chairs. Regular from $H!.50 to $75.00 Specially priced for (piick selling $31, $62 ,,n-' $67 ELIOS ThUrj IaumHu.i i. r "ui u i,.,,, t(. condition of John o.m ( of Ctty Ingtmer ,.,1 ft Good, who Is st r; . " ' SPORTING G00K Tennisf Rackets To CIiikmc From special"" FRKR-With Any Racket (her Mo THREE SP UJ)1G I'rcMure-l'atkrtl TENNIS IlALLs This Week Only Our Stock of FISHING TACKLE 3 Its Rest Novr Come in and I.ook it Over KAIEN HARDWARE riioxi: a Illl I II I IIS" ,-.- Optometrist i i L0CKW00IV5 FUR STORE now orrx ior IttSlMiSS Kverylhlnc In Sprlns ltlti and (Japes Selling a Vanroa-ver'Prrceu-lUrh tor All Furs Mwiiiff " W'" Pappax of V ! Third Ave. Nr t Moo-t "!L iriii rnriiiT NOTICE ! Commencing Saturday. April 15th, our CONKKCTIONKKV STORE Will Open Until 10:00 p.m. Mussallem's Confectionery Opposite Canadian Uon e 111 J.BI Bfl'-'H b c y ROSE BUSHES J Dwarf Dahlias OUdW 0 di.i ..I Arrivllir Thlt Week Wm. GAIR Florist, Seedsman THE VANC OLVER DAILY PRO V I N CE Ilox 876 Phone hl -" M "I" TIIIUI) AVKNUU Plione (iltt;i:.N 910 U tm