Vol .'h ranadltna A colorful ar-greeted the monarch a they H from her train to a car- 'alhwir leadln tn a dt E sr i ; u "e-etion j On way here thl morning, f- wl artv spent fifteen mln- at Three rtlvers where a - Mori fully typical of the en- . . . . . n . r J " a ti wntrn oia rTencn uuu n rdln all along the way. was) ' 8eventy-flve thousand ner-r twice the population of Three n rrrs gathered In the early hours ae Their Malettle. The first 'Tolng place of the train since t irnving Quebec. vfjihrvw Tnree ruvcrs wm afternoon. Constable D. W. Tay lor it in charge or the surcewful tearch pirty which wa acrom-ranirf hv McKrnile who led the officer to hi cache. Kln and Queen were greeted! I i'-nwiiehri flt-wavlni t ivEUfiF APPEAL ADJOURNED and hind nlavlni pun:tu-. A,.-n rfi of hcarinc ar- etd by tentv-nmvahite. . r tumtnt punt by point on var 'iHn had nald nld a hlah hlan a a o$ quM(ion, f,Tfd including r brher seU to witness the tn-4uf-.nni .nd ronttitutional- Itr. the appeal of Capt. nan Wedge of the halibut boat Bay Tlew against a conviction by Stipendiary Magistrate Andrew omojon under the Interna tional Fisheries Commission rrg ulatlons and fine of S100 together wllh confiscation of 2500 pound of halibut was today djounred In Supreme Court for three weeks. In the mean-time counsel will present to .Mr. Justice JUSIICC A. tt I. 1. IIMiri Fisher puuit.ui.-i additional , rajy decorated for a fllteen-mlnute' ,uthoruiM Hith respect to the -:P. 1 points at Issue. J. T. Harvey h Halibut Sales Summary American -None. Canadian - 22.000 pounds, C.3c. and 6c to 7.6c and 6c. Canadian Essential, 9.000. Cold 8torage, 7.6c and 5c i Salalda. 10,500, Atlln, 7c and 5c. Lucky Star. 2,500, Cold Storage.; 6.3r and 5c. Irish Republican j Army Suspect Is . Traced To Coast 1X38 ANQELF.8, May 18:- The long arm of Scotland Yard has reached to Southern California m the Investigation of activities of, the Irish Republican Army held; responsible for recent bomblngi, and other Incidents In the British j Isles, A suspect was tweed here; and Is now believed to nave neaa ed towards Washington. There not being more than thirty persons present, no definite action was taken last night by a public meeting In the Eagles' Hall which had been called to discuss certain phases of regulations Imposed under thr- new civic zoning bylaw In cluding such restrictions as the three foot space between walls and lot line and the $3500 minimum. The meeting lasted about an hour and a half and there was a general discussion. George n. Casey presided and A. Wallen acted as I actlnc In the case for the ap pellant and E. F. Jones for the Dominion government. rtiriLS C.OING SOUTH High School pupils from this city and district going to Vancouver as guests of the school board of that city In connection with the King's visit will sail tonight on the Prince Ueorgc for the south. They are Emily Christopher, Nora Thomas, Edward Larabe and Spencer Davies of Prince Kupert: netty Jones, Patricia Clark, Philip Kenney and Kenneth Houghton of Sml-thers; Johann Seaton and Eve-i.n Nledrlik of Terrace and .Mary Anderson. Peter Jack and William James of Stewart. Spencer Davies will actually leave tomorrow evening via rail. SUfiOESTlONS MODIFIED MiNDON Great Britain has so modified her suggestions fot Russian collaboration In the European anti-aggression front that It would not surprise ob-servers here If eventually she accepted the original Soviet plan for a triple military alliance. JAPANESE WITHDRAW SHANOHAI All but a few of marines who were the Japanese landed last week at Kulangsu, Amoy International settlement, are reported to have withdrawn to nearby warships after a combined show of military and diplomatic force by Great Britain, France and the United States. iMJ iv mmmmvivi$$iMBmm W ' 4 W3 I few v ueurge tiie VI, in tne uc.ionn of ihe British Navy in he wa. tiainea, escort- ii -i his two daughters, the ru.ct jses Eizabeth ileft and .iottt:; Rose, to a social uinct on. VICEREGAL HEADS OF EACH PROVINCE WILL ADD DETAILS TO VISIT Incumbehts of the office from coast ; to coast follow: . Hon. E. L. Patenaude, lieutenant-! governor of Quebec, who met the King yesterdayls a veteran of provincial and federal politics, '"aMawi (Continued on Page Five) Weather Forecast 'Mis' Dntrften "Mrtcorologlc Tklrteorologlol cnurtesv of Burevi si Victoria Mid Prln Rupert. Thla fore- ... .h srhnlnr uhnsp statelv an-' yer and scnoiar wnose sia.iei ap-ci4j.t u cpn, obBervktions ts-pearance and rich background fits ntn n.t s am. today and covers ti sc I Weil imu ilia jjuutii; uuuc 4c w 64 years old. Before his appoint-; General Synopsis jfressure Is fall-ment, Mr. Patenaude was promln-.ing on the north coast where ' ient In politics for two decades. showers have occurred while over Elected to the Quebec Legislature In the interior of British Columbia it 1908, he entered the federal scene is moderately warm. ; In 1B15 and later held various cab- Prince Rupert and Queen Char- llnet positions. His favorite pastime : lotte Islands Fresh to strong !ls flower-growing. Mr. Patenaude I southeast to east winds, mostly 'married Oeorglana Denlgar of La- cloudy and mild with showers. I prairie In 1000. They have a son West Coas of Vancouver Island and. a aauamcr, Fresn souineasi u souuiwcm i Hon. Albert Matthews of Ontario, winds, partly cloudy with showers TomorroW s Tides Capitol 141 Shi TAXI High 0:56 a.m. 219 ft. 1J:44 pjn. 19 5 ft. Law 7:38 a.m. 2.1 ft. Maccy's Coffee House 19:33 p.m. t2 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, MAY 18, 1939. PBICE: CENTS V w ' Montreal Principal Metropolis Of Canada Opens Its Arms To King Tremendous Reception Accorded as Monarchs Arrive After Visit at Quebec Are Ixravinj; for Ottawa ToniRht MONTREAL, May 18: (CP) The chief metropolis of the senior British Dominion this afternoon gave King George VI., first reigning British monarch to cross the Atlantic and visit this Dominion, and his Queen Elizabeth the most enthusiastic welcome it could provide. As Their Majesties stepped from their special train for the third p of the royal Canadian tour. if -e waa a deafening roar oi mun-. us fchouMntt from the cheers of ! t' ttsand of men, women and; 4rrn thai coul.1 not be outdonr f ' crescendo of marine whittle.; h bttU and the even roar of RECOVERED ix flying airplane The rovl, achedulej he hldln P' . arrived exactly oa ''; KM "cre d T rh the King and Queen leave, hold-up of the t n ,r:Kk for Ottawa where they. i'"- rf'ie al 10 - .., - o'clock tomorrow! r -"'nr for a two-day vlett Bulletins aio. the provincial rollce boat here' MJW. U due bk in , port thl. ma,nlfit reception endffd nredtmlnantly by Greets Their Majesties "hbmajesty am, Hisnu-oiiTEns 'JASPER IS 'RELEASING OF STAGNANT ALL READY CAPITAL IS ADVOCATED Kinif and Queen Will Occupy Out-Look Cabin at Mountain Resort JASPER PARK. May iZ. All U In readiness at this mountain resort In the Canadian Rockies for the forthcoming lOnncomm? vtalt rum of n Their men Majest- inajcaw- Lac Beanvert is Jvner Park Lod where Their Majestic will en'oy a short rert from their official tour and their time will b? absolutely their own to do as they wish, wheth-' er it be to ride, stroll, motor, play tennL or golf. The famous outlook cabin which will be occuoled by the King and Queen has been completely rerondltioned. The exterior of 'the cottaie has been restalned with cherry wood stain and oiled and the window? .and doors have been painted In a contrasting shade of Brunswick Green. The woodwork a a - A. 1- . 1 ft. M m -to I the selection of these plants and, .1 , Wn..nnH fUw.n- among me ien uwiunuu 4iucm& (plants which will be set out before lVi arrival of thp roval nartv. will AS MEANS OF RECOVERY Impressive Address on Economic Problems of Day Heard By Gyro Club Co-Opcrative Movement is Discussed Ifl Tip bpttpr for business and the nation as a " " - - . , . , ie'. on June i and 2. The ton win whole, I suggest, if the great excess of savings for which be in -jaii attire and the royal vii- there is little or no demand were distributed to that large tor? wi!i be accorded a rouiin? wei- portion of the population whose basic needs are unsat-com- of loyalty from residents. . f A d w G bolson, secretary of the North Island rrSTSS Fishermen's Co-operative Assoeiatin, in addressing the EVERY BODY RESENTFUL New British Tlan For Giving Control To Arabs Bitterly Assailed The Jews take bitter exception day." (. T .AtriM Vimilrl Vti-k in crnin naona nvrrnn, regular weekly luncheon yesterday. "If that were done, I suggest, in-'durtry would throw off many of the shackles that now hold it Immobile. A tremendous Increase In production and consumption would follow which wuld absorb a larse proportion of those who find seive. unemployed. I believe that by this one stroke we would have struck at the roots of one of the causes of our recurring business crises. LONDON. May 18: CP) The "I believe we could make great ,.nr. nmrvvsni ns out- lorwara siriaez in raising uvui Heen reflnlshed in natural wtd :med in a white paper yesterday standards by reducing or elimlnat- v... .v.. i . . ini some of the examples or con- 'onlh. inrhL 'r E0Vcmmenl 01 s rpicuous wane that greet us on ev- been done ?n n JftP T?eSLhrSm. o? wM-h over -st'ne b7 "tablishment of an in- y hand. In the econon.ic sense, Arab-Jewish state is a arge fraction-ot our working Je'lsh leaders as " ""manpower is engaged in dicing ri.d in oastel shades AU of frnn thtattaff"p a territorial ghetto for hoics and tilling them up again to TJZ room-and JSS InS broWs bedrooms haS have them. The Axab high command In the decided dUadVatttte or -dining alsQ rejected the M a wh3lfc .. condition lan- but &M&JPxam Wk lt Th silvealasa and chlnaware is an in "adtiiRs. TOrt are van f the govermncnt is -To sunr up. It is my firm be- U5 f in Limoges r? and 5 an J nanltea ItaUantea 1. rbl shment within ten year, Uet that. if we coirld eure a def-one ,ndependent Pafestlne 5tate lnlteJy more equitable dWrtbution 'seH . .,.,,,,,,, ' such treaty relations with the cf the annual prodoct!on of wealth . The cabin Dresents a striking ap- .. .... . . ... .., r . TTit.-i k inrnnm as win uruviu- r-miia at rnp am imp rmucmE Liie .observation windows in tne Jiving J4U kiUM Imnm snH rfintntr r,m rnnm formln formlnethe th ana ana siraieg strategic for the " " commercial v tremendous livuivuuu toll of wasted - - - effort requiremenis oi uo. ana resources ana wsuming wC u " ; J ,.t, 'counties in future. Unting up to the full our technological knowl- view of moimUta and late. glorlous patestine ,ith the anti.ag3res- edge, we would have in large Numerous deer are around the , . . Q a,cn lc ... ,., . cabin at all times. Rustic flower, . .., fn. onomic Questions which vex pr us to- . , , I - t , uueu isianas nave bccu uhuc uum Biui ed trunks of trees obtained In the. Pocahontas ttistnei ana are m to tam contro, of Palestinc subject of Modem , keeping with the general rustic . tQ Arabs Compietely and and the Co-operative Movement." surroundlnes. . . . . .t.i-. j, . " " . .. Jewisn immigration mere iu".i xne aiscourse oi inis young man The grounds surrounding the ca-j nve and depriye the Jew not been residing in bin will be set out with flowering d fof natlonal R rt lndlcated that he ta niante f?rwrlsl carp has ben siven i . . . , . r r- . hnme a fleen stuaent or economics dos- Xight Of Disorder sesslng definite and well reasoned , , . , vlewr whi:h he is capable of ex- rolonlal " Secretary " Malcolm Mac- , , , ., . ... , ., . lucidly and with facile de-Donald , , told ,j the House of r mrry Com- pressing us . M .- . b.mmy of the varieties which arejmons today that he s ituauon in ,ated nis ll3tcncrs. Lieutenant-Governors in 1'ersonal 1 alKS llll IVing ana known to De among we queen.-sune b""' iU4: President W. M. Watts was in the win be afaund- lowing a nigh t o' a vorites. There an KcRional Ilij?hlij?hts toorje". the club Queen May Explain chalr and on behalf of vm-i-ii i n r, of cut nowers of every des-inumber of Incidents were listed ' .lfK1 aVn,i OTTAWA, May !8: ,CP.-Each of C. ---- ?2 lieutenant-povernors lieiueiianv.-j;uuiiiuio Will have personal chats With .... the w.-, A A new new mty-xooi mty.f00t flag uag pole poie has nas included the firing of a Rovem-ve"R Ratine luncheoa t.M Kinc and o.wl Ononn Queen fliirinrr during thr the cnnrso course of of Their Their Maiesties Majesties' hopn been prwtPd erected outside outside Outlook outlook Cabin cabin ment building at Jerusalem, a- v tour. marKmc me stages oi me iuyui party s uiugis tii w,a. . from coast to coast and return. Because of their informal ard while the King and Queen are nature these meetings will offer the chief representatives jln resldence- vs rmifn an pxpentlonal ODnor-. " ' . the highlights' a leading Toronto nvestment tunlty or presenting and philanthropist. A for-wlU of their respective provinces. They junker vice-president of the League be able to suoply more dfteU'm" Nations Society of Canada Mr. lm-jOt to the royal guests' panoramic nression of Canada and uanaaians. ". n w " ' uituiiuu v. . ... . na Inn tn hi l.Mbni nf Not nn Kl.. of the Meutenant-governor.;- Each In1 conference at Geneva 15, by virtue of his career in public , Ue u 6g c,ose char.. life, well equipped for his post .as an aj ,.modest and g i i ..a4m rf Vilo isrnvinpi c lnnilfi. ... inieruii-i reluctant to enter po itlcal discus trial and economic Importance and , natural charms. Brief sketches of general strike and the stormlnj of a government building In the Jewish city of Tel Aviv. Preservation Of Peace Should Be Objective Of Every Woman, Dean Bollert Says In Address Broad Situation "Though the broad situation that faces us in the political and economic field should not be minimized, 1 1 do believe that, if men would learn to work together for the common good to co-operate most of those questions which loom large today would quickly disappear. And in this country, as In many others. I know we have the knowle ige and the skill that would enable us to march forward. "But we are chained " to the bars 1 UUUK tivei V WUIIUUI eiiuuiu uc m ouuic ij,c u" m 7" 1 ",1 V i; : . men have not learned to vork to- standing lor stuay 01 tne cause 01 war anu us Hiimiia- getner tor the R00d 0l i-bccwse tion," declared Miss M. L. Bollert, professor of hnglish we devote a large part of our en- ,1 .Inn.. n ..n.'.inv. of V, n T T tl ! I 'U 0 ? f T nf RvitloVl f7nlllfnVm .ml., tn flontlna' Dtlh nt-Vior tr. Hill llCUll Ul U1IIW11 Cll, tllC IIA &lJ ciguo vw. ind president of the PanPacific Conference for Peace, in cancelling rather than assisting m " ? . " . " .J I r:L I llow men. a an uiud nere lasi nignt. miss: Bollert advocated the preservation of peace as one In which all women men teresting themselves, individually, Government Vessel Leaves Seattle and collectively, and urged heri, . Today fo mistol Bay "To .... ...i.n Inves investigate li&irucis ail 1J vs Ul R. mill tiiai,. aim in view. To some It seem an objective towards wnicn as I Japs Fish In primary objective 1 AaSt;a Affain should be In-, might, SEATTLE, May 18: The United States Bureau of Fisheries motor-1 shin Crane left today for the.BrL-' they could accomplish little but.itol Bay area of western Alaska 'Confucius had said, "when l 'ia "4 iu, JaDaneser fishing in territorial wat- (Continued on Page Four) ters. We who are engaged In business are sometimes prone to point the I flnnAw n 4- rrtTt Ant f nAAiiCA It r f Inefficiency, of extravagarce, and (Continued on Pago Two) HOPE IS ABANDONED CHICAGO Kelatlves on both sides of the Atlantic have virtually abandoned hope for the safety of Charles Backman, Swedish flier, long overdue on an attempted North America to Sweden flight. 1 8