PAOE FOUR THE DAILY NEWS DIAMONDS Gems of Romance. Mounted in Modern Scttinps by Skilled Craftsmen We Marc a Large Assortment of the Latest Designs in ENGAGEMENT KINGS. WEDDING RINGS, BROOCHES, BRACELETS, EARRINGS Or, we will make to order, any design that you prefer, in rings or any other piece of jewelry. We have in stock rings from SI 4.50 to $1200.00. Wc Invite Your Inspection. FINE CHINA, DINNERWARE, GLASSWARE Basement Store Max Heilbroner Silver Wedding Anniversary Is Cause Of Party MOTOR OIL Diamond Specialist ceedlnes was the presentation of a handsome Sheffield silver serv MacCallum, Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Parker, Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Mc- Calfery, Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Mltch-Icll Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Mills, Dr. ;and Mis. J. H. Carson, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Gordon, Mr. and Mr. Vemc Daly, Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Hopkins, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Ase- Donald Sutherland. A large party of well-wishing lssenJ ... L.wVLr ,v,t tt,. Miss June Armour, H. F. Silver- thorne, w , . j ,c w t a.-, mour, Fourth Avenue West, in a surprise visit on the occasion of Brown, Dalv. i Mr. and Mrs. best wishes. O. Fulton, Bruce Hubert Ward and Alvin Armour were mar- Verry Th hurs happily "TJl' J hnrt Thar Vi n -e m&nt . rrrwAlvt tog tray. The presentation was Miss Beverly Moulton and Harry made on behalf of the party by Brown of New Westmlnster are here M, P! McCaf fery and responded to spend the surAmer vacation with to by Capt. Armour, both speaking thelr uncle aunt and Mr& In vein. happy Andrew Thompson. Those in attendance were Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Tobey, Capt. and 1 Alvin Daly of Morrin, Alberta, Is Mrs. J. Rj Hfert, Mr. and Mrs. F. here to spend the summer vaca- Whifflets i From The Waterfront ' v T Halibut landings at the port vf1 Prince Rupert for the month oli June this year ere substantially heavier In volume than in the same , month last year. This June the landings totalled 2.752.000 pounds i whereas last year they were 1.997.-1 500 pounds. The American total j this June was 1.492.000 pounds in comparison with 1.101.500 pounds in 1 June 1938. The Canadian total this ; June was 1,260,000,000 pounds asi against 896,000 pounds. ! lilC UAbC VI V U4J WJ HHj International Fisheries Commission for the closing of fishing this year i in Areas No. 1 and 2, is the same as 1 last year. By that time the quota' for the year Is expected to have been reached. It is expected that there will be some relaxation in the curtailment regulations of the Hali but Marketing Board. Indian Asent James Glllett is planning to leave next Tuesday aboard the departmental cruiser Naskcena for a trip to JLhe Skeena River and points along the coast as far as Bella Coola on Inspection duties. He will be away a week or more. C. N. R. steamer Prince Charles. Capt. George Coles, is due In port In playing of bridge and other ;ey f?vre ?n Vancouver via the Queen Charlotte in of their m games, community singing and dancing. Delicious refreshments ne.'on : full list of tourist passen b,hf hv tho ,,ninvPri sUver wedding anniversary was .! . . . . e.t4t the cause of manv friends extend- tu"x a kcuj- .and a feature of the pro-f ZlS the Island,. She will sail Sat- ing hearty urday evening on her return south over the same route. SILENCE COST MONEY N. Oood, Mr; and Mrs. G A. Bry- tion visiting with relatives. He is! alarm when a 300-year old cottage ant, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Little, Mr., the nephew of Capt. and Mrs. W. and Mrs. R. E. Moore, Mr. and 1 P. Armour, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Mrs. T. W. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Asemissen and Mr. and Mrs. Verne Olof Hanson, Mr. and Mrs. F. A.Daly. NEWBOURNE. England. July 13: (CP Fearing that whoever called the fire brigade would be responsible for payment, villagers of thl Suffolk hamlet would not give the caught fire. It was destroyed. It's the cumulative effect of advertising that counts. Hi SO W) BUMi Triton gives you the finest type of lubrication money can buy... plus freedom from carbon knocks I No one likes to drive a car that "pings." It's not only innoying to you and your passengers it doesn't do the motor any good. 1 You can get rid of annoying and damaging carbon ping easily and inexpensively with Triton Motor Oil, For Propane-solvent refined Triton forms so little new carbon it actually allow your motor to burn away carbon deposited by other oils! The motor generally loses its carbon ping within 2 to 3 thousand miles! You Benefit Many Ways When knocks go you get better gas mileage, smoother performance, increased power. You save on repairs and operating costs. Switch to Triton next time you refill ! UNION OIL COMPANY OF CANADA Ltd. ""er , doub 'uperl, 'ric"f.I ' T imp, fori dl 1 r "U out r. CUenf.L r ...... . - j .:,,,,,ncf -Mr Per " ""tChed In T . '"0 Bu,L . 'r v' ! m , ""on. I lT '"ce lli0M, V.. "'" KISSWOUff " TIRED FEELING GOODBYE! Prplen Many Suffer Low Blood Count And Don't Know It. The Wnlinr thine tbout low blood eonat 1 that yon ran weigh about at much u jot trrT did tvrn lout hrallh and iti-onf. Jrt you ran frel if jou had lead In reur lejra. dopry, tired and pepleea. Low Mood count meant too haeen't rot enough red Unod rorpuarle. It It their vital Job to entry life-tieinc oirrea from your lunn throughout your body. And Jut at It tatet oxysen to explode etnoMne In your ear and mate the power to turn the hee)i. ao you mutt have plenty of oxjrrra to explode the energy in your body and gie yoa (olnc '"(irt'l'r. Williami Tine rille today. They are world-famous for the help they (lee In Inereaaiiitf the number and ttreiurth of red eorpuorlet. Then Hh your Wood count p, youll feel Hie bounding up the ttairt at If you were floating on air. Atk your druggitt (or Dr. William, rink TUIt today. BALL RACE TIGHTENED rittsburc Tiratcs Blank Brooklyn Dodgers As Normal Schedules Are Resumed BROOKLYN. July 13: (CPi Following the interleague All Star game an Tuesday, normal Major League schedules are being resumed. Last night in a night game here, Pittsburg Pirates blanked Brooklyn Dodsers three to nil The Dodgers, as a result, dropped into a fifth place tie with the Pirates below St, Louis Cardinals and Chicago Cubs. All teams are scheduled to play In the two leagues 3 NEW TEAM 1 IN FILMS Myrna Loy and Kobert Taylor Are Taired Up For First Time In -Lucky Night" Bringing a new romantic comedy team to the screen. "Lucky Night,' co-starring Myrna Loy and Robert Taylor, is the attraction at the Capitol Theatre here tonight and tomorrow. Having hitherto concentrated pretty well on straight drama roles, Taylor plays opposite Miss Loy who has already achieved distinction as a comedienne in several mirthful entertainments. Taylor has the part of an out-of-luck playboy who meets Mta Loy on a park bench while both are looking for Jobs. The pair team forces and, after a wild and lucky night, find themselves mar ried. Thereafter, they face th serious buslne-ss of life leading to further hilarious complications separation and eventual reconclll atlon. Settings include the beautiful home of a runaway debutante Central Park, street scenes, pla: places, beer garden, police station night clubs, gambling salons and fashionable hotel. Miss Loy models numerous interesting costumes. Five thousand Prtnct Ruprl people read the Dally News, 11 pays to let them know whit yoi have to selL p Since 1857 Sttfitmi Kv bit prodctlnt CtmdVl fined Whiikitt which he become world-(movt (or tictllttHt and vilut. eairais CANADIAN RYE WHISKIES rrodvrtt of lot t Seagram A Sont Limited, Waterloo. Ont Vf ' SEAGRAM'S KING'S PLATE RYE WHISKY 7 Years old 25 ox. $2.15 SEAGRAM'S SPECIAL OLD RYE WHISKY 5 Years old 25 ox. $1.85 i-hiv Hrtvprisement 1 not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government nf Br)tu4) rotumr Don't Come (o Elio's THURSDAY ELIO'S CLOSED ALL DAY We'll Sec You At ELIO'S SALE FRIDAY ELIO'S FURNITURE TIIIUI) AVENUE rhone GREEN 916 SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! calling at OCEAN FALLS and POWELL RIVER Stcumcr leaves Prince lliipcrt every SATURDAY, 7 p.m.; MONDAY, 3 p.m. Train leave I'rinec Hupert far I lie Kant jNomlny, WctlneMlay, Friilay, 6 p.m. I'aMHener Kxpress - 1 KIDAYS, ll.fMI a.m. For fans, vie, rail or tcrito City Ticket Office, 52S 3rd Are, mm Bob nd Myro go to town U th w t, grtodait loatntle epl M-G-M k( tuisl out I A dim U thir bnVtoU btt thy c Ut on loval Until ob loeky sight ol d ntui, bowli nd hrt Ihtobfl trttfc T&u4y, July IS, , NENRY IGHT OOUOLAS O'NEILL FOWLEY r..-l5A,2o?M)Vir ir.HT nd ni Hi""1 TOMOllT Phones 18 Si 19 P.O. Box 575 Mussallem's Economy Store "Where Dollars Hare More Cents" Have you tried our CASH COUPON SYSTEM? You re-reive dishes, silverware and valuable prrmlums suitable lor sifts. Why not start now at no extra cost to you? Opposite Canadian LcKlon ITOL MacKenzie's Furniture Used Chesterfield Suite Covered in Tapestry, (iood Condition, Reasonable I'ricc 327 Third Avenue IMione 775 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J Zitreln pronrielor "A HOME A WAV KKOM 110 Mr lUtm JH.PO up 50 Rwtns II i At ' id Water Prince Ruin i D.C Phone 281 P.O. Hot 196 COAL Grain Feed Seeds and Fertilizer PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Phones 58 and 558 MISS YUKI Dressmaker Ladles' and Children's Alterations Moderate Price Phone CiUVXX 880 7:7 I ItASKIt ST. THE SEAL-' QUALITY mm GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only lalmon tannine company with an all the year round payroll In rrlnre Rupert Office Supplies Typewriters and Supplies Stationery Printing DIBB PRINTING Company Besner Block Phone 234 It's interesting to know when reading the Daily Nevrt that the people of the whole districtare. doing the sams.