PAKE SIX DIAMONDS Gems of Romance. Mounted in Modern Settings by Skilled Craftsmen We Have a Large Ar1mem of the Latest Dei m in ENGAGEMENT RINGS, WEDDING RINGS, BROOCHES, BRACELETS, EARRINGS Or. We wfil nuke to order, any design that you prefer, in rings or any other piece of jewelry. We hate in stock rings from $1150 to SUM.M. Wr Invite Your IiSection FINE CHINA, DLNNERWARE, GLASSWARE Basement Store Max Heilbroner Diamond Specialist TO START High School SOFTBALL Soccer Game Senior City League To Get Under Gamma Defeats Beta by Score of Way Nest Wee With Fire J to 1 Teams In Action j : la the Booth Memorial Huth: Wn Ave teams Moose, Thm. School mter-hoose foocbeM teagae Two Taxi. Acropolis. Grotto anl Gamma Hon- senior team de-LtpseUl In eompetttatn. the BeU Hmk by a score of Prince Rapert Senior Softball three to one test night eU or League will swing into action for w"1 Heie H lkeatad beat the season next Mood?. The Of- Xeayi with a hard drive. Oaauna re Ball Park at the corner of ttlrn took the offensive and Mah.j McBride Street and Sixth Araw Pavttlfcis and SckaDcrt scored a coal m be wed tar play and there each. The pate was weB contest-wttl be seven-Inning donate d-headers each Monday and Fridaii Teams: Ting. i Beta SHaandron: KM. Perkins The teeau vQ be as folio wa: JBwey. H Bnsteated. Jadae. Pierce. Mow-1! Vance.' Fred Caaaer-'Jo HoaDMtad. os. Roy Franks. C. Siuontfsen. Oam-a -- Kevys: Ortnunna. Frak Wl-o A Dominate. Ian H rob: Pavfhlrs. Cltrrwlea. Bobrr-X.'.-rray, Johnny Pierce. Stan Sa- ton: Brrsrr. p. Knstson. Schabert. May ;r -Unset ts. Moose Three Twa ts. Aeropobs. .Man i Three Two T-l DMo Garriea. ev DMaiaato. Bob Huaston, Son j ny Beyasa C. Pasta Jfarevy Car- j rat, Shane Man ay R. Seats. JaV Canwbsal Aagaa MePhee and R.I Pariett. I Acrapfltts R. cyVeiO. A. Tasaw D. Magnet. L. OUBs. VT. Schaef- fer. H. SefafteMar. E. Clarke, S Uenttnko and W. Bird. Crrotse Herb Mnrwan. Jack Yac-f er. S. Smith. A. Sbaoncken. Ernie Saaterbane. W. Roma. J. GBtte j A. Most ew no. Sonny Stales. Ernie I Ratehinrd and George Howe. LtpseWt Benny WnxOe. Joe Fcott, B9 Stone. Joe Karlor. E , Jahsson. P. Hasey. Fred White.: BM Lambte, W. Johnson and Jack! Lindsay. j The sehedate fer the Meson u as foBows: May 22 Moose ts. Three Two Taxi; AcropoMs va Grotto, St. W. W. C tn;n refere. Baseball May Grotto ts. Uasett'; mtraan Mase ts. AetopoBs. .Brooklyn Scores Yests rosy' Bas Leaane scans: National League Philsrtrerr' 7: Pittaaorg X. Boston i. OnrmaaU S New York 9 St. Loats J. Brookryn Chaeaao 9. AaLriean Learne St Loots 3. New York 4. Chic? to C. Boston J Detroit I. Washington 4. Baseball Standings Jane 2 Three Two vs. Grotto: New York AcrapoBs vs. Uasest'a. jptttabarc Jane 5 Grotto t. Moose: Iit(Phandetehm National League W. L. U 9 13 It 12 11 I... J2 12 n n ji n ja u M is seU's ts. Three Two. American Learne Jaae 9 Grotto vs. AtropaBa. (New York 17 Three Two vs. ItpseWz. 'Prrtta -a 13 Jane 12 AcreoeMs vs. Three devetaad 12 T o; Mosae vs. Llosett'a ! Chicago 13 Jaae 16 Acrewdis vs. Moose: St Loots 19 Itsett vs. Grotto. 'tWashtegtoa 9 Jane 19 Upsott's vs AeroporH; Detroit 1 GrU vt. Three Two. j PhibMaelphaa 6 Jnne 23 Three Two vs. Lip-! settv: Moose vs. Grotto. 1 Fire trMrtterhrt Prince Adrtrttstwc: tt an aivestcient 5 IMESSAQS THE DAILY NZWS Tfcural. i; BRITISH SOLDIERS LEARN BRICKLAYING TRADE TO tYOMEN Dean BoHert 01 I. B. I. AMre&- Teachers In Booth SeiHM Wednesday Afternoon to give its to hear Mat M. L. BsOert, Dean of Woaten at th- ihcy were la demand a sJSgle a. ii. dard and they were to do a- t wi'h ta'rperaace and the drink rril. She most do a gnat deal to falfii the araarisea of twenty -one yaars ago. L. einctac Ltean BaQrrt adrlaed wcaara to stand more ftnaly to gether for high standard of aerate and conduct in oar coaaaran- t -i Thrre xa? (treat need for M then to commit themselves to rane areat or necdrai eaase. The LTtZ"Z. piness to active partatspattoa la 1 "T? went -Teachers xnat worthy eaase. They ApUoo heW iu reemlar month- TiinmM mk thlnt that esv UTTVL An 1U t thtari cneiset m the aaattoctaaa of the fitrirrsnr BODta. XtorW High Sthool Miss THbgJZS& rhfch heart nouen amc as iter aaeject A We Better Than Oar Fathers?' vii c tv cu . ayaas, rmm UfTu W am w right to vote. In a aaoat intere tog and. charming wanner Dean BaUert showed how these changes are reflected m the change Pet which have since come in the .591 fwnettaii of the family, economic STT I creajiiaatinn . the aeooe of ednca- JSM that, manners and avoral stand -JSM arris. WhUe women have benefitted .4S from these changes, nevertheless .43S cha&ce in itself does not neeei .mjtariy bear the seed of good. TV j present sacertainty as regard. .773.aoral standards was an evil which 6 .52 weeJd hare to be remedied Ir. 18 Mi rtrrrbag for eaaal rights with man. 11 JH2 wonarri had erred in strivtng ljr 14 4i;idefltttjr of behaTioor with man 13 .449 rather than for equality of prin-16 MS lege. 15 .23 S Woman, said the speaker, had - I not oaed her new powers and re- Rapert potutfefjlttes as those who sap- i people read the Daily News. Ill ported her in her straggle for pays to let them know what yoa:eeval rights had expected. Women I have to sett. were ta b arrayed against war; THE ROYAL BANK 1 OF CANADA s9, Jie. 1, aad the latter tst Continuing estdt u.f.i :: ... ..jury training BrMah sotdirr are now taught a vocation to fit them tor a Job when they leave the amy Tailored Suits G f nlv Tailored Suites in Tweeds Sizes to 44. A A Rcmoval Sale Special VtJaUU are shon learning the arts of brtcklaytag HOTEL ARRIVALS Central J. A Johnson. Vaasoaaar; Taytar. Vaneoarer: A H Almost rerotettonarr ehantei s1d!faUy trolly teadered read f red asaooforte ataooforte aotos, aotos' Royal Hojal bad eacae intn the life of woman by MoOr Frew aad Betty Payne O Baldwin. Cache atoce 118 when, as a resort of The forawr played Ctoaaln's WaRr ekaaon. city itne mlBtant mff ralt nun Miint w ... . j . . . ' . i ana woaaana wore oaring w DRESSES ;n print crepes and sheer Sizes QQ OCT 14 to 44 Remoral Sale Special SLIIS Women slips in Black Taffeta, frilied hem a tth double tops. Sizes from 14 04 Aft to 44 llemoral Sale Speeial ?1UU Creek S T MasMtt. L. RemiMna Sbtrlry. O Wlssitx. Pari fie. D Wetfat. etty rrr e .iKWt P. B Ooorec W T AllWor 8 Johnscn. R. J HasUngs. C. Wntoe Thnnsoaca and T O Aaoteyard. ad Oft w ROWAKTIC ADVENTURE youti never forget! Murder ' on their conscience, love to their hearts! A tur. ind of emotiens? i r FREDRICIrlARCH JOAN BENNETT 1 1 WIDESPREAD ADVENTURE - have her hair dyed black With Detectives March and Bethuny always in etaae parsalt. she next pea to Kob Jaoan and from No. 7 and dent of the Assneiaticn. pnasdcd there to Shanghai China and Sal 10 . Iwt the meetm: ArraageaenU ron Irtdo-Chtna. Here Ann Soth- Mrs George Hill proposed the 'were made to hold the annual tea em March's serretary re-er.tem Tote of thanks to the speaker and ;n the OcHfe'inw Hal! anmetime -he story and add U, -he r .moi! arsts Mrs R M Wlnslow. presl- dur-.r.c the th.rd week in Jjne rations As the Hirh. -f the ug'- SUITS ANNETTE'S Removal Sale Below are Listed Additional Bargains at Annette's Removal Sale Starting Friday, May 19th at 9 a.m. Drewmaker made suits and novelty Uilom! t:l a:; colon; Re? ralue to 316 95 Remoral Sale Special S12.95 PURSES Japonic a Wir.e. Brk Nary Green RrA rv In patent Reg value to SI 5 Q-f A A KemoTal Sale SperUI, each OAuU Spring Coats 6 Only Spring Coats. Navy, fawn and tweeds. CC A A Removal Sale Special V " V U PULLOVER SWEATERS All new shades and white with embr uJ'ccI medaliotuE Reg value to $225. Q-fl A A ItemoTal Sale Special OJUUU LADIES' NIGHTGOWNS Ladies silk satin nightgown 8mall mrfliuai and large. Tea rose only. rag. raloe CO CA $Ji$ Removal SaU SpecUI ?-itlU Have You Joined Annette's Stocking Club? Annette Ladies' Wear Co. "WE LEAD - OTHERS FOLLOW Third Avenue Si Atr UTe is rerji . on to atnga; : H ft ThrHts snd AftWw of -Trae M I WindT Ufe Kuht .troand 'Bi't I The World I r ttr to a sat- ' A ttortUng yt Uaht-boartsd t iwiet wsrsea play tethng the alary af a artective chase that kada half way mand the world with scenes in seven different coon tries In which portions nf the anion tak vor: Mr Von Bees and Mtss place. Trade Winds.- vtth FmJ- Heaa. raabiBil Mr. arse Masab, aad Joan n-aaitl ba aad Mrs. AJi Sana. Hihiair. j. atartla rosaa, caaaas at the Saat-G. Pratt, part avftagtaa Miai Aaae ate ateCare to the sereea of the .Tseibun. Shtrtem; A. B. Btatlty. 81 Capitol Theatre here tootfht and Aaae'v Qaebee: E. B. Pi d. Vte- toaaorrow. tarta: Dr aad Mam. C A. Acaaatraag. The tale bectnt m San Fraartsro Port Staaaean: Mra B. a. Newaua, fwaa whtab Mias 8weU flees af-findhari QaL H P MvoeU-n fer IhTThsc. aaoareasre. kJBed a Dean Dalert was eatertalaed wtth Btftaor. asa. In llombsla ahe aaasea long enoagb to boy a fake passport an1 Mr aad U ' Bewart i C?:-;i? last :. $rth aft -41 AMrrw P. tventnc tn tVWDS wit. RALPH BEIUMT ifcp JWHSOTOH -V EXTRA Pete Smith's "Penny's Picnic," Vox Movir-f -Tonight and Friday 2 Shows Nightlv. 7 . cbbh avaaaBBBBaEOKaaaaa !Eggs 3 73c' Froh From the Valley Pork Butt.,- 25C i.n. Butt Chop- ml 97C IK Pork Tender- gjq Shoulder ca!-g(J Rolled IM 28C Fresh Frj'in? gQC Chickens SwiffsUrd- 25C Ba'keasy- 25C Peanut Butter- 25C Fniit Mince. 25C WMA4 i I Sausacc Meat- 25C 2h Butter First Grade 73C 3 lbs. Ayrshire v Bacon w a. a hiiiiniii 28C Diamond ' V- 28C hut for Friday -i ; .inn - Mill- AlwayjtHj' i?.m,ber VW fsa V . - fj., X tar