txqz FOUR Friday 13 th What Of It? Maybe Father Adam Had Some thin to do With Idea This Day and Date Thought Unlucky In Christendom probably the most start any new enterprise or sit 13 at the table, because It is Friday the 13th. ' On the other hand lots of bold spirits will go out of their way to walk under ladders and spill the salt. Just to show their contempt for the time-honored idea of the unlucky day. GOING CHOBUSY LONDON, Jan. 13: (CP) Brent ford football club supporters sang the team's "anthem" for the first Were Wedded At Kitsegukla Mrs. Emma Wallace Becomes I Bride of Henry John Wesley I KrrsEQUKLA. Jan. 13: On ' Monday in the United Church here Henry John Wesley, an old timer Hara-Douea ana an one ""J Kitsegukla. stood beside the bridegroom while Rev. Bishop Black read the marriage service. The bride was attended by Mrs. Mary Wesley, a niece of the groom as matron of honor, Mrs. Arthur Howard and Miss Jane Howard as well as Mrs. Peter Mark. All were beautifully gowned for the Groomsmen were Moses Jones, Joseph Brown and Sam Wesley, brother of the groom The bride and groom were both escorted to the church by the local band which afterwards led the bridal pair and the Invited guests to a reception held in Mc Dames Hall. A delicious banquet was served there. Peter Mark acted as toast master and master of ceremonies. The bride was -the recipient of many beautiful and useful presents. She was greeted with loud applause when she cut the three tier wedding cake that decorated the main table. Speeches were delivered by accepted version of the origin of'Irlends from ole Vowell and Kit the Friday the 13th fixture is In the fact there were 13 at the Last Supper, Including Judas Iscariot, who, next day, traditionally a Friday, betrayed Jesus Christ for crucifixion. Tn onv mcp Hniiht.lpsc thrMisnnrfs of mortals todav will refuse to set I segukla. Also, the local minister gave the bride a cordial welcome tn her rpva hnmp nn the rrvp over. Orchestra Has Thirty Members (Wlldwood Orchestra has elected officers for the year as follows; President, Robert Wilson. time this Christmas. The English , , . Advisor. William Jeffrey. r ....... firct Hti(nn f.9wl ron , competition for a theme song and "numbers" poured In. j The Morning After Taking Carters Little L'ver Pills Canadian cases figure promlnent- " r.Ur.T fh- tth jrlage to Mr, Fnnma Walla of J y In h d . here elBhtl"!1' aiSo "u n ""dla's federal court at New Delhi T1 a ia uhn oci, ,1 In the first Important matter Siivraavaw " UIIUC1 all ill lit Ul UlV" happened to meet with misfortune orated wltn white and colored Friday. May 13, 1938. may have IlowerSi tne Dridei attired in a blamed it on the unusual comDin- whU sllk dress with floral wrCath, ation of day and date. That's a custom as old anyway as the Gregorian calendar Instituted In 1582. No year Is complete without one appearance of Friday the 13th. He has turned up nine times in the I last five years. He will be here again October 13 and in 1940 he will tag September and October. It has never been established that anything unfortunate happened to anybody because Friday was dated up with the 13th. But the superstition, legend, tradition or usage, will persist. Some say the idea is as old as Adam that Eve and her spouse were expelled from Eden on the day of the week corresponding with Frl day and that it was on the same day of the week that Cain killed his brother Abel. Other authorities recall the astrol6gers of ancient Babylon declared 13 unlucky. The mythologists of Scandinavia blacklisted the number because Balder their sun-god had to die when 13 were found in the circle of Valhalla. brousht before it. The, $ourt was set up last year to decide disputes between the feder al government, the provinces and the federated states and consists of Sir Maurice Gwyer, chief Justice, f-ro-l,, rileHnfflilchoH British t rp.1-I OTTO to levy duties of excise on goods .manufactured or produced in In dia (as some motor spirit and lub lish lawyer, argued that "excise a turnover tax. The federal court has ruled otherwise to the great Joy of the provincial ministries which are all looking for revenue to make up the loss occasioned by prohibition and to carry out gener- Music was rendered by the boys 0UT ane "l of the band at various intervals during the evening. Afterwards the young people en TBH DAILY NEWS B.N.A. ACT I tauttu g Indian Jurists Hear Bulling Canadian Court By G. E. POWELL Canadian Press Correspondent CALCUTTA, India, Jan. 13; (CP) VANCOUVER EXCURSION :iub To Consider Sponso AVlliil-J U'J."'tw.iv- ....... I ... . surv iawver. Sir Shah Sulaiman, ex- Trip To To Vancouver ancouver r For or Kini r...s chief Justice of the Allahabad Hign Court, and M. R. Jayaker, noted Bombay lawyer and former Liberal politician. Before the court was a reference from the VlceRoy on the validity of an act passed by the Central Provinces legislative assembly Impos ing a five per cent tax on retail sales of motor spirit and lubricant. The Government of India Act gives the central government the power thoatf. Visit Business Luncheon Among other matters the Prlnci Rupert Oyro Club, at Its regular monthly business luncheon Wednesday, discussed the question of ac tivities for the year 1839. one proposal was that the club sponsor an excursion from here to Vancouver In connection with the visit of the King and Queen to Vancouver and Victoria at the end of May or, falling the practicability of this, consider putting on an excursion to the interior. Should a fArn -eltw.tlr.ri ha hplrt f hi VPST I -V,lfcv. " - ... . . rlcant Isl ana tne provinces nave'u was suggested that e kind of me power 10 tax me saic iu guwu. The government of India, quoting Blackstone, the 18th century Eng a midnight entertainment or special nature might be held on nlfrVit fentiirinC OUtside A communication from the Am algamated Service Clubs of Toronto suggesting that service clubs interest themselves In unemployment and the possibility of devising some means of remedying it Whifflets From The Waterfront Nationalist critics or tne reacrai consisting of Dr. Hugh Morn- Mr. George Utile, entertained scheme have argued that the alio- n Dr. k. Brocklesby. cation of revenues gave thej It AecAeA to hold the In- ,avyhv2r ir Joy ' themselves in games later Centre- all the elastic, productive lAaSStMm of off,cers on the night outon a Journey by air, seaorland,W land t. sources and left the Drovlnces with t.. i affair t, take left shortly after the banquet was wie at-uc w newining ones, ims the form of a stag party. ,ls exaggerated but would have hadi Df absence was granted to I greater substance had the court 0rtne stuart. one of the members I decided against the provinces and of the. club, who is to be away from I iri favor of an Interpretation ex- the cltv for a few months on a , eluding them "from an immense navaj cruise to the Atlantic Coast. I field of taxation In which the gov-; N, j. Carson, father of Dr. J. H i vemment qf India does not now and carson, was a guest at thej TnnTl P"' W0UW 1D ttle IUU,fe luncheon. WTQPmV KISPIOX. Jan. 13. Th. The Ifll, Klsplox jeeic to compete." 1 ' Discusses B.NA. Act 0 1i Jf T f 1 MacKenzie s Furniture f !L trJFSS, 2; constitution with its nice balance o a o 8 '41 Estb. 1921 12. Only FELT MATTRESSES Sizes 3.3 to 4.6. To Clear Phone 775 Nanaiino-Wc'llinj;ton Alberta Foothills and Rulklcy Valley Coal Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. . Telephone G51 or 652 o of Jurisdictions." a! The federal court's views take Thev SI or -general and theoretically appeal $7.50 Terms Arranged the Privy Council In London. Some newspapers point out that this case- Sophie Tucker Is 53 Today PATRICK'S BROTHERS uunng tne nearuig numerous -t MSM In Panama r.ferrHr, tv-.. W5!W YORK. Jan. 13: (CP Ini First Vice-President. Silas John- ,n,on and pr0TtacU, eelslatlve hia long career as a manager Lester! spheres were cited. Sir Shah Sul- Patrick of New York Rangers has fllman pramlnoH canun tv. i V.o flvo t nf hrnthprs under his Orchestra Director, Chris Harris. &sQ dlacued the provIslons of the wlngi two oi them playing now In-Trcasurer, Walter Skulsh. 1 British North Amri,., f o.i. .i,,HinW hi tan hrawnv sons. Lvnn Recording Secretary. Jeffery Har-j he and re'marked Patrlck and Mac and ; mi unci cWef jMtce juinte remarxea and "u iouik Murray I i I ' that Canadian decisions generally Nell ColvUle m .1 , , .f j .j .... j v . , .Try a Dally News classified ad-l The Wlldwood Orchestra consists , turned on th mMi j 0.rtl.ment fnr hpst rp.tiilU of f thirty thirty n.mhprc members. . 7 . . ."s a..u wpc X3 of the wprds "direct taxation," this oemg tne prerogative of the provinces." I The chief Justice goes on to say: "The decisions of Canadian and I Australian courts are not- binding I upon us, and still less those of the (United States, but, where they are " reievani, tney win always be listen- own FUR RENT I eoio minis court witn respect and CLEAN, Well - furnished modern , attention as the Judgments of apartmerits. Phone Red 444. If. i eminent men, accusiomea to ex pound and illumine the principles FOR RENT House. Ambrose Ave. of a Jurisprudence similar to our Apply 953 Ambrose Ave. ( 13 ) I:".;: ;,;r,r..T; ,r Kingston Rooms, furnished or with them. It will deem Its own oD-i " ""T;,l 'inion to be strenethened and p0;.' keeping, rnone om. ; '-? firmed." , WANTED eWKKKKjoaoooaooowotHseHSootttmoooo I Hls Lordship added: "I conceive " g githat a broad and liberal spirit LOAN of $300 Will pay 8, best o . . a uii.iuuiu snouid lnsmre nupire those muse whose wiiose securltv. lor six monins or months. Apply Dally News. da) FOR SALE FOR SALE Purebred Yorkshire n . See, our nqw and up-to-date stock that has Just arrived including g the lorm oi a report to, the govern-1 pjgs $6" each at 6 weeks old ..Chesterfield Suites, Bedroom Suites, 1939 Floor Covering are priced to clear on our January Sale, Ready to ship February 8. t. Bastlan, Massett, B, C, Q. C. L (12) Illustrates the need for Introducing FOR SALE Triumph cook stovo the federal part of the constitution as soon as possible as such disputes -- 'ment are in power at the Centre Try j as well as irj the provinces, i It t dirnected the Indian nrlnces will make up their minds in 1939 about Joining the Federation. with oil burner. Good condition, i Also circulatory heater. Phone Blue 276. (15)1 IS TIIK Si ('II KM E fOI Ill Of HKITISH COLUMBIA In the Matter of (he "AdratnUtratcii , Act" And In the MatUr nf the l.ktate of Hfnrj I r. Matlod, Deceaaed, Otlierle I Known llarry F. MatLeod TAKE NOTICE that by Order of Il'i 1 Honour Jutlge W E. Flfcher, Locat Judt of tiie Buprwne Court of LitUah Col-lUmbla, made the 21bt day of December, 1938. I wcw appuinled AdmlnUUtor of jFHdVthe Thirteenth is Birthday X ESoZX' 1 , Of Famous Old Actress wei. nd n paruoi having dun iainai tne uua emu re iKimuj if WYORK W-XUitJS, Jan Jan. is, 131 (CP) ' To- Julld t furnish wine, prep1y 'V ified. to m on or before the lit day of dav. Friday the Thirteenth, is the rvhru&rv 1039. uui n oaiitiea indebted flftyi-thlrd birthday of Sophie'10 ut v pt th Tucker, famous actress. ,Mrs. J.jO. Reddle Is a patient In the Prlncg. Rupert General Hospital suffering-from a severe cold. Mnount of their lnlbtediiieM to me forthwith. NORMAN A WATT. Official Administrator, Print Rupert, B.O, Dwted th 3U't ay of Dooumber, A,D 1938. twenty-ve friends at afternoon tea on Tuesday. Miss Clara and her mother left for the south on THE SCOTCH THAT CIRCLES THE GLOBE WHEN th TWO LARGE ! CITY FILMS y i-nnv of Streets- and "bht .Marrica I The reduction plant of the U C.j an Artist" on Double Mil at I .Packers at PacoH on the Queen j Capitol Theatre j Charlotte Islands is now tn opera-j tlon under the management of , "Boy of the Streets," a story or 'Kenneth Frascr. Some members New York tenement district We .of the crew of the plant came north starring Jackie Cooper and Maur-'from Vancouver on the steamer een O'Connor, and "She Married 1 Prince John this week to join others an Artist " a romantic comedy con-tncludlng some local Islanders, who cernlng artists, models and such i were already on the Job. There is like, comprise a double bill picture which is being offered to- Mor, hi.rrin in Oueen Charlotte nlnht and Friday at the Capuoi T o a - - - Theatre. irom the George to the John. TERRACE Unusually mild weather with considerable rain has dashed the hopes of Terrace skiing and skating enthusiasts Dne COOd result Of - " . '.nnvprw msnn. talent. Committees will be ap-, " consisting of goods bclonrng to Mr. Oauthler and family who left Ter race for Vancouver by Thursday's train. nov of the Streets" is a stirring I Norman McLean has taken over -irttma 0 New York's East Side and duty as purser of the steamer nn interesting study in character i - - - ' " tiuu ... , . . . , , Prince Jonn wnicn arnveo. in puii development, uooper. in mc yesterday afternoon from Vancou-j0j chuck Brennan. seta his feet on ver via the Queen Charlotte Is- the downward path but stages a lands. David Todd, who has bcenm 0bout-face when he learns salllnz as chief engineer on the: hat it Is all about. Temptation Prince John, transferred here last comes his way but he surmounts It. night to the steamer Prince George , Maureen O'Connor, who plays op as second, George Davidson moving Ipojite Cooper, is a fourteen-year old radio star with a fine voice. This is her first picture. The story of "She Married an Artist" deals with a famous French designer who come to America to: look up an equally famous artist j with whom she had been chummy ( in Pari fivf years before. In an: the January thaw Is to bring local effort to attract attention, she Is- ( h.mk into effective use. There sues a withering interview against j has been an absence of wind and her former friend and then trouble j V.-- I nrn Irnnnsnt h.1n In . MaTUL U'lm nUSrilV rriKIIIIlK BU included .lJini by the president. D. O., Qn Wedne8day an auction sale that wMtatott" .Borland, to go Into these matters. was neId at McDonalds' Garage . A . ..t preme. Jonn uoie ana mt mum-touted Viennese actress. Lull Deste. head the cast. IIAUDLY WOUTI1 IT MANCHESTER. Eng.. (CPi-The Hallfax-Mansfteld third round Eng- Tne MISSeS Uiara ana wuiumji., . ,(k ,n,lltlnn rnlV was referred to a special commit-j uttlc. twin daughters of Mr. and ntUed gate xtctlpU. Af- ter travelling and ground expenses the Football Association took five per cent of the balance, remainder going to the two teams. 6't ok S3.2S 40 et. S4.85 npnrpmr. scotch rQH "McCAaoKS PERrEcnorr ThU advertisement Is not published or lsplJTed pU' Control Board or by the Government of British Columoia READ best new books For a few cents a day you can rent the exciting new hooks that everyone is rcadins and talking about. We carry the best of the new hooks for every taste. CRIPPLED SPLENDOUR Evan John ALL THIS AND HEAVEN TOO Rachel "ld DAYS OF HOPE Andre Malraux DEAD OR ALIVE Max Urand THE MALICE OF MEN j- Warwick Deepening FLYINO COLOURS c- s- Vm THE SWORD OF ISLAM Rafael Sabatlni ROYAL REOIMENT Gilbert Orankau THE JOURNEY UP Robert H'chens THE MANDRAKE ROOT - Martha Ostcnso GUNS OR BUTTER Hruce Lockhart AMERICAN QUEST Bradford Smith YOUNG DOCTOR GALAHAD Elizabeth Sclfert WOLF AMONO WOLVES Hans Fatlada TO REMEMBER AT MIDNIGHT Michael Foster Read all these and many more for only 73c a month. Join Our Rental Library You'll Like It trl&if, Jinuaiy 13, 1939, c LAST TIMES TON 1 01 IT Lat Complete Show S: 16 JOHN HOLES In "She Married An Artist" With LI'LI DE8TE (At 8:33 Only) Also JACKIE COOPt.lt In HOY of the STREETS' (At 7:00 and 9:19) FOX NEWS (At 8:16 Onlr) Coming Saturday Only Great Story of the llrnjal "STORM OVEH BENGAL" NOTICE ! Until further notice hetlnninf Monday, January 2nd, our CONfECTIONEUY SIOIIE Will Cloe at 1 :00 p.m. Sunday Hours 1:00 to 9:00 p.m. Mussallem's CONFECTIONERY A Hot Time Is Whit You Want This Ulnter You ran get It by ulng oar famoui Kdson, Bulkier Valley or Nanalmo-Wtlllnitoti coaL I'MNCK Rl'PKRT FKBI) CO. rhonr SI or 531 CENTRAL HOTEL ROOMS and CAFE Phone SI For Beat Houwhold Coal MRS. C. E. BLACK TRAPPERS Don't be foolish and sell your furs at the waterfront. Fetch your stuff up town to Oold bloom's and get the buyers together to bid on them. In that way you will make 30 Ter Cent .MORE for Yourself Goldbloom The Old Reliable THE SEAL f QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Ked Bockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only iilnffl canrJoK company with an all the year round payroll la Print Rupert NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. ZarclH Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates 11.00 up 80 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Bos 198