PAGE "TWO BROKEN LINE SPECIALS Ladies' While Straps, Pumps, and Ox-rfords, various lieeLs. Values to $3.93 Paid in advance, per month $1.95 2G pairs Sample Shoes. Size 4, Gracia make, (beautiful designs. $3.95 Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. LimitedThird Avenue L F. PULLEN Managing-Editor Paid In advance, .per week By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and .12 .50 United States, yearly period, paid In advance 3.00 By mall to all other countries, per year 9 00 Classified -advertising, per -word, per insertion . .02 Local readers, per line, per insertion .25 Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 News Department Telephone S6 Member of Audit Bureau ot Circulations DAILY EDITION Wednesday. August 23, 1939. CHANGED POSIION The announcement two davsago that Russia and Ger many had made -a non-aggression pact following the trade j pact announcement came as a great shock to jeople of all the democratic countries who were looking to Russia to! help hold Germany back from further aggressive movements., It has upset the calculations of all the prophets and experts and even now it is difficult to decide what is likely to happen. People are wondering how it will affect Japan or is Italy, leader of the anti-comintern movement, agrce-1 ing to the move AH we can do is to await developments. ! The -suggested possibility that the Russian move may have been for the purpose of preventing any country precipitating war would sound reasonable were it not, for the -fact ihat"ve know so much of Germanyand German1 methods. It is evident that Germany expects to gain from the move -or she would not have made ;t. It is just possible ihat Danzig may decide to join Germany and then it might be looked upon as an act of ag-1 pression to stop her. There are all sorts of angles to this situation. WHAT AliOUT JAPAN? What about Japan? It is just possible that she is damning the white men as being without honor, undepend-able, vacillating. She was used by the axis pow-ers for their own ends and "then cast off like an old shoe. At the suggestion of Germany she has been irritating Great Britain to try to draw her forces from the European area and make it. easier ior Jlitler to get what he wanted. Now she has lost Britain as a friend and has no friend to replace her. UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. j Steamers Leart rrlnee "Rupert tor Vancouver: T.8.S. CATALA EVETIY TTUES XS.8. CAKDENA FRIDAY, DAY, 1:30 p.m. 10:30 pan. Dae Vancouver, Thurs. a.m. Due Vancouver, Monday a-m. If Convenient, flease JPurchase Tickets at Office Further IntormaUon Regarding Reservations and Tickets From FRANK J. SKINNER, Prince Rupert Agent. Third Ave. Phone SO II or Slmundson held the hill men issued eigni iree passes, me mc- A.nalf games over the Cardinals Clymont Jys had little trouble who, ln turn are four-an-a-hnl! hlttln the ball hard enough to games ahead .of the Cubs. account for their 15 runs. I J tnp Am.rirn Tnii v.tpr. If McClymont can play the kind day lhe vew York Yankees mad of . ball it showed in this game m iu thn n v hnm nine In when it meets Westvlew next reclsterlne a 14 to 5 victorv nver Thursday, there should be little Chicago White Sox. The Bostcn douot as to wno wm win the cup Rtd kwt in seven-and-a- ior juiisning on wu oi me league, half .mm. Vuhinrf v, v,nirw.. Quist-Bromwich Win U.S. Title Crawford and ilerry Hepman, in Doubles Final CHESTNUT HILL, Mass., Aug. 23: (CP) Adrian Quist and Jack Bromwich of Australia defeated their fellow countrymen, Harry Hopman and Jack Crawford, In the finals of the United States national doubles tennis tournament. The score was 8-6, 6-1. 6-4. Key Stammers and Mrs. Freda Hammersley ot Great Britain went I into the finals of the women's doubles tournament by eliminating Helen Jacobs and Dorothy Work man, their opponents ln the finals "Canadian Business," a magazine sponsored by the vA,icaehM"bIe and m . , -.I l . F 1 ...til. finnlnunifai nr I - uanaciiaii unarnuer oi vui"'1Jt:j(;c wim iicauiuajvij mk Montreal, predicts that in the election, which it expects will take place in October, the Liberals will be returned by a small majority. The admission is made rather reluctantly. Other predictions are that the government party -will go back to Ottawa just as strong as it is today," if not-stronger. We think it much too early to make predictions. .Also it is plain that many things may happen before October iind that there may not be an election in October. w w a . a .TEE DaILT lOErKi ; I It McCLYMONT WIN EASY Defeated Acropolis 15 to 1 In StiUttr layruid fUUuall I lay-off The play-offs In the senior bovs section of the Gyro Softball League continued last night at the Oyro Ball 'Park with McClymont hoys copping an easy 15 to 1 verdlc. over the Acropolis team. REDS LOSE OUT AGAIN rossibly I'a.ssaee Of Time Vil Help Them Win Flag Yanks Make Five Homers To Win pwMivii mvm4m Mat. a v v a by winning from St. Louis Brown. The clubs move to new stands today as follows: National League St. Louis at Philadelphia, Cincinnati at Brooklyn. Chicago at Boston, Pittsburg Defeated Fellow Countrymen, Jack at New York. American League New York at St. Louis, Philadelphia at Cleveland, Washington at Detroit. Boston at Chicago. Yesterday's Big League scores: National League Chicago, 2: New York, 4. Cincinnati. 0: Philadelphia, 4. Pittsburg 8; Boston. 2. St. Louis,; 5. Brooklyn. 8. American League New York, 14; Chicago, 5. Washington, 4; Cleveland, 6. Boston. 10: St. Louis, 3. Philadelphia. 4; Detroit, 9. Big League standings to date: National League Sarah Cincinnati 70 42 St. Louis 65 46 fllif Edmonton Gvies Win Soccer Title .Defeated -Calgary Callles 41y Total Score of 5 to 1 In Two (lames EDMONTON. Aug 23: CP-A1-though beaten two to nothing by Calgary Callles In the second of a two-game total point series, Edmonton Civics won the Alberta senior football championship. They had won the first name five to two. i McClymont Wins 'Junior Softball PHILADELPHIA, Aug, 23: 1CP): Possibly the passage of time will Three Win Without Im filvei hli Cincinnati Reds to' win .the j League Honor To Tark Boy fationai League pennant should McClrmont No. McClymont No. Westvlew Acropolis P W 3 3 2 1 3 1 3 0 L 0 1 2 3 Pc i ihey fail to cuine out of their in the (unlor boys division of the Acropolis scored Its only run of present slump. Yesterday the RsshiGyro Softball League MeCJvmoniJ u.c buji.c me iiih i.uiuiB u.i.Were manned 4 to neHitaj by th iNo 1 won the Ieatue by taklnt hlt vby O'Neill and T. Clark. TigrU,;0wly pjuilks but the .running ai,throe nl three scheduled Rams to unuiuB ucmnu u.e siy pucmns st. Louij, cardinals also lost to give them a percentage of 1000 scoreless for the rest of lhe game. piaCe Chicago Cubs to the New With a little help from Magnet. y0rk Oianta. The rrntn of lead-on the mound for Acropolis, who crshiD of the Reds Is still lour-an - 10C0 .600 .300 .0)0 McClymont No. 1 will be present ed with the cup for this league at the final display ln the Exhibition Building on August 31. A II ALL CURIOSITY RULWER. South Africa. Aug. 23: CP In a recent cricket match here a batsman was bowled by a fast ball which uprooted the lej stump. Only one ball was displaced and this finished upon end ln the stump hole. Lee M. Gordon returned to the city on the Prince George thlv. morning from a butlne trip U Vancouver. Chicago 63 53 .543 Brooklyn 50 54 .5C9 New York 56 55 .505 Pittsburg 51 58 .4C8 Boston 47 62 .431 Philadelphia ... 35 73 324 American Leacue New York j6 79 34 AM Boston 71 41 .631 Chicago -..... 63 51 .553 Cleveland ,59 54 i22 Detroit" .......' ..59 a iig Washington 50 67 .427 .623 Philadelphia 39 74 J45 386 St. Louis 33 77 J 00 COOK ELECTRICITY! kssssssssssssssssssssssssss9ssssssssssssssssssa for HHtofllH H sating' M beat , I B H results 0990 0 ( I a HajBjajBjail I BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBfl Electric cooking means tastier, more nourishing meals, cooked with far less trouble at lower cost. With an electric range you get perfect even cooking heat at the snap of a Switch and your kitchen is always cool comfortable to work in. Food cooked in an electric range retains all its original goodness there's no waste no spoilage. And it's co economical tool Thousands of our customers cook with electricity for less than $3.00 per month. .Why not start to enjoy cooking this clean, modem way. There are electric ranges to suit every home and budget. A email down payment puts one in your home. Balance on convenient terms. Northern British ColumbiaPower Company Limited The Morning After Taking QrtersLtte Liver ftlk LOU AMBERS .Rep Team Wins WINS TITLE', Football Match Outfoxed My Henry Armstrong In Xeam Xu ,a Friday .Vm, Fifteen Rounds UU N.rht jor ocean rM Sefin" j Ambers of Herkimer. New k.hch (MlfM Fr,d nmlnul Vila llnhttvallfht rmH - .. ------- oocan tmm u p:; which he tost last year, by nn'nthMn n q. tlUe d a lilteen rouna aeen over "rn-i,.. Iry Armstrong last night. Ambers - . team r9rsenUriK ih won eignv rounds 10 seven " !tf tune store a ? only by virtue of five rounds that 0 . , tnnitnitiir I. .it tnr Inur . tinnrhlnff I -, .n 2- MrMMkui mat jvmDers won lor Armsironfof. Jlrp4 andJ(.L ouiouxra nim. m Armstrong started slow but. at-! ter the third round, pushed Am-f 1 V bers back ropeatedly as he bored 'bers and Arm ir..: - ji In. swinging signed to fiirtv f It was later announced that Am- weluht title on N. v. MacKenzie's Furniture AUflUST FUUNITUHK SAI.K Cheitertlrld Suite In the very latest tailoring and nutfrUlv-Bed Room Suite beautifully detlcnrd and hantKomrly fiaKM in selert wood Carpel, all tliet Walnut Iind Tables Each Shellac S1.95 Varnisl SHINGOLEEN ior old shingles, new shingles and rouh Iwardi, Shinj,'olcen is made in a variety of attractive colon. It both Iwautifies and protects. This is ideal wrath-er for applying Shingoleen. Please ask for Color Card. Thompson Hardware Co. Ltd Turpentine Linseed Oil SOUTH TO vhuwmi catling at OCEAN FALLS and POWELL RIVER Stvium-r Iruvrx Prince Jtupcrt every SA TliUDAY, 7 p.m.; MONDAY, 3 p.m. Truin Icuve Prince Hupert fur lhe Kast Monday, Wetlnesdny, Friday, 6 p.m. A. Pnsciipcr KiprcM FRIDAYS, 11.00 a.m. D For fares, rtc. call or tcrite City Ticket Office, 528 3rd Are. I Smoked "Rupert Brand" 1 Mild Cured Salmon 15c pkg. For Lunch on Toasted Sandwiches or Hors d'ocuvrc One Package Serves Four People K.eps for Weeks ln Refrigerator Canadian Fish & Cold Storage I'rlnce Rupert (Jq. Ufj British 01",b