PAGE TWO .THE DAILT OTEWB tfeTrT- ' 1 99 THE LATEST & FINEST SUMMER SHOES ON THE MARKET See the new thick crepe sole with steel arch for lightness and fitting qualities. Priced $3.45 Family shoe store ltD. The Home qf Good Shoes DAILY EDITION THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avenue, H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid In "advance Paid In advance, per week - - Paid lh advance, per month - :. By piail to &i parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, yearly period, paid in advance By mall to all other countries, per year ADVERTISING RATES Classified advertising, per word, per Insertion Local readers, per line, per Insertion "News Department Telephone -. Advertising and Circulation Telephone v Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations HlfiHWAY TO ALASKA A wedoHpg of Interest In Prince Rupert took place last Friday evening at St. Felix Church" lri Stewart"' "when Miss Hazel "Edgar, 8G 98 $5.00 .12 .50 3.00 9.00 .02 .25 Thursday. July 13, 1939. Evidently the Alaska highway commission seems to think the highway will be built and also it seems keen to have the rpute as near to the Alaska panhandle as possible vvh)ch would mean the building by way of Hazelton if the route'. ia'at all feasible. It was pointed out to the .commission more than once that, if it is a question of snowfall, that would not affect the highway in the summer and in tne winter a loot or two extra oi snow wouiu not oe a factoViri keeping tjie road Open with modern machinery. With Alaska anxious for tne route to pass points' with which it miglt connect such as from Hyder it does seem as if the most westerly route is likely to be the one adopted. Engineers will havp a considerable say in the matter but the American bias in favor of the coast must also have great, influence. Those who drew up the Prince Rupert brief must be complimeptetl on the moderation of their claims which will,. doubtless, have -weight with the commission. HERRIDGE AMBITIOUS An Ottawa correspondent, writing of the present political situation, declares that Hon. W. D. Herridge is verv amhiUpys. Thwarted in his wish to lead the Conservative paFty following "the resignation of Hon. R. If. Bennett, Mr. Herridge has an idea" he can so divide the rest of the country that he may become the leader of a powerful democrat party. This ambition "is being opposed by the C.C. F.'whicp refuses tp give up its principles and policies in orer to fqllmy a leader not of its own political faith. According to Norman McLeod the C.C.F. is much annoyed at Mr. Herridge going into Saskatchewan where it already had a strong hold oh tle people and seemed likely to make a kijljng. Wjth Herridge candidates in the field thp'.ex'trernp Jeftgroup would be split and' the Liberals wpuld pfppabjy win there. The Ottawa report is that Herridge has shot his bolt and will follow Hon. H. H. Stevens to the discard. In any event he is not likely to be a very great factor in the election and the longer the elections are delayed the less likely are theHerrldg candidates to win. Miss Hazel Edgar McCIympnt Wil)? Qf Prince Rupert Ipirst Softball Weds M ptewart I Seal Cove Failed to 1'ut In an Ap-' pearance so Game was Awarded By Default Seal Cove team failed to put In an appearance so McClymont fcark. daughter w. ana Mrs. war ,ven th , m Qf th fr,,l fy' be?"SLKf. Oy Playground Senior Boys' Soft-bride "Kobert Auger of Premier, of b e evening by de-The couple were attended Mr. lJault We6tview Acpoiu tie iM.u o. 1 scheduled to meet tonight. Dome in rrwnicr u icvcjjuw" later held. Hie couple will reside at Rremler. Advertising is ai uTestment. Playground St-aff jppmmittee Busy (Change; Are Made! On Centre Plan Bert O'NeJl' Assistant Supervisor j alls Caile In jrharjje- at Westvlew iav.or of McClymont. This first game attracted quite a number of softbail enthusiasts who apparently, came not so much to ehjoy the game as to see Just what orana oi Daji inese youngsters oj th city played. The junlofswill again see action on Fgriday' afternoon whep' McClymont No. 1 takes the field, this time against Seal Cove. GLULS' SOFTBALL P0STT0NED Owing to the rainy weather, the Ladles' League softbail games scheduled for last evening were postponed. TAK'A PEG O' JOHN BECC IMPORTED OLD SCOTCH WHISKY This advertisement lished or display is not oub- layed by the Li quor control uoara or Dy tne Government of British Columbia v Investigations in Regard to Local Undertaking Are Beins Fro-reeded With " fSnrtncr tr lAmo fhnOa 1n thai ti a. nnn ii-nl M 1 IWin Uta'lf,"Ue' poUcy of 'the supervised local community' centre project-- 'Oyrq playgrounds will be. altered j consisting of Dr. It. G. Large. Wil- pight)y from July J.7.' acqpft(lng to Neu jto, niaygrpuna supervisor. Miss Jean Cameron of'WestvIew l)jm Crulfkshank and C. C. Mills. representing the Gyro Club; ft. G. Hopkins", W. O. Fulton and R. C. St. playground Js leaving Jle staff fm 'jCldlr, the Rotary Club, and C. O. July 15 and Miss Geraldlne Cade Ham, John Conhell and Oeorge will be on duty at ifie playground pypliavn, the Junior Chamber of in jhe afternoon and evenings of all Commerce continues active in-fine (Jays and at other times WiJJ be yetlgatlng various phases 6f the in charge of dancing Instruction foriyarious phases of the undertaking, all the playgrounds. 'Sub-committeec have been' formed Bert P'nejll will Join Mr. Ross' to go into such questions as store staff on July 15 and will acjt as as- rental possibilities In the building', islstant to him In charge of most of property and taxation and gener- the boys' activities on all play- al finances. grounds. Junior Softball Gets Under Way .McClymont Park Wins 19 to 3 Over West view The Junior Boys Section of the Gyro Playgrounds' Softbail League got under way Wednesday afternoon at the Gyro Bali Park with a Dr. R. G. Large is -hairman the central committee with d. Ham as secretary. Bowling Doubles Play Is Started Games Played This Week In first Round Walton and Dalrarno; Kin; and McMeekin Win With the singles disposed of, play game between McClymont No. I. has started In the doubles' champ-captained by C. Sllyersldes, and jonshlp competition of the Ca'nad- Westyiew, captained by Donald ian National Recreation Association Hartwjg. The game, although proy- Lawn Bowling League. In one od- lng Interesting for the players, was enlng round match F. S. Walton not a good exhibition or soltball a? and Ben Dalgarno won over O. V. the McClymont boys had too much Wilkinson and Jack preece 20 to 13 experience jor tne younger west- wbile Steve King and Thomas Mc view team. Tne iinai score at me Meejcln eliminated W. D. end of f)ve Innings was 1? to 3 In and D. O. Borland 13 to 12. Four Teams Have Wpp Fofir Games Angw Macdonald Kink Is Defeated for First Time TW Season Jo Lawn Bowling I.eaeue Jack Frew's rink Joined those of Angus Macdonald, George Hill and Roy Wlnslow as far as num'bjer of wins lor the season In the Canad ian National Recreation Association ' Lawn "Bowling League are concern.-,ed Tuesday nighi by winning a cfose 22 to 20 "decision oyer Angus Mac-donald'js. It wa.s .the first' defeat' of the season for the Macdonald rtn't The league standing to date Is, as follows: W. L. Ptat Macdonald 1 i Hill 4 1 4 Wlnslow 4 i 4 Ftew , 4 i 4 Borland 3 2 3 MicPhee 2 4 i I Preeqe 2 4 2 Tinker 2 4 2 Arro) 2 5 2 McMeekin . ,'i 4 1 FOOTBALL TONIGHT, 6:45 .Velvet vs. Navy 1" CENTRAL HOTEL ROOMS arjd CAFE Pbpnp Si F'or B;si ppusehold Coal MRS. C: E. BLACK IV TUB MTKF.ME COl.'ItT OK IIKlTlHll " tcntX'MOf.y ( In r ... JUtJrr or Vejizl ,-fafJ-I Jnfl In t)ie ' Mailer of the "Admlnlttratlon , Mr TAKE NOTICE ihat bj Order oX Hi Honou- udge nher daf4 th 28tft day bT Jun J93f t 'raa eippniU-d M.-mlntatrator of 'ttte Estate ot Vehxl EUa. UU oX 'the City of Pfiw Rupef,. decuel, Mid all persdna havuig claim fcgolnat Uve EUut"are required .to. file th tame, wjtji ;fte Irk wrjfin properly Vrrltled on or frtore- fie l?J.h day ot 'Auyuat 1930 and persona indebW to luie udi Ertttte are required to pay the mil cunt of thU UKleDtfanefia ' jo fortliwlUiy ' , PATE9 t Prince Rupert, P.O. IhlJ Jjd day ot July 1939. NORMAN A. WATT Official Administrator .JTlaw Ruprt,-; Christmas Shopping in July . . . People Kith friends in the Arctic mmt Jo their Chrbtmai hoppinK very eaily Indeed! For RMS. tfascopie, which carries the yearly mail to the Dauern Ami, leave. Montreal in July. This year her voyaKe will be the 270th of "the Governor and Company of Adventurer! of England trading into HwW Hay". Sle cover 10,000 mile! carrying upplie to nuuion nations trading pmt and the Mounted Police. Her cargo include, among other thing, baby carriages, ChrUlma present! tobacco products. BOWLEUS AttE LEAVING Local lawn bowiers leave tomor- Vance ow or Vancouver to compete In (the British Columbia champion-I ships next week. J A. Frew, ac companied by his daughter. Molly, wilt leave In the morning by train via Jasper Park. Aboard the Princess Adelaide tomorrow night Angus Macddnald, D. A. MaePhee and Jack Preece wifl leave. Louis Ar-rpf Is already in Vancouver V. CON NEjCTIflNS yANTEI? WEST African Importers and exporters seek connections with Canadian producers or manufacturers. Samples, offers for merchandise of all descriptions, prln-1 clpally fish products and terms solicited. The Colpnlal Fisheries, Limited, Benylwah' House, "Win-; neba. Gold Coast, British West Africa. tf. BOARD AN I) ROOM BOARD, pood 2nd, Avenue home West. FOR KBN7 cooking, 8M tf. jCLEAN, well-furnlshed modern ap-j artmenis. rnone neu w. (isti iFOR SALE Chesterfield 8ultt. j Dining Room Suite, also Bedroom Suite (new), Moffat Electric Rane and Water Heater, Dresser with ' roomy drawers: Tea Wagon. 'Spin Dry Washing Machine", Ironing Machine." Vari ous h'oSehold articles. Ladles' Leather Raincoat', size tit, Af'-. Urrioons 2 to "6 pm, Evenings by , appointment. Trs. d, W; Dunn.i 132 5th. Ave. (104) IOU8EHOLD Furniture, Chester field Buify, 2 walnut bedroom sultes,.oajc dlntagfborn suitprMc-(Jlary ajngy' wfi oil' urner, McClary circulating heater' lamps chairs, Miscellaneous household nd When her smoke has faded from the horizon, the long, lonely Arctic night closet, down on the traders, trappers, mission worker and policemen of Labrador and Hudson's Bay. That night would be desolate indeed but for the product! of tlx tobacco industry. Kingdey called tobacco, suggesting moment which come to everyone, "a lone man'i companion, a bachelor! friend, a hungry manVfood, a sad man' cordial, a wakeful man's sleep, and a chilly man' fire", IMPERIAL TOBACCO COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED mm CANADIAN PACIFIC 5 fjii mm i out room nouse iur-ti nlshed or unfurnished. First Ave. J East. Phone Red 81. (165) X .l' a wo heV, V rug, .etc. APiRiy son, 417 Green" Spo Mrs. w. J. m Kiacp. tnone tf. WANTED 3 or 4 room furnished flat or house. Phorw Blue 443. ... , - . Ufl2 Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific Tj Vancouver via Ofean Fall and Way Ports SB. PRINCESS ADELAIDE Every Friday 10 pjn, To Vancouver Direct as. PRINCESS LOUI8E 8S. PRINCESS ALICE July 5th. 15th. 2th July 8th. 19th, Wth S.S PRINCESS CHARLOTTE July 22nd Aug 2nd Direct Conncctioni at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific ServlctJ Ticket and Hrervatlon from W. U COATIS, (ieneral Ajent Frlnee Rupert. D C UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Lea-e rrlnce Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA KVEKY TUKS- T.8.8. CARDENA FltlDAT, liAV, l!30 16:10 p.m. Due Vancouver, Thun. a.m. Due Vancouver, Monday a-W. If Convenient. Please I'urthate Tickets at Office Further Information Regarding Reservations and TtckeU From FRANK J. BKINNKR. Prince Rupert Atent. Third Ave. Phone 5 ni w and iifmrit COLD CURED ICE For the Halibut and Sainton Fleet? Following the Investigations of the Fisheries Research Station, the Company has Just completed extensive changes and Improvement In Ice storage and Ice delivery methods. Ite for the boats will all be old Ice, thoroughly cured or aied at new low temperatures, it will be' delivered Into the hold, even In the hottest weather, as cold a the atoract room. Fishermen are Invited to Inspect the new system. Better Ice than ever before, at no Increase In cost, means economy to the boat and Improved quality In fish delivery. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage ; Prince Ruoert Co. JJjJ Ltd. BrllUb Columbia J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Itank HI dr. Fresh Local Kaw and Pasteurised Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657