i it 1 4 J4 f tAtlK TWO DAILY EDITION Quality Counts Most TEA EDITORIAL Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation Prince Rupert Branch: Stewart Branch: Thursday, May 11. 1939. LET THE FLAGS WAVE The Kins and Queen are expected to arrive at Quebec on Monday and it is suggested that, on that day and while they are in Canada, there should le a generous display of flags and bunting. On Tuesday there will be in Prince Rupert a shipload of members of Rotary Clubs from Washington, Oregon and' a part of Idaho as well as some from British Colunv hia points. They will be arriving in the city on the steamer Aleutian. As they will be here throughout the after noon and evening, local merchants are being asked to decorate their shop windows. In view of the desirability of letting the visitors knov that this is a Canadian city and not Alaska, it is very do sirable that as manv Canadian and British flags as pos sible be flying that day. The Rotary Club is asking the co-operation of al1 citizens in making the day a memorable one. WOULD TAKE RAILWAY tive party in the Senate, comes out wholeheartedly in f av or of taking the Canadian National Railway away frorr .the people, of Canada and ODeratincr it under Canadian Pacific management. He calls it unification. This seems to be the first time a prominent political leader has declared himself openly in favor of uniting the management of the two svstems. It will be anything bu1 popular in Prince Rupert where the people realize wha' lrind of .a show this part of the country would get under 2 management nf that kind. Sale of the railway to the CvP.R. would be much to be preferred to joint manage ment MbDERW. EXPERIENCED BANKING SERVICE . . . The Outcome of 121 Years' Sacces$ful Operation . . . raw apjMBinva "What I like about this j bank is the friendly, help- iui way incy uo tnings for jou." BANK OF MONTREAL IITAILlSHtO HJ7 A. MacCALLUM, Manager H. V. LITTLER, Manager StRVICr$ OF THE BANK OF MONT R I A L "-!. f,r i..Wf NEW AM) BETTER COLD CURED ICE For the llall'jut and Salmon Fleets Fallowing the Investigations of the Fisheries Research Station; the Company has Just completed extensive changes and Improvements in ice storage and ice delivery methods. - Ice for the boats will all be old ice, thoroughly cured or j aged at new low temperatures. It will be delivered Into the hold, even In the hottest weather, as cold at the storage room. Fisherrrien are Invited to Inspect the new system. Better ice than ever before, at no Increase in cost, means economy to ttte boat and improved quality in fish delivery. : Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Prince Rupert (). Ltd. British Columbia SmS. MOB ACOC1TTF.D should have no difficulty in deter mining that this was a simple acci dent and that no blame wax to be CIXssifTEO FOR RENT CLEAN. Well - furnished modern I apartments. Phone Red 444. tf. FOR LEASE FOlt LEASE--The whole of the two upper floors of Alder Block: 30 rooms. Furniture for sale. Ap-ply W J. Alder. City nail. tt U'OUK WANTED SCANDINAVIAN woman desires position cooking for small crew. Annlv Box 7. Dally News. 112) WA1STBI) WANTED-Oirl for v(da fountalr and lunch. Dave's Confectionery (114i IAJST LOST Canary last night around Beach Place. Finder please phone Blue G18. Reward. (110) Office Supplies Typewriters and Supplies Stationery Printing DIBB PRINTING Company Besner Block Phone 234 i point out? the factors on which the .. -r. . ! crown submitted that were nau (Continued from Pitt One ' been negligence. Accused admitted J that her eyesight wiw td at a dta- seen a mww andthoMHiHsh would tHIMW she had 'Hlftnliur like to have It to help out her lar- 0bpct ;1i which she alm-der She proceeded to get a m. ft lwt )1er mity l t1ce telling several persons f her In- nn H fi m.'t tn:t' she VM v eie-tentlon. She had bfenine "moose- pel)( vnwii of Uie wl minded" and. due to an unfortunate nuide nr evfr, lUt ,,. responsible set of clrcumstaneev had aoi imo tttr rareleme; It wu for the an unfortunate mesa, jury to determine whether or not , Mrs. Moe. who state ahe lived ,ne a, taktn the aare the should , . alonn nt Palling andMStipprteri her- jy,. Afj he'fitteKl orthe Mr$,was ' self. tnktuit havhiu; none to the ld. oim (iuij. I homestead! at iWker Uffee 011 the j)uitr rharre day in question. Returning home judge" rhame to the Jwy she saw a moose in Oretermui'x ia,tf over an hour. At Iwnth-he Swamp and decided that she would 0Uuityed Uie definitions of the law ,like to hare It. Aceorcttnsjy, she ft reJrard u, manslaughter rutfl thl went to get the riHe and stadia and, cfemenU consututlnif culsjpW .returning to the swamp by a short- homicide through nctjUttwuto or er trafl, again saw an object wliirh otherwise The Ittrv itawlrt'lrHv tin. silo bejleved wm Uw iwhw h had ttiffletilUr In dr,lUR that juv-m .4 . spotiea Deiore. ane snoi aim. 11 )wd Mjed d pressed It mtKitother running around the swamp to Uie thing, however, that the kllllnf had spot, found it was the man who ap- been cau.-wd. by negJigenee. It peared to be dead. She immedl- xht duty of any person In control ately went to report Uie matter It of a thing uhlch. In the absence of. was from a distance of about 150 precaution, would endanger .human yards that she flrt saw the moose. iiff t0 u,kp .uch measures at would! She was about 200 yard away when remove that danger. Failure to do She Shot so constltiitrd eulnabilltv. A loadt Under cross-examination. Mrs. , rifu handled without care, war, Moe said she believed the moose a danger to human Mfe and it was, was noi very iarc. ae nnu omi tnf duty of any )frHU1 haudNlit,. unable to tell whether it was male mch a weaDOO to take reasonable! or female Or how old it was. She nrecantloni His I rriih in reviewed thought it was feeding and that the the evidence to which he applied motions were those or a moose She the Interpretation of the taw. Thej had never shet a moose or deer In duty 0f the Jury to determine, this country but had shot mooe In whether the accused under the elre ' Norway. cumttances had pecformed her legW , In addressing the jury. Mr. Ful- al du- . I ton admitted that all would agree 6-. ,he )ury rtl,rpd- '"IS Ui " W,U1 " "oei 01 not there were too many fatalities from shooting and automobile accidents ulf but he did not think this was a caw where the crown should attempt to make an example. In fact, he thou eh t ft was unchlval- , . , , , , I rous to lay the first charge of this Right Hon. Arthur Meighen, leader of the Conserva- Ikind against a woman. The jury In ditehargtn the prisoner, tlie judge asked her to remember the next time she had a rifle in her hands thatjthe had killed a man. Greenville Boy Is Dead Here attached to any person. ThU was m known to be a good moose country rJght-Vear Old Son of Mr. And t.u ..uacu u uiuusc-uiuiuru. Mr lnl,n.n T - 111 .1 1 make her believe that it had been moose at which she shot I'aies Hospital She Weaiev Jnnh nnu no A iv.t never dreamed that the gyrations eniy son of Mr and Mrs Johnso-ot the object in Uie swamn were r,im of oreenvllle on the Naas those or a man picking berries. He River, passed away at 3 o-clo-k contended that the crown had not yesterday afternoon in the Prtnet established Mrs. Moe to have been RUD-rt General Hospital where he f Ly careless had been a oatient for ten days T W Brown crown counsel, said being brought here from his hams that it was his painful duty to lay village a fier having cortracted a I the farts before the ;ury and to severe eild. Funeral arrangements are in the hands of the B. c. Un-, dertakera. Besides his parents, who are ail ...... vMuiKi r ini wic oirnia P've' for the wimmer the hd is survived by four sisters Mrs. Anthony Calder of Greenville. die and Mildred, at present attending Crosby Olrlf School at Port Simpson, and Pearl at home.. t p ! 'i 5 ney. D. W. Mare of Klplox and Kev. Bishop Black of Kttregukla will arrive in the city from the in- terlor on tonight s train ami salt aboard the Prince Ruoert for New We'tyrtatct: to attend the British Columbia Conference of the United Chur. h of Canada next week. tar . mi uxmtMsMfji ewt svsrju Wm. GAIR Florist Box 27C r .jvviiniiiuii I'hone BLUE 374. Orders Talten Now I'of Mother's Day Larre Variety Cut Mowers and Pol Plants Mail Orders Prompt Attention THE SEAL ' QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy lied Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all the year t round payroll In Prince Rupert Made His Pibe 1 Him an Admiral Thar stout old seadog Jean Ilart was commanded to present himself before the Grand Monarch, Louis NIV. Perhaps even he was nervous. Anyhow, in the king's antechamber, he pulled out hit pipe and smoked. The courtiers were ready to drop dead ith fright. But the King approved this rugged independence and said, ' I nuke you admiral of my fleet". In thoe days, tobacco was crudely cultivated and cured; but it cost, literally, its weight in silver. The refinements of pipe tobaccos, cigar and cigarettes were unknown. Today the tobacco industry provides the livelihood of over 300,000 Canadians (fanners, factory workers, uholesalers, retailers, v.ith their de pendents) to ensure that you shall get the smokes you want, vlien and vhere you want them, and as you like thetn lett. IMPERIAL TOBACCO COMPANY OF CANADA. IIMPED I Trevor Johnston left on las evening's train for a brief business (trip to Hateiton. He is expected .back tonight. Gamma Wins In Softball The ease of Captain Dan Wedge of the fishing boat Bay-View, an ap- The second gamt or ut JmSm peal against a eonvfctten under the High School Softball League wi International FUherles regulations. rlyl Wednesday and Oamasader for Beta o . hand and over Beta Mr Leiir acortkecper Ptajwrs Btte K-Bsaukdaon B 8rrMter B. will come up on Wednesday of next feated Beta 10 to 9. Qwant ptefed tdcrwood week at the session of the Supreme hard from the start ami Dei hM , (teauna Court AMtees. Several alvoree eases. the lead in the third inning Al- Ksajra. Jour will be tried Tuesday. tnoug n uira pmceo some mce row rlen. mnt Red LobftJ 2fi2 ot. $; 10 03W. BUck UU1 Oru 12 jnrt 3.2a r V old. AW JOHNNIE Walker Remember it next time mftilnl in uU'' J u oy Uk umi'. tiil llonru or ij f Krit(h rnliimbla CAMPACS The Finest Summer Shoe For Style, Wear And Dependability. Buy Now While Sizes Complete Fahvshoe store ltD. The rlome of Good Shoes J. H. BULGER Optometrist imr.l Bin CENTRAL HOTfl ROOMS " - Phone 51 l or Het "08 I i'U mks. mks. r r r, r, ju- PtM m 1 COAL Grain ftri. and Fertilizer PRINCE HITERT FEED CO. Vi.nnrn 58 and