— a saieeperiinenetidiemenriheeente eee nee ee eee nas Pisa arent enernnnr mmm enemas . . seestrmeentamenensaeee ae SS anal ee “ on The Daily News The Leading Newspaper and the Largest Circulation in Northern B. C. Published by the Prince Rupert Publishing Company, Limited DAILY AND WEEKLY TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERIISING—50 cents per inch. Contract rates | on application. | SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico—Dalzy, 50c per month, or $5.00 per year, in advance. WEEKLY, $2.00 per year. All| Other Countries— Daily, $8.00 per year; Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly | in advance. HEAD OFFICE Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. C. Telephone 98. BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES New York—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd St., New York City SEATTLE—Puget Sound News Co. re ENGLAND—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, Trafalgar are, Supscripers will greatly obiige by promptly calling up Phone 98 in case of | non-delivery or inattention on the part of the news carriers. DaILy EDITION. SATURDAY, MARCH 2 =n WE FIGHT M’BRIDE OR LAY DOWN? There is no question for Prince Rupert Liberals to answer in the above headline. It is simply written in an interrogative| form to startle into attention. The Vancouver Sun says: Should} the Liberal party make a contest in the election now thrust upon the province? and answers this by the statement that the opinion in authoritative circles of the Liberal party in Victoria is that there should be no contest. This was written on Tuesday and since then a Liberal con- vention has been in conference for a couple of days. What this body may decide to do in the premises we are not at this writing advised, and can only express a deep conviction that the opinion expressed by the Sun must be erroneous and misleading. If not so the Liberals of the other parts of the province must be of a different kidney to those from this city. There is a whine that the Liberals are not supported by the public; that at the last federal election they voted solid seven Conservatives for Ottawa. BESNER & BESNER, PrRoprieTORS } The New Knox Hotel is runon the plan. First-clag@service. A/| the Late . improvements. ~ + tet BE EDS Be FIRST AVERUE, PRINCE RUPER1 oo Hotel Cor. Fraser and 5th. Choice Wines and Cigars RUPERT’S PALACE OF COMFORT Servian Labor ‘Benefit Society No. 195, S.S.S.S. Meetings held every Ist and Srd Sunday of the month in the Carpenters’ Union Hall G. VUKOVICH, T. MAZLUM, Secretary P.O. Box 991 President — © 0-6 4-9 ; FRED. STORK } --General isu ware— Builders’ Hardware Valves & Pipes Oxford Stoves Graniteware Tinware SECOND - AVENUE oo Si Ebb S58 This must have happened because the Liberals of other parts of the province went into the battle faint-hearted, as they appear from the Sun’s statement to be now, believing that Dick McBride was certain to win. Prince Rupert Liberals were not affected by any such con- siderations. They fought the battle as a duty, boldly and cleanly, and succeeded in rolling up a handsome majority tor their can- didate, Duncan Ross, in spite of all the well-oiled machinery Littles NEWS Agency Magazines :: Periodicals :: Newspaper: TOBACCOS FRUIT: G.T.P. WHARF CIGARS to control votes with which the Two-Man. government was equipped and put in use under a full head of steam. If the other Liberals of the province had fought as valiantly, this present chance for a political tussel with the forces of political corrup- tion would have been warmly welcomed. We succeeded because the Liberals of this city are all Progressives, and as a little yeast leavens the lump the better half of the Conservatives of this city are now Progressives, and not the slavish serfs of a political dictator. Eight of our members have seats in the Liberal convention. They are all earnest, energetic, go-ahead business men and they are likely to shake up the courage of some of the mossbacks of the body into taking a more optimistic view of the situation, instilling into them some of Prince Rupert's fine fighting spirit. (We have just learned by wire that they have succeeded in doing this, and that every seat in the province is to be contested. ) CHURCH UNION VOTED ON TOMORROW. Every intelligent Canadian, quite irrespective of religious opinions or ecclesiastical preferences, is interested in the church union question. The interest is supreme and vital at the present time for Presbyterians, Methodists and Congregationalists. But} no man who cares for the good estate of the Holy Catholic | Church or for the upbuilding of the Canadian nation can be} careless as to the efficiency of religious institutions and agencies | of this country. The difficult questions involved in church union are mls doctrinal. The creed statements hammered out on the anvils of past controversy can be reshaped under the more genial in- fluence of a more truly Christian religious life. The day of elab- orate and detailed creeds and of cast-iron subscription is past forever. As the late Principal Caven said on one historic occa- sion. “It is my privilege to believe many thnigs which I am} not under obligation to subscribe, and which I will not require that my brethren should subscribe.” The fact that a doctrinal basis has been framed for three} Canadian denominations acceptable to the great majority of in- formed and thoughtful ministers and members, conservatives and progressives alike, is a great achievement. That done, no} matter what happens to the present union movement, things; can never fall quite back to their old condition. | The campaign is only a few days old, dating from the issu- ing of the call by the Progressives for a Conservative convention, | and yet already “the spoils of office’? are being handed out. Ed, Clark, quite a promising Progressive, has been made one) of the returning officers at the coming election. But there is a hope and a belief that few of the Progressives can be bought as readily. Is William Manson the candidate of McBride or the can-} didate of the people of the Skeena district? The question is pertinent for the reason that in advertising the meeting of last | night the Conservatives said ‘‘all supporters of the McBride | government are invited to a meeting,’ etc. This can only be) interpreted in one way, that none but supporters of McBride} were invited. It shut out all the Progressive Conservatives of | Prince Rupert and also every other citizen of progressive ideas, whether Conservative, Liberal, Socialist or what not. Mr. Man- son is not only a candidate but he was until a few days ago the} representative of the whole people of this district. It was sup-| posed that he was going to give an account of his stewardship. | The way of adyertising the meeting shows how stupid it is to expect such ordinary, fair and honest dealings under the Two- Man legislative monopoly. For a week the weather has been delightful. Brilliant sun- shine opens the mornings while the wide sidewalks are frosted over like the sugar coating of a bridal cake. 1911 The Bank of British North America 75 Years in Business. Capital and Reserve Over $7,300,000 Money Earning Money Small weekly or monthly de- posits in a Savings Account soon count up—lInterest compounded at highest current rates. Deposits of $1.00 and upwards received, Prince Rupert Branch— F. S. LONG, Manager. ane ee Cor. Third’ Avenue and Sixih St. | ™=Royal Hotel | | | The Finest Rooms The best eq and steam he Hotand Dining restaurant i Corley & Burgess, Props ee ee etl i { i i { i j j + y ‘UNION 5.5. COMPANY OF B.C, Ltd The new steel Passenger Steamer “Camosun” leaves Prince Rupert every Sunday at 6 p.m. for Vancouver, arriving Tuesday morning. For Stewart City on arrival from Vancouver Friday night. Northbound, leaves Vancou- ver Wednesdays at 9 p.m. ‘Steerage Fare - $6.00 | The ‘‘Camosun’’ is the only steame on the run having water-tight bulk heads and double bottom, thus en suring safety of passengers in case of collision or wreck. | J. H. Rogers, Ticket Agent. AT DAVIS’ F. M. DAVIS BOAT HOUSE Generai Machine Shop and Ship’s Gon entering. Also agents for Fair- banks-Morse and Knox Gasoline Engines, Gasoline Engines and Ac- cessories carried in stock. }Andrew R. | few days, is now staying at Clif- |}spend a week at the sanitarium ;elgrtly chains tu point of cColiimencement THE DAILY NEWS. PRINTERS’ GREAT COST CONGRESS Just Concluded Sessions in Tv-| ronto — Deiegates from All Parts of Canada Were Present. | |\'\"' The largest convention of printers ever-held in Canada has| ust been held in Toronto with | over 400 delegates present. The} assembly is known as the Cost} Congress Of Printers in Eastern Canada, Though, as the term| implies, the gathering * seems meant only for printers in East- ern Canada, there were delegates from points between Prince Ru-|} pert, B. C,, in the west, and Hali-| tax in the east. . This was the first cost con-| svess held in Canada, and is the} oulgrowth = of educational | campaigns carried on by the Canadian Press Association| among the proprietors of com-| bined newspaper and job con-} cerns In Canada. cost RALPH CONNOR AT CLIFTON Will Rest for Week at Springs Before Returning to Winnipeg. Rey. Dr. Charivs W. Gordon of Winnipeg (Ralph Connor), who has been visiting his brother, Dr. Gordon, for the past ton “Springs, N. Y., where he will before returning to Winnipeg. He has had specially heavy }extra work since the death of the Rey. Dr. Carmichael, superin- tendent of missions, and of Prin- cipal Patrick of Manitoba College. He hopes to complete the revi- sion of the manuscript of “Cor-| poral Cameron,” which deals with} the R. N. W. M. P., within a short) time. Now that women are to be ad-} mitted to the bar local varristers will do well to devote more at- tention to the drape of their} gowns and the color scheme ol tneir brief bags LAND PURCHASE NOTICE, Skeena Land District—District of Cassiar lake “otlrce that Clarence Bowen, of St allie, Woasl., occupation Wuvudsinan, in whds to eppiy lor perdiissivD blo purchase tue fulloWing Gescribed iatds;: Gommencug at @ pust planted four iniies east of the Naas Hiver aud about live miles nurth of Aiyatish, Meuce west eighly chailis, Webce suull eiguly Chains, lence Cast eiguly Chailis, tence hurt CLAKENCE BUWEN, H, P. Kutter, Agent, Dated Oct. 31, 1911. Pub. Dee, 14, District—District of Coast Hange 5. Take notice that Augustus W. Agnew ot! Prince Hupert, b&b, C.,, cupation civil en gineer, intends to apply for permission lo purchase the following Geseribet lauds: Commencing 4| @ post planted al the suulthwest corn of Lot 635, NKange suuth 40 chains muie f Hucsall River, tueuce bank northerly and] { Falls River slougu,| jough easier tw contain 6 Skeena Land UGUSTUS W 1, 1912 AGNEW. District District of Coast, | Range 5 Take notice that 1, Dagobert Auriol, of | inal Bb. ¢ occupation miner, intend apply for permissivon Ww purchase the Wing described lands: | tumencing at &@ pest planted at the itheast. corner Of Lot 4484. thence soutb hains, thence West 40 Chains, thence | rih 40 chains, thence east 40 chains to nt of commencement, containiug 160} 5s, tore or less DAGOBERT AURIOL, Fred E. Cowell, Agent 10th, 4911. rict-—District of Cassiar. | 14t James Ewing Macrac, upauion real estate agent, aj e for permission to pur- | lescribed lands neing at a post planted about es distant and in an easterly | from the Naas River, and about} s north of Alyansh Indian village, eighty Chains, thence easi uth ¢ pve chains, y chains lu unt ol AMES EWING MACRAE ’, Rutter, Agent strict—District of Coast, Range 5. | Take ob » that I, Louis Caleris, driver, f Vi ria, B, C., intend to apply for per- missi n to purchase the follewing de- seribed lands Commencing at @ post planted at the southeast corner of Lot 1729, thence soutb| 80 chains, thence west 40 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence east 40 chains to point f commencement, containing 320 acres, more or less, LOUIS CALERIS. Fred E. Cowell, Agent, Dated Oct. 31, 1041. Pub. Dec, 9 | \Wiittaius Creek, aud @buut ten (10 “LAND ‘PURCHASE ‘NOTI cE. Skeena vane, District Distsies of Queen tharlotte Island Take notice thai Ellen Marion sta of | Victoria, B. C., occupation spinster, t intends | we apply for permission to purchase the | lowing described lands: j ‘Comins neing at a post planted at the | | ice ast corner of Lot 1552, thence west to the northeast corner of Lot 1553, thence | south to beach, thence along be ach to point of commencement, containing one} nundred and four (104) acres, more or ELLEN MARION YOUNG. George Young, Agent. Dated Nov. Pub. Dec, 15, 1 skeena Land District—District of Cassiar. fake notice that I, James T. Fullerton, of Vancouver, B. U,, Occupation engineer ng fent, intend to apply for permission to purcna the followms described iands: Commencing at @ post planted 62 Clumius east of Naas Hiver and 4 chains souin ol pre-emption 1:0, 397 (SEU) thence 40 chains burth, thence 24 chains "west, thence 40 chains seuth, following tne Naas Kiver; thence 62 chains east tw point of cum- mencement; containing 160 écres, more oat J. T, FULLERTON, R. H. Stewart, Agent, Dated Prince Rupert, Dec, 11, 1911. Pub, Dec, 13. Skeena Land District—District of Queen Chariviite isiands, Take notice that Johu scott Young, of amc B. C., veCcupauoD larther, iivends v apply for peruuissivu to purchase te follows described lauds; Lommenung at @ pust planted at the nortueast coruer of Lot 1550, thence soulu w the porth boundary Of Lut 1661, Wence eust aiulig the said boundary to tle sea- shure, tueuce fuliuWing diuug Ue slivre iu tue point Of Culluluelcetuell, CUoliMiuitig wiree Lundred apd sidkty-oue (361) acres, inure OF less. JOHN SCOTT YOUNG, veorge Young, Agent. Dated Nov, 15, 1011. Pub, Dec, 15, 1914. Skeena Land District—-District of Cassiar. juae tulice Wal Frank bFurey, of Seatic, Wash,, VOCUpaliol CliMiliuan, tends tu apply for periuission ty purchase tue [uil- seWive Uescribed ialids, Commuchciug at @ post planted about sia iniies cast ol tie dds Miver duc abuus oeven Wuuies Burl of Aiyalish, luelce Lurid eikULy Cliailis, east eiguly cliails, suulu vigusy Clailis, West eiguly chailis lO pull A culltuelcement, FRANK FUREY, H. Vv, Kutter, Agent. Dated Oct. 34, 1911. rub, Dec, 14, District—District of Coast Manges. jake noice liuat i, CANULINE JOHNSON, Valicuuver, Bb L., UlCupelioh mariicd Wolnau, intend tu apply for periiiissivon tw purchuse We fullowing described lauds: Commencing at & post pisuted at the suutuWwest corner of Lut JU00, UWelce soull oU clidilis, Vience cast 8U Cchailis, Uielce jwrlh ov chailis lo the suulliedst corer vi wut Suez, Uietce West 40 Chails divlg ulh line of Lut Su02, Uielce burl 2y iailis aiub& West lie ol Lut $Uu0d, lueice wis divig suulL lille of Lut imiuelcelell, CUulldib skeena Lane west 4U su65 tu poll of ug SOU ucres, Mure 23. ° LCAKULINE JUHNSUN, Carr, Agent. Dated Dec, 23, 1911 Pub, Jai. 18, 1¥12. skeena Land District—District of Coast, Mange ov. Take notice that i, Avraham H. Barber uf Price Mupert, B. C., Uccupaliugd like, lulelid ty sue iulloWiuig GUescriwved lauds; | CouMMeEnciug @F & post planted at the} suuluWest corner Of @ sila isigud abuul eWwenly-live (20) Chas north aud tWu (2 liwis east ol te burtiwest cocuer of Lut id25, Nhaugse o, Cudst Visiict, Puiche: seal, buelice s thorlinedsterly direcuuu abuul uelice Ib @ suuUllWestberiy Uilechivl adivie sue sllure Lille @yuul tWelly (26 wy bie pullul Vl COlluddeNcelchL, beilg a ah Colle Bbuul turly (4) avid uure uF less. ABHALIAM H. BAMBEL. Dated Dec. Ol, ivii. Pub. Dec. 13 cudiu District of Coast Paui Curtiss, cletb skeeha Land District fake ulice that I, y sue ludioWilg described lauds Home af & Poet plalied of ie igiy BHU BvUUl ive (eV Cli ihh puUlliwdst Coruer of Lol 4434, listhli OU Chillin, Ulelice east Jt , blkelice suULL OV Cliaitis, LueliLce Wee dili> wo Pulllt Uf COllMelIC el, COU acres, lure of less. “ALL UUKTId5. Fred 'E Luwell, Agent. $i, vil. District—Disirict of Codsi Hauge 5, * hati, Michas Beganis, cOub, , B. &., Uilend by apply Tur pel ww purchase We luoliuWing Ue scribed létids Councils &t @ post planted on the soru side of Wilildéius Creek, Where tic allilual brauch of Ue U, 1. FP. My, Crussee CUMIiis ouulii JU ta he trees puere, Uiece éilis, Luelce east 40 Clidius, Wbeuce nurtD | Cluailis, Wiellce West 40 chaiDs Ww puiDi i Coluluencelucehl, Conldlibg 120) &Cres, samure of less, MICHAS BEGANIS. Fred bk. Cowell, Agent. Dated Uct. 31, 1911, Vub. Dec, 9 skeena Lang District Hauge 6. fake wotice that |, soun Argirachs, car- eller, ol Victoria, B, C., intehd blo apply iOF pertuission blo purchase We following jeseribed sands Commencing at @ post planted about one sud. one-ball tiles Burtieast Trou the sbiake ol { Lakelse Lake, aud avout live (5) Chatus wack irolu tie Waterfront, WeDee suutu Chiéilis, Welce West 8U Chails, tience uurlh SU Chaéilis, Wence east BU Cua@ils tu pull of Coludmenceluent, Conlaiing 64 scres, Mure of less, JUHN ARGIKALULIS. Fred Ek. Cowell, Agent, Dated Oct. 31, 1911. Pub, Dec, 9 skeena Land District——District of Coast, HKange 6 Take notice that I, Samuel Beliltees, gardener, of Victoria, intend to apply fui periuission lo purchase the following de- otrived lands; Coummencing at @ post planted on the north side of Williams Creek, about ten | chaius back from the creek bank, aud avout lly Chains svutheast [rom Where ihe hilunal braneh of the G. T. P. right- | Closses Wiliams Creek, thence chains, thence east 40 chains, ul- way suuth 40 | iueuce north 40 Chains, thence west 4 } claiis to point of cCollumencement, Con- LAND LEASE NOTICE Take notice that I, Alfred Christian Garde of Prince Rupert, B.C., occupation mining engin- eer, intend to apply for permission to lease 70 acres of land deseribed as follows: | Commencing at this post planted 1-4 mile east of the Tyee Station, G.T.P.Ry. and approximately | 271-4 miles east of Prince Rupert,'thence north | 4 chains, thence east 20 chains, thence south 25 | chains (more or jess) to railway grade, thence | | Skeena Land District— District of Coast Range ‘ ! westerly 25 chains (more or less) following said grade to point of commencement and containing 70 acres more or less ALFRED CHRISTIAN GARDE | Date Jan. 31, 1912 } Pub. Feb. 3, 1912 | Skeena Land District—District of Queen | Charlotte Islands, 7 | Take notice that Malcolm Wright Young, of Saanich, B. C,, occupation farmer, in- tends to apply for permission to lease the following described lands: | Commencing @t a post planted at the southeast corner, being about one mile east of the northwest corner of Lot 1551, thence north to the south boundary of | Lot 1550, thence west to the east boundary of Lot 1550, thence south along the said boundary to the southeast corner of said 1550, thence west along said boun to the east boundary of Lot, 1549, south along the said boundary to the north boundary of Lot 1552, thence east to the northeast corner of Lot 1552, thence north to the northwest corner of Lot 1551, thence east to the point of com- menceme nt, containing six hundred (600) acres, more or leas, MALCOLM WRIGHT YOUNG, George Young, Agent, Dated Nov, 16, 4 lauung 160 acres, Mere or less. SAMUEL BEILTEES, Fred E, Coweli, Agent. Dated Oct, 31, 1011. Pub, Dec, 9. Skeena Land District—District of Coast Take notice that kathleen Agnew of Muon treal, occupation spinster, intends to apply for permission to purchase the following desciibed lands; Commibenciig at @ post planted at the withess post of the northwest corner of Lot 635, Kange 5, Coast district, distant 13.73 chains svuth from the northwest corner of Uie said lol, thence west 40 chains more or jess lu the east bank of the Hucsall Hiver, thence southerly along said east bank to inouth of Falls River Slough, thence fol- j towing bank of Falis River siough easteriy and northerly to point of commencement, | to contain 40 acres, more or jess. ; KATHLEEN AGNEW. | ugustus . Aghew, Agent, Dated F@bruary 1, 1912, . Pub. Feb. 10, | j Prince Rupert Land District—District of | Coast, , Take notice that I, Lemuel Freer, of Vancouver, B. C,, occupation broker, ip- tend to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands; Commencing at @ post planted on the Shore in 4 northerly girecson from Port Nelson { -ainery, marked L. F,'s 8.E. corner, thence 0 chains north, ine nee 20 chains west, the nee 20 chains south 0 shore line, thence east along the shore to point of commencement, containing 40 acres, more ur less. LEMUEL FREER, appiy lor periiiissiow lo purchase fullowilg We sliore lie i} weil»! ZU) Clldilid Wy Lie Burl cud ul Lue Isidin, | ludend tu apply for pertiissivn | District of Coast, | Trout HKiver, of the West side | pes Teas Cea penys XS) eK, YS y! eS} COO Nea sete The Time or Action Is the Time When The Daily News Appears each day The Statement If you have a legitimate, cl of any kind to make to the inte the consistent, judicious use of ing columns of THE DAILY NEWS you money returns much great expenditure. The Reasons THE DAILY NEWS is evening when the minds of from business cares and there! to good selling arguments. THE DAILY NEWS appears « the afternoon of the business day to notify everyone of what to offer. THE DAILY NEWS is, for best dealers, as it immediately att the lookout for possible medium for “snaps” or pé ments. THE DAILY NEWS is c point. It 1s read by practical gent and prosperous perso! and the northern part of this | men and women have money regularly where they rece! Their patronage is the mercha The Proof THE and more merchants an¢ DAILY NEWS is bei { othe! as an advertising medium n this advertisements in Many ins their handsomely. follow advel them cited, Results DAILY NEWS. pee 94 . year ene’. Maes Ass ik Cee , se) ‘ 4 og oye ee sve | Read The Daily News = 1911. Launches and Boats for Hire N.E. end of Wharf | Pub. Jan. 5, ioit. [[CO———_ SaaS 911, Pub, Dec. 15, 1914, :