Saturday April 22 1639. wimM Cut extra fine to snuggle unootMy into the paper, to roll quickly and eaiily Into a richer, mellower cigarette- -thot'i Old Virginia, a more satisfying smoke every time. You'll praise the seal-light pouch, Like a "pocket humidor", it keeps Old Virginia always fresh. And it's so convenient you can tuck a double automatic book of "Chantecler" or " Vogue papers right into it, Office Supplies Typewriters and Supplies Stationery Printing DIBB PRINTING. Company Beiner Block Phone 234 CATCH SEALS Til SYDNEY. N S., April 22: Fi-hirmen of Capettick in i i Victoria County found : r t source of Income this .i herd of seals which vtslt-im on the pack Ice The a t-aught more than 2,000 5 NEW AND BETTER 15 INTEREST GROWS COLD CURED ICE For the Halibut and Salmon Fleett tvoi..., .... i.....uit... tu. im.imrii npsearch Station, I DOINGS AROUND OTTAWA HOUSE Continued from Page On) lain should that country be attacked or In danger. But under our democracy 11 was the people who -m .'uitumiiK lllc llivcail8l"iia ui nit I""'"'1" 5 the Company has Just completed extensive changes and improve- , i , ... . i ... jmii..a.. MAtViru4e lui'iu in ice taorae nnu nc ucuii iiicui, he for the boats will all be old Ice, thoroughly cured or aned at new low temperatutes. It will be delivered Into the hold, even In the hottest weather, as cold a Hie storage room. F ' ..ihermrn nrp Invltert tn lnsueCt the new system. I' Be- tor ice than ever before, at no Increase In cost, means economy . 'tin boat and Improved quality In fish delivery. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage I 'Tlnce Rupert fa. Ltd. Columbia LOCAL NEWS NOTES Canadian Lealon U. E. 8. L. Tonight' tram, due from the half-yearly meeting Wrdnesday. t?a at 11 o'clock, waa reported Election of officers. 94 this afternoon to be on time. Robert Ritchie, son of Capt. and Harry Dundas, Indian, for Mrs, David Ritchie, returned home drunkenness was: fined $10, with on the Cardrna this morning after option of seven days lmprlson-spendlne the past seven months ment, In city police court this In Vancouver. , morning. ' D. C. Schubert has now taken MARGARETS Dress Special ovej- duties at the Canadian Ka- Monday and Tuesday.. $12.50 dresses tlonal Telegraphs office here fol- 17-95; $0.95 drcs!s8 $4.95; $455 lowing the closing down 6f Ihe drcises ' $2 D3. All new sheers and .Government Telegraphs. MUs Marjorle Wlllson, an exchange teacher from London, who Is spending a year In Mrs. A. Attree, and sailed thlsf morning on the Cardena for Vancouver. MUs Willson will return to England In the summer by way of California and the Panama Canal. IMPORTANT RESOURCE Prf. William of University, In . AddrfM Here, Makes Plea For I Carnivores As Well A Herbivore Prof M. Y. Williams of the Unl versity of British Columbia, during the course of his lecture Thursday evening before the Women's Canadian Club, dealt to some ex tent with 11 technical aspects of ..1A .4H. . I- . . : .; V I' . . . scientific use and conservation of any crisis raruameni wouia DC called on to decide. the wild life resource, emphaSlZ-tnir thr nrrwivu nf nnttirA itwlf Rt. I on. Ernest Upo nte Minister , k ta a ba,ane(. tnrou,n lh( of Justice, who spoke the following ldUtributlon and functions of the day. made It clear that the Crown 'fnjvo and herD,vores. wh,,, was the bond which binds all the thPre a ldea tna. Dominions to the Motherland. Un-jmany of tne carnivores, birds a.-lty was most desirable, he declared. I wel, M anlmlSi wcre a pau uunng ure prrsem tnreaiening antf crcatures which preyed cioua. oi war. was a r,euiraiy upon otntrs wer, falr me to, myth for. If Canada was to declare Mnretrlcted destruction. Prof. Wll-her neutrality, she would have to ilams illustrated ill and even dls step out of the Commonwealth and broils results whfcK mlaht ensur he doubted If the people of Can-ltnrougn lc). Qt conservation of aoa were prepared to ao trus. He.thee camivores. Wolves, cougars was aralnst conscription but any tne carniverous birds all played man who woald not protect hfaowntthdr part In maintaining the bal- counlry was a traitor. ance of nature by preyini upon the weak and unhealthy herbivore, keeping the more useful ones strong and fit and reducing as In the case of the predator SAINT JOHN. N.B, April 22: (CPi ( birds, the numbers of rodents- An Influx of entries Indicates In-, rats and mice which did untold creasing Interest In the annual New damage to crorw. warehouse con-Brunswick Competitive Musical tents etc. In the past man had Festival opening here May 9. Centres previously unrepresented will be tn thts year's competition. A scnolarshlp fund for the benefit of talented music students is growing. SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! wiling at OCEAN FALLS and POWELL RIVEI Steamer leavea I'rlncc Rupert every THURSDAY, 11.15 p.m. Trains leave Prince Rupert for tlie Eaat Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 p.m. Alll-CONDITIONHI) 3LKKIMNG CAH For fares, etc.. call r writ' City Ticket Office, 616 3rd Ave. V-17-C9 not ben sufficiently appreciative of these predators and. In many cases, had made a mistake In their1 destruction. On some occasions It might have been more advantageous to protect than to destroy them. Even the hawks, crows, badgers and coyotes had their useful functions. It was an anomalous situation that a bounty might b? placed upon hawks when ther was a pest of gophers or grass-hoooers on both of which hawks preyed. The herbivores were often rcaily more of a menace than the carnivores. Wasted Sympathy , Often too, declared Prof. Williams, a lot of sympathy had been wasted on the small birds which were In no danger of extermination. The generally despised crow-on the other hand, was cjf mucn value In the gra-sshopper coun tries. Although at times crows might appear to be a local menace the speaker was Inclined to view . . . . . . . them as a national asset, wucn the same mktfit be said for many types of hawks and owls which were often worthy of protection md should be destroyed only where they were scientifically es tabllshcd to be doing more harm thin good. Dally News Classified Advcrtls?- mcnts Bring Results. PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Shipbuilders and Engineers Iron and Brass Castings Electric and Acetylene Welding Specialists on Sawmill and Mining Machinery All Types of Gas Engines Itepalred and Overhauled crepes. RAIL BALL (94) F. D. Kelly of Petersburg, who arrived in the city yesterday oj airplane from Alaska, sailed last Vancouver, arrived In the city on, night on the Princess Adelaide fot Thursday night's train from Ter- (Seattle. race, where she has been visiting J for a week or so with her aunt1 ENJOYABLE Annual Affair of ON.R.A. Drew Croud of Three Hundred And Was Complete Soreess The fifteenth annual night of the. Canadian Recreation Association Moose Hall -was one of ball last National! in the the most enjoyable and successful that has yet been held. It drew out a larger crowd than has attended a dance In Prince Rupert for some time, I well along to tnree hundred I so as being present The hall was attractively decor ated with streamers, ships flags and other appropriate adornment. Dancing was In full swing from 9:20 p. m. until 3 a. m. with music by Charlie Balagno's Orchestra. O. E, Phlllinson was. as usual, a gen ial master of ceremonies. At midnight delicious refresh ments were served with J. H. Malr In charge of this Important feat, ure. S. Jurmain was general chair man and Peter Lakie presided at I the dpor. Tag DayHeld For Soldiers' Graves Annual Canvass Uy Queen Mary Chapter I..O. D. E, Belne Held With prospects of fair weather, Queen Mary Chapter, Imperial Order. Daughters of the Empire, Is today holding its annual tag-dav In aid of the fund for the Upkeep and care of soldiers' graves In the plot at Falnrtewr Cemetery. Under the general supervision of Mrs. J. A. Teng, regent of the chapter, and with Mrs. S. V. Cox and Mrs. W. Brass In charge at headquarters In the Canadian Legion Building, the taggers were on the streets early. Those assist ing are: Ken Thomasson, Marie Lock, Bobby Cruickshank, Betty Allen, Stephen Peachey, Mrs. J. A. Teng, Eleanor Carr, Molly Frew. Barbara .Teng. Margaret Da-vles, Pat McClymont, Bernard For tune. Elspeth MacKenzle. Barbara Hope, Mrs. WlUIam Brass, Mrs. M. J. Keays and Margaret Carr. If you for It. lose anything, advertise Music Teachers and Pupils TORONTO CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC MIDSUMMER EXAMINATIONS fmlkel-Jvn. m4 July n.wy-JnJ10lh, I2lh mi lllh Appttatimi tnd ft. wuM rMth Ik. CwiMfraiarr ao Uttf tha MAY lit, 1939 13) CoUret Strttt, Toront TtMIIKK MIT. X-SiSM Tlver -will t offtmt for Uc by i Public Auction at the Offlc ot the 1 Dlstrlot F!tter at Prince Rupert, P, ic. at won on in uui my at 1930, Ufe LlwtK. X-24996. situated on' Uie North Shore of Bmniier take, Smith lUnd. to cuf Spruce ItemHoclct IBalmm uid Ord&r. Provided buywe. jurukble to attciut -the Auatloit la per-1 tan, t may submit Mttled tender I to tie openrel t the hour of Auction land treated es dm bid. I Two years will b allowed foe remonl of Timber Particulars from Chief, Vle 1 torlft. District Itorettter. Prlnct Rupert, or Rancer Scott oX Prlnc Ruprt . J." Fred Ritchie, pioneer local civil engineer, is still a patient in thf Prince- Rupert General Hospital There is little change In his condition. ' ; City Commuidoner W. J. Alder this morning, in his capacity as a city council, gave Introductory read ings to the bylaw to implement regulations as to zoning of the city under the Town Planning Act. The general regulations have already beep announced. City Commissioner W. J. Aider this morning authorized the sale for $60 cash of lot 4. block 2, section ' to William Moffatt and Rod Mc-Leod. Tax sale certificate riehtf In subdivision "C of lots 11 and 12 block 18, section 5 were transferred to John Makow for the upset price of $259.09 plus Interest. APPEAL DISMISSED The appeal of Robert BraseH against a conviction in city police court and fine of $300 for selllnc beer to minors was dismissed bv Judge w. E. Fisher in County Court yesterday. T. W. Brown act ed as counsel for the appellant and E. F. Jones for the crown. Hotel Arrivals Royal William Huck, R. Bartlett, Bill- mor; R. Erlksen, Sig Wykle and John Barseth, city; B. Krlstmanson and W. JrJinson, Osland. Central H.. Ludvigsen, Stewart; Jack Wells, Vancouver; II. Crasser Francois Lake: Mrs. F. C. Woods, Salvus; O. Peterson and Nels Floe city; H. L. Nicholas, CUR. Prince Rupert H. P. Cahill. Vancouver. Knox Mrs. B. Koines, Vancouver; C JeUer. ADford Bay; 8. Ortqulst, Lewis Island: F. Hudema, city. Announcements All adverUsemenu tn this col-tmn will be charged for a. full month at 29c a word. Moose Bridge. p.m. sharp. dance. April 25, S Boys Band Tea, Mrs. Jack Joy's, April 2fl. 27. Scout Tea, Mrs. Hougan's April Hodgson School, Dancing Recit al, Capitol Theatre, April 27, 23. Dance, St. Peter's Hall, April 28. Baptist Missionary Tea, May 1. United Spring Sale May 3. Eagle's Bridge May S. St. Peter's Bazaar, May 4. Milk Fund Tea May 6. Eastern Star Tea at Mrs. Gammon's home, May 9th. 12. Presbyterian May 11. Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE C57 Sgt Tea, Mrs. Lakie:s Cambral Spinster's Spree, May ORANGE Spring SaTe, Metropole Hall, May 17. 18 llospltal Tea, Nurses' Home, May Navy League Ball May 19. PRINCE RUPERT TO VICTORIA CHILDREN'S FUND EVENTS May 5. Grand Dance. Moose Hall. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor "A HOME. AWAY FROM HOME" Rates $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 PREPARE FOR WAR Trained Women Finding Plaee In New'Set-Up in Old Country Various Corps Working Well In Preparedness Scheme for John Bull's Defence By MOLLIE McGEE Canadian Press Correspondent LONDON, April 22: CP) Evac- - rAGRTHRfK Council to continue paying its grant for upkeep should conditions force it to move to Kent. This is but ope of dozens of such- arrangements between organizations and women oj-fering services and accommodation. Work of the Auxiliary Terrlt3rtxl Army or Women's Army was tested when the great recruiting campaign to raise Britain's Territorial Field Army to war establishment 6f 340.000 got under way in the last weeks of March. Women Territorials fully trained, officered and In uniform took charge of all the filing and clerical wprk in the various centres and also, did most of the automobile driving of supervising officials. Stead- uatlon schemes are occupying hun- Uy. surely, the great new orgahka- dreds of womenV committees In "on or women is tailing into s England. Women in rural districts. Place in Britain s army ana taxing called upon some time ago by the over the non-combatant tasks ai-luthoritles to help In taking the '-igned to it. :ensus of available jooms and des- Women in their tailored uniforms iriptlon of likely buildings, are bus- no longer cause passersoy to stare Uy turning In reports. as they walk along the street arid As if to emphasize the Importance pnotograpners no longer iurx out- of plans for housing of school chll- side the Duke orYorks neaaquarj-dren In times of emereencv in ers barracks on the chance of gel- camps to be used for holiday re- ting a shot at an awkward squid sorts In times of peace, the Queen oj Duxom matrons wno nave jou sat In the House of Commons as a led up" to cook for the troops. visitor during the debate on Health ( Effect on .Marriage Minister Elliott's Camps Bill. Whether military activities will Summer camps for boys have for lower the number of marriages this years been one of the King's main ycar has not been openly predict oclal service interests, witn tne by statisticians given to such flrf King the Queen has lately been vis- urej DUt the Post Office authorf-Itlng new housing settlements In ties have allowed $75,000 less lb London's East End and outer sub-jthelr estimates for marriage gratuf urbs and Is fully Informed on ar-Jties, or bonuses given to employee rangements being maae ror tne ac-. departing to marry. They were non- ?ommodatlon of the working class population In times of peace as well is In emergency. The main concern of women on evacuation committees has been to find owners of large houses willing to take children. Complaints were registered by wealthy householders afraid of damage to their property. Arguments waxed hot and heavy in columns devoted to correspondents In various papers and the theme was even used In vaudeville skits. The Health Minister's Camp Bill making provision for 50 evacuation and school campe would abolish the necessity of btllettlng thousands of children though country houses would still be used tor some. Would Billet Hospital Lady Jowltt, wife of Sir William Jowitt. former Attorney-General has offered to take the patients and staff of a Kensington baby hospi-j committal when questioned. The estimate Is purely speculative, based on the average of past years, and does not mean that fewer girls are expected to marry this year or that the girls being married will be younger and will have had fewer years of service. The figure given Is necessarily a long shot," they said. The largest group of girls coming under the jurisdiction of the Post Office are the telephone girls who number several thousands in London alone. They receive a bonus In proportion to their years of service if leaving to marry and it was particularly in reference to them that the authorities were questioned. 1 It is from this class of home .that the new territorials are being recruited and military plans would no doubt affect their matrimonial prospects. Say what they will, figures in the tal to her country house In event of estimates denote Post Office au- a wartime evacuation or Lonaon tnonties ao not expect raucn cim- and the hospital has accepted the fetU sprinkled ort the steps of tele-affer and requested the Kensington phone exchanges this year! MacKenzie's Furniture KITCHEN TABLES Drop leaf $7.50 10 KITCHEN CHOIRS Double rung Windsor, eastern g gQ hardwood, strong and sturdy. WW. Each ?XUV Phone 5 BIG NEWS IN RADIO Marvelously 'Convenient and Ingenious R.C.A. Victor Sets For Use Anywhere Take Radio With You, Even as You Walk-ideal for boats, the summer camp or for care. There's an R.C.A. Victor model for every purpose. R.CA. VICTOR Is made better, works better and Is cheaper to operate. Compare R.C.A. Victor and know perfection In performance and value. t New Mantel Type Complete with all 2995 batteries . ; :-- New Portable Type Complete with built In Aerial CQQ Qff Otf.Btl and all batteries Let Us Demonstrate