p.ld I -T- I nmorrow s I iaes 9 54 ajn. 15 9 (t. 21 42 ft. 3 18 ' "i ft. ; 5 21 A ,'t. ar r - 23 The canned - western Alaska r-:.:y about three-yrar. The total is a compared with A She More i.TTUVA. Autrust 23: (CP) Should it become an . . . ..f.-L i' ; v.. i:i,i...Pw i, i .truameiit win vv tuimuuni-u iiuiiiuuiitiuiy, nn some munist Meet rnlrnn Tin Rv n rv farmers J H Blaekmore. Social Cred leader, on the position of Canada In retard to the European crisis But for the presence on the statutes of the War Measure Act of 1814. Parliament would have beep summoned at once to enact such a measure which gives the aovern- Aiberta. August ment 'extraordinary powers in the . rr.umat meeting event of war "real or apprehend by farmers who e4 -Premier King said, r a with mature Premier King, due to the mobilised at once should Oreat Britain become involved in war j WHAT DOES PACT MEAN?: vaccine and medicine. parts i of the city the 11 cr William Lyon Mackenzie King said in a 'water is from ten to fifteen feet jr. (1 at noon -today after he had communicat- dtfP H " Dr. R. J. Manion, Conservative leader; J. S.J 1 Woodsworth, Co-operative Cora- njrit T" TT monwealth rederaUon leader, and ITIUK lIcUD iit, . 4 In New York t .Metropolis Calllnc Upon Chicago I and Middle Wet For Supplies he sneakers to gncy of despatches from Euro- arraBtennts Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Valde, Formerly Of This City, Win Prlre Former Prince Rupert residents this year awarded a silver cup, the .. A la lira rvtrr ' troohv awarded by the Prince "8620 cases com- Widely Varying Interpretations of OK)rge HorUcuitural Society for 000 ease, about a Accord BetweenGermany and pflnce Georgc ion. cases lew. u ,Thc compcUUon was In connecUoa almon pack this LONDON, Aug. 23: (CPt Widely v V rnnrnic " j i d in the .... bush. ead War In S Anaelps fnor Olsen Asked to Intervene '"ft. So Low Th.t tt.k.r. Are All Losing 4 A ITS' i - ; '"'.ta, Aug. 23.- A bread Aue 23' irri. ri Arsenal hiaTisr n 30 Enand. has been robbed football medals. .He. . . .... n.. ,lin me imciiw vij- noodi Some Davs Before lieve the Soviet la using German Btmalni Were Discovered 'negoUaUons to pry concessions i i from London and Paris In connec- IAKE. Aug. 23: (CP) !Uon with the treaty ncgottaUons r " William Cooper has Wuh Great BrlUln and France. ' ! I of William Scragg.i Whitehall sees no reason to sup-fT ' F ancols Lake, who had rwa. that staff consultations In I Moscow between Great Britain, France and the 8ovlet should rxj i iL- ..Maei iViftv WHEAT PRICES JUMP WINNIPEG Buying orders flooded the Winnipeg grain exchange today precipitated by the increasing threat of war In Europe and shot wheat prices up the five cent allowable limit in one day. PATTULLO IS DUE VICTORIA Premier PattuUo, accompanied by his secretary and newspapermen, took off today In a Canadian Airways plane, pilot-ei by W. E. Gilbert, on a projected five thousand mile trip to the Arctic Circle. The plane Is refuelling at Alert Bay and ex- NEW YORK. Aug. 23 - Upstate P lo m,e " ,nnce, ,u,prTt The flight will be thU afternoon. New York farmers are continuing h- of milk umnlv Inr th continued to Fort St James to ur- city of New York which is maktroj m"ow. to draw upon CW-I . . - . .tpeaa quarUrsdeemsthat he en-feiro1id UWMtetHe-Westitor dairffl, .JinisiDENT SHOT' DC1 . not leave the capital this week at supplies. The farmers of New York rAZ Ueu, Col r. nlanned are aemanaing nigner prices n i Q V A U A C Meanwhile it was teamed Uiat mMfc. MilIVA llAiJ nlans for Immediate mobtnaation of Canada's mlUUa forces in case rt , r 1 WPI? P A A CV ot v" hd bwn wrked oul 10 " W"TV- Have "- Best Garden " U LlV lVIv last deUil by the Department of si in in i as ma ib a s v sn in All Areas But Wranicll National Defence It is a foregone 'conclusion that the militia will In Prince George Ketchikan May Not Get Fish Study Plant AD erman Bntch. president of Bolivia, died today of a pistol wound officially drcribed as accidentally KETCHIKAN, Aug. 23 Before ."'"- r-,r:rj leaving here for Juneau to attend Mr. ana aits. u. i iuc. - ,t , a a conference. Charles E Jackson,! with the recent hortcultural show friends of Mr. and Mrs. Valde I be taken of the Ruaso-Oerman non- ' i . .hi.h ivhim von thrnnehaut the district will be ggicwtvii iirv. . - a iRlbbcntrop. Oerman Forelan Mln- pleased to hear of their success. ' i - ...I t-.M In (rtrrtu' !VfSV lO p i i ww "" P rnrmPf hniinrl formally conciuae. iic iv v r ranee uruer5 idiimi n.nwi m 1 1 1 1 wiri. - 111 Cm... It. J . I I. V.I.J n i.i ( i . V. nil.,t.M Ka. acting commissioner of fisheries,, would not commit himself as to thei proposed fisheries laboratory for ment to make in regard to the possibility of the salmon fishing season being extended. Mobilization Putting French Army At Nearly Two Million .awnaonea. y "Z?, t:" , mnl ili nn nftor nn PmPrfronrv meetim? of her may be acceieraica wnn uhsv- u,u mu iiiuuuim..... p . ',, ? , NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 23, 1 93'J. NEW SPEED MARK MADE southeastern Alaska being estaD-,-""" - ----- " p " LUh Sa,t FUts llshed at Ketchikan. Other com- munlUes in the territory were bid- Toda-T ding .for it. he said. Neither did Jackson have any announce- BONNEVILLE SALT FLATS. Aug. power pact emerging mat mucu National Ieience v..uuuv:ii. me uiut-i iiivaui, uii x. iciitu aulckcr. Meantime negoUatlons are.t , - pa1e(1 i0 the Colors will number between a millioni Gulvlc, 15.000, . II . I ... , Tl L it-i. i,..it. marsing wjuc. .Unci n hull and two minion, it iueaiit inat luiuier men, PKOMOTK TRAINER TnunnM Alicust 23: (CP) Directors of Crystal Palace Foot- ball dub win, the have Riven ueorge ir- trainer, the position u; vi to the thief's sense tcam-manager and trainer. 'Ap-;illip to got them polnlment of a team coach :wHl be made shortly. reached a meeting oi France's army, navy and air chiefs at the war ministry under Premier Deladler. v Meanwhile reports were current that France had despatched "atrnnir" Instructions to her am bassadors In Europe. Contents of ihe desDatches were not disclosed but It was believed they reasserted that France and Britain were pre pared to go to war If Foland saw jit to resist a German attack. " ABOARD VSS. LANG AT SEA Gravely conctrncd over the Eur opean crisis rresiaeni abandoned further holiday plans today and ordered the cruiser Tus caloosa to speed to Sandy Hook. New Jersey. Appeal for Peace BRUSSELS, Aug. 23. King Leo, oold of Belgium, speaking In the name of seven small neutral nations known as the Oslo group, ap pealed to the world for peace to night and declared 'the worst can still be avoided." LONDON, Aug. 23. -Foreign Sec retary Viscount Halifax will broad cast tomorrow night an Important statement on the International sit Roosevelt uatlon. Edward Llpsett. 12.000, 6c Tramp, 8.4c c and and 5.5c one.of two days after signing of the German-Russian non-aggression pact at Moscow. Either Toland agrees to these demands peacefully in which case there will be no bloodshed or she fights' in which case Germany will see to it that a new partition of Poland occurs Hitler Is said to insist. R.iHr Fnr War Weather Forecast Prince Rupert and Queen Charlotte Islands Moderate to fresh Vest winds, mostly cloudy and rather cool. anada Is Ready To Give AwrtiKMil,, . , ,,, , ' VA-X.1IA-JLX1 JL J 1 A w JL I - I- . Y:II ki..i.Finon 1 i nidliic.ui TY III IVIVSVSl tonce lr WarLomes; idy For Emergency rv,.1.,c;n Tlirii MllWin Will Im Mnliili,! Onro real isriiain is imimcti m-iuiimi:iu ui iun-iicu Prepared FLOOD IS IS STILL ON North China City of Tientsin Continues to be Itavagfd by High Water r, ii ....... Bulletins liSTRIKF STRIKE OF OF i ' I With Great Britain and France! Jail. both reasserting their detennlna- 23: (CP) John Cobb, British rac- to fight alongside Poland If lng enver. maae a rurw worm s e latter country resists uermany. .land speed record of 36855 miles both countries are ready for war. .per hour with his car here today, one million Frenchmen are under of Capt George Eyston. Halibut Sales American President Ilooscvclt Returns From Holiday in Hurry. ;Nordby 360oo. Cold Storage.. JSSlS annd who had completed thdr military service less than two aiw. I fnn. from SSS'wm were specialist ,ho had " JA seen by Germans as years ago The decision . ... . 6c. ." i having the elfect of acccleraUng aircaay occu u.cu at Nazi determination to regain not! was nniv "war lost- Danzig hut an me " . . UI.U '1 m Los Angeles with! rest of present-aay roiana ow that none ot the 'was once Austrian or German. The rri n aki a nrnfit r.mriNftrl nress exnrcsscs JubllaUon over travel out of Ger- i ... s M . n'pr. l m t i i nirn with French I- PRICE: S CENTS Imminent Than Ever EXCHANGED MESSAGES PAH W A VQ Demands of Latter Even More Far-Reachine Evidently i IV rM.Lt if A X U n i i - i. in ti i r.. n TO MARCH TOMORROW? I IS aetKing IU Virau .rtii i uiaiiu liuiupt uh PARIS A Ilavas News Agency Major Tie-Up of British Transpor-' imnhUi Itdr I dispatch from Berlin last nlht ution Impending This Saturday nnnird an unofficial Herman er- I TIENTSIN. Au. 23: CP 'Hoods continued today to ravange this great North China city, taking a heavy toll of life and property dam-i age of millions of dollars. New appeal for reilf were timed today. Some three million people in the district are homele&i Disease Is spreading and It ap pears impoaslbk mpo to secure needed Chancellor Chancellor Adolf Adolf 1 tice as saying LONDON. August 23: CP- LONDON. Autrust 23: (CP) Chancellor Adolf Hit- a ler of Germany and Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain ii. Her has ordered his troops to iAtVte ot the united Kingdom s four 0f (jreat Britain exchanged messages today on the Danzig March across the Polish corridor Jmam railroads, effective Saturday. . la Va,,Ur.ar. i ronnrfln vo AemunfoA a full into Danzig on Thursday. JtZZVtt!- settlement on terms greatly more far-reaching than had avion society of Locomotive Engin--been previously indicated. In addition to the return of eers and Firemen following failure Danzig to the Reich he Is said to be. . of the railways to raise the mini- asking for a German protectorate T , J Q, , mum weekly wage rate. The union over Poland or, otherwise, partition1 IJ111l6C1 ULteS : announced that all labor would be of the country. Sir Neville Hender- .withdrawn unless an agreement ton, British ambassador to er Pnctal RpVPIHIP ,-.v,-. ,.f, CI.,-.Jo- ninv t rlAHvprinir th Prim UOIQI iVCTtllUt . Only IntervenUon of the minis- Minister s reply to Hitler which it is ter of la"'. t a"""-i 'odiy. understood reiterates British ln- would avoid the strike although tenuon to resist to the uttermost lone union involved was reported to any aggression I against Poland. trouble. he has been spending a holiday. Locomotive engineers and fire- itie Queen and Princesses Elizabeth I men are workers who have served and Margaret Rose are remaining notice that, unless tnetr demanas M Balmoral. lor wae increases are comormeu Rajiable sources declared that with, the general strike win xae mUer had told Sir Neville Hender- P&ct- ' eon. the British ambassador, fori transmission to the British Premier I Nsvur Fira MnrcVinl and tt Germany1 TT n T "' yitjj rthts becatstrdr the British nas Deen naraea VICTORIA, Aug. 23: (CP W. A. Walker has been appointed Fire 'Marshal for the Province of Bri- :tlsh Columbia in succession to J. A. HlUer according to advices considered reliable is determined to Nlchole of Vancouver succeeds , , . r .. , , , . Walker as assistant fire marshal. Shows Increase WASHINGTON. D.C Aug. 22. i- ' tr.-a.ru w "WiuuHr "-'c niw luc raotoei. ui auausi, wu- Vnlud SUteS PosUl Depart- tion at this time owing to the serl- stant session and Parliament snm-jment aaammc mcrease of .ous InUrnaUonal situation. This moa for tomorrow in emergency $-oom or pcr ccnt ta r i?? St -theKinrrturaln5 irevenue for this July over last, land to be faced with w Internal irom Balmoral in Scotland where 5IJAPAN IS oulu uui Is Feeling Of Russ-German Tokyo Pact Over. --TOKYb. Augtist-SSResentment continues to be intensely felt In I Japan over the Russian-German ... unconditional return of Danzig to!.. . . .J TV. ... ...... . , W. A. Walker. Deputy, -r Takes x Place ... . . t. . . (that she has been sold out k by of J. A. Thomas With Vancouver Man Becoming Assistant guarantee of Poland. It was understood the "vital rights" were the Such Uons of Poland and Polish which y woud k RussU bus were once German and rearrange- tfae we$t whUe c continued ment of Polish-German relations! to campalgn agalnst cbina tectorate of Bohemia and Moravia. I the East. Must Marry Girl Or Go To Prison These Are AlternaUves Facing Hoonah Man Under Arrest in Juneau JUNEAU. Aug. 23. Arrested here on a charge of contributing to the delinquency of a Juvenile, Edward I Austin of Hoonah will either have to marry Annie Klanot or go to Weather Forecast (Furnished through the courtesy ot . . . .,. .i.t , , line the Dominion lxxmnion Meteorological jmwiraosiau Bureau ourau St i ;He beat the former mark oi armt and others are being prepar-,Victori and ivinc Rupert, tuu tore- ! nrtt HHtoin ic. rnlHntr out an eat Is conmUed from obsemitloDa tak- .additional 250.000 men. Italy other naUons are also preparing. Generai Synopsis Pressure .re-More than a million Polish soldiers mams high over the Queen Char-are massed on the German and Slo-,0tte viands and relatively low In vaklan frontiers ready to go lntothe interior. With the exception of action. V 2 a, 1 . Ik Mni4k f rt.cuua., ,vw. , Xhrfe German soldiers are re- lthe weather has been fair and 6C- nnriH In hsrf crossed the Iron- I.. Vtr4flci rVilnmhla - - - - KMUI U. U.. .MM w . tier into Poland. They refused west Coast of Vancouver Island Iiailiax """ k,lu,u"im iVT ' to halt and were thereupon shot Fresh northwest winds, part' 001(1 St0aBe efnP 8-C, 22'm . Li J J c' upon by the Poles. The Germans lcloudy 1th not much change In PAIUS, AURUSt (l')-V ranee lonigni oraerea,-"" c..dlan I escaped unhurt. temperature. . mnnn D,v, .nrt British and uniwa biaies consu- , signal, hftr. advLd th.ir nationalsl le-.av Poland u vlewi Atlln. ISc and c BAR GOLD LONDON, Aug. 23: (CP) The Cold the Imminence of war. French price of bar gold remains unchang- land British subjects are nasxening at $34.73 per ounce on tne im- TlAi-Hn J .l.Al don market 12.000, raciuc. o.ic " -". .1" .wf.,- t .tpn, tvlav tr nlace Ens- Anti-Typhoid Treatment Is Being Given ana tniisu citizens luuaj uw- i "--i - - er foreigners were also Heelng for. lands air raia precauuona vu tear of war. Trains ran through-j virtual -war desis eutxuc out the day with corridors filled night Arrangements were made and air flight passages were prac-. for Immediate extinguishing of tically unavailable. .London lights "any time It is con- At Washington United States gov- j sldered necessary." ernment officials are making plans At the same time the Board of. to get Americans out of Europe. Trade Issued an order prohibiting 'Warships will be ready to assist In .the export -of essential war ma-! pvacuatlnz them If necessary. The terlals from Great BrlUln except by RAYMOND. Alberta, Aug. 23: .United States government Is also permit. (CPTwo thousand lo2al resl- moving to maintain Its neutrality. Arrangement are also made for dents have received anti-typhoid , In the event of European war. ithe orderly transfer of workers "War Basis- from private Industry and business fever treatment at a preBttutlonary Emland on measure ' . Meantime the British Home Of-' to the national service. !