Thursday, May 18, 19W. CHRISTIAN SCIENTISTS WELCOME KING 'IlTJ ' ' 03 ifJif'lJ war.tsH rf Gnu amir 4frrina ft (DOST'GLlAOIOUS'WAJdSTjGS. TfifrKIXGwQUetiN. W(Y IT r'LliviiU YDlft WAJGSTIOS a b Vt 4 "i CD &rr CTWri . T? fal W GWfa . tw a7 a ltUM fcttU ltW U4iaa 11 pinlAioa ef dwaia . SSt row LJ J i5 (0 yrs! .eeJut 6oi' ui)siu r roirs Vtasil;!i Srtrxtva i fc pin ana nrtirrj rxanf if ssarTfrtttttjaxAiwraii:) )L'axfir.wmixii9. ion at xu rauura Kirur sc.-. 1 a 1 - t.l. I V-4 grxttrj iJi Of ivfra jfcarr ic4) at rrifPri "r P) iinto in By ei fcrxi tocim iKoUci pA Utter VJ arid Wnjswi ud r.i.. iilL.1 rf,... Lt. lutein a, 149 ra jimaiuwuuiiiriiiiiw) ' ; n ; k.j rJrt mo V iMlitri aai wOrt 3 fcJ fkr tie Inmt f d mn Km ar3 g&rYcr CO di . rf vr ni Scar !Ar W yvVi r& arr to ttorCjl ) Wigiaj Ifcrir sr! In V srrrttf tiranfi 3 Here 1 .shown i.'-.t form ol a:i addre of elcome which is being presented by the Christian & icne churches of Canada to the King and Queen on the oczasian of their visit to the Dominion. K. :iif Science Churches and Bocieties in Canada, including Prince Rapert, have subscribed their s.ame U toe scroll and are luted, alphabetically a ccordlng to prortneei. BALL GAME WAS LONG nf the nineteenth inning last eve- m j clubs are back In a tie for nlns because of darkness with the the cellar, score sUndinR at nine-all. It was' NfW Yankees improved the longest National League game! their margin of leadership hi the . a -... I ASHmkraiMaVn T-akaamnim. fra"a tvaOfa AfftH s:nce Attgmn n. wb. wnen nmkm Mnr RrawM half game by winning a ektse Dod.ers and Cub Sel Seven-Aear hrrr tn two Hie loartlng Rt i decision over St. Louis Browns) Record in PUylnr Nineteen- uuU Cardinals had their margin' "hile the running up Boston Red Inning Nine -All Draw of ,haved to half aleox lost to the Chicago White game yesterday when they tort f " Waahington Senators woo . v... n s tn tn New Yora uianu. UK:v'" . -- - lAUW' M1- x,.. . . i tnithem from sixth place. (tav's National -League game i in - an, Brooklyn Dodgers and Chi- one "victory over Boston Bees to. ... a. m . i am.. f.m n r .-, I r tn deaoHvc ni5pirr mrm nm i i r-.hs who arc a r fourth place lading, was called in ih i.-icjiir i-ns lion in" rimina - at Used Furniture 3-Piccc Chesterfield Suite In irnoil iiajie Special . . 1 Radios To clear G-Piccc Cream Red- room Suite To clear Slightly used. From, up . . l)e Forest Washing Machine Snecial $39.00 $19.50 59.00 (.nidctTo'nk Dining Room Suites 29.00 $49.50 M'ist people read Uie classified -r. . .. . ....... J .1.- J N . 1 the ! "vrr Pittsourg 1'irairs ana ire uaa i-u. FURNITU B.C. Furniture is Now Open for Husincss With a Large Stock of OUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS Kadms Chesterfield and Iiedroom Ncu nnd Uc-Condiiioncd Kitchen Kanecs, , Mnrne Uoon. Suites, Washing Machines, Carpqts, Rugs, fctc. New Furniture l-IMccc Walnut Iiedroom Suite Consisting of Red, Vanity, Stool and gS,iw:..; 365.00 fi-I'icce Dinette In cream and red! r,!... 330.00 1 Walnut Dinette 0A Aft Chairs-Leather seat JJ-Picce Velour Chesterfield Modernistic style, pleated ggjQQ 193S Westinghouse Mantel set .HtSo... 352.00 hone Mack 321- Next Door to Jl.C. Clothiers mi take courses of training. THE DAILY HEWS PAGE THRE8 LOCAL NEWS NOTES Norma Watt Is sailing to- Further organization ol the new-1 night on the Prince Oeorge lor a ly formed Religious Education viatt In Victoria. Council here was proceeded with at a meeting ot the executive Tues- Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Hogan of Pa- day night with the president, E. R. rifle will sail tonight on the Prince M. Yerburgh, in the chair. nwirve for Vancouver. - riuvmciai uonsiaDie r. u. smiin Mra. Elmer Thompson U sailing Bumi Lake, who has been tonight on the Prince George for a a Met trlP to Vancouver on m ; Ulp to Vancouver, cott Ant' arrved lr the cily from '" the south on the Prince Geor-Ben- Johnson wffl sail tonltht yesterday morning and proceeded 10 the interior by the evenli.6 ; on the Prince George for a trip to train. Vancouver. Walter Hall of the Railway Mall 1 Service to Ulng tonight on the after' G ycjtcrday m0mlng Prince George for a holiday trip to uw nava, tralning t Vancouver auu viciuii .. ; Esquimau and attending the Gold- , , . , en Gate International Exposition L x Mr. Robert Corlett wlU arrive lr. at n Vranrttrn Antrin Klmn-,,. the tonight's train from T- city on olsn rt,irn.ri hnm vrrt9V race and tail on the Prince Oeo-r frQm naa, tra,nln for a trip to Vancouver and Victor- la. - T"-,lvi"! thfr mrrta t-nlThf Pe-cy Mrlnto.'h and hi? bride. M'- s Kptherine Evans, will sail on th" .Prince Georee for i honevmoon itrlp to Vancouver and elsewhere In : .3Uth. rity Conini"on'r and Mr. W. t. AMer will sail tonltht on the ince Rupert for Vlr.toria. The ' trio wQl be a holiday combined with business, for Mr. Alder. They ex-, pect to be away about three weeks, j Lieut. James Bryant and David; MrNab Norman McLeod and Budi I Ponder of the local unit of the Roy-! lal Canadian Naval Volunteer Re serve are sailing tonight on the Prince George for Esquimau to KISS YOUR TIRED FEELING GOODBYE! Pcplew Many Suffer Low Blood Count And Don't Know It. Th UfBIUc thlas timet low Wood coast U that 7o akovt u msch u jtm rrrr did rrrm look bnlUir mixi (trans, ytt roa eta fe) a U yon had lad la jo kn, doprr. tirad aad prplcav Urw blood eout ntua 70a Mrn t cot anoura rd blood corpaadM. It I their riul jo t carry Ufiia( axTira from rear lonn taraacbout rr body. Aad Juit u It takra axra to explode taaoUae la yaar ear aad make ta power to turn the vaerla. ae yoa maat baee plentr of axyxr a to explode th eaerrr la your body and (ire yoa roiac power. Get Dr. WOIiama Flak PHli today. Tbey are worM-famoua for the help Uiey rlre la iaemainc the Bomber aad atrenzth at red eorpaatlem. Taea with your Wood eoaat ap. yaall feel like booadinc up the daira aa If yoa were floatiac oa air. Ask yoar drugffiat (or Dr. WBnama Flak FHU today. I Sigurd Throndsen was fined $25. or. and Mrs. C. A. Armstrong with option of seven day's lmprts-jand uttie daughter of Port Slmp- umcm., d- masisiruM: jnciymoni, wno nave been On a trip. lO in city police court this morning m and eixevhere In Ontario. for drunkenness. He paid the fine- arrived in the citv from the East ! on last night's train and proceeded rorugnts train, cue from tne Eastitnia afternoon to Port Simpson, ac- at 11 o'clock, was reported this romnanled bv Mrs R G. Newman morning to be on time. Tuesday oI Sudbury. Ontario, who will pay night's train from the East, havlng,a to Port Simpson. Mrs. New- been delayed by a derailment nearjman Mrs. Armstrong's mother. J Croydon, east of Prince George,', ' finally arrived at 9:25 last night. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Richmond ... , I m a t I. . fa,- oi Vancouver ana w. x. unuiiuuii Oie Evindsen. pioneer Alice Ann of Cadillac, Quebec, arrived in hotel proprietor, after having the city on the Prince George been here for the past week for yesterday morning from the south. Jury service at the Supreme Court Mr. Richmond Is to pay a visit of Asstcec. sailed by the Prince George inspection to the Reward Mlnlrs yesterday afternoon on his return Co.'s property at Porcher Island ? home. for which he Is consulting en- gineer. Mr. ChishOlm Is also visit - The Ladles' Music Club repeated lng the property In which he Is its guest day program of spring . interested, music at the Prince Rupert Gener- al Hospital yesterday for the bene-) rrn c t fit of the paUents who were very FOR SALE appreciative. Mrs. Shelford Dar- ton. the president, was In charge. Mr. and Mrs. John G. Nelson and son Bertie of Greenville came in from Claxton Tuesday on the new thirty-foot fishing boat Greenville Beauty which Mr. Nelson has purchased and which he will take on to Greenville this week. i Capt. Gerald H. Barry of Vancouver, inspector of Indian schools. arrived in the city on the Prince fjs. John last evening after spending, A. it Sass of the Northern Hard woods Ltd. of Kitchener, Ontario, arrived in the city from the East on last night's train, being here In' time She leaves George tonight. CENTRAL HOTEL ROOMS and CAFE Phone 51 For llet llourhohl Coal MRS. C. I'.. BLACK BOY'S billiard table, electric train with transformer. Electric heater. Phone Black 325. I the past couple of weeks on the' Navy League Ball May 19 vjueen cnanotte islands ana leit this morning aboard the Indian Department cruiser Naskeena for Port Simpson to visit the.naUve schools theye. 118) Announcements All advertisements tn thu col smn will be charged for a full month at 2V. word Hospital Tea, Nurses' Home, May Victoria Day Dance, Moose Hall, May 24. j Boys' Band bridge drive Legion ' Hall. May 26. j Presbyterian Missionary 'The Manse" May 26. Eagle's Dance June 7. Tea, connection with installation of May QueCn Festival, Dance, S'-fittings in the new Federal Build- Peter's Hall May 29. lng. The fittings are due to ar-; ; 4 , rive by freight train tomorrow Women's Auxiliary Canadian night. Mrs. Sass accompanies her Legion Spring Sale June 2. husband. High School Tea and Display William Blltch, for the past few June 3. years Identified with the staff of Canadian National Telegraphjj here, is belns transferred to the new Vancouver Hotel In Vancouver He will be leaving for the south on Friday night aboard tha Carder a Mrs a sanitarium at Victoria for Anglican Tea Mrs. Good, June C. Presbvterlan Tea Mrs. J. R. Mit- Blltch is going to Chell's June 15. Try a Classified Ad. on the Prince 22. United Tea Mrs. Armour's June MISS YITKI Dressmaker Ladies' and Children's Alterationi Moderate Price Phone GREEN 880 727 PHASER ST. TODAY'S STOCKS (Oourtray 8. D. Jotaialoa Co.) Vancouver Big Missouri, .15. Bralorne. 11.03. Canboo Quartz, 2.16. Dentonla.235 , M v. Falrview; xitV. Gold "Belt, .43. Hedley lascot, 31 ask. Mmto. SSI. Noble Five, W. Pmi OreMle, 15. Pioneer, 25. Premier, 1JJ. Privateer, 17. Reeves M:Uoruld, 2 ask. Reno. J52. Relief Arlington, .09. Salmon Gold, .10. Sheep Creek. 1D5. Cariboo Hudson, .20 ark. Oils A. P. Coru, .14. Calmont, .30. C. Ai E, U6. Freehold. mi ask. Home, 2.C8. Pacalta, D5. Royal Canadian, .18. pkH. 1 45, Mercury, .06. l-ralrte ifrjaiMer 2 atk. Toronto Aldermac, 21. Beattlc. 1.16. Central PaU 24. Ccn. S-neltfrs. 39.50. East Malartic, 29. Fernland. .04, Francoeuf, .17Vi-Gods Lake, .35. Hard Rock, 1.03. InL NlckeL 47.25. Kerr Addison, 1.65. Uttle Long Lac 2.75. McLeod Cockshutt, 1.93. Madsen Red Lake, 21. . McKenzie Red Lake. 124. Moneta, 1D1. Noranda, 7730. Pickle Crow, 4.80. Preston E. Dome. 121. San Antonio, 130. Sherrltt Gordon, .95. Stadacona, .49. Uchi Gold. 1.16. Bouscadillac, JDS. Mosher, .13 Vj. Cklend, .07. Smelters Gold. J03V. Dominion Bridge, 2530. It's the cumulative effect of ad vertising that counts. Replies To Mr. Riffou Statement By Citv Commissioner In Regard to Letter Published Yesterday In reference to a letter from Fred Riffou published yesterday in regard to the new water main construction urogram here. City W 3. Alder stated this morning that annual principal and interest payment under !he terms of the governmental lean which Is being obtained will be no more than it cost last year to repair breaks In the section to be replaced. The money is beln I borrowed at two percent and In terest and sinking fund will amount to but $1769 per year. In rejrard to Mr. Rlffou's suggestion that he (Mr. Alder) will "rrilp-n snme dav and stav lust enouth to r;t out." the commissioner Ilon points ot that he has i brm nne of the largest lndl vidua taxpayers in the city since' Its Inr.t't1cm and he expects that he will continue to be so. A fifty cent classified ad. will bften make you many dollars. Office Supplies Typewriters and Supplies Stationery Printing DIBB PRINTING Company Besner Block Phone 234 NEW AND BETTER COLD CURED ICE For the Halibut and Saunon Fleet Following the investigations of the Fisheries Research Station, the Company fcas just completed extensive changes and Improvements in Ice storage and Ice delivery methods. Ice for the boats will all be old Ice, thoroughly cared or aged at new low temperatures. It will be delivered into the hold, even in the hottest weather, as cold as the storage room, Fishermen are Invited to inspect the new system. Better Ice than ever before, at no Increase In cost, means economy to the boat and improved quality In fish delivery. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Prince Rupert Co. Ltd. British Colombia SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! calling at OCEAN FALLS aid POWELL RIVEI Steamer leave Prince Rupert every THURSDAY, 11.15 p.m. Trains leave Prince Rupert for the Eaat Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 p.m. Music Uuth Nelson A.T.C.M. Teacher of Piano, Theory and Harmony. PHONE GREEN $90 AIR-CONDITIONED SLEEPING CAR For fares, etc., call or write City Ticket Office, 616 3rd Avu V-17-!9 5 DA IT and NIGHT Phone 13 Taxi I; PAT MAZZIE Opp. Post Office, 4th Si. It's interesting to know when reading the Daily News that the people of the whole district are doing the Baine.