THE DAILY NEWS. PR'PP RUPERT - imiTISji COLUMBIA Published Ev?ry Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert " pally Ifews, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor SIIRSCKIPTION KATES imfinAxifiiiii innr Charles K. Sutcliffe, I'reMf? ft!1, KneUslj HaSME I'asej .yvay LONDON, Jan. 13: (CP)-Charles , life ijie time ume Job joo with win the mic club tiuu CUy delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid in advance orflpe assistant or a coach. Hild in advance, per week -- paid in advance, per month --, - , ".' in 1 I 1 .y mall tQ all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and jUSher JaCKSOn . ; UnHPd States, yearly period, paid in advance : ' By mail to all other countries, per year suu ! Mftf Cft Wp 4dvertisins and pirculation Tejepnone w pwa ' ' Member of Audit Bureau uf Circulatidns DAILY EDITION. r5 Friday, January 13, 1939. PAY VISIT Eight Games Flayed With Pott Esslngton, r Each. - v Sjde Whining 4 r - f ..,.K l?ti4rt Iiiitifliif I. O I aC, yi wwcufc v o lLsh Footbatf League. d)ed at his Four Much pnteralnmenl J1UII1C 111 AjiWltiJIUiC: ttV mm- e- , - ' a J ' fl . 1 nrv 1 1 1n ACC I --mm ntAi rrw VT t a n t 1 . Sutcliffe. Sutcliffe. after alter long long experience expense Kltkatla Kltkatla Senior Senior and and Intermediate! inwrmeaiaie ... KEjS1 Ui ! J .V,n nc.where the Toronto Maple Leafs 2; C. Nelson: C. Bolton, 6; M. Nel The outstanding man IS Oiwn ouiy t.. ""V'"" with Canadlens last nightson, 2: P.. Mason; C. Lincoln. 2 had responsibility tniustupon him. mere may nave oten Buher Jackson foru.ard hockey f. Bolton; g. Douglas. 9: j. Nel a dozen Ot hjS neighbors equally capable Who never nau undergo a medical examlna- ton; F, Russ; E. Hill; Av Gordon fh0 nAnnvtnnitv to distimruish themselves, sometiiiieo a tlon. It is tnougnt ne is sunenng.ioiai, u. tlie OPP1"1; is and have Eington-P. Spalding. 12; H "S0" but the crucial test from appendicitis may mail IS pushed forward by that to undergo an operation. SUrr. 6; J. Wesley. 2: Ed. Bolton that he rose to the occasion and handled the duties tnau, ,s , L. s-anspn, total, 20. came His wav efficiently and in a manner to indicate nis Following the sun of the inter iSr!iwl(tfP9 illrAIHllr mediate game, the visitors had Uu e,. 1 11 A capaomt wealth'1-'1-' 'locals suddenly inheriting bewildered with- their quick We have aiSO seen auM 1,n nnMOL ThPl ntTT T;i" 1 n short passes and for a time thi S S it o7abused. if there went OALL IlEAil as head of a business or with it a position of prominence manufacturing firm, he fell down on the job and m a few Jears hf disappeared. He is a weakling Owning the machinery makes no difference to him. He is incapable of it. UsiUb.? . , ... ii. ,Un f.'tc Viirncplf hpfnrp- death of ' . What we a.qmirp is ui. ua f ,;;v;r owner of the New New Yc F Russ. L Innes; A. aoraon. WiLsnn E Brown; total, sw. Esilneton - Jrown; F. Ing, 6; J. Gray ley; total. 12 hhnd' fgr better things and is , reaay f any u, tu . occurred here today. - -Ter$T n heli- w KV m t:,v.. mrtvo mnnrtnnr. wnrK 11 lLsiiuum uiicj. r? .- Doctors Doctors had nad said saia that tnai mere mere ready to assume responsibility. SUfiGESTID FOU ATIJLETIC CENTRE difficult a job to raise money for the civic centre, advan- long time with phiebius tnivp m trht be taKen Ol ine eumutiuu uu y";; We'W the ojd esth.oJme Theatre building from f ML e city and cqnvert it into a suitable centre. PThe proposed building wpuW not nrovide a large auditorium iuch as had been suggested would be a good thing fpr the city. It would not provide a swimming poo) ;"-rh ''A :.:,i ' orvUnriiri frvmnnsnim with dressing 1 nnii IV 1 . .. Esslngtonlans were unable to click The EsslnRton team called tlmf lut to get Its hearings and. on r ,., r..... " .-Hopes ti 11 r- For Given . Had Been Days ... , Vn Fnr Rei-nverv of R.nrhall suuhjuu.,, uv,h. n w-s. . Magnate KUA1K AIM 1 lplvi England won an nine , rvUn rrnvntnimpnrtj nt Rome anil Berlin seem bent On:agalnst Wales in an Internationa) J- VKKers, V K. view Of ominavuig i-iuiuc au ww. -- -- . "' t JanannqclQmjnatingtheW Playing for Southern Australia a nleasant one DUt It presents a pruuieiw Miaw jm""- sv, sUte team against a soutnern ais ed. j ne sicuanon musi uc iucl aim mv-w u - ...iv. Uj,6.5..u.. ... 4 ex- 'hlbltlon game at Aaeiaioe. von nfir1nnr rtntinpr ; f9nHe there , Ibe -jmrjSSS Hritain soon for Anthonv Edep to Jeail the IWtjpr) JvmpJre ,,0 Induded is and two sixe. in a fjrrpt- nolicy than at p vybicl) wp have bec.ome ac- customed. It is PQSSlble that Prime Minister Neyijle; The Munich agreement has caus- nhariberlain may realize the honelessness of his policy ed rerouting of the Monfe carl? OT.Wt y be prepared tp meet the ditors ta ttS Hie ohlv way they seeip to lmderstAPd. Tfe PQssibjljties K ,n Hupgv ,nstead of are so many arid the situation so grave that it requires from cluj t0 Prague. previously lhp most careful handling. The one outstanding need is the old route crowed the frontier nrenaredness and evidently Canada's Prime Minister, only once but now traverses it MaSzie : King, now understands that. "using delay. E. Jackson ti Rmrr uni referee of the 1 iii wv rr um - i n tarmeHifitP name' and P. Mart umnlre II. Reld refereed th or eame and E Clifton umpln Bolton was storekeeper ana Bennett, timekeeper. master. Social AcUvjty There . - was mpch social activity h"";iftv KUkalla vtsl as player ana reieree, oecamc ,u basketball teams visimxi van .v " " ,"h, ..i.t.r f, t-. .i, u'tors hn came in tnt thre, tnrer "'"w .... ".A. . -s responsible for the compilation of conclude a series of eight baske- the Jnfrlcate league scnequies. ball games which results? m loin In 1019 he became vice-president victories arid four defeats fot of the' League and In 1937 Presl- either side. Kltkatla won three pi dent. To Remain With Baseball Although Leg Amputated (he four games played at Esslngton to even up the game count which had had been been previously Drevlously In in lavor lavor 01 riu nnitnruttii and C. U juuiliavti, "t'. , Immediately alter arnya Ftfe entertained at the homes ol nMot i. I. Starr ana rreiwuenv lylajk Boltpn" after which thc(A. Smith were taif en to t)e reception hall for simondson a banquet !-"rry sponapr"1 - M We HJV"7" - low icorc Esslngton. The point count for the oil? Aux l ith Jon tond. d icrmeaiaies. -tj. wuu, . IK-,, clus Responding speaker1 , nickeoi . . , j j , tr-i'e M. Shaw. N. Leivls. M. hum Total Jan. 13: icpi Wonie rxioay nuemuou u.u Baira CIJICAOO, p-Uon B. Q Brown. Ed. lyiwn Pearson, pitcher, whp had his. leg played that night following a re- n rnn.inn on r.niiin hnnnnpf KItltntlfi Wtnnlni itoas.masier. iampuiau I" .... t fcV-i.r i hn irT AfUr the Friday night V In the evmiine was Of " Ladle La,jii accweni, remains on uic rucr ,c - . lv by the Chicago White sox ana may singipn ni "'""W TV iluriKar' The Esfngtorilan bro-even go to training camp this 17 tq 2. The hall ?-as filled l Wwi'; vlded the muHc. RefreshmenU nlffimUwers were 'Llnat Pasadena. He may at- capacity with fanssupporUng IfTmnt in n'itrh with his artificial either side. Before the games svea. w in onv case, he will have a started, Henry Colllson cave a as an Speech stressing the self-control ana sponsmansnip oi Dasiceioau. i The senior game was an exhibition of clean, fast playing. Th? I Kltkatla team was strong on defence but Esslngton managed to get' through. The first half ended I with a score of 16 to 8 for Easing !ton. The visitors proved too much Famous Member of Toronto For-'for the locals In the second half, ward Line May Be Sufferinff however, and tne KiiKauans over From Appendicitis came the lead against them to fin 'ish an fxcitlng game on the long TORONTO, Jan. 13: (CP On end of a 21 to 20 count. vi return here from Montreal Kltkatla w. Jackson: 5. Lewis, On Saturday afternoon there wa a banquet by the Easfngton oasKei- ball club in honor of the viuipra. ceaVers for Esslngton were Prtt-lent Mark BoltonrDavld Spad)n -n behalf of the Esslngton band md L. Syanson. for the Ewlngton basketball club. ReoonainK ipeaK-ts were Ed. Innes. Ed. Clifton and", M. Shaw. L. Swanaon was u. we there wf a dancf by tin! Ewlngton basketball rtMb wlth music by Nelson's orenera. ror the amuaement of the visitor welve local girls put op Swedish, 'oik dances under the direction of Mrs. R. Rutherford, all the ilrls heiiw Irt aDoroorlate costume, th dances being much en loved. Frt Hrltnn representative of the Es ington Basketball Club, presented smnll token to Matthew inn "i hc Kltkatla Excelsior Club. At a farewell banquet given hy e'-slnBton village. Port Esslngton peakiTS were Mrk Boltpn. L. L Starr, p. prown and David loaldlng. the last-meritloned nro rvin a toast of rrlendsnip Pnoatrer for the visltnrs were P. ouiIy The first half endsd fourltfnMn v tint nnrl w Jackson jail. In Jh-i second half the locals lhfre cfoslh prayer by A. NEW YORK. Jan. 13: (CP) The . ' '. . . Col. Jacob Ruppert. c" 'M '"8T- York Yankees .Mr" . . A" was - p E "Jackson; 2; L. Innes J no hope hope or his recovery and Brown; R Mason 2 expectea mat ne wouia aie ai any . . ?SatolaS,ttneeta4 Islng'ton-R. Spalding. 8; D kept him alive this long. n 'nt.ntev W RnnMinir r, n . uJ 111 f ' SPORT CHAT II. Innes; J. Gray; total, 17 Saturday Night Rutherford. Ed. uoiUHi raa master. T!)e vlslUys sallej for hprnc Mpn- KNOXVILLE, Tenn., Jap. J3: (Cp)--The practice of Rutting boys and girls n separate classes for pnysicai eaucaiwii -t' u""v'"' The senior game on Saturday relic of the past, says Godfrey no-nlght was an exciting and keenly votny, physical Instructor at Ten-played affair, KltkaUa whining 21 nessee University 1 to 13. The first half was ha-:d fouiht. ending In a five-all tie. Kltkatla S. Lfwis. 7: W. Jack- The Australian welterweight box- son; M. Nelson. 8; O. Douglas; J. . 1; C. Bolton, z; J . nei- .nnmi! onri cunvuprs. l iik jul is t-y y . r.-j- uroKe a Done in nis rizm nana in son: u Mason: r.. iiui. r n.u, ' ? .ri i An kii ir -ind s , I'-! the building ;,,. itself .. -i? is said ;,i fn tp V10 be in in fairly fnirlv good rmoil con- con- the seCond round of a 12-round bout, : total. 21. I mi. i.,r.tnrrn nt iicino rnfi Old Lneatie vyuum uv; m oyaney dui, woh mc wihcsi, uu rsuigujn r. oi'i,. - as it rjijght fte several year? c a - A moUo nHiAii4l1no furn.nlaro 171 Inn 1 'tntnl 1 1 TPntiriu's building could be erected. swim suits for girls was defeated by The Intermediate game was also We are not advocating the suggested plan hUt Slpipjy a Iarge majority a the Midland disT hard fought with excitement keep, ilrqwinfr attention to it as a possibility IP the SQjyjnK 9? a trlct conference of the Amateur in the fans on their if- i&Nr$fr "J vjnon in Cpyentry. first half ended even at 10 all. In i- tp l. have beep battling nnf flint? the tne local toun serv rviw ce Swimming 8 Assoclatlpn problem that peems ,ngland Women de)egaU3 faUc(j ,he gecond half R Mason scored clilbs apfl ptberS- to support IL fight polnls to lead Kltkatla to a FI 20 20 to to 12 12 victory vlctorv. matches raaiciwii Kltkatla W mnes, ir ?; t; yoiton wasc Mason, b; a. xn Scratching RCLICVC ITCHING In A Mhvtt tifi IU rtulAar HAIm U fm. UoUk rinii. UkWt IO.H, twLr fi -Um, nvWf rWU U. I. f" - tw'ir Ue, tkmld O. 0. D. rKCSCRirriOM. lu ltii ! Motha U IrrAsLed tkii. Our. pi Hta 1 m drM I.. run Ui mm iMMw iublBi uxlr. A lit tul WtU. st dnt mo Uck. K U 0. 0. 0. fflt$CRirTIO.. l HLX Bowling Alley For Health and a 811m Waist Line Bowl For Reservation Phone C58 . -J J' '. U r I ! l.l.i 4M.'-' l" For QUICK SALE! 1 Twp Snap bargains 1929 Marfluete. qpod condlfjon Chevrolet Coach ROYAL MOTORS $98.00 S95,00 iSann rbectlvely. High W- JfegrSSFjclor the evening w George Howe of North SUr with E.j individual scorjng wa as iuny- b. wick .... m AmiitiPlHf -lty Smith "8 McMeekp H Totals ' 7CI l'ioneer Laundry 1 R. Smith Wood 131 155 154 182 118 Total -'? I Leilon North Star B. Wfsk McLewl Hill Hftwe Samuelwn Totals . 1 109 143 150 .158 c;s ik m 201 167 :sc 118 ' K'i 2 113 136 154 145 145 633 2 123 172 ICS 134 II? 2 117 126 167 148 CS7 146 149 161 12X1 163 715 isal 114 Friday. January u THE nAJLY J?EWS PARE TWO Irmwnwr OFFICERS OF For Real Comfort and Wear "GREB" Working Boots Are Unbeatable Men's pjled calf, Panco or leather soles, plain toes or toe caps. Up from 3.95 Family shoe store ltD The Home of Good Shoes FOOTBALL IK1TKATLA HEAD DIES! H00PSTIH5 8. ' RESULTS CHURCH ARMY Parker' (Urate and North Star! m JJJ Chosen Head of U Thursday 'Night In Com- waiua Orfaniiat(n It merrlal League Next j nurniif find North Star v?n t,.n t-1 H. H. Spalding; Spalding; D wereu.jnnerjQnastnl8htfUtur Kjtw.u, , ft, MacKeiule Keiule, 6; w. apaia-, ,n tnf- pommclal Bowling ixuC flJc t()r Ule e) ; wUh ff nrcj tu""j - Harry L ,t Fowler Second Captain. Thorn . V. .. First Lieutenant. Solon-. Bi ant 1 Second Uptitenant, Jhrob f ; Third i4eJfoapi Pavi'; W Fourth uciuenaiij, i 8mltlt' V ' ",eneat Major. Charjc Colo? Seraeont. Joaeuh F Firft Sfr"1"1- Ab" Drn Spcond 9neam. joj Half Sergeant. T Dt rt: Drum Sergeant. W Br 'Kder Wlliue 170 , SvlpipOR Urvant h. 12lieleeled as Iniiian consub. 731 1 Tlie election of Churcli Arr1? j Jficers was conducted by JM 1 lWi8Rjjp. Chu 144 tlonary. and Jame R" i t 131, W. b01 of w,M)m n ' ' f i36lsoceh. epresalng upi. 4,1 J3i 9F U)Vf J work (or urni n 737! phurch Army ?6j' C. P R steamer Prui 16i lalde. Capt. Henry And. rited Ih port at 2 4S ti T ndon from Vancouver IIWUlr. ?iiUW I V1unami Inm,. Nations! League Toronto. 9: Canadlcm, f Chicago. 0; RanRers. 4. I'arlfir Coait Vancouver. 0. Spokane. 5. Seattle. 0: Portland. 9. I T()()'aTK'7o"CliAS$lfT "T I' ' 1BU 819 'pnU and will sail at 1'J her return south I iklilWWIVii. ...,. C71. The Jamaica g .has acceded an offer of mlttec of the Angiua.. Balaclava, scene of ..; worst train wrecks in Br t IndlM history. U r.-bur; churrhvard victims w burled betide the " - of the ellmate mat of ' after th final j LOST Truck radiator cap. Phone rt Interred m hait .y d Dally News nir ine wrcrt 1 sy TO ItLIll'HY VICTIMS Iff Em :? - : 4 if TV mi rinri iir 1 1 xi ii.ivi li aj w 11 iv i Control Board or By the Goy?'rment o( British Columbil- Smoke4 "Rupert Brand" Mild Curd Salmon 15c pkg, Fpr Mnch pn fpasted gapdwichps pr J(qrs fl'ocuvrc pne package Brryes Fqur People Jfeeps for Vyeejcs, n Refrigerator Canadian Fish & Cold Storage I'rlnre Rupert Co Lid. 1 ItrltNh ColumH