out, ve Authority hmen In Ontario Tower Plants ihfd With Powers of Police Pronto, April 22: cpForty It.-- sworn In as special profile officers to guard three ' the Ontario Hydro Electric mmLsjlon against possible operations, . are hydro cm- MINING COSTLY SE Vancouver Big Mls&ourl. .18. Bralorne. 10.00. Cariboo Quartz. 2.10. Dentonla. JOiVt. Gold Belt. .45. Hedley Mascot. 1.14. Mlnto. .01 Vj. Noble nve. J02. Pacific Nickel. .10. Pend Orerlle. 1J4. Pioneer, 2.40. Premier. 1.00. Privateer, yo. Reeves McDonald. .21. neno, Z2. Relief Arlington, .10. . Reward. .02. Salmon Gold. .10. -Sheep Creek. 1.05. Cariboo Hudson, .24. Hedley AmaU .04. Oils A. P Con.. .18. Calmont, J4. C. it E, 2.bl. Freehold, .03H. Home, 2.15. Royal Canadian. -0 aik. Okalta, 1.02. Mercury. X8. ' Prairie Royalties. .19. Toronto Aldermac, 31. Beattle. 1.14. Central Pat, 2.25. Con. Smelters. 47.00. East Malartlc, 227. Fcmland. J4. Francoeur, .16. Oods Lake. 8. Hard Rock, .99. Int. Nickel. .45T8. Kerr AddLson. U5. UtUe Long Lac. 2.60. McLeod Cock&hutt. 1.90. Madscn Red Lake. 3i. MrKmzln Red Lake. 1.10. Moncta, .97. Noranda, 74.75. Pickle Crow. 4.70. Preston E. Dome) 1.30. San Antonio, 1.40. Sherrltt Gordon, .95, Stadacona .47. Uchl Oold. 1.16. Bouscadlllac, .05. Mosher, .13. Oklend, .08. Smelters Gold, .02. Dominion Bridge. 28.00. She Aggression By Reich rsaw is Not Asked by Chancellor Adolf Hitler if She Hunks Herself threatened-rsoihinfj rsew in in- Partite Agreement hn.nnT Anril 22? fCIM Thp Roumanian rmvprn H'-.ii".'! ....... - im o Bt,:. ked by Herlin whether it felt itself threatened by' fir-- is reported reliably to have replied: "Roumania IT . ..11 r i r- i ice now any one couiu ieei secure in Europe at I'lTlu YUf ID K rttimL'." Roumanians first move after renlvine 111 JIN YV vJlYlV ii'i ' " - u -m w w w ie ijc rman questionnaire, was to pass the answer along Foreign Office. It was r -ikrsmen said that Po-vd no questionnaire. atinru replied that themselves threat-C u-greaalon. c r further develop-onnectlon with the ' : lte agreement bc-Hi lain Franee and are expected until m Moscow of Ara- iS NEW FLAGSHIP kafr Meirick Trantfrrs From II Vork to II -M.S. nerwirk t N Bt rmuda. April 22: ' " tianfer of the " I T,tr.ander-ln-Chlef of - und West Indies T Royal Navy from c II MS nrwiek be- f tne squadron. The! 1 f r England to be re-1 r ommlssloned. ' a. Sir Sidney Meyrlck Brrwirk as commander '3r Two years ao he Admiral Bt who West Indlw sUtlon - Y rk r and rreommlslon-1 kr Ysk w,l) return to this sta- :rr duty. In her two - -. :c .she has steamed cr 000 miles. c 'lhe Klnn's Colors fol- . ',er-in-chlef' flag. The! ' handed over as unl- its drawn up ashore sa P York, with Admiral Sir. Mr rick on board, visited r tT . ' f .,;i.ri- 5i summer. lecial Guards TODAY'S (Ooarvy tt. D. STOCKS JutuurVxi Co.) I Weather Forecast I i Th nressure VJCUCUH OJillia I transferrirt fnr th Krxelal.. ... ....... Ttlnnrf Thp r 'w mgn on vttiituuifi ---- a a clothed i . with police auth-iwoathcr . has bcen fair and cooler fin British Columbia with a few .lioht showers ln the south. Prince Rupert and Quecil Ttianrts Moderate westerly l iu.ia. . I...J mnctl.r fair and cool With . w JAW. a W , April April 22: ii (CP) lUl") - - Wilms, iiwomj , , -f ?ndlture r tfwiftnn t i nfn . nmhable strone south winds laic ai . vwvv,wv . flV.V If IM rpntiU.j i u.i ii InlnVit m& mine Into production, D.I West Coast of Vancouver Island- m, l, a. for Cumberland. Moderate west 10 norm !r "ern constituency' said hew. part cloudy and rather cold. Wmm PARIS. April 22: CP Nine persons were killed when two French bombers collider above Toun military airport today. The accident followed two oth- er serious French aviation craihe during the same day j- with a death toll from the crashes totalling twenty. PROGRESS Is Running Well Ahead of Sched ulePouring of Concrete Stalls May 1 Work on the gun emplacements being put in at Jhe entrance of Prince Rupert Harbor by the Northern Construction C. and E. J. Ryan Contracting Co. is pro ceeding well ahead of schedule. The heavy rock esravation work has now reached a point where it Is eipected to be able to pour ranrrflf abfltlt MlT 1. Bv SeD- Vancouver Firm Does Not Export Answer Receired to Telegram In Regard to Destination of Scrap Iron made as to the destination of scrap Iron "wii which was " being prepared j i local foundries In view of the delay there was In answering his message of Inquiry From Cable irriifT tfnnAAiiitAti Tc crowded to standing room, showing the Rreat interest taken In this subject. Ever since the Munich onsis the government has been subjected to considerable criticism. All Insinuations and criticism were fully answered after the Prime Minister made his aoeech and many facts which were not generally known last September were laid bare. Regarding hi action during the time of the Munich crisis Mr. King rva1ed revealed that mat Great ureav Britain Bram had u can not agree to lorever suppuu l 1 n...i n rl 1 1 1 n every .government m w . t i. here for shipment south. The wire or to declare that Canada ls forever ...... n kl.v m!1 tn .C- - -V . 1 1 sayj; ne uuiivt cahh. . prepared wsena ner sons iuc aaugniers w iisit w v..fc.. w.- Mr. Klne had little doubt, however ol what the senUment and feelings Mr. Campapnolo intimates that he of Canadian people would be in Escaped Death On Aerial Tram the event of Great Britain being attacked or In danger of being con quered for the feelings of the Can adian people towards Great Britain were bound together In ties ol Dirtn question of Neutrality The question of neutrality was a different Question from that of Two Vancouver isiana en , .urura . i Canada's right to neut to Ground When Bucket Slipped neutrality. No 'country, Mr. King declared, should. ! however, be given the Information 'that Canada would stand aloof but POUT AUm. . ".fnr mnn.t to declare neutrality land, April u: r, . ld to Munro and TanK "a sor-nations. Coming to the prac- eesof the Havllah , goW mine, escap- neutrality. Mr. King ed death out were mjureu u.-, " , th t M dav when a bucket In which they ,, tn ... .. i r it.. ndS UIlLllilllkaUtU V -w were riding snppea .rom, uCa. . Q , them to earth. . . ' cable and plunged .... . . for ln that wbt wve w Canada would have to re- levent iwwmiF DOUHI.E Titnimir TKOUBI.E j Qf MlUh Mps lntQ Canadian ports and would even PUG mivAwr WASH pivfh RIVER, NS N., April Anrll22- 22. . llh -StTZtC should a Ernest Mitchell, lumberman. First . he was laid up with a cut hand. Asi Canada he was , aUe -to eei ' .oon isjr government, no S ' J."". ashed Wa otheV hanatter who m offlce.to go lm- mediate.y to me a.a m urm a with an axe when he returned to lirk. rConifiinftf o Pugo Three) Tomorrow's Tides 141 Capitol 3:05 a.m. 21.1 ft TAXI 15:59 p.m. J 8.2 (t. 0:52 a m. 3.1 ft. Macey's Coffee House 21:53 p.m. 12 tt. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER CXVIH No. 94, PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, APRIL 22, 1939. PRICE: 5 CENTS eral Grant - - -- - - v V. Th Provi iia Does Not Feel Secure At All This Province Orryinq About : Have Bad Luck: .A. A Doings Around Ottawa House By TOM REID M. P. HURRYING UP HOUSE "about the oeen icon - including Canada, ions, Dead Tree Point-Overcast, calm; matter. New ZeaUncU Australia noc w hsmmrtir. 30 03: temnerature. 38: 'Point: in this siae of the hTrW u,iu ,tar belief, had liven no assurance !sit on Wednesday evenings nines confirms confirms and then work on the other ide at Frederick Point will get fully under way. Practlrally all the work is below the ground surface ai deep as twenty feet. Between ninety and one hundred men are emplojed and material being ued includes 5000 yards of cement and 8,000 yards of sand. The sand is being brought from Hastings Arm. Canada or the other Dominions .during the crisis that they were prepared to fight for Great Britain it would have not only embar- irassed Great Britain but might have been the very statement to have caused a declaration of war. 1 There is no doubt but that the Prime Minister's atUtude was the correct, and only one to take and :in keeping with all the other Dom- lnions. Mr. riuig juiaus w ...-- -A. Campagnolo Is In receipt of a sltlon abundantly clear that Par- ilm frnm Mavlnr Averv Ltd. of . i. i rfoxMo nVion j iiameni itsvn uum ....... Vancouver In regard to an inquiry tne tlme comeS- Canada, he stated. TODAY'S W-ATHER Prince Rupert Scattered clouds. northerly wind, three miles per hour; barometer, 30.07 (rising); Aim to Have Prorogation by King temperature. 38; sea smooth. Election This Year Seems Triple Island Scattered clouds, Certain westerly wind, four miles per hour; light swelL r tiimmoner," ' Langara isiana scauerea ciouaa ottawa Anril r'Trn maior westerly wind, two miles per hour; r w,r0mftpr omter' W M97- 97' temnerature PeratQre- 47- never consulted any of the Domin- intention! ol tne government have MUIUICI s UWIWU um. mh tttJ-.. '- . V ' " o3ntseii. "." .rrrr I ,u. tn ha. thP Bun Haroor-uvereast. nonwe whatsoever to oreat amain oi inr barome- wlnd. ten miles per hour; wUllngness tc help should war have.slon "j"? Ur. W Temperature, 44; Ught been declared. As a matter or ac- may or piWoBuCU u, tual fact at the time many peopJe on his arrival in ert Bay - Overcast, westerly were crying "fight! fight." OreatjmonUx a ru ,1nd ten i,M per hour; barome- Brltaln was advising the czecn gov- "r.rr" ". tn ter. 30.17; temperature. 42; light eminent to hand over the country aamu-" '7' " ,hnn. pTefully. iU inntton of brging Great Britain acting jnf calm; only as a meaiator. naa an .-- ai ranee or statement been maae oy barom nossible after the departure of ew:r , Their Majesties from Canada. There Victorla-ciouay. ouuean wma. 4 .... .v mil.. rr hniir hammftpr. an be no longer any douot as to "- Prime MlnUter Mackenzie King's intentions in these respects. v " The only remaining posslbUlty of tour miles per hour; h.r barometer. difficulty about prorogation In May n.. i. .v. A ,n,,ti,iviit fnmor nf tni iiiik-t lire Ui OUUHIVM. w. ..v. . - - - - House among the smaller groups. The Conservative Opposition Is displaying a willingness to co-oper- ite with the government in bring-n? the session to a conclusion so hat the Klnz may perform the ceremony of prorogation in the senate Chamber. The Opposition jarty's attitude in this connection 's largely influenced by Its readiness for the general election. It ap-, oarently has no desire to do any-j thing that might discourage the ulnlstry from putting Its fate to the '.est at the polls this year. With tittle more to be accomplished in "arnameni. arliament. however nowever long long the me ses George Clear, northerly wind, eight miles per hour; barometer. 29.78. BEES HAVE THIRD WIN Boston Nationals Getting Early Start in Major League Baseball NEW YORK, April 22: (CP Boston Bees made it three straight wins without a defeat so far this scs- j,,,i ,. vrt be as well employed In-getting ready r,lh, ot ln their flrst for the campaign. 1 . thp N,tIonal The attitude of the smaller op- "T.Iirr a t raltlon crouns Is uncertain. It Is ae .ti i iu t .u-.. will .m m.i. threaten Victory over me ot. . lwuis uaiuuiai not unlikely that they The BeeS and thC ubs UbS n0W . l.ij v.a rrnA. - nee Gomes Under Big Scheme To Finance Public Works Tourist Highways to Receive Attention and Big Bend , Link Expected to be Completed Under Funds Made Available at Ottawa I OTTAWA An.il 99 (CP Wnn ThnmnQ A Crprar minister of natural resources, today outlined an $8,000,000 11 1 A A 1 ? J i. Canada and Her Relation With Great Britain in Case of conservation and development program to be carried out War I by his department with funds provided in the supplement- 1 al estimates. In British Columbia $1,250,000 will be spent, Ul iAWAi iirU iSV IjUCStlUJl 13 Ul iJicaici $0-iUfWV XUI tile iijjjiiuvciitcitb ua ajiiwicii uuiuiiiuia tuuiiob nnvfanno fn thp npnti f of the nominion tHan Canaaas mgnways. inerexsaisow,uwiOT- elations with Great Britain in tte d dui ""SS.'SS SStuJSS ing the discussion on this most important subject che tne corapleted, thus op. Prime Minister and the Hon. Mr. Lapointe presented the enIng an aU-canadian route for Liberal party's stand. It was a momentous day when Mr. motor travel from the Pacific coast Kina SDOte. ine gaucries were eic 10 ron Annur. LIMITING OF COSTS New Election Measures Recommended at Ottawa Holds Down Expenses Skeena is Excepted OTTAWA, April 22: (CP) Llml-UUon of election expenses to twelve cents for each listed urban voter and twenty cents for each rural vo ter was recommended to the House of Commons elections committee yesterday by a sub-committee and was passed. Four ridings of exceptional size but with comparatively smaU elec-tora te wei e excepted1 wlHiHhe'iug-sestion that they be considered to have an electorate of 20J300 each. These four ridings are.Skeena. con- lsting of 152,000 square miles, Yukon. Cariboo and Comox-Albernl. ON TRIAL FOR LIFE James Anderson Committed At Atlin For Murder of Knute Olsen Being Brought Here James Anderson has been corneal ted for trial by Stipendiary Magistrate H. F. Glassey at Atlin on a charge of murder ln connection with the death of Knute Olsen on April 9 and will be brought to Prince Rupert next Thursday afternoon by Staff Sergeant Ernest Gammon tn await trial for Good hls We at SuPrenxe Court As sizes in Aiay. Olsen was found dead in the snow outside of Anderson's cabin on the evening in question. There is al leged to have been fighting between the two men, first In the cabin and then outside. Liquor ts reported to have been Involved in the case. James, or Jimmy Anderson, as he is called, is well known ln Stewart and Alice Arm. also to some extent ln Anyox, ln ail or which places he resided for some rhrtd ar! years prior to going north. He Is uD D l"?.5?a:lu!l!.V.-l:; the only two so far unbeaten teams 1 nrotneP of John Anderson. for. hl adJOu,fo7a wsterJ 1 At" and reassemble hter but there Is - mue possiou y y ' very the Washlngton Senators into camp carry such a threat Into execution. ...... . Most of their members come from distant points and they would not - welcome we 0pener 0t the season, easDy downed back and forth to Ottawa that an the Detroit Tieers and. nnf, with thA the adjournment would necessitate. LINE ROUTE Yankees and the St. Louis Browns, who have not yet been able to get ln a game owing weather, are the Halibut vSales Amerlcan- and 55c. Summary -15,000 pounds, 7.4c Canadian 47500 rounds. 6.4c to the rainy and 5c and 65c and 5c, . only unbeaten! American SPRINGHILL, N. S., April 22: clubs In the junior circuit. Tacoma, 15,000, Cold Storage, (CP First aid men and mine res- ,7.4c and 5.5c. cue crews will line the route of the, BIRD CAMPAIGN Canadian Rnval nrocession when the King LETHBRIDGE. April 22: (CP) . Cape Beale, 40,000, Cold Stor- and Queen visit Pictou June 14, The! "Outings of Extermination" are age. 6.4c and 5c. men, from Cumberland Railway and ! planned by the Lethbrldge Fish Fanny F., 6,000, Atlin, 6.5c and Coal Company's Sprihghill mines, ana uame rroiecuve Association, as. will be stationed at various points War has been declared on crows, Congo, 1500, Cold Storage, C.5c between Pictou arid New Glasgow, magpies and blackbirds.. and 5c.