.TKK DAILY KHW1I iii) PAGE TwO MISS ATLANTA Walking Oxfords With all the zip of style trends plUs. 'comfort and dependability. EbVheel to low cuban. Widths A to D. We can highly recommend these shoes. Priced From Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes BIG BAZAAR IS Anrfhal Affair of Catholic Ladies Is Again Centre of Attractions For Twd Days ronized as usual was the annual: two-day Catholic bazaar which' concluded last night with thei carrying out of the drawings Tor the raffle prizes. General convenor i was Mrs. .Charles Balagno. The! lows: Tea Room Mrs. M. P. MeCaf-fery; pouring, Mrs. James Mc-Nulty and Mrs. G. W. Nlckerson; serviteurs, Mrs. F. St. Amour, Mrs. Harry Thrupp, Mrs James Forman, Miss Piilmira Astorl, Miss Agnes Turgeon'i Miss Olive Van Cooten, Miss C Cavenalle and Miss Gertrude Turgeon; cashier, Mrs. E. J. Fltzpatrlck; tea cup reading, Mrs. P. Doheity. Home Cooking Mrs. P. J. Mc-Cormick antf Mrs. Arthur Murray. Sewing Mrs. Henry Doiron and Mrs. Leo Doiron. Hot Dogs Mrs. J. A. Smith. Mrs. Joseph Garon and Mrs. J. L. Blaln. Fiih Pond Mrs. Louis Amadio and Mrs. M. Millet. Candy Mrs. William Brass, Miss E. Gillies and the Misses Balagno. Kitchen Mrs. "Bussanlch, Mrs. Dominate and Mrs. Sylvester. Tickets Mrs. O. P. Lyons. Bingo Jack Walshe. Eugene Thli Adtl-rliaetijtnt la hot 'publlibed or displayed by the LlqnOf Control Hoard or by the Government ot British Columbia. success msp Successful and generally pat HALIBUT REGULATIONS The prosecution now proceeding in a local court whereby sixteen Canadian boats are charged with illegal fishing in Area No. 2 after the fishing there had been closed by the International Fisheries Commission brings to affair took place in the school hall.i jan fjeet n favor of the Ami- artistically decorated for the occasion. Others In charge were as fol Fltzpatrlck and Harry Astorl. For social affairs jn connection em British Columbia Power Co. with the affair Johnny Comndlna won by V. Dcdd, No. 50. was master of ceremonies. Results of Raffles The raffle resulted is follows: $50 in cash, M. P. Doherty. No. 377. $lS in cash, 1 C. Denis; Nb. 727. $25 in cash, E. Anderson, No. . $i6 in ca'sh, Rev. Father Carpen-tier, No. 646. $H) in cash, Mrs; George Thain; No. 681. $5 In cash. J. Krause, No. 1053 can. The International FisMeries Commission will shortly be engaged in giving the annual overhaul to the regulations and it is to be hoped that it will find It possible to. In at least a measure, so revise the regulations as to give the Prince Rupert fleet a better break. Otherwise the operators may feel constrained to over the head of the Com'rriis-sion in its representations. fr-tainlv. it anpears that evervbody In Prince Punert will he the raln-er if something ran be accom-plishe' slonr this line. It should h? mirfe clear that there Is no idea in the remarks contained here of influencing the court one wiv or another on ? matter which is subjudice. We a'e merelv discussine the merits of thf. rerulations as they stand and ther i nn Inintion to rleal with their iudirial Me rnretation or annliratinn which is a duty entirely for the court without any ertraneou: advice. Pair of Holler Skates, donated by Kalen Hardware, won by Capt. Henry Doiron. No. 2. Piltov S8fN, dutMted by Mrs iiariy Thrtpp. won Sff Z,Qsa Leona Parker. N. 35. Box of Candy, donated by Sisters of St Joseph. on by Mrs O. P. Lyons. N. 13. Dolt's Heme, 'w by Mrs. F. St. Amour, No. 3. Case of umc, donated by Borden Bed Spread, donated by M'rs. M.,MUk Co., won en btngo table. P. McCaffery. won by Mrs, P. J.; Ham, donated by SterHng Mar-McCortnlck, No. 81. ' et, won by j. Obochlna. No. 16. Seven podnds df Butter, donated ; Vanity Case, donated by D. Elio, by Valentin Dairy, won by Joseph won by Ted Smith. Garon, No. 48. Five Pounds of Coffee, donated Sdlad Bowl, donated by Mrs. 'by W. H. Malkln Co.. won by Mrs. Rock, won by R. Murray, No, 4fc 0. W. Nlckerson. Bedroom Lamp, donated by dor-1 Case of Milk, donated by Pacific don's Hardware, woh by James Milk, wdn by Wilfrid McLean, No. McNulty. No. 100. '25. Ton of Coal, donated by Albert Crocheted Tea Cloth, donated by ti McCaffery. wbh b Mrs. William Mrs. M. Miller, won by Miss Olive Murray, iio; 90, .Van Cooten. Radio Lamp, donated by North-j Electric Toaster, donated by Oo-. .. j. - v .-. don and Anderson, won by Miss " i Mary Miller, No. 5. , x lie oviccu, uuiiau uy sna Kenzle's Furniture Store, wort by M. P. McCaffery, No. 8. Baby Set, donated by Mrs. A. Ddminato, won b Lirry Warner, No, 28. BRITAIN IN CUBA ! HAVANA. October 13: (CP) Vic- 'tdr A, L. Mallett, counsellor to the (British Embassy at Washuigton, has been appointed Envoy Extraordinary ahd Minister Plenipoten-'tlary to Cuba to succeed H. A. Grant Wilson, retiring this year. Most people ads. Do you? read the classified SHIP IN NAZI'S WAR TROUBLE TAX TAKES Princess Adelaide in Iltmcuiues tJoirh Coast and Unable to Continue Transfer Made GP.R. steamer Princess Adelaide, . -. it .11 Capt. William Hugnes. orainaruy, due id arrive here this aherriban; from Vancouver and Ocean Fans. Is in difficulties near Port McNeill. above Alert Bay, and is unable to MISSION Presbyterian mission boat Princeton ran aground in heavy seas the fore discussion of the regu- .northwest of here on an islet In lations as a whole which the lo- ,Lynn Canal entrance, forcing two and three girls from Indian cal boat owners and fishermen men an are unanimous in claiming work 'orphanage to camp ashore over-a night. Caot John Falconer remaln- real hardship upon the Canad- i iea acKxiru. GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY BIG SLICE New Levies On Incomes, Food And ftrink Make Burden Heavier By VINCENT HON AN Canadian Press Staff Writer anclal ... burden . of - ine . war hangs . continue? her - norinwara voyage. - t, nn ,h nermlnwite- Accordlng to ward received at local rarner than u does the Cana-offices of the cdmpany pawensers. dUa mA hg dUxen Ql Great Brl. mall and perlh;ibl caro are . transferred to the Union steamer Jn olfrmdny, ' bettJre special war Catala which will bring them to . . -h M th 5 ner- thelr hbrthlrh flestlnaUdrtS. arriving cenl of the Workers average earn-; here Sunday night. nln f iowed Into the Reich treas- .Tne-Aaeiaiae gnranoea near rur f income tax. social Insur M:NeilI and floated free from the ance. disability " fund last Feb-. ruary. shows that at that time a! bachelor paid tales as high as 55 percent of his salary. A married couple, childless after five years. ried couples, a recent war Increase (CP) The on Income tax took the form tjf a 0 percent surtax on the normal tax payable. The tax rate scales upward from three percent on Income above the exemption rate. Under this, the unmarried Canadian earning $3,000 a year pays $84 tax. His first $1,000 Is exempt He pays three percent on the first ; $1,000 over the exemptlbh and four percent on the second $1,000, . a total of $70. The 20 per cent sur- tar would raise this to M4. MACCLESFIELD. England. Octo- Oreat Britain's wartime basic Inter 13: CPI Children from large come tax. highest in history. Is 35 centres evacuated to Cheshire are rercent for the remainder of the (being Instructed. In nature study, current fiscal year with exemp-'Some have never been in the tlons of $447 for single and $760 ; country previously and they know for childless married persons. Next little of wild life. year" the tax will be 37b percent dam 3 ?zmgi klKit vil la awliJf Scotch . . " " ( FRIENDSHIP'S needs arc few, but fine. In the club-house, lodgf or private sanctum , . . wherever men meet In friendly union . . . Grant's is offered and i cceptta With unhesitating assurance. Universally, men tike Grant's (or granted. Grant's LfQUEUrt SCOTCH TAKE WHISKY $3.75 This adverflierrient li not published or displayed by ihe Liquor tbhirol Bdafd 6r'by tHi Government of British Columbia. Just Arrived! A laree shipment of Patter-son's Ca'ndies Jxk assurtrrfent to choose rdrh arid guaranteed fresh Mtisskm's Confectionery NEW ROYAL J Zarelll Proprietor -A HOME AWAY FROM h6me" lUtea $1.00 up SO Rooms Hot ii CcM Wa'te'r Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box lit .frivrar income tax in the United Kl&SBom wis 274 Preent J C.ffman's Estra Taxe Income taxes are only one of the German's worrle. in aaaiwu.. he must dig down for a percent special tax on ter and t- bacco. a mark a douh? ehampagne. and for a sliding tax of from four to 55 perctnt of ui- come Ux for able-bodied men up to 25 who have not- be drafted into the army. Special war taxes in drn Bri-1 tain which hit the man to the BERLIN. October 13:-Th tin-, , , . three cents on I ... . AA a large drink of whisky, bdoui dm cents on a gallon of wine, two cerits a pound on sugar and tnre cerits on each ounce of tobacco. Canada's special war taxes increased (he. price of "hard" tQuor by about 35 cents for a zo-wjiw bottle. Tobacco prices wre boost- i& five cents a pound and cigar-, .. ti thmiMnd There la a payments.! ...... mh Hrinki and ; . , . t.. t At. . . I 11CK14KW4V v" " I snore unaer ner own power ou uic ck benefit dhd fees for "UDor , against the raw mat-' high tide early today. Capt Hughes rripiilBersitip. for manu(Kturln the pro- j later wired company of flclals Stat- outbreak of the ar.,4uct. while tea and coffee bear I lng that the ship was afloat bvlt he a EUrtax of 50 percent of the regu-a rUme lmp0it rjf up to 10 cents did not mention damage which is iar income tax ha been Imposed. nd Electricity and gas bills , believed to be confined to the rud- flasic rates of the German In- flrp to an cUht mntnt Ider. The vessel will be towed to COIrle tax schedule have not been ft. nrf -.nned fish and Victoria by the Salvage King which published but a revision of two ,ted and ed meats. ' PIlOrilESlED IN 1331 VERSAILLES. October 13: CP nvmn i nnftl TTirv a .... - .i.iMnm at -a orome piaque uwmm KUINS raUlVyUiliV AllKUUINU . ... f Income T over 1 100 side the swatlska of Nazi Oerman pereent on joint and Qn olhcf and marks about 57501 . hammer of Soviet Russia and the Church Vessel Comes (o Grief Dur- In Canada, wiv - e there faf an date 1W was founti in thf ham lng S'iorm on Islet at Ehtrlnce ' exemption of $1,000 for single per- Qt a German newspaper corres-Of tyhn Canal sons and $2,000 for chlldleSi rrtar- ponjent here JUNEAU. Oct 13 I If vou are uffer Iss from Atthma, Hay I Fever or Bronchial trouble. Inhale the fumea of Kellogg'a Asthma Re lief. You will get eaay relief. For over RJ yeara this famous herbal preparation baa benefited thousand of offerer. Tear ir4 Hon AVTHm MUIF an 11.00 itf ti. trUl 1 . , obulaabla (1m la duiu form. Ftfl SALI5 FOR SALE McClary range, grey' enamel finish, almost new. Complete with oil burner. $75. Stamford, Prince Rupert Hotel. tf NEW American stamps for sale. ones and threes. Dally News tf FOR SALE Whole chimney sweep lng oUtflt. cbmplete. Apply Zum khr at hospital. tf ' FOR 8ALE Rex bowling alleys. For i particulars apply Old Empress Hotel. an FOR SALE Trio of thoroughbred white New Zealand rabbits, j cheap. A. rttisseli. Inverness Can-Lhery. . 239 'WORK WANTED TWO girls want housework, apply E. Stephens and D, Johnson, chid. Rooms... 242) , FOUND Manchester terrier, fe-' male with filack body, tan feet and white walstcdat. inquire Daily .News. ftf . WANTED' , WANTED Ward Maid, apply Hos-f pital. (243) CENTRAL HOTEL iidoSlS and CAFK Pbone SI For Best Household Coal Mlt8. C. E. BLACK Next Time Vou Ask For Stove Polish Say H ijpnpwFOU HOT JC4 1 STOVES At All B.C. Stores SPLL IT BACKWARDS "And you let the word MILK", oomta ,.. ' EUt'.the Bordeo Cow. "And that iTuii KUM It pure, fresh, whole milk with .7, cream left in, powdered by rnn..ui4' natural moisture com tot. Simply u to coU watrr whisk with a beatn t " you have an Initant supply of cream y ' ued whole milk. I can't rccoramer..! w. ' , bcttet for baby, boroe or camp. " "" KLlM m "If it's Borden's it's GOT to be good" FOR MacKenzie's Furniture 7 Bedroom Suites Walnut, tatmt models In deslgnj and mlrrotfTteasonab:'. Theae suktrs have Just arrived PI KINK 775 66oncooacaooK;aooooooc-ooMdoooo Colds i, Headache, Neuralgia Rheumatism ETC. Puretest A. S. A. (Acclyl-Salicylic-Acid) TABLETS 5 Grain I)6ch riot ilepnss the hcart-100 tablets. Special 49c -Ilotllcs of Ormes Ltd. Pioneer Druqgists Tha Itriall Hturc fhunca II n iiim-m front lam. till II p.m. Sumlat ami lllitlajt flora It nwo ll X P-7 p m. till p,m. waariikMSr;nucsaaHafl0' fcuuvaai i mi i ii Ml New RCA Victors (or 1943 Offer Amazing Economy of Operation! Improved performance, finer tone . greater beauty than ever before . . . prices are lowest in RCA Victor hittory. Come in now I Let a demonstration convince you that RCA Victor is the radio you've always wanted! Model B-I "2L, Super WiiJ SP'j " Tunina mJ "h H Y cows CMtipM Milton, 577 Oalf... v- Miwi.i s.e . .... ... f .. m, ti rr,,,n'i r . -vl tlinunjl iot p,,Mi.w ----- . f fou HHHir; inn nrw at iui iidk mootl ! r"u "" J"'" iT:H.Sprl in ftrr wir. Improved Puih-llulioo Tiuimti Supr "su m.kt ihort wt cunirt 59 inwt mm lmp'" BJtiHy urcuiit ixtw l)r tin lubnt iwtuuiui ! w. owu. Cwlct with til batuikl .....- ,3twooooa If you loso uny thing, udvertlw lor it. 1.73