:. Thursday, May U. 1M9. THE DAILY NCTTff LOCAL NEWS NOTES lima Crisp More Delicious . . . More Nutritious amLS! It's your treat'at Cam Mrs. Ltt Gordon and child are brat Spinster's Spree, Oftdfellovs sailing tonight on the Prince Hu mm QUAKER CORN FLAKES Hall 9:30 tomorrow night Adm. Il6. 50c- pert Mr a- trip to VsHMtouver. if Announcements All advertisement in thli,col-emn win be charred fort roQ month at 2Sv a word. Presbyterian Vea. Mra. Lakle's Vby 11 12, Cambral Spinster's Spree, May Orai i se SpHtHt Sal, MetropoH UV. May 17. Uridae Drive 9:30 ,vr. N .rwfglan Independent Dante, ijdcii -How's Hall. May If. II i .ial Tea. NurW Hftme. May N v Leainte Ball May 19, V -iu Day Dane. Mooae 101, a. & Band brida drtve Legton IV. M..v 26 l Qu n Festrnrt, Dbm, 8t ir ti .ii Ubv aa W -n Auxiliary Canadian Spring Sale Jane 2. P bvterur. Missionary Tea, Mrs. v. xxJ s June 7. A . :i; Tea Mrs Oood. June C J"?" BACK Sessions of the annual meetings of the Caledonia diocesan board of the Woman's Auxiliary of the Anglican Church are continulnc today and will extend into tomorrow. Today Is belnc rl?vnt,i entirely to business sessions whlr-h started at 10 o'clock this morning. Tomorrow the delegates will visit the miaatnn boat Northern nmn jllie Ridley Home and 8t. Andrews JapaiMe Mission. J Pilkiwln the eetebration of Holy i Communion yesterday at the Oixtilng. Mrs. II. 8. Meadows, pre sident of St. Andrew's Woman'f Auxiliary, welcomed the delegate to Prince Rupert Mrs. Hendersor of Seal Cove replied Mrs. C V BvtU was made a diocesan tiff member. In the afternoon Miss M Foerstal. missionary from Japan QUAKER AUXILIARY Young People's SESSIONS Work Discussed tlloreMatt Woman's- Auxiliary Hav inj Full Day's ItuiJnes Rerep tlon Latt MCht Norman Blazkhall has been appointed to the staff of the Canad ian National Telegraphs messenger who K borne on furlough, spoke of aervlce here, work In Japan. Tea was served. ; um evening there was a receo linn h rwn a v riiK Hodgson and Mrs. H. T Lock, vo the Cathedral Hall. Mias Foerstel y ? N Brocklesby. Srhool Tea and DkMtay IWTe an InteresUng address on -Hsme and Dress of the Japan- Cripps "'"Z " piano uur" ' c. . , .. Misses Jean MacLean and and showed many souvenirs. Rev. W. E. Coltlson spoke interestingly on the subject of "Caledonia Sixty Years Ago." A musical program Included vocal duets by Miss Irene Miss E. D: Priestly and Leonard and- duets by the HI A MONARCH VISITS CANADA The Kinir and Queen of England have come to visit jhis ereat Dominion of ours, to see at first hand a part of a mighty Empire 'building its future upon, the highest principles' of freedom and democracy. From coast to coast their doinks will ha of national and international importance, tfistory in the making and YOUR daily newspaper records every part of this precedent-shattering event brings you all (the cqjor, the glamour, the highlights and sidelights In an authentic and permanent form. Replete with feature stories ami hundreds of photographs, the daily newspaper again demonstrates its valne as an integral part of our scheme of living. Not only during the royal visit, but every day you can look to your dally of information, a mirror' newspaper as an authentic aource reflecting the many-sided events that form the pattern of today-evcry day! Form the habit of depending upon your, daily newspaper for relaxation, enjoyment, and a complete nnd authentic record of national and international events. lilJililil.lNIIN'JiMrJil DAILY PROVINCE Ruth Nelson. Peter Lien and Mrs. C E. Cutlin were accompanists. Refreshments were served. Advertising Is an Investment , "k . Mr Ji P. Oade left oir last ev Serjeant Sperry Cline nt t$e ninV train for her torn at Kk provincial poll at Bmllhen U jiff anffa-the city for the alzw la connec- lhomaJI u lion with interior cases, . 0ft tQe pHnce Rupwt ,, , .' , ver enroute to San Franctaco to at- T J UX lend the GtW a mtnaS.nai after a hH brief v vbaUto-the city a. a a Exposition slzes. left by last evening train, on l i P.nvn f rin (nf brlrtr Mis Ivy Anderson, who has been, paying a visit here with htt par-: ents. Mr. and Mr. JLT. Anderson, i KISS YOUR treb mm COOKYEi Pp!ms Mny Sullmr Low-Blood Count And Don't Know lb TK tmSUiiiz tMnr thratlow Uaa4 tomt h that nti wriete ateot 'ar u mjtm mr did took Imltkroml ttmnt. yrt mv tmm tri M iS roa faM'- ld fh' rouv Urn, doprr. tir4 and jvfdxa. Iu Uood most aaii torn hmm got mwti nd lamd rmvuif. It U tbrir rtul ib to rarrr llfr-sirias oxrrn from oar Wan tarmuhnvt ynmr mij. And iut u it tai fan to nptod raaolia la root car aad mat b pm ta tara tlx m yua miut tuwv pirtrtr of antra ta riplada U mrri ia wu had aad clt fait (ala Ort nr. WilUama Tlak PKI today. TWt ar wnrld-faHMtn far IK kl ttoj la lamaalnc Ih awmkrr and atrrneta uf rd enrfaiftrit" . TWa wita rMtr Uoiw rauaf aa. rmm'n frH likr baa.'id.ns Bp tbt italri at it yaa flaatlar "a air. Ak youi dnjfriat tar Pr. WiltlanH f II PlCt od LOCKAVOOU'S FUR STOR FT NOW OPEX FOR BTSIXESB Evervthinf in Spring Jackets and Capes Selling fct Vancouver Prices Bargains for Cash All Furs Manufactured by T. Paopas of Vancouver' Third .tve. Next Moose Hall Music Itu'tb Nelson A.T.C.M, Teacher of piano. Theory and Harmony PHONE r.KRKN VM .W,WW.W.,bVSrWW.VJ'AV DAY and lOHT' Phone 1 13 Ta x i PAT MAZZIS ? Opp. Post Office, 4th St HOTEL ARRIVALS 1 Kara I - - E. Pierre. Prtnse Rupert. Prince Rupert to. M. Chapman. J. Cummin. J. will, sail tonight by the Prince Ru-jLlebischer. Mr. Justice A. J. Fisher pert on her return to Vancouver, and William Colquhoun, Vancouver This morning, on appllcatloa ofi T: W. Brown, crown prosecutor, Air. I Justice Fisher At the Assize Court ! released Robert Bartlett from Jury Aniv hA4ticA Via tc a mmfwp Af tVm H. F. SUverthorn, Billmor; H. Lang-ley, Victoria; A. L. Feesey and Mrs-, i. Brown and daughter, Port Central W" Blvcr' Stcwart: Mrs" 'active militia and Is not sublect to' Tn nn lntrcHrifr arA Informal Ciljr. manner. Rev. H C. Burkholder, , . r , Knox 'young people's secretary tor the Decree absolute was granted last:, u i ouu"JC,a: Air- ana Unlted Church of Canada In Brt-.night in Supreme Court by Mr. Jus-;4'" eiwa. a. uoya. van- tlsh Columbia, gave a most enjoy- tlce A. I. Fisher In the divorce pe-COUTr able talk tn a prnvflv number ofltiUon of Lena Amelia T "'t' ... t -i - young people at the Baptist Church Conrad Berg Llndseth. The couple last night. His topic was: "What were married in Prince Rupert Oc-ls the Purpose of Young People's- tober 5, 1016, The husband left his Work?" Daring the evening he. wiffr In 193L There is a twenty-dlscusseo the needs, goals and pro- one-year-old' son. T. W. Brown was grams of young people's groups, jcounsel. for petitioner. The talk was of an Illustrative - . humorous nature and was touch appreciated' by the audience i Mr. Burkholder will speak again . this evening to the young people when he will give demonstrations 1', of worship and recreation. Alter j' the meeting tonight the Religious Education Council will gather to elect permanent officers and to make future plans. SPORTING GOODS 40 Tennis Rackets To Choose From SPECIAL FHEE With Any Racket Over $10 THREE SPALDING Pressure-Packed TENNIS BALLS This Week Only Our Stock of FISHING TACKLE Is At Its Rest Now Come in and Look it Over KAIEN HARDWARE PHONE 3 mmLwmmLtwammmmmmmm. MMnMaVaWasm. XTATirP t MISS YUKI NOTICE ! Dressmaker Commencing Saturday, Ladies' and Children's April 15th, our Alterations Moderate Price CONFECTIONERY ph0'ne gkeen sso STORE I 727 a5611 ST- Will Open Until 10:09 p.m. ! M Mussallem's Confectionery xicw NEW ROYAL davai Opposite Canadian Legion f"? HOTEL " J. Zarelll Proprietor ' "A HOME AWAY FROM I i j Local Fresh Raw and home- PastcurizcdJVlilk Rates $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot St Cold Water VALENTIN DAIRY Prince Rupert, B.C. PHONE $57 Phone 281 P.O. Box 19G THE VANCOUVER This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor;." t-uiFtroi Boara or oy iae uorernmeni oi British Columbia. Jolui Brerouer was excused from ruard b".-aufj if deafness. Nlhe jury servi e at the Supreme Court summon sr were issued against ntn Assizes yesterday berausi he was who did i.oi appear when their over age and hard of hearing. Irwin names wre calld for jury service A. Arnold of Smithers was also ex- this morning. Were Celebrating a Silver Jubilee It's the Biggest Event in Housekeeping History KELVINATOR'S 25th ANNIVERSARY' ' MODERN ! STREAMLINED; BEAUTIFUL 1939 Silver Jubilee Kelvinator 1 ? i See all the Features of a Really Modern Necessity At Lowest Prices Ever Offered r . Easy Terms That Pays For Itself Five Year Guarantee m 1 t 4' And So Economical Tnat No Housewife Can Afford ' to be Without a New''' "REGENT" Stainless Enanulware Color Combinations to Match Your Kitchen l6ry Trimmed With Black, Blue or Ued Now On Display at GORDON'S HARDWARE McBlUDE STREET w-t' MODERN IN APPEARANCE LONG LASTING EASY TO CLEAN -J Phone 211 UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CAT A LA EVERY TUES- T.S.S. CAKDENA FRIDAY, DAY, 1:30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver, Thurs. a.m. Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. If Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets at Office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets Ftonx FRANK J. SKINNER. Prince Rupert Aeent. Third Ave. Phone Sit