Del , Debs and Julia Arthur Fall Creations in All Their Splendor JUST ARRIVED Family shoe store ltD. THE DAILY NEWS. rwcir turn ixmw couuxjej Jty LL'sn'x. Jjwz. &mmt. by i5tri & r rvuxx - - utmmt'tmfx ii to aKwtfe 9tltUi lWt, f&rtf yt&S,. yS. m 2 to X rffcr wmAr ;w ftiO, tr fee r i&aerttoe ffce r tVrtvl 7tUt C OOLY tSJtTYJ EDITORIALS IB IT COIXCIDKNTBI i2 rumen iv namrm mm f-mat Ciu fee Mr to Ian vmf.vs ia r u p. aubMf wui . MM afce thae tar mc I : 4aMMMbC tok ITirtlir MUnlirt C ft HtWMMr) JL WSMCb i Mm IKIW umi , 1 14237 te m into t lte fttofli MMT .VllKlWjfc) -WBMfe Vt tag -awfcwgrat M Mio Mw"x tAw nwrtrnoi r - H f? 'JHC MHK jrm m ft attaaaMfc fMc A -fan iiwr Mi fiebwa ".-m a -facriE M mt w-i- i to fas agwn r & cunw is toa art to arc an.. m TfcW fee ptfftMMg bj kuc-mh Tw y m-t -Otsrtt CHffc ftH - --r-ri- ir nif mnxiin k a witotUw fn rerd U mn who hJrl Ik, Taking the VJ'tSllS h dprfulJtrnnttftori.eogBl wnai w rnanr iMf W Q0n, It m faith in our HT U future It hAi that thc-re are many who DD V QV XIT wmrfder tf, tMr duty e fv Ixryond apy local Utn. lAJD OEll 1 i n-v pw iflinr Ht y toe rmdth of th?f r vWon. Can-; ada m U) fe conjfratufaI on having wjch men. vmtx beam yctCm cf obe Oht- It ni b r iibji f ftr 'tew yriwa to fibc rr Ttrt 19- ftfltf iril gf aw mm m ts msmmn a My tor wifOtTfr.i m taw Ctrl' nt InK Itr flhts raa Kmk- ni i. mnrnr. m tm trmi am atimuna umr tmt c",;r' kAd dme tm innkli - ft U U rather a euriwu viaifJ-o that Ufcfi f ttfirr i- fikube dhbi for tiM dferUMi b-Y Rux of tK Rritiah - Cfcwtf Um &4 Frurxh in th last war a4 th nvmw of a Ueaty: ym ?i Ftt Jittflriaiw aod Ormjuix Th of Brt- yeaUrdzy. Uaty w in m b fa MjwA wt m&4 wbsm limmsi t$xrt in th Great War, " lwhm pa 4wre t. Kafe with Gemaiijf to Ue Utrnmnt of Uir ai-, 4fc? fiw;erm JU th price iar'SiS. JSw ShT mtymtio tnMK eii$ SMwia, rMrtJy( rxpcte u fa ia Mr mm f vL n mHvt U ViAnml urn to f Vr'rfcCi4Ty Fa , dafivW o tfee FOB 8AXX 'life war w wwhiif a revdation io regard u th wo- ef u f&wTZ, JZa iwrtw tw in wbkh rnany yetm? mn ar ehrinir ttri wA 4vmr u hi oihtt lmw U oil if r tmr wrvu u the ZmtHre. It u alo n e nuooniNO on war i There U U.o much of a tendency these dar to 1 wor the war nem what with the newspapers and the uttui vjnetu&xi rttm come ulmnit inuring boaU who acted aa lude . . . , ,'ttoekepM, to the Canadian Le v.,,,.,, ..,,. .... , i . hVerVOne Want tO know what crriinrr tm in VrJan, T . .J .. u... ftnd KUMia and Oermanv hut moderation in h rnwainr the Tin Too Tailors who. thrtmsh HE 4 OF SiTES ? HD'OTI KiOrlXM.- JRA1?F 4 ' I. AH 111 trnttmrrruj- u itrvr-tii. lit BASEBALL SCORES Baseball Standlrt C1ac W mama- 2 M .... .1, Jltiftwr t t4 K 2 lhwu a si ft4.. .. FOR SALK J - - " aa a 7t St Mi rnrtMl 52 f jt , PI A S S 1 F I E D acres .ut-iT'K. MtMi It, tog eon- ( Offirfal A&atototrstor. rumo there I something doing a trreat deal of the time, at a hid m th Canadian FOR "-e OR bdst-oiwi boat Th( satnf ntvz rtnfintt-A n train ami attain tn fif'tvn Lrifrm rtsimt I n 'W-f-unity. Confeelionerjr form and the reult i that the neron who Htn in tor. to.Ui VMtut ct mnlIJ a the ncW? regularly and who reads the newiDapers KSSST IT jsurfejttd, The war becomei an otei'fdon and they thinlTTKi trophy had hn won by s.' nnq (iream 0 lUlie ma. Hlnfiun. the PrJnee Oeoree tro-" FOR SALE OR RENT and eabaret Apply DaUy Mrwa WANTED (219; are not xuggext n to anyone that they do not " oo Tip w,ie IhUn to the radio (frhatthey orfit reading their new f JTLZl mttr hut a certain amount of moderation h highly igCVuSh T1 rthle. One .man Is reported to have d ed from exc foment In ho had amti m th ran- w-w.nan w'Ar"? or to do engcrulcrwl by a dramatized radio hroadcat. Some he. w mtmu, th onmer ij ehjidren Apply 9, th au. and: Weat FOit RENT (219' amont Xhr hroadM8t (k uutrvott.t That fa ..ft,.r their local aeent. Pete Craietto.irOR REVT Norember 1. Premlae ...,'lVt.. . .Vi 7r??f"":. . v. . v,. ... now oewmted trr Boaton Cafe ! jvorh very tMeful at a time like thi. The person who ZVJaTLJ kniti w,ck or doe other work for the oldira ! much TaTozZ S l bSI iK-tier anl moro usefully employed than in Hateninir too presented Mra. BandUon with a much to Hewn and vlew on war problem. RUSSIA IS CONDEMNED 1.0, Ml OK, Ntpiember II (CP) 11i flrltfkli loummenl I re prr-MRled Ifxtay a brinf more Jrmlnd (Inn ever Ut field I Oermany Ut a Nnlth dpit the new tituation rrtated by the UuMlan InraUon of P.Und, Of-Offal Itrilaln l awaillnr more de tailed Information, The French (overnmtnt follow the tame tour, The pre In boili tAiinlrie rondfrnned Hie lied Army rnanh a "treatheryt" bougutt of flowera. Other apeak ier Included tbe inin; winners, ip. WlUon while Mr. Jami Mc-'Leod aan. RfrehmnU were aenrcd. Other 'rueata were Commander Donald of the FUhermen's KavJ Reaerve (and J Varley of Vaneotmr 8. Wilson wai preunted by A, J nm,tr,rA ar4K It KA lit If. .111. t..n- I made crib board which waa ault ably acknowledted. s Phone 14. tl accents wanted PREMIER Art Oulld, Uie Urjeit peraonl greetinac card company In Ciniili wih hranrhei from coaat to coaat. Jntlte you to ap-l ply for an agency to ell printed J to order ChrUtmaji Carda. 8ampl book aupplled without cnarge i Moat complete line of boxed ai ortmenU which pay our alea' ataff up to 50r communion. Ex perlence unneceaaary Write Pre mler Art Oulld, 57 fleymour St VaiicaayeT . bFORT CHAT jcodMhi aciJMlfkll M K- liar War tatam Ok Ms aaMr Klaata. mod Vat 9rm Ttrt ww !tH iifitt to mr tkr trtp kaek to ts&.ja firm ptofiof; aoftkBii &! the afmmraon tm dmt la trim ilwitt( Mreaffli ai toocjl tojOtoj? arm!la( sjkd i nn toj ftr 4 -f Th ll WU KtoMi ftojrv OUavt. Torato Wiotup aa-1 ir rs larr (oand U tfflmi to fmj than fho Urf Pu! to Etoctootf tort aiur fcp- Woriiw A. 7tt Pnaee HmutfUi rtf the Lat FOP. SALE- PunUtvfe eto of IflJc loqqtfe 1-9 pas 22) HELP WANTED C fc. TRAtAi tnemr . II ajB. Frrm the Eait Tswdajf. TtoKsdaft ad I U f 1 IJ U I b V nurmt v .-4 ew to awe to iivri iiiLitJ "rrr.. Rvprrt General Kap(Ul ssra- toA tt brtot &x&1 tt- THE SEAL' QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by tbe only aalmon eannlnc company with an all tbe year round payroll In Prince Kapert CENTRAL HOTELS ROOMS and CAPS Phone 51 Por Bett Household Coal MRS. C K. BLACK k tto Winner tasrkrt Ma3 Schedule frMi titer Frvta Tuiwnfi. TtiUT (H EEN MARY REFUSES GOLD KEY J - JUir Arm x, rrt ivNa Orti OnrWtV lituit. fnali n la rr AUU Queen M.u fr f ji..-. opened the new Loodoo Ki tr, Um woasen ; Quew. Uary Coilefe. Soath Wwdfrrd. Ett R Jtoot eth iei or nj key. aa ahe already poc JtJ acaBmiMs f scatter eerecaoniea e - w ' Y ue ocmurtg ccfMoay vMh an le SINGER CLASSES At the Iocal Singer Shop Singer Educational Department Instructress MisfJ.ARROWS.MITH ill conduct the classes commencing Thursday, Sept. 2th at 930 a.m. Enrol Now Complete instruction in all Singer Departmepls Cutting .Making and all Attachment. Arrange Now to take the week for this valuable Assistance SKITE.MHKR 2Sth to 0CT0HKR b Full Particular! at is tx