FAOE TOXTR TES DAILY NS'A'S OC.ct, n fed label 26 ozs. 40 ozs Black Label Ortr 12 yew This advertisement la cot published or displayed by Lue Liquor Control lwra ui , u. of British Columbia Halibut Sales American Middleton. 22,080. lie and 7e, RoyaL Chelan. 18j000, 93c and 6c, RoyaL -' ' Union steamer Cardena. Capt l rrx www rvT. l i League Provides Soldiers' Smokes i i Orer One Million Fairs Furnbhed Pure Wool Auto Rugs 100 per cent pure wool auto or steamer rugs. Assorted patterns. cjn fq Dollar Day Price J.D7 KXTRA SPECIAL Pure Silk Chiffon Hose 25,000 substandard, all new season's .shades. Sizes 8"2 to 10V2. Guaranteed pure thread silk, A bargain you will not get again for a long time so lay OQp In a stock. Dollar Day. pair . t, By Oreiseas Body John Boden. is due in port at 6 , Soldiers abroad, o'clock' this evening from the south i and will sail at 10:30 pjn. on her, return to Vancouver and LONDON, Oct 13 Over one mil-j Arthur Henderson, Who Served First Great War, Back in Service Johnnie Walker Remember H next time Ini Di soiled, Bloded,ial Bool t4 ia Scodiad. lion cigarettes have been provided by the Overseas Leazue for British' The need fOJ Labor Member Is In Uniform Again Kiddies Pyjamas Yama cloth, assorted patterns, fast colors. 2-piece style. Size 2 to 6 fl-f A A and 8 to 14. Dollar Day, suit VaUll Turkish Towels Run of the mill, assorted, patterns, .all perfect merchandise, excellent values. Priced at less than cost. Group 1 Q1 AO. 5 towels for ., tJJLVU Group 2 A A 4 towels for ?1UU Group 3 n aa 3 towels for JlaUU .-Illllicfl.'' WAGE WAR ON FIRESL' Luncheon of Prince Rupert Rotary Club .operate in preventing an address to the members of the Prince Rupert Rotary Club at its weekly luncheon yesterday afternoon. The Fire Chief told of the destruction of the Pier D at Vancouver, a structure that was thouzht to anee companies today took a treat interest in fire prevention and lire fighting. Firtvalls were now built ,te preTent fires spreading. Light: veils were abolished These, by pro-ridtng forced drafts, became Teri-tabie Infernos in a fire He asked bis hearers to note the difference between the new post office or the new bosprtal and other buildings of the old type In the city. While It wa an impossible task to rebuild elites something could be done to tmproTe them and to put restric- Recausc ol Ihe danjer from mov-lnt nteture films, these were now betas made of iww -inflammable material. Automatic Are alarm system rare Installed such as those at the Canadian National Railway dock and at the salmon dock. A tfire marshal to appointed by the provincial government and. as a rtuH ff ih- combined effort, the J fire losses in this country hid been 'reduced from forty reven and a half million dollars in 1M9 to -turfntv-HTft and three quarters million' ?r l39. Hnsrever. much re mained to be done. Among the more recent changes fire fighting was the new car with a 1500 gallon tank and centri- Chief ILT. Lock Speaker at Weekly fueaJ DumDS usine ll)ch and - half hose which would be very effective in the early stage of a fire: This was an advance on the old fash- all citizens to co- ior.ed chemical. Foe nozzles were fires was now being used in place of the dir-' stressed by Fire Chief H. T. Lock in ect stream. The soeaker stated that human indifference was the cause for much of the trouble." Women continued to use Inflammable cleaning materials even though they knew they were dangerous. Men continued to smoke in bed. What was needed' be fireproof. He explained that, if ' "wa a campaign of education wtlhl 'the blaze had been caught in its whole-hearted co-operation of all J incipient' stage, a bucket of water citizens. j LONDON. Oct. 13. Arthur Hen-," hT extinguished it. It was' ( President Peter Lakle was in the jderson. Labor MP., has returned i011 t those incidents which dis- chair at the luncheon and guests to military nri:e. He was with the Proved the "cant happen" theory, were Major Strong of the Irish artillery from 1914 to 1918 in the It was now found found that the Fusiliers. Capt. Stevenson of the iirst great war best way to fight fires was ta take Sixteenth Canadian Scottish and Five the offensive and prevent them Pat Ellison of the Second Search-1 houvafirj t..-Ct Runrt! stnrttna In tVii. t v, iu liffht Ratifrv people read the pally News. H ods of fighting after the fires were Mator R L Foot of the British, a to ipf ' them know what vm. starts fh rM.f T.-t c.i-. v . with the new means. The Insur- Rotary speaker. I aBlaaaav1BHaHHHHKBVBaVHaHaVBM DOLLAR DAY Saturday at Fraser & Payne?s Just a Few of Our Specials on Sale Saturday Dollar Day See Our Windows Friday Displaying Numerous Other Items for Dollar Day Selling , Silk Drapery Damask Alliilk Drarwy Damask. 50 inches wide. Assorted color t. absolutely fast to sunlight and washing. Reg. Q4 nn $1.75 yd. Dollar Day. yd. ?1UU Bleached Bed Sheets 50 pairs full Jax. sheets. Snow white, good heavy quality, nemmed ready for use-Dollar Day. o-f a a each tl.UU lUyori Vests, Bloomers and Panties Wood's lavender line, plain tailored gar-'menf;; in natural flesh shade. Another bargain worth your attention. All sizes in stock. Dollar Day, o-j a a 2 garments for ?XUU Dutch Homespun 48 inches wide for loose covers and draperies. Fast colors, assorted patterns Dollar Day, ftA 2 yards for tJJUUU Silk and Linen Table Cloths 52 Inches by 52 inches, assorted colorings. AH fast to washing. Excellent value. Dollar Day. 2 for $1.00 Watson's Vest4 Ladies vests, silk, wool and cotton mixture. Tailored styles. Sizes small mPrf. mm ana large. Dollar Day. 2 for $1.00 Part Wool Blankets White with colored borders. Part wool. Size 68 inches by 86 Inches. fi-f Qff Dollar Day, each JJHatJD Part Wool Blankets Assorted pastel plaids, part wool, very attractive. Size 70 Inches on qq by 20 inches. Dollar Day. pair VaS.O 7 DRAPERY FABRICS Drapery homespun, assorted colorings. Absolutely fast colors, rever- ef A A sible. Dollar Day, 5 yards for VXaU V Hooked Rugs Hand hooked, assorted patterns, splendid for bed room and bath Qfl A A room rugs. Dollar Day, each vAavU Luncheon Sets Rayon and cotton mixture, fast colors, assorted cloth 36x36 with four napkins. Extra special Dollar Day, Q-f a a 2 sets for JU"U Bed Throws Heavy weight, dark colors, warm and soft, excellent wearing quality 8lze 66 Inches by 80 Inches. c nn Dollar Day, each tJJ-a Silk Curtain Nets 25 pieces assorted patterns, run of the mill, all perfect merchandise. Values up to 69c yard. aa Dollar Day, 3 yds. for ?XUU Ladies Satin Princess Slips And Satin striped taffetas in tea rose and white. Bias cut, Lace trimmed and tailored styles. A big assort- CJ-j A A ment. Dollar Day. each vJLallU Hosiery Special 100 dozen pairs silk stockings, all up to the minute shades in all sizes. Regular value 50c pair. Dollar Day, fl-f A A 3 pair for pJUUU Pillow Cases Linen finish, full size, plain hem, absolutely free from dressing. Q-f A A Dollar Day, 5 pillow cases for Tea or Class Towels i.arge size, very attractive, linen and cotton mixture, ready for use. 6 towels for $1.00 TODAY'S STOCKS (Court? 8. D. Jotmatoo Co.) Vancouver Big Missouri. .11. Br&lorne. lt.". Cariboo Quart. 1.95. Dentonta. .914. Fairvtew, .82. Gold Belt, JQ. HedlcF Mascot, J6. Minto. JH. Noble Five. .92 V. Pacific NfckeL 13. Pend Orielte. 2.80 Cbldi. Pioneer. 2-2f. Premier. 122. Privateer. .90. Reeves McDonald. J5. Reno. 36. Relief Arlington. .It. Salmon Gold. Sheep Creek. 1,12. Cariboo Hudson. .01 Oils A. P. Con.. .20. Cahnont. .42. C. & E. 2.45. Freehold. .03 taskh Home, 20. Royal Canadian, .21. OkalU. 10. . Mercury. .08 $4. Prairie Royalties, 21. Toronto N Aldennac. .41. BeatUe. 1.07. Central PaC 253. Cons. Smelters, 5155. East Malartic. zS. Flemland. .02. Francoeur. J4. ke. .45. Hardrock. .93. Int. NlckeL .47H. Kerr Addison. lJtt. Uttle Ling lac, 2.90. McLeod Cockshutt, IM. Madsen Red Lake'. 32. McKenzle Red Lake, 1.17. MoneU. .85. Noranda. .75. Pickle Crow. 4.40. Preston East Dome, 1.46. San Antonio. 1.79. t Sherritt Gordon, 1J5. Stadacona. .44. Uchl. .75 bld. Bouscadiilac. .04 V4. Mosher. i)6Vj. Oklend. M. Smelters Oold. J02. Dominion Bridie. 44.00. Yawr Child Hai A NASTY COLD m RttfTt tt Kbry WKaaat DMlag stub chest, throat and back thoroughly with Vicks VaroRub at bedtime. Right away, VapoRub goes to work ... two ways at once. VapoRub acts on the sUn like a warming stimulating poultice. At tKe tome time it gives off medicinal vapours that are breathed direct into irritated air pauages. This direct, double action continues for hours after restful skrp comes. Often by morning most of the misery is gone. Why risk Increased discom forts by dras tic "dosing" relieve misery externally with WICKS W VapoRub THE SEAL " QUALITY v5 GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll In Prince Rupert Hair Treatment Are you suffering with Scaly Dandruff, Itching Scalp, Dry Fragile and Lusterless Hair? Our correct recondition treatments will do wonders for you at NELSON'S Barber and Beauty Shop ! Gables Not Keen For Same Screen HOLLYWOOD. October 13: (CPi Movkdoms (ltsxy dame has turned into a demurely dutiful i farm wife, but Carole Lombard stiD , has that old twinkle in her eye. . One day. for, example. In the unktet of the heat wave, she or dexed up a 1 uu-pou na case 01 iq 'ad Mt on It between art calls jWhcfi the ws working she turnc1 lit over to extras to "keep it warm fer nor. s Carole, you reoiember. for som six rnontliK now has ben the wife of Clatk Oabte. They live on a 'ranch miles from the studio, drtre to work together- to separate stu-dtoe every day. end are very happy. Six years ago they played in a picture tothr--"No Man of Her 0n" but CaroV cava thy woahant do It again unleee they, gt jut the rtaht story, j "Ne one" she says, "wants to see Mr. Gable ptaytnf opposite Mrs. Gable." DANZIG FLORIN OUT PARIS. October 13: (CP- A German wtreaees meemge reports the Danakc, flortn 12 ozs. or. gulden, has Iceased to extat as. a raHd means of exehante. Other Danzig coinage wffl be lu circulation for some time. IXGAL TCNDIIK LONDON. October 13: iCPi Postal orders most be accepted by merchants aa legal tender, following an announcement by the goyernment Thy must be handled' in the same mannrr as coins and bank notes i 1 . t 1 TIlll'P . . 7 "'Vt. "win JOAN BIX)M)rUri5 CROSBY, MIscia All And -SANDY n "East Side U1 neayen (At 7:I and u Added MAfiic cutrrr siriej, -I5IM) or mi tc,.. """"m Notelty-fStory of tr JfllStf FOX NKWS tTonijht Oal, ClltCUS DAYS Sst Onl, NOTE Hue to steamer AdeUu, not arrivlnr, lodar ourSit urday prorram i nn-t'i "KAST Sim; OP HtAVLV Procram il rontinae t Saturday Matinee ml Kenlng Shoa, uitop t2i:u.MAN co.vitm TUniN. Italy ty. -j Argtr.lne railway Contracts with Oir rolling stock, ar,d '. -Uvt inquiries :r- TV 71" turning over ti;e here 25 ozs. 10 ozs. JUST THAT MUCH BETTER' This admusemcnt Is not pubhsnea 01 dap))ed by L':m Control Board or by the Ooterament ol Dritlih Camtu. Elio's Furniture MOOSi: IIUILDING r TII1KD AVt-NTI 4-piece Bedroom Suite 59.50 Value that cannot possibly be repeated when prsc k -" gone. Wo urgr vou to buy now and save ., $g6;50 i.. 31.50 Wt Give You a Fair Allowance for Your Old rnrnilurt SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! calling at OCEAN FALLS Md POWELL RIVER Steamer Icnyea Prince Hupcrt erery THURSDAY, 11.15 p.m. Trains Icaro Prince Rupert for tbe East Momlny, Wedneidnr, Frltlnr, 6 p.m. K Steamer for Ketchikan and Stewart every WEDNESDAY, 2 p.m. For Jare$, etc., call or icrlt City Ticket Office, 528 3rd Are. UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD, Steamers Leava rrince Rupert for Vancouver; T.8.S. CATALA KVEItl TUES- T.S.S. CARDENA FlU"1' DAY, 1:30 p.m. 10: JO p.m. Duo Vancouver, Thurs. p.m. Due Vancouver, Mondsf H Convenient, IMease Purchase Tickets at 0lf Further Information Reservations and Tickets n Regarding VUw t c-ii-ic...... .. . . . , rhnne " Dnirtnt.it, rrince uuperi Agens. imra n It's interesting to know when reading the Daily N' that the people of tho whole district are doing the san