r.t Li. Qtrz c U if v. r . f.sr r'4) t py I: an analyri of the ivr.gth of the Alllea he writer points to ic -i m favor of ureat t France: T- Fr"!ifi in UjW war are. ., Oerman territory.! 9M the Oerman ov- a ixvilti m to ehal- for tht supremacy Ti3V it to true, the nef hae a nui- hr undeniable ftet rtilir.: the wave, p f '001 fvcry quar-: " while 'he German . ,ne i driven from' ".ip of raw material v. draw upon a well-i mstible reservoir of " id supplies from their -iti If the United T (ts neutrality lenls- it is expected to do. n drw on the industrial rc- '! t . .-I . . 1. I l r have the money w r- r in I fiiv m I 111 4 l MPV ufil- inmn m ..a men. up until vioiauon "Ulums neutrality, the Liberal '"lUIient that nillncr V.np- : opur on me iwue wnevner 'nd Should intirvrnn rman unity on the contrary. "wy a superficial affair imnoscd utstapo. Christians In the tC OUtracnd hv hn nrtenn IHI! U-hlVi i 4i, "' ooih Protestant and rhi . -.. people are bewildered by "flchsfuehrer's middon shift "-vtiiiiimviUll Ul Hll Banks Buy Balkan States. First Loan of France before; OTTAWA. Oct. 13 -Hon. i ttr ' i ra L. Ralston, minister of finance. Foreign Office Staff In Japan Goes On Strike She war Mian uumuuiy, uunn xwiuii, iici iwu inounecor- nnden. writes m a Paris dispatch, "lhey have the er cards in their hand, and though they have lost the '.ric i. (defeat of the Polish armies), only by careless lose the game." J iat French army to generally 0f the foreign minister being fore . uui kcr mull mo ui-.pn m rcsimi s - -..c ii i inr sunrriur uu mc 9 I. t n w ujuuuurrn nimsciiukiuii The British and French f-. tuw.r mis war unuca in iw war. Atlenlion Canadian Women W A lc '"d'eated Today That Der Fuehrer: YY rliV. Still Has Hopes of Some Neutral I ROUMANIA And Hitler will have to maintam forces In Poland to watch the Red armies who have already blocked SERVE CANADA Voluntary Registration of Nntionnl Service ""tlonalrc to be found In booth In Kcsner Block, open from 9 a.m. until 8 p.m. Registration week October 1G to 21 Tower Coming To His Rescue In Despair Reluctantlr Accepts Challenge to Act . Instead of Talk Resigns Hlimeiris Lar-e'Scale Warfare miKUN, October 13: (CP) Authorized Nazi said today that j Germany was throujh with Prime Minister Chamberlain of Great Itritain and Premier Dal-adirr of France but was still awaiting some neutral response I to Chancellor Hitler's Reichstag speech of last Friday. Any such action by neutral nations, among . . ' whom they regarded the United . i i . ..., States as the only one powerful something effec- T rv;m of Anglo-French announced last night that the enough f.""1"? to !? J' do ' 'v over Germany to first Canadian war loan of : them .LvLV ' , tiur 'vsn it wa a quarter of $20OjDO0.0O0. an Issue of two per f 3f Off-.. tl! r ' Then the Preach cent note, had already been ible. while Germany. sold to Canadian banks at par. iirgeat nary in the oweTer. come from and not as a result of dip lomatic action or request by Germany, they reported. Hitler blames Premier Chamberlain for I prolonging the war and is said to feel that President Kotevcll mlthl help in ihe caue of peace. j BdlLIN. Oct. 13.--Late laVt night, after a three-hour meeting with !hlhest government and military i I i nHrTrT advisers. Chancelbr Adolf Hltier A I , A l VI rJ J reported to have decided to In- stitute Immediate laree scale at- -M.-MSiarU -Mobilising Again Ajslwl w of his proposals by fmm lwihinir i itukU Trlnr To rejection peace jrttnn h war at Take Itessarabia I lf ,.tl t ImViI ln ' .Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain of Oreat Britain. HtUer was said t...i v. -w. mrniinrcT n,,,i, rvin. to have abandoned his peace of- lve ,ln favor o fa war offensive has started -f the R,chank. bcr 13:-Roumanla that a na'i'm mltht moblUtlm forces again In the by land- f nVal5-, ,. h bread rardt buUt fear of the possibility that Russia S?&?m& .rtone in thto con-.may a?aln attempt to repossess, Unlly toU . herself of Bessarabia following her,trms. Including Oerman wlth- to win Oermany -1 rJ?Z?l nhn mntmi of the'drawal from Poland and Czechoslo vakia, were not .up to his expecta- f Hons and his hopes for a compromise had been dashed. General Her-I man Ooerlng and Foreign Minister 'Joachim von Rlbbcntroo are said to have agreed with Der Fuehrer. J New consultations will be held by Oermany with Russia and Italy, it Is reported, to ascertain irthelr active assistance cannot be secured. Forelzn Commissar Molotov of Rus C I. O. Group Leaves Subject Which Already In Hand PROVINCIAL LIBRARY VICTORIA, B.C. J 117 .11 I Yfariiaws TWO NAZI SUBS SUNK LONDON The Admiralty announced today that submarine patrols had sunk two. German U-boats today. Some crew members w ere rescued, the statement said. f LONDON AND PARIS KEADV LONDON London and Paris are putting themselves in final readiness for air attack. FRENCH COUNCIL JULETS PARIS A council of, ministers was held today with President Albert Ltbrun presiding to discuss the pursuit of war SEARCHING IROQUOIS NEW YORK The steamer Iroquois is being searched for cx-. plosives and her passengeri are being inspected as spy possibilities follouing her arrival from Europe. The Federation Bureau of Investigation is making a thorough investigation. , ALLIES WELL EQUIPPED NEW YORK Some financial and commercial experts are now inclined to believe that the United States may have been over optimistic about the povibiUtie of wartime commodity demands. Great Britain and France are already well eiuliwt with many vital war supplies. It Is said. MYSTERY SUBMARINE SANTA BARBARA An aviator reported sighting a submarine yesterday six miles off th coat near here. Naval and Intelligence officers say it was undoubtedly an American submarine as they were manoeuvering thereabouts. IS BIGGEST PRIZE YET Can Norte Valued at $5,000,000 Being Taken To British Port Under NiVal Escort IONDON. October 13: The 13,- TOKYO Oct. 13: CPI Efforts sia may visit Berlin. King Gustave 615 ton German steamship cap Unity in Action re belne made to effect an ami- of Sweden Is mentioned as a pos- Norte, which was captured yesier- i in rit d.v. p..n.h ami 1.1 hi nt a miti itnipn siDie meuiaior in new utmc new- w 9 n m i n. t 1 U ( H u ii ...... - . , , . , . 1 . . . . 1 nipA ...k i r o.f ' . r-i- nrfu. .toff nnit. Oerman overtures Deinir maac w prize nicu uie duumi iiwcii Roosevelt to at sea since the war began It Is Franklin D. President v protest at the mP,ed ohlf in the.nn. their oosts in --4iaM cai. lltcouuicuiv ipi nn 01 uiC lUlviKtl . , . . , , , rrn . also suggested although the Presl- nas so xar oeen . ae ena 'tran.ferrln Cwn-.i ha. already started their functions to the ..i6 iiraac tmrtfi denartmcnt. aepariniwiu. c 7v" . . " .. . nnn i. t iirll to Same Has It SAN FRANCISCO, October 13: The Congress of Industrial Organization, In convention here, decided to leave In the hands of a former committee on the subject the possibility of negotiating with the American Federation or Labor for a national labor truce. built h. had no word from Berlin In re- 1922. W Piacea ai w.wu.wu. mnrmw ' S . OPS. I Weather Forecast J I I lJI I w r r - 2:00 o.m, 21.9 ft. Elf 14:01 pjn. 23.3 ft. Prince Rupert and Queen Char-, 8:02 a.m. 4jQ ft. lotte Inlands Fresh southeast 20:35 p.m. 1.0 ft. winds with showers and cooler. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER . L-l... 1 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1939. PRICE: 6 CENTS L I J I BW tran?$ Quiet On Western Front 2i V - SERVER WRITi a)F wr 7TT3 T nAIllTP O ALLIES IN Tl S6 RING York Paper's Paris Correspondent Says Britain andi Prance Hold Better Cards VF V YORK, October 13: (CP) Great Britain and' nee are in a better position to stand the strain of ai .i ... n .. 1 1 i.i rn!i ' HITLER TO i FIGHT NOW iBACK OF iMa-rio C AtfarLe Press niii'Rflii'ii i and Opposition Join In I Solidarity In Support of Reply To Chancellor Adolf Hitler Lone Critic Aied Prime Minister of Last War Is Critical of Answer to Der ; Fuehrer's Proposal LONDON. October 13: The Bri tish press was unanimous yesterday in praising the speech of and clear tone" In reply to Chancellor Adolf Hitler's peace pro posals. "It Is now up to-Hitler to I make his choice." they agreed. The London Times said: "This generation has decided to sacrifice Itself, if necessary, for future liberty and security." The Prime Minister, the Times commented, mad his decision with "deep appreciation of the solemn respon sibility." . Most Opposition groups In Parliament aLo approved the Prime .Minister's statement. Clement At- ' 1 T nlui. I.ail.. Axl 1 tk.t -11 ICC. bdUUl ItPUri. uvuikiu mai ait Hitler proposed was to "condons a crime and absolve a criminal" New world conditions based upon true principles of democracy must be brought about. Atlee declared. Sir Archibald Sinclair. Liberal lan afrr4 (Vial YflHr mutt LONE CRITIC Standing out almost alone amid a chorus of praise in the newspapers and by individual commentators was criticism by a I iberal group headed by Rt. Hon. David Lloyd George, Prime Minister during the First Great War, who criticized Chamberlain's answer to the Nail peace overtures and demanded that the government define war aims and indicate a willingness to negotiate a war settlement. The Council of Action for Peace and Reconstruction, of which Lloyd George is chairman, termed the Chamberlain speech as "quite inadequate" in that it did not state Great Britain's war aims nor mention "far reaching consequences'' of Russia's intervention. ... ... V - Gnmka- n 17 t- Kalt.VA believed at which he made his state-clple ncoplcs to vital space as the prin-,the sea, land hnd air forces with a uco on September ; ment of his action Bohemia and;Vew to deciding where the major to have been destined for Vladl-jment. Mr. Chamberlain was re-Moravla are reported to be In re-j blow will be struck probably with-vostok. 'cetved in audience by the King. lu u.tui ramble of . a fnn.. nnH noihtv uithln ai The Cap Norte Is now under. Next Wednesday the Prime Mln- carrylng on a harassing guenua - . tl 1 , 1 . 1. --..!. n nMt ,I11 1 1 1 .Inl.mAnt -, hnnrs COnvuy Ol uiiumi ciuiKia nuu mu jsier Will mane anukiici onntmmv There were no signs of surrender lHKCU lu " W,U,HUU' or repentance on the part of aer-,PsaI many. The Oerman government takes the stand that Chamberlain's nberlalns the Nazi access to the oil wells of rejection of Hitler's peace overtures William VlXeen Rumania. mean's "war against .the. Oerman; "7. What Prince Otto von Bis-1 people war aBainsiHne11 German marck used to call the "Imponder- Reich until annihilation." abllla" are on tM side of the Allies. . World opinion Is with them. The , if. world has already fixed the res- ohnf miff1 Lfitf ponslblllty on one man and pro- rAl.Mm,.?' lhc "!8rM-To Same Committee Is Re-Elected .v.. - - i i ertures. German newspapers entirely ig- .hored Mr. Chamberlain's speech Italian newspapers, however, gave. After Days of Failure To Get Past Defences ' Allies Either Preparing For Major Offensive or Continu i ing: Efforts to Draw Nazis Into Action ' PARIS, October 13: (CP) German patrols were ported today to have suddenly abandoned attacks in which thev had failed in five days to capture any French pris- oners. Military advices said tnat tne r rencn were Keeping a sharp watch on the front, wondering why it was lain in Parliament for its "firm mu iasi mguv micjiv m umimnuiMncgira " ASKED TO SPEED UP i enate Majority Leader Appeals To Both Sides Not To Unduly Delay Debate On Neutrality Laws Fhnw by action that he really itaste. ,W0V, "wanted peace. - - WASHINGTON, D. C. 13: Senate Majority Leader AI-y:xci W. Barkley yesterday called uion the Senats to brln? the debate on revision of the neutrality laws to a close as soon as possible. Fe Issued this appeal both to sup-portfrand opponents of the administration' revision plan. Some of th opponents expressed - J i.i - - through with undue '" T . , i DICKERING GOING ON Some Sort of an Agreement Between Russia and Turkey is Expected Soon MOSCOW. Oct. 13: (CP Amldj reports that some form of an agree-1 ment would be signed by Russia and Turkey within a few days, the Turkish foreign minister, Sukru Saracoglu. was received In the official communique saw smau en- emy patrols were repulsed. Military observers' said that the reported concentration of thirty thousand British troops on the northeastern front meant either an early allied offensive or continuation of the effot to provoke a Nazi large scale assault on heavily fortified positions. According to reports emanating . ..from neutral sources the Germans October' t ,, , . are evacuating an large wm iu the Rhlncland which would Indicate that they expect heavy action there. A Reuters correspondent reports that the French have assumed such mastery of the line between the Moselle and the Saar Rivers that he was able to drive a car across the frontier and well Into German ter- Yesterday before jthe latest quiet frame'. .OermaMamei roTwarowTrr patrols as far as the barbed wire I entanglements where they were machine-gunned by the French, ; leaving their dead and wounded behind as they fled back. FISH BOAT DESTROYED Cannery Tender Kasaan Takes Fire in Puget Sound While Cominr In From. Alaska VANCOUVER, Oct. 13: (CP) Fire Kremlin. destroyed the forty-two ton fishing In the absence of any official J boat Kasaan in Puget Sound but comment observers believed that the crew, numbering three, escaped, the prospective pact would settle) The boat was enroute from Seattle questions In regard to the (Black to Alaska at the time. She was a Sea arid the Dardanelles and would, cannery tender. Informed Britons expressed oenei define the attitude of each nation that Chamberlain had finally con- towards the other tn war. vlnced Oennany that, If necessary. Russia is said to want guarantees Oreat Britain will fight to the bitter that the Dardanelles would be clos- The man In the street felt ed in the event of war. She would in' that, after Hitler's peace terms had co-operate In the maintenance of been rejected, the only doors left Balkan security which would be three to Judge In disputes between Laden foodstuffs and pet-1 those leading to air raid uard to any new oeace move. ' open were organized by Turkey , Hitler and his advisers are said oleums and carrying no passengers,! shelters. ""1 i - thp Can Norte, which left Pernam- Followln;: the slttlnc of Parlla- ' WITH HOPS IN KENT MAIDSTONE, England, October 13: (CP) Londoners evacuated here to help with the Kent hop-picking have appointed a bench of householders and evacuees. BRITISH FREIGHTER AND FRENCH TANKER VICTIMS OF GERMAN SUB ATTACK it wide publicity, reporting : it Crcw of Former Vessel Rescued Off Irish Coast by Am- special editions. One of the Ital-i . . In T .in lan newspapers said that the crican Liner Those on Board Latter Are Drowned statement of the British Prime' . . . 'Minister had not closed the doors. NEW i UKK. October 13. The American liner Fresi- mMP!MMTT rvfnhpr 1 Wll- Untueiy to peace. Fascists said' dent Hardinir radioed todav that she had rescued thirty- itam oreen was re-elected presi-jthat the chamberlain speech left five members of the crew of a British freighter the Her- dent of the American Federation me aoor settlement open v sus international - - onspool . ' which was torpedoed i off the Irish coast, At the for the sixteenth conse- peace - !cutlve of I-abor annual conference although It was a cate- " mahinc tne lescue 01 ine lillUbn vessel S crew, Ifie f term ..u?T at the conven-' i Eoric rejection of Hitler peace ov- President Harding was proceeding to the assistance of the. COMMITTED FOR TRIAL Committed for trial at Terrace on false pretences charges In connec tlon with the alleged issuance of T . . v i m. T IJ.l wonnicss ciiccks, i nomas ijiusiunc, who was arrested recently at Nelson and brought back to this district, was brought to the city on last night's train by Staff Sergeant Ernest Gammon and will appear before Judge W. E. Fisher In County Court for election. Irish Republican I Army Busy Again LONDON, Oct. 13. For the first time since the war began, the Irish Republican Army Is believed to have eneaeed In sabotage yesterday. crew of a French tanker the Emlle Mlquet which had burned following an explosion after being attacked. The Heronspool sank. The Harding found the tanker in flames and there was no sign of the crew which was, apparently, The police, court case In which Ling Bo Shong Is charged by There were fires In five mall boxes Peter Rlcclardl with driving In a lp the vicinity of Hyde Park and manner dangerous to the public Victoria Station. i naS Deen adjourned until Monday. i German Fighting Planes Fired On COPENHAGEN:. Oct. 13. Two German fighting planes were fired upon by Danish anti-aircraft guns yesterday as they flew over' Danish territory. The planes Immediately made off for the open sea.