ROLL-YOUR-OWHERS-TAKE A iOOfC Here 5 tht cigarette tobocco that's moling mote (ridj tvr y da Open a package and you'll know why when y,j ice the long, silty threodi of npe Virginia leaf, ond get a whiff of Old Virginia's glorious aroma. Thtn try f ond you'll soy it's the mellowest, most satisfying tobacco you ever tucked into a cigarette pope fot t rr.m ond tidier rolling, use the best papers like O-arteclet" or "Vogue." Package 10 f4lb. Tin 751 iIii(op Constipation Get At Its Cause! not vou down ' raw. tired and ' lime you did about It. And " -re than taking Y 'u fchouid get at ' "h trouble. f y' only the thine ' do. the chance . vrrv simple fact - -uUDalson . . . r enough "bulk-" doe ml mean 'd It means a kind -'-i cr the dlKestlve :: a soft "bulky" 1 ' 5 helot a bowel it )n is due to lack e :-.t vour diet, eat . A Bran, a tasteful Potltt Humidor Pouch ISt IL. and Capt R T a transport offl-..i--. evening's train - the former going f rue and the latter ' -mi i s who underwent ? r acute append'.-r rr Rupert General ' k u making good z recovery rat cereal, for n day and drink "xr All-Bran sud-; .k you need, plus lonir. vitamin t KcUork in London bv every grocer. Ma JOflitcJuelOtQ Frances Stegavig Shower Honoree Richard Giske HostcM Affair Last Night Mrs Richard OUke was the host- 1 ess at a cMtcatfal mUcelianeous shower last night in honor UNITED IN i MARRIAGE Miss Prances sunm. youngesi . rj 1. ir. 1 daughter of Capt. and Mrs. O RaUlO XVllCiien Stegavig. wisose marriage U Dan iel Morrison w- take place on , Thursday of this wk. The rooms were tastefully dec-' of Betty Bfowns Sept. Twentieth orated in pale pink and white : Popular Wednesday Morning Feat- Miss Bonnie Perkins carried In ai beautifully decorated basket filled with many usefssl gift. J The evening wm fent te ptey- lng bridge with Mr. 8am Houjan winning first priae and Mrs Mln-( ale Ed wards, consolation price After card, delicious refresh - ure With Housewives Enters Seventh Season of Broadcasting With An Entirrlr New Sr rir of Recipe And Practical Household Information Betty Brown and her ever popu- menU were served by the hostess. . lar "FIVE ROSES" Radio Kitchen Those present were Mrs Itlehard ! wtll b- welcomed back on her re-Olske. 1 Mrs CMe Stegavig. Mr. M turn to th- air over CFPR at 10:00 Edward. Mrs. Teter Wlnfham. ajn. Wednesday. September 20th Mr. Magnus Hvedlng. Mr. Tus-. Homebaker throughout Western, vtck. Mrs F J Feaaby. Mrs. E.lCmnada have for the past seven' Petersen. Mrs. 1L Perkins. Mrs. year, bwn consistent followers of" Misses Cathie and Betty Eastman. & practical recites and time- Annie Byrne. Bea Marshall. Bon- WVing household hltts. nle Perkins. Clara Stegavig and. Feminine listeners on Station! Francis Stegavig. Keep up to date Aavwuse regu Itarly. rW CANADIAN PACIFIC Transcontinental Trnns-Atlantic ' Trans-Patific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way PU 5S PRINCESS ADELAIDE Every FTIday 10 m. To Vancouver Direct PRINCESS LOUISE September 10th, 2flth, October Cth. 7tlx. 27th fosnrcuons at Vancouver vlth Canadian Pacific Services Tickets and Reservations from ' l COATI.S, Oeneral Aeent. I'flnre Rupert, It.C. STEAMSHIPS LTD. ! Steamen Leay rrlnce Rupert for Vancouyer: T 8.S. CATALA EVERX TUES- T.S S. CARDENA FRIDAY, AY 1:3ft p.m. 10:30 p.m. b u Vancouver, Thura. p.m. Due V,f0UVfir' MonuJ a-m' w " Connleni, I'lesse Purchase Tickets at Office "finer lnrnr..i ttia.i.ijii itpirnrnins? icrMTvauviia K INNER, rrinrg Uupr.rt Agent. Third Ave. Phone 568 lJvH. BULGER Pptometrist Itoyal Hank Itlda. Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY rilONE 657 CFPR are reminded to tune In Jnesday morning when Betty Brown ; will present her opening program.' nrogram to every Homebaker. Announcements All advertisements In thi column will be charged for tuU month al JV: wor1 Eagles Bridge September 20. Anglican Tea Mrs. Neal Carters September 27. Ridley Home grocery shower. September 28, 3 to 6 pjn. Hospital Bazaar, October 4. Empire Dance. Oddfellows' Hall October 6. C.C.F. Bazwr, October 7. Catholic Bazaar Octcber 11. 12. Lutheran Bazaar. October 14. Presbyterian Bazaar. Nov 18. Anglican Bazaar November 23. l Country Fair Novcmoer nlng. LOCAL NEWS NOTES For prompt and courteous ler- Tonight' tram, due from the MU Atlaug Skaland Become Tlce phone 13 TaxL It. lart at 11 o'clock, was reported 1 Bride of Henry Lindsetb At thU afternoon to be on time. Pretty Home Ceremony R c. St. Clair, district forester, left on last evening's train for a Frank Alder is salttng tonight Another well known and popu- to smlthers district on offl- on the Catala for Vaneacver to lar local young couple were united -,al utiM. enter Anglican Theological col- tin marriage at 8 o'clock Saturday . lege. night when the nuptial rites bf jUdge W. E. Fisher left on last 1 Mis Aslaufc 8kaland, daughter of evenlngs train for Smlthew where Fred Machlda of Mill Bay can- lMrs. Borghlld Bkaland. and Henry ne wm conduct a session of Coun- nery Is a visitor tn the city on Lindseth. son of Mrs. Nels Anioth. tv coUrt. business. He was unaWe to leave took place at the home of th today on his return to the Naai bride's mother, 415 Fifth Avent jj,., Howard Hibbard and two River owing to rough weather. .East. Rev. J. H. Myrwang. pastor young daughter left last week for of St. Paul's Lutheran Church of - gmlthers t spend 'the winter with Sergeant Lee Kee Yen, ntm-eom-flclatlng. Mrs mbbard's mother, Mrs. Fur-'missioned officer in a Canary The bride, given in marriage by nesJ .regiment now in active service, Is .her unci. Albert Llndseth, was fc pretty picture in her white satin I wedding drew with veil and coro.-tnel of orange blossoms, carrying I a shower boquet of pink and white jroae and carnations. The brides maid was Mks Ounvnr SkamiiJ who wore blue net silk and cor- MacPhee was groomsman. TODAY'S WEATHER Prince Rupert Overcast, southeast wind. 20 miles per hour; barometer. 30.02 rising): temperature, 52; sea rough, i TriDle Island Overcast, south- The ceremony took place undtr east wmdi 35 miles jjetjiour; sea a white wedding bell In an arch of rough v ,pnk and white. Langara Island Raining, south- t as a reception wmcn xouowea southwest wind. 20 miles per hour: the bride duly cut a handsome baromeler. 29.82; temperature. 52; three tier wedding cake. Buffet re- choppy. ..unuii. .fit i'tu. iw Dead Tree Point Heavy rain,,storage i u.r unw m pruiuu vj ir. southeast wind, 27 miles per hour; Myrwang and responded to by the barometer, 29.89; temperature, 58; groom, sea moderate. ! Mr nd Mrg Undseth. who wUl Estevan Clear, southeast wind. rune me nearxy congraimauons two mUeg p hour; barometer, and best wishes of many friends. 30.27. wOl reside on Eighth Avenue East. null Harbor Clear, southeast The groom, who was born In u-lnd in mtw ner hour baro- Prlnce Rupert, is Identified with 'the Ideal Cleaners. The bride ha M; jjght ,we.ji At Uved here since she was twelve . Aprt Bav Clear, calm: baro- years old. having come from Nor- meter, z&2l; temperature. 52; sea iwav smooth. Victoria Clear- northerly wind. 1 10 miles per hour; -.barometer. Vancouver Clear, northwest wind, five miles per hour: baro meter. 3039. Prince Oeerge Clear, westerly .wind. 10 miles per hour: baro meter. 30.31 TOO MANY ctJds from de- " veloping. VA-TRO-NOL jKnut SlatU. Mrs. P. OUke Mrs. Brou-n and her fifteen mln- rifJ TTI :lr : LAST WINTER? This year whenever a cold threatens put a few drops of Vicks Va-tro-nol in each ncstriL Used in tune. helps prevent vif IfC Frank M orris. Mrs. r oiegaTiR. utf wedneday morning program I I II I 111 .11. OFFICERS promptly at ten ociock next wca- ... i.rWatswr Elected President Of Religious Education Body featuring recipes ana culinary TherZfire bout twenty mem- Mnts. npjs present at the Religious Edu- This "FIVE ROSES" Radio caUon Cwmi.u meeUng held at the Kitchen presentation Is heard over Unltfd church last evening. The a representative group of Western maln business 0r the meeting was Radio Stations, and should again tQ elect offjcers Ior the coming prove a most popular and helpful yfar resultea as follows: President, Kay Watson. Vice-President, Tom Johnstone. Secretary, Phylls Hamblln. Treasurer, Ken Dakln. A letter was read from Miss Anne Fountain, field secretary for the Religious Education Council In British Columbia, who will arrive In Prince Rupert Friday for a four-day visit and arrangements were made for girls' and teachers meet- s with her. There will be a girls rallv Frldav nlcht. soeclal meet- Queen Mary Tea Mrs. Llneham's ; ,ngs for primary teachers Saturday J September 21. afternoon and a meeting with the execullve Sunday afternoon. Miss Presbyterian Tea, Mrs. Spencer's. Fountaln wm speak at the United September 28. i Church Sunday morning, and the Boy's Band Bridge unve. cunin Hall. September 27. Prpshvfprlan Church Sundav eve- Guy Thorne was chosen to represent the Council at the Bible Association meeting next Monday. At the close of the evening, re freshments, in charge of Phyllsi Hamblln and Jack Hopkins, were served. Chinese Benefit Tea and Bazaar UNITED CHURCH THURSDAY, SEPT. 21 From 2 to S Proceeds to be devoted to relief of Chinese war sufferers. a nephew of Lee Wan. local Chi nese c;ook. Halibut Sales Summary American C5.000 pounds, 10c and Cc. Canadian 37,000 pounds. 9.8c and 5c to 10c and 5c. American Arctic. 14,000, lOo and 6c, Facile. Atlas, 33.000. 10c and 6c. Royal. Hazel H., 18,000, 10c and 6c. Canadian Seamaid. 31 W0. 9.8c and 5c. At-lin. Selma. 6.000. 10c and 5c. Pact-, fie. ; BALL RACE IS CLOSE Cincinnati Keds Retain Three- And-a-IIalf Game Margin Over St. Louis Cardinals CINCINNATI. Sept. 19: 'Cf By splitting a double bill with the Boston Bees while the second place St. Louis Cardinals were do ing likewise wlU the New York Olants, the Cincinnati Reds yes-, terday retained their three-and-a-half game margin of supremacy in the National League standing. The Reds won the first game from the Bees by a score of four to one but lost the nightcap rive to four. The Cardinals dropped the first game to the Olants seven to two but swamped the New Yorkers 15 : to 5 in the second. j In the American League, the I New York Yankees, having already i 1 cinched the pennant, scored their , Jnnt hundredth victory of the sea- SOU Wild tt O IU 4 Ui uio U1C ot Louise Browns whose one hund redth defeat it was. LONDON GOLD PRICE LONDON. September 19: (CP) The Montreal price of bar gold on the London market yesterday was 835.14' per fine ounce. Tenders Invited Written bids will be received for the demolition and removal of the Old Westholme Theatre Building on 2nd Avenue up to noon Saturday, September 23rd, 1939. D. J. MATHESON, City Clerk, Prince Rupert, B.C. Harold Davey Teacher of Piano Popular Music 20 years experience in Vancouver Free Music with Lessons No Scales The only guaranteed course that benefits you financially. playing for parties, etc. Enrol Now! At tht News MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE 317-319 Third Avenue West Where Dollars Have More Cents Quality Prompt Service After the show drop in and try our milk shakes, sodas and ice cream. We also have a complete stock of fruits and vegetables Phone 18 & 19 P.O. Box 575 PAtiT TKREA DYKE GIVES WAV BEFORE IRISH FLOOD WATERS .BSflHsSSSSBSSSneBSSTBlMK The Lagan River In the Belfast district of Ireland, oictured az it broke through the embankment at the StranmlUls Lock. As a result of torrential rains the river rose to a height unprecer dented for the last 50 years and despite the fact that all sluices had been lifted to give the water speedy clearance this gap approximating 15 yards was made in the embankment. COAL Grain Feed Seeds and Fertilizer PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Phones 58 and 558 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J Zarelll Proprietor -A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates $1.00 np 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert. B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 MacKpnzie's Furniture CHF.ERFIELD SUITES 7 Sets Chesterfield Sv,-s. Just arrived, beautifully designed. Latest models, material "rown and Rust shades. Priced reasonably. PHONE 775 The Daily News is a member ot the Canadian Daily Newspaper Association, of the Canadian Press and of the Audit Bureau of Circulations. It is the only paper north of Vancouver and west of Edmonton holding membership (219) -in these organizations. B. C. FURNITURE 1 McClary Kitchen Range Phone BLACK 321 USED FURNITURE $28.50 1 Majestic Kitchen Range $27.50 At 1 Kitchen Range With Imperial Oil Burner - 4 Coil Bed Springs At, each $45.00 $4.00 1 Stewart-Warner Fine Cabinet v 22 50 Radio , 1 DeForest-Crossley Short and Long Wave Cabinet Radio- 49.50 Late model 1 3-Piece Chesterfield Suit At - 2 Baby Cribs. At, each 2 Washing Machines 5-Piece Ivory Bedroom Suit) At - 7-Piece Light Oak Dining Room Suite 3 Vacuum Cleaners From, up 1 3-pltce Chesterfield Suit Tapestry and velour Next Door To B.C. Clothiers $36.00 $7.50 $35.00 ao $47.00 $45.00 $17.50 $7.50 $39.00 THIRD AVENUE