MCI TWO CLARIDGE SHOES Classified advertising, per word, per insertion Jmfm The Most Outstanding Line of Men's Shoes Made in Canada Fit, workmanship and the very newest In style. Made by the famous makers of Astoria Shoes. Thesehoes are in a class by themselves. S sij les to choose front Priced 5.95 Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor c ADVERTISING RATES Local readers, per line, per Insertion Jtews Department Telephone Advertising and Circulation Telephone SUBSCRIPTION RATES city delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid In advance . Paid In advance, per week - - Paid in advance, per month ftC 98 By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, yearly period, paid In advance By mall to an other countries, per year Member of Audit Bureau of Clrrulitiens DAILY EDITION .0 3.0 it Saturday. April fc, 193 RUSSIA AND BRITAIN A recent writer suggests that it is not likely then will be anv war within the next year. In the meatitime. Russia has been pressing forward on the southeastern front with the idea of helping China. Already Mere nave been border clashes and, as China makes her threatenei move toward ousting Japan, it is possible that Russia wil back her sufficiently in undeclared border warfare t make it necessary for the common enemy to keep largf forces in that neighborhood and thus weaken the Chinese front. .While most British people seem to be in sympathy with this move it would not be possible for Great Britai' and France to send either army or navy or air force tq - this rejrion iust now. and that might make full copper ation with Russia impossible. Should Great Britain and France weaken their defences in Europe they would la' themselves open to possible attack at home. UNITED STATES CO-OPERATION Another recent writer suggests that Prime Ministei Chamberlain will not bring on a Europeart war if he cai possibly help it unless he is assured of the early co-oper. , ation of United States. He was blamed by Americans f of surrendering to Hitler at Munich but there was at that time no surt?estion that the United States would back ill' Great Britain and France if they went to the defence of Czechoslovakia. Since that -there has been a graduat change of sentiment with the possibility that in the near future concerted action might be possible. United State;, is beginning to realize that its frontier is in Europe rathe! than on the shores of the Atlantic and that the Democracies must stick together to resist Nazi aggression. CHANGED TONE It must be admitted that since Chamberlain commenced to organize the resistance to the advance of the dictators there has been a rharked difference in the tone of the aggressors. Italy seems to have given up tot the present the idea of taking some of the colonial Empire from France and Germany is much less aggressive toward Poland. If RUssi,a and Great Britain can make an alliance in regard to the defence of the border states, an alliance which included a determination that fof every bomb dropped in Britain, France or Russia by German or ttalidri planes, two would be dropped in Germany and Italy, there would be no war for some time to come. Up to the present all the threats have come from one side and the g6irig ; has. been easy for the dictators. Let the democracies' become aroused and the aggression might corneront. their side, unless there is a general change of attitude. The world will resent action which divides it into two hostile ipfooerlv Cooked Skunk Fine Dish fTrapper and Indian Lane Re garded Li(te Animal As TMlhMme Dttxtj REVELSTOKE. April 22: CP- , The lowly skunk has long been considered k rare delicacy by trap-1 peri, prospectors and IndUnir , many hf whom sent in recipes fori its preparation In response to. tl-e! tequesf of a New York woman Iwrlter. 1he New York letter was distributed to northern residents by T A. Abrahamson, secretary of Rev-eistoke Hoard of Trade. One hardy pioneer in the Rockies said he had eaun skunk for CO, years without any particular attention to the way it was coofceJ and found It excellent fare. One Vancouver Inland wornm uMted: First let the meat hah for a while. Then let it soat in liiear. Remove and cover again with fresh vinegar. Then Add large sliced onlort. bay leaves pepper and salt. Wash and remov." from the brine. Put enonjh watu U cover the meat then cook. Thl Is a stew but the meat may tv roasted after the same treatment' Another correspondent says th-tndlan Just bolls or stews the mea without addition of spices. If bol 'nsr not Is unavailable. Mr Indlar will have roast or baked skunfc The cleaned skunk Is wrapoed lr kunk cabbage leaves and plaster ed with clar mud and then baked With other contributions. Mr Abrahimsnn has collected a fair-sited list (or his New York cor Respondent Canada's Oldest Police Officer Lawrence J. flonter of Edmonton - t, Still On Active Duty donned his first uniform at thi age of 14 years when he Joined th Royal RMes as a bugler. In ISM he started swinging his first night rtlck with the Quebec police force He served with the Montreal Police from 1892 to 1913 when he moved West. 'Fpr all of my 65 years In unl form 28 of them with the Ed mtmton city police I'm still good for a good many more." he told an Interviewer. TH die with my boots on and be buried In my uniform." Hunter has had many narrow scapes, the closest when he wai a rookie cop In Montreal, Phenean Ponders, notorious Eastern des perado, tossed a bottle of nltro llycerine at the constable's feel and he was blown IS feet by the blast. He played his part In the cap- lure of three famous safeblowerr in Montreal "Baltimore" Witty "One Hand- Taylor and "Porky ohnwin. They received long prison M-menees. Blind1 Children Play for Queen Her Mijesty Shows Her interest In London Work LONDON, April 22r CP)-0.ueen Elizabeth was visibly affected &r she watched blind children play In if at the National Institute for the Mind here. With the King she visited the In stltute to mark the 25th annlver fciry ;of Its opening. Two blind children from Southport were led forward by a nurse to present basket bf spring flowers to the Queen. . The, astonishing achievement? In braille Interested the King greatly as he examined, a. loyal address, embossed in braille, assuring him of the .loyalty and affection of his blind subjects. MKy CO-OPERATE camps. There has been in the past a desire to deal easily! "niEDEntCTON, April 22: icpi witn tne Doasuui aggressors, ima-cannot go pn. uanaaa ana unuea mates, are - planning to co-operate In war ' ' ,' against the European spruce saw The Daily News is a member or the Canadian DailV fly. said n. e. flaich. Dominion en Newspaper Association, of the Canadian Press and of the tomoiogist here, on his return from Audit. Biirpnn nf fMrrnlntinns. It. fa tho nnlv nnnov rim-tli a conference at Washington. In- 7" r "rriTV";:"u:i"-L":. festal on of United States forest Ol vuiiL-uuvcr uuu wwv ux uuinuwiuu uummg inemuersnip wa4 reported less extensive than In i, rfllWJiesq. organizations. . . Canada EDMONTON. April 22: CP)- Lawrence J. Hunter of Edmonton 79. believes, he Is Canada's oldes: active policeman. Still In uniform Constable Hunter is stationed at an Edmonton relief depot eacti day. Born In the City of Quebec, h 'ord 1 THE DAlLT KEWS 'SPORT Old Country Soccer.CLYDE WON CXW TfiHAV En:llh Leatue First DivUlon Birmingham 2. Blackpool 1. 1 Bolton Wanderers 0, Wolverhampton Wanderers 0. Charlton Athletic '2, Everton 1 Chelsea 1. Pnrtsmtfuth 0 Leeds United 2. Aston Villa 0. . Leiceter City 0. Orlmsby Town 2. Liverpool I Sunderland I. Manchester United 3. lircntford 0. Middlesbrough 2. Derby Count) 0. Preston North End 3. Hudderj Town 0. Stoke City 1. Arsenal 0. Rnelish Leatue Seeond Divhion Burnley 1. SheffMd Wedneday Coventry City 2. Tranmer.- Rov ers 0. l uton Town 0. Mlllwall 0. Newcastle United I. Swansea Town 2. Norwich City 0, Manchester City Nottingham freat 0. Chester- neld.l. Plymouth Amyle L Uteekburn toverr 0. Sheffield United 2. Pulham 0. Southampton 0, West Ham Uni ted 2. Tottenham Hotspurs 4, Bury 3. West Bromwlch Albion 0. Brad- Third Division Southern Section Ipswich Town 3. Clapton Orient i. Walsall 5. Bristol City 0. Bournemouth arid Boscombe 4. lldershot 0. Brighton and Hove Albion Votts County 0. Bristol Rovers 1. Northampton Town .0. 1. Cardiff City 3. Torquay United Exeter City 0. Swindon Town 0. Mansfield Town 0. Crystal Pal- tee. 0. r queen's Park Rangers I "oiuplctely Mattered To Take Trophy by Store l our To Nil Watford' Boston Reading - Newport Count, not ilaved. Southend United 0. Port Vale 0. Third DivUion Southern Seetion Barrow 1. Hartlepool United 1. Accrington Stanley 2, Rother- ham United 1. 1. Bamsley 2, Rochdale 0. Bradford city 2, Carlisle United Chester 0. Darlington 0. Halifax Town 0. Wrezham 2. Hull City 2, Crewe Alexandra 1 Lincoln City 0, Southport I. New Brighton 0, Oateshead I Oldham Athletic 6, York City 0. Stockport County 1. Doncaster Rovers 2. Scottish League-First DivUlon Albion Rovers 1, Aberdeen 0. Arbroath 4, Partick Thistle 0. Ayr United 2, St. Mlrren 3. Celtic 1, 8t. Johnstone 1. Hearts-Clyde, not played. Kilmarnock 3, Queen's Park 0. Motherwell-Falkirk, unplayed. Raith Rovers 1, Queen of South 1. Rangers-Hamilton Academicals, inplayed. Third Lanark-Hibernian, un- Chicago Clean Up -Paint Up Plant Up - Fix Up Your Home CENTRAL HOTEL ROOMS and CAFE Phone 51 For Best Household Coal MRS. C. E. BLACK National league W. .3 1 St. Louis I Brooklyn - 1 Pittsburg 1 New York 1 Cincinnati 0 Philadelphia 0 American Learue New York Cleveland Detrott Philadelphia Boston ; Chicago St. Louis Washington 2 1 2 1 I 0 0 0 Of CLtStiOW, April 22: tCP) Cljde whipped Motherwell by a ftore of four to fiothlnt before nearly one hundred thousand kertaloni in llauidrn Park l-day to win the Scott Uh Cup for the first time in the club'a hi-tory After leading one to noth!n at half time deplte a run of play aralml them, the Srawfield Park eleven daminated the play In the second period. New Port Simpson Hall Near Ready months. Is now about half finished nd should soon be ready for use The hall measures ehhty-nve feet Mil For Your Gardening Supplies Tainting Supplies Tools and Hardware for Repair Join See GORDON'S HARDWARE Phone 311 Pet 1000 McIlKIDK STREET J. H. BULGER Optometrist .M0. jm jOOO 1000 1000 Ml 300 ADC jm jOOO .000 plared. Scottish Ieague Serond Division Brechin City 4. Morton 2. Cowdenbeath 3. King's Park 2 Dumbarton 3. Edinburgh City 1 Dundee United 3. Montrose 5. East Stirling 0. Stenhousemulr 2.' Lcith Athletic 4, Forfar Athletic o nuiurs scores Kcolish Leacue, First Division Rangers 3, Hamilton Academicals 2. Third Lanark 2, Hibernians 0. Royal Bank llldg. A in TD A A 7171 tO I butae I fx Ml V r.l . . "An 'ernij. IS POPULAR.. and m.n .. Traffic of TranCniU Develop nreatly r.-v . 1 Ihg hy Lean and Bounds . 0ti will ma: , ,-. th . mm is and the many constructi suggest Urns we have received. We are more than satisfied that, with n a verjrahert time, we will havp an alf senrlef second to none and one that Canada will be mighty pruud of." decUred Oeorfr Watfl-man. general traffic manager of TransCanada Air Lines, who wa a vuHUr in Winnipeg today. Mr Wakeman Is on. a general trip of Inspection over the Western rrglflTt add will make stops at Oal- fksicney.' WINNIPBO. Aprli 22 -We art tjaff decidedly pleased with the jeceo. ger service lias received from tbj nPJ,l Tlir-HCOr-E tlm . . ... . jM - . n .1 7 unveiling puuiic wtu uic nicrnif jjj Motherwell 1 Med by th many kindly cont- 74-cur .,,,1 p. new u.vf- la a leu . . whose too r , t? , In leu than u m till jr. rAJitnmwjn. vnijcuufri, wTNIain 1! hrldRe ami Reglna before retdrn- i, tirv, (i ing Baal. t WOo ,,1 t "We hav set up our ticket of lrj Oonadi 'Vn in Western Canada and hive rrmy our reftresenuttves insuilra in ao In length with vddth of forty-five "T P wiunos evwy weea nH hMht of 4htee feet It.l WW" "g to fives plenty of room for basketball and all other forms of activity and put Port Simpson In a postUon to stage championship hoop ptay Local halls have been called too small In the past. Baseball Standings ' appreciate the amount of time saved when air travel la used. The regular services between Edmon ton CaHrary and Lethbrtdce and Vancouver and 8eatUe are bream- Ins; heavily pa Iron teed and it la urpriftng the amount of local rata. HfillTS Ui rew, a wood sun h b- wiui mi e jt UALQAHY A i- - Hi ! trre service. One of the Interest- Ashlmmevt o Inf and pteaslnf features of th OLAC'E EA'- N travel to far W the amount of -Total what tnltht be termed Ift4 haul Hr?ft WW Be No Unjer Possible Tor Vh- r "" ,lne lr b-U bt. s Itiur Itasketball Teaim to Sav ilw" w"p W,T"cr "VVtar it w Venue U too Small naaeeryfrri and atnee PORT SIMPSON. April 22 - The tew building of the Port Simpson Athletic Club, which has been un der construction for the past three men were nas oeen no saKsenrng rf pemtimtt btwtnens The planes are decidedly comfortable and splendidly eutpped for the route Uiey are used on. "It U aUo mom aaUsfylmt the amount of air mall that hi betoa: carried. This bi&s U live rearing D-A.1I C. uaobuau iav. Nsttaul hum noUm ! Ktv J Brooki v i I ed In eiev t neasi. Chiracs 4 s Only ..n J Amtiioi lore New Y.tK ' PhUd i j r Dtrt : i 8t L i P TIME FOR A Camera Tune-Up m r . i l m m r m mm i m m it l.llllVX 111 JL W W AV n."-- FOR OUR Free Cleaning and nsoection Service Ormes Ltd. DJia Pioneer DruftQi 1 C The Itesall Store rhones: Ooen Dallv from 8 a.m. till ! P " Sunilavs anil llolidavi from 12 noon 7 p.m. till 9 P-m- oooooooooooooooobooooooooooooo PC till t oOOOOOOOOOffV"" Clean-Up Week Use llapco Paint to Heautify and I'1"0' Your Properly Kol.1 llv ThnmiiQnn Hardware Co' I Jft 11U111WUU1I SSM1 II - It Pays Trt Use ANTIMO PAINTS They Cost No More But Last Loner SU W SILVERSIDES BROS. (