rector, (yrtiSir sather Forecast ; T0DAyis Weat" Her -The nfessure'hwest 01 vancuuvci QU' ' . '"- th Ik. Trttorlnr irfrV.e variable winds, fair L'.7r ..pert and Queen Char- I a rresn io strong asionai snowers. ly advert Jlfi m .tne, Dallj j ure to bring daily re J. H. Rin p.fd Optometrist itoyil Bank Bid. Prince Ilupert-Overcast. southeast wind, eighteen miles pr hour visibility, 15; temperature. 55; bal rometer. 29.98 falllng; light chop. Triple Island Overcast, south Southeast wind, twelve miles per hour; visibility, twenty miles; light chop. Langara Island Overcast, south southwest wind, twenty miles per hour; visibility. 25: barometer. 29.82 falling ; temperature, 53; moderate swell. Dead Tree .Point.. .Overcast, sbuineasi wma, ten miles per hour; barometer. 29.93; visibility. 25; temperature 55; slight chop. ANNOUNCING he opening of BRYANT'S IHOE DEPARTMENT for FEATURING mm and Richmond SHOES Bryant Company Limited 53'i, Hi. AiiJx. Smoked "Rupert Brand" j Mild Cured Salmon 15c f)kg. lor Lnurh en TrthsfWI SniUHvlclitts lir ()ne Package SerVra Four People K.epi for Wfek In RefrlneraUr CanadiaHTish & Cold Storagi ? - .J, tew Cfi. Lid. . v -r.. - ' CANADIAN PACIFIC TraliciiirU'hlal Trans- To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports SJ3. PMNCESS ADELAIDE Evciy Friday 10 p.m. To Vancouver Dlfecl MlMCESS LOUISE September 16(h, loth, October 6th, 7th, 27th Direct ConneclidiU at Vancouver wilh Canadian Pacific Services Tlrloli anA Itxrrvullotl from 3 ' COATK8, Oencral Agent Prince Rupert, n.q Frcsli Local Raw and Pasteurized MiHc VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 LOCAL NEWS NOTES i ' - i Dance, Moose Hall, Friday night. (238) Miss Ida Slatta sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for a trip to Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Armour are sailing tonight on the Cardena for a trip to Vancouver. James Schubert sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for a trip td Victoria. Dora Larsen, fdr drunkenness, was fined $25 in city police court this morning. Mrs. James Black of Alfred Street sailed last night en the Prince Rupert for a trip, to Vancouver. Miss Helen Donaldson arrived in the city on last night's train from Smithers and sailed on the Prince Rupert for a trip to Victoria. TENDER Tenders will be received for erection of a ten strand barbed-wire fence approximately 700 feet long. Particulars at City Hall. Twenty -Five Years Ago October 13. 1914 Germans captured Lille and Hazebrouck In Northern France and Ypres in Bel-glum. Tax of $100,000,000 levied on Brussels by Oermans. Belgian seat of government withdrawn from Ostend to Le Havre. France. Lt -CoL S. O. Marttz led Boer revolt in Cape Colony South AJ ru-.a. stimulating refreshing in fragrance and flavour. Canada's fihest cigar brihgs yoO a new sense of pleasure in smoking. Show good judgment. Get a Punch or two today. I 3H Pantltlat or Prfclot 0c Uli.t 15c c GOAL Gram Feed Seeds and Fertilizer PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. . Phone 58 and 558 Scotch Dance Friday, October 20. (239) For prompt and courteous Phone 13 Taxi. tf. Ben Sampson sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for a business trip to Vancouver. Lutheran Bazaar, Tea, Home Cooking. Fancy Work, Sat. Oct 14, from 2-5 pjn. Program at 8 pjn.i Metropole Hall (239) Constables Johnson, Powers, Taylor, Oraham and Idler of the provincial police, who ha've been stationed here on special duty during the past few weeks, sailed by the Prince Rupert last night on their return to Vancouver. They acted as escort for a party of four prisoners Including Charles Gun-a-noot of Hazelton who will serve slxe months at Okalla for being In possession of stolen goods. To Represent Australia At j London Parley t CANBERRA, Australia, Oct 13. 'Prime Mlrilster R. O. Menzles announce:- that Hon. R. 0. Casey, minister of supply and development, will represent Australia at a , conference of Empire cabinet min isters to be held In London to co ordinate war resources He will ar-' rive in London before Christmas. CRISIS IS EASED UP Kimla Accedes With SuKtestion of United States to Ease up on Poland i , HELSINOFCRS. Oct. 13. The1 Soviet -Finnish crisis became eased j yesterday when lt was learned Htl .Russia "had decided to soft pedal its I 'demands upon Finland following i rrprentations by Unltett States j and the Scandinavian nations that' flf thmg tc be done to disturb peace-; Jul relations between Russia and Finland. The nations united in thej request tc spare Finland from wiir and the loss of her national inde pendence. In Finland the news was te eived with great Jubilation although ( precautions against possl- p!f Invasion continued. President i Kallir issued a decree today order-iln-4 all Finnish civilians to hold! themselves ready to aid the ment in non-military pursuits if required In the present emergency. Foreign Minister Erco of Finland, speaklrig last night. Anglican Tea, Mrs. crulckshankM October 19. United Anniversary Supper Oct. 19. : J Plays, Presbyterian Itall, Oct. 27. I Canadian Legion Bazaar, November 3. Anglican Bazaar November 9. I Presbyterian Bazaar, Nor. Id. St. Peter's Church bazaar Nov. 23. LIFE YOUR 7 C " - I1VSIIRAIVCE IS SAFE Despite war conditions, Life Insurance Coiiipdriles Hi Cahdrla will continue to honor dll fiblicieg In accordance with the terms of the ; individual contracts. Tliis statement is niade in tiieinfere'sts of tlie Four Million Cdhddiaii polic holders who look to their Life Insurance for financial safety and security. The record of Life Insurance in ever previous national emergency conf mands the confidence of every; Canadian. It will continue to fulfil all pledges to pbiicyhdiders and beneficiaries. ST Buhrdiuli of CaifAdiiii Htiihes fur over WO years cow talks being so far only "ex- pmreipd change of views." It Is believed. praise and gratification over the however, that lt is Russia's desire action cf the United States In ln-ita tabllSh fortifications on stra- tprcedlne with Russia on behalf :te8c Finnish islands. B. C. Furniture Co New And Used Furflifiiffe Values 2 Odd Chesterfield G-ig CQ Couches VXUUV 1 Singer Sewing Machine. . SI $46,50 i Gehiiihe Walnut Studio Tabic rhone BLACK 324 $1050 PAOE THREI 1 Ivory and Red Kitchen Cabinet Vthglass $1450 - McCWf y Kitcheh Rdrige NEW FURNITURE Next Door To B.C. Clothiers Jl Country Fair Novamber 24. $2750 4 Reconditioned Radios Of various ?o!T $16.00 8-Piece Dining Room Suite Of light oak anfl upholstered SO 2 Cast Irbn tdoU Stoves Suitable Shs: $13.95 3-Piecc Chesterfield CfiQ AA Suite At THIRD AVEJrtJt r . . "S I, peridence If necessary. lidnal Independence. President The appeal of United States on Roosevelt made it clear that th'ere behalf of Finland was made by was no Intention to put undue pres-President Franklin D. Roosevelt stire on Russia in regard to Finland: through United States Ambassador The President said that United of Finland. An Alliance between! Finnish leaders continued to ex- Lawrence Steinhardt to Dictator States representations to Russli Russia and Finland was not feas- Press optimism concerning the Joseph Stalin and Foreign fcommls- were merely an expression of h ible said Er?o, although political : cnances of receiving acceptable sar Molotov. Hope was expressed terest and his action should not be connections between the two cou'h- terms from Russia. It Is hoped Fir - that nothing would be allowed to construed as a pressure move, trier were excellent and Finland 'ant Iare better than Its Bal- occur which would endanger peace The German radio refused to car-had maintained Its neutrality uri-'c i?el?hbors which have become between the two nations. Sweden, ry a radio address to the world by shaken Finland's only desire was virtual Russian protectorates. Norway antl Denmark joined In the Foreign Minister Erco of Finland ' for peace. Erco said. but. If attack-' 'rle nation continues to step up appeal to Russia to spare Finland and it only reached the Scandlnav-'ed. she would defend herself. Erco lts preparations to fight for inde- from war and the loss of "her na- lan countries. said there had been no undue mob ilization but all that had been done ras merelv nrecautlonary. No de- . mands had yet been made by Rus-' sia on Finland said Erco, the Mos- I Announcements All advertisements in this coi-hmn will be charged for full month at 25c word. Lutheran Bataar, October 14. Preasbyterlan tea, Mrs. McLeod's, 6th Ave., Oct. 17. , Eagles Bridge and Dance, Oct. 18. -f