' XXVIII No. 110. II 21:05 p.m. 17.1 ft. 1:57 ajn. 05 It. 14:11 pjn. 7.6 ft. IV.. .M.M A1IMI OTTAWA. May 11 berated for nearly two, wu 1 of the of Agriculture. Hon. James O 8upremr,0ardlner had aRrPcd to a numbc- ik proceeding here a ana auempiea mur- ti De aeau wim. ine proceeding today, fridrnre In Moe Case 9f coosc having been In the gmp for a long time past. Hej Ia that the defence was that the lailty was nothlnir morn than an The only defence witness Ii'nt u,(l be the accused herself. Her rV would simply be that she had wntmwd on Pago. Tim) CP The received Its ' . V 'lhW reading In the House of u man as he dlscharg- senting vote after the Minister of amendments based on sugges- nlal A ank f ft llttr t Vl M Mmwl xpuon of Mrs. Moes (loai undfr wnJcn rcne j, grant, rf, afternoon Haakon Mng exUndfd, D krr Lake merchant.! the body of Mostue r und. evidently dead. . f ' i accused savin: "I. w v t thought wu al 1 i ' was Martin Mostue " v.2 not living with her had a trap line and me for hr own use si-.' out cooking for a Killing Of Propaganda Nails Establish One Slat ion At Dantlg And Poles Neutraliie It WARSAW Mav 11: CPlIt has living at Decker been revealed here of how two J-knew the accused. She I powerful radio stations at Danzig . t I -. k . . I ' 1 1 t . I M . V. k Am-t . ;n naa snot mwwc m . neuiraiizru cacu oum mc a moose. He went with 1 semination of propaganda. First ( -nd the body near the the Nazis started a station and T -.rt was also part of a . then the Poles started another r.berrle close by It. Mrs. 3 t :d him several years ago r rjight was not very ally at a distance B; .;hnson. farmer inner and ana log- ' : t:ld of mee . -.3 with her : ',hc accident to the police. '-3 the first sighted the moose ' went back and got a rifle the man In mistake. which made it Ineffective. Federal Building -p.... T ting Mrs. Moelj4jingS Are UUC to Burns Lake I 0 .... In City Next Week According to word '1 maklnir ltatiilK an all aulonsv. UVVLJ3. The AilV Ltd w of Klicnener. pec ted to take a few days. much received In T C Holmes of Burns Uke.the city the interior uaraware wo Ontario, which J-'T . has the contract for interior m- m&- . th.lin fnr the new Federal Build- .-T T "C ..UC 'V - - - - . tv, 0nnA, I 1 , . i C 1 U 1 IIP IIIUT1III 1 1 L.' 1 1 1 LWILC.i IIIK HVIVI dy of the tragedy he haddellvered to Prince Rupert by May o Decker Lake and found the, is or i. ai u.v- v. v 1 il. t enmnanvs rcDrctciiuc " pn dark when he arrived and here to superintend the Instaiia not ex tin was quite dead. ?k:i Seymour Clarke, provincial Mab!e who had been sent to in- :te said he found no trace of 1 Hon. The worK iwcu (Wed a long time In moose! T T1fftJnV ry and kneWthelr habits well. llCAl 1 UC3UOY .naa been game warden for ten Mrs. Moe took him to the re where the man was shot and hat and cranberry nail were there He Identified photo- It'h- of the site taken at the time iCanstable Smith. Portable P B. Smith, who check- ha swamn with Constable I'ke also told of finding no new tracks. He Identified the phlng of deceased. P1 completed the case for the Bwn. Mrs. Moe's Evidence f a ... O. Fulton, ' defence counsel, ed. more than Is Deadline I OTTAWA. May 11: 1CF) Unless the business of the scs- slon can be completed by next Tuesday, there will be no royal prorogation of Parliament by 4. ,p Kinir durlnir his visit to Ottawa, Prime Minister wu- . t tcnbaniln Klntr an- T ' imin mu.in....' o 4. nminred yesterday. There . 1 j v.. n riiiA.Hnv nriloum- WUUiU uc 1" H; . ment instead, the Premier stat- Orlelnallv It had oeen planned that an adjournment ..tA k 4i,i-lnir thn pntlre time of the King's visit to Can- T uua SEAS ARE the proposed trl-partite non -aggression pact Is expected to facilitate negotiations with the Soviet and clear the air In regard to conversations In Moscow. Official circles SMOOTHER ABOARD EMPRESS OF AUSTRALIA, May 11: (CP) Seas became considerably calmer yesterday as the Empress of Australia, carry ing the King and Queen to Canada, entered the iceberg area In approaching Cape Race, most easterly point of Newfoundland. Today a dense fog settled over the Empress and the convoying cruisers, forcing them to heave to 350 miles off Cape' Race. Majesties. As the royal flotilla nears the American continent numerous mes 5c. Summary Canadlan104,500 pounds, 6c and 5c to 7c and 5c. American None. Canadian Covenant, 21,000, Atlln, 7c and and 5c. without the axis powers, the newspaper said, and It Is not under the domination of elth- er.. The comment Is believed to have been inspired by the 4- army faction. CHANGCHOW ATTACKED Important Smith China Seaport Victim of Intensive Japanev: Air Raiding AMOY. May 11: I CP Chang- are now more hopeful of the pact chow, important southern China oeing concluded. seaport, has been made the ob I Guarantees which Oreat Britain Active of an lntrnslve attack by and France have made to Poland 'ananse air raiding planes. Ac- - - "w - 7 tloru by various groups of thcand noumanla are believed to hav --rd'"T to word recelveji here dlr- Housc. Special assistance has been actUally had the effect of making rct hits on th- port, yeste; .agreea upon In the event of a Shipping Interests Threaten Drastic Action Unless There Is An End To Walk-out PORTLAND. Oregon. May 11: (CPt Shipping companies have threatened to close the port of PnrtlanH unlpsx there is an lm- mediate end of the longshoremen's' King and Queen Now In Iceberg dismissal bv Are JV"r.N.ewf.!,ndJand-n- !th, Luckenbach Une of thre' ing rioouru wiiii .icxMiifcs workers. Case Traversed To Fall Assize Attempted Rape Trial Deferred On Application of Defence Counsel In the assize court this morning Mr. Justice Fisher granted an ap- of Reld McLennan, ! plication c.v,fc,,r, a HAI5. f a Southhampton,!?. f,,w. one of the convoying cruisers stag; . ea a aemunsiruiiuii ui humuuj markmanshlp at sea for the bene- t 1 il. in.. MrrantAn rn 1 noiri I Lois N., 20,000,, Cold Storage., 6.4c and 5c. Oslo. 17,000, Cold Storage, 6.4c . Cape Race, 7,000, Atlln, 6.3c and 5c. Cape Spear, 14,500, Pacific, 6.2c and 5c. A. K., 2,000, Booth, 6c and 5c. Marguerite, 28,000, Cold Storage, 6.1c and 5c. Mr. McLennan submitted an affidavit to the court stating that Dan, "c uaj "V" l. subnormal In Intelligence and CICW Jt'-- v - .! ll,n4n.nnl,t.rlllu-ltnw ova WSSl tua nw - are not present and cannot be brought here in time for the present loorr court to hear their evidence. One sages of greeting and welcome are wltnpsses the husband being received. Halibut Sales of the woman who It is alleged was the victim of the offense. Baseball Scores National League Pittsburg 5, New York nil. Cincinnati 5, Brooklyn 10. St. Louis 4. Philadelphia 3. Chicago 2. Boston 6. American League New York 7, St. Louis 1. Boston-Chicago, postponed account of cold. Phlladelphlt 4, Cleveland 7. Washington 1, Detroit 5. on C. H. Orme, who has been spending the past few months In the city, will sail by the Prince Rupert to night on his return to Victoria. hi w Tomorrow's Tides She Sterol! 141 Capitol TAXI High B:10 am. 15.8 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, MAY 11, 1939. Early In the counting Hurry had a substantial lead and it appeared likely for some time that he would In. Returns from lster divisions, however, reversed the remit. Alexander Fordyce and Peter McAl- i er. two other candidates, were far behind. Fordyce getting 915 votes nd McAllister. 722. The winner will havea term on the council 'f nearly two yeas. the late Aid. "me havtn been elected for a two-year term lat December. riyl'.7ht -vn Mme war favored fcv a nluralUv of eUht votes 12653 o I26S2 but unoM-tallv it was indi ted thnt th council would not Russia less anxious to commit her- cpust thousands to bej Killed ana lct in crian7lng the time owing to self to any agreement with Brl- injured. Families living on junks Vhe undecisive matorlty. Farly t.i. ....w. k.inn io nm.uiii iiiifprffl neavv casuauirs lUkll V B.VWVM,J - . now in htr own Interests owing to jfc ine pledges pi roiun ana manlan security All uriUlflilJ t . a vimm Iain's statement of assurance to Russia was scorned and there was repetition of charges of mistreatment of Oermans in Poland. Portland May Be Closed Up counting showed a large majority asalnst daylight. si Yin? but jurad-ualiy thisas reduced. Deputy returning officers reported that there were "near riots" at jome of the polllne booths when ballots became exhausted. . TODAY'S STOCKS Couruy S. D. Jotmston Co.) Vancouver Big Missouri, .15. Bralorne, 11.00. Cariboo Quartz, 2.16. Dentonla. .02. Falrvlew, .05. Gold Belt. .44. Hedley Mascot. .93. Mlnto. .015i. Noble Five. .02. Pacific Nickel. .16. Pend Oreille, 1.40. Premier. 1.92. Privateer. 1.12. Reeves McDonald, .21. Reno, .43. Salmon Gold, .104. Sheep Creek, 1.05. Cariboo Hudson, .23. Oils A. P. Con.. .15. Calmont, 23. C. ii E 2.00. Freehold, .02 Vi ask. Home, 2.20. Pacalta, .05U. Royal Canadian, .17 Ji. Okalta, 1.05. Mercury, .06. Prerie Royalties, 21. Toronto Aldermac, .30. Beattle, 1.19. Central Patricia, 2.37. - Con. Smelters, 44.50. East Malartlc, 2.35. Fernland, .04. Francoeur, .18. Gods Lake, .35. Hardrock, 1.08. Int. Nickel, 48.50. Kerr Addison, 1.63. Little Long Lac, 2.75. Leod Cockshutt, 1.97. Madsen, .37. McKenzie Red Lake; 1.23. Moneta, 1.05. ; Noranda, 78.50. Pickle Crow, 4.95. Preston E. Dome, 1.38. San Antonio, 1.55. Sherrltt Gordon, 1.00. ' Stadacona, .48 Ji.' Uchl, 1.29. Bouscadlllac, .06. s, Mosher, .14. Oklend, .07. 'circle Germany. Bulletins LOAN IS APPROVED A message received this afternoon by City Coir missioner W. J. Alder from Olof Hanson, M.P. for Skeena, announced the passage of an order-in-council at Ot-tiua authorizing the loan cf $10,-0S applied tor by the City of Prince Rupert under the self- -,Knute Olvenwho-arrlvrd In the city only Tuesday night from Saskatchewan with a view to burin; a boat and going salmon fiihinr with a partner, co!!ap.ed and died on Third Avenue not far from the Dally News office at 10 o'clock last nisht. With him at the time was his partner and Reuben Scherk. When the man collapsed he was lifted into a car and taken to the office of Dr. E. B. Pujsley who pronounced him dead. Deceased is believed to have a widow in Saskatchewan. Little else is known about him at this time. VANCOUVER HOLD-UP VANCOUVER Two masked and armed bandits escaped with $300 in jewelry from a suburban jewelry store in a daylight robbery today after tyins up and gagging the proprietor, H. J. ANGLO-ROUMANIAN PACT LONDON Great Britain and Roumania have signed a trade agreement, Rt. Hon. Oliver Stanley, President of the Board of Trade, told the House of Commons today. Britain advances E, W. Allaire and several other local men left on last evening's train, for Haysport enroute to the Northern Pyrites mine on which they will be employed. About forty men are now working at the prop erty., Macey's Coffee House PRICE: 5 CENTS hamberlain Issues War Warning :S. MOE : ACQUITTED: . . . tal a i (ict of wuniy in interior 1 slaughter Case Warning Iwued by Judge listaken Target ud I'jIablUhfi to Satisfaction if Jury That There Wm no Criminal Neglect T ' 1 Moe. 50-year-old Lap- ...itti rf -Tail was aiituitK-u it -r-r court Assizes In Prince ' rr ! nigni on a cnarge 01 1 r tn connection with. . of Martin Mostue. aj 't a iwamp at Decker! O ' brr 9 last. It was es-1 Eire Boosts Income Tax DUBLIN. May 11: CP-The Income tax of Eire was In- creared yesterday by one shlll- Ing to five shilling and six ' pence to the pound or 27 V2 per cent, the same as in Oreat Drltaln. Taxes on tea and 1 gasoline are Increased and other special taxes are also tw- lng levied. WHEAT BILL ; IS THROUGH: WILL HELP WITH DEAL AT MOSCOW: London Circles More Hopeful Of Pact With Russia Being Concluded Berlin Is Scornful UTTERLY UNACCEPTABLE MOSCOW, May 11: (CP) The government newspaper Izvestia declared today that the British security proposals were utterly unacceptable In their present form and said that Ilussia Insisted on the formation of a "united front of mutual assistance" by Oreat Britain, France, Ilusftla and Poland or at least by the first three. The editorial 1' takrn as an Indication of Soviet government attitude. LONDON. May " 11: (CP " The II; 1 T.n Kiliu.ncuuii ui wc, .,, ,,. xi,..,,,m r.,l Third . . . . t MS Moe Had snol UO-- , . r v ,c.,uy oi rrn.lC jvu.,- : a distance of two hun-1 " -mer J,fvmc Chamberlain giving - : mistake for a moo' r J' . Russla that she would -had not been crtmln-, Generous not be left in the lurch under the '.I ! I I Tokyo Breaks Out Against Axis Powers 4. TOKYO, May sudden burst against -11: nf : MILLER IS a IN COUNCIL r c..,.. w:ii Former Mayor of Vancouver de-, feats C.C.F. Candidate in Civic By-Election CP A VANCOUVER. May 11: (CP Ex-hmtintv Mayor George C. Mll!er wan the Lanziy meatus yy hi Precipitate Conflict 1 a . - - . . . . ma . -w- . t l T T Germany j and Italy "vie Dy-eiecuon esieraay neces--primc Minister KCItCfatCS inat imilSll UOVernmeni lias 4- yesterday In a prominent Tolc- s"alea Dy ne aeam 01 aio. Tea re to Encircle Germany Crone. Miller polled 12.452 votes H jo newspaper created a sensa- to) Hon. Japan can get along 11.432 for former Alderman Alfred l,nTnOM M.nv 11 r (CP) Prime Minister Neville Hurry wno ran as a to-upcr iuve - - " ' . . , ,. , . commonwealth Federation candi-. Chamberlain today gave warning that any attempt to date. Hurry said he would contest! change the status of Danzig by force in such a vay as to the result on the ground that some i threaten Polish independence would inevitably start a four hundred votes had bn un- ral war in which the British would be involved. At T ITmZ the Fame time, Premier Chamberlain, addressing women reiterated that the Conservatives tocths. As a remit, the oossiblllty rf second aldenranlc by-election swnw " c" ARREST AT ARRANDALE Hunt For Anyox Hold 1 Up Man Ends Loot Found On Him Lloyd Colin McKenzie, miner, aged 30, was .arrested late yesterday by provincial police at Ar-randale in connection with the hold-up of the Consolidated Min ting it Smelting Co.'s general stor? 1 at Anyox last Thursday when an I armed and masked man made his liquidating public works program. jgetaway wUh $80Q ln casn. In The money will be used for re- ijpector c. G. Barber was advised pUcing wooden water mains. ol tne arrest last nigrit by Staff sergeant Ernest Oammon who has 'Ceen leading the search. at the time of the arrest part of the money.- He Is-tated to have told the police that he had cached the remainder of it near Anyox. When captured, McKenzie was unarmed, having previously cached .a rifle. McKenzie is believed to have rowed from Anyox to Arrandale In a rowboat which he stole from Anyox late Tuesday night. Police and prisoner returned to Anyox aboard the police boat. The prisoner will be brought to Prince Rupert for preliminary trial, prob- arriving tonight. Iably McKenzie had not been at Anyox long. He is known to have been in Prince Rupert early in April. ,He is also known at Stewart. I Murder Trial Is Proceeding Defence.. Counsel. Appointed.. James Anderson of Atlin for At the Supreme Court Assizes this morning W. O. Fulton was appointed as defence counsel for James credits of 5,000,000 to Roumania , Sangster Anderson of Atlln on ap- under the terms of the agree- iplicatlou of. T. W. Brown, crown ment. ' counsel. The Anderson case is pro- Iceedlng this afternoon. Accused Is CO-OPERATION APPROVED ' charged with murder of Knute 01- OTTAWA By a vote of 7 to 6 a 'sen. a special committee of the Senate Investigating railway conditions r today adopted a report of Gov- , ernment Leader Dandurand urg- ing a greater measure of co-oper- 1 ation between the Canadian National and Canadian Pacific Railways with the appointment of a referee to enforce that co-operation in case of rlsagreement. CHICAGO ELEVATORS BURN CHICAGO Five large grain elevators on the far south side were ravaged by fire which left ten missing and feared dead. The loss is estimated at $2,000,000. Four workmen and half a dozen 'firemen were hurt Weather Forecast General Synopsis The pressure continues high off the coast and a moderate depression is approaching the Queen Charlotte Islands from the southwest. The weather has been fine and warm. Prince Rupert and Queen Charlotte Islands Fresh northeast winds, shitting to east and becoming strong. Part cloudy with showers at nlghf. West Co?, of Vancouver Island Moderate to northeast wind shifting to east and becoming fresh. Part cloudy and moderately warm. The city council, W. J. Alder, city commissioner, will be In session this afternoon to further consider the rates bylaw for the year, there being certain formalities to comply with.