THE DAILY NEWS. “Not what we wish but what we we wan. ”---Merrich. The News W. ay is a Good Wa Wa oa recom mm rmay meee see armors Be | pa pm a a ist 3 SRN eeiscetianatba aps acsrerscerneere i Social Doings } pee eee: “The N ews” Classified Ads. | ms OF THE ad For One or Two Good Lots in Section — tn inte He { One. Submit Your Listings. | =~(\ne Cent A Word For Each. Insertio wets 1 nie ere on te, Wert _ |) evening, last, were noticed a num- } —THERE ARE NO “DEAD ONES” HERE— ber of theatre parties. Mr. and} Second Avenue pasianiinssiadniintauetaltaoncrmernlt om em ee et es Be | Mrs. Patmore gave a very delight-| Telephone 83 Recreate sommsomsetnsrtncotns terme emsome iS ane ee Pee any ra omen ful party to a number of their| aa | friends, and after the perform-| One tot, bio —THE j}ance the guests repaired to Mrs,|. SS" »4 ' Ven FIFTH “AVENUE SNAP} ogee ! Westholme Lumber Co. '.:.7""",.¢¢0!s, tow °8-| one tot, bio et orden street, where a very| One | lot, block cash, bal, 1 Lot 6—Block 10—Section 6 [Phas pices hae house, 640 8th ave. LIMITED dainty supper was laid. three lots, $1700-—$800 Cash | The guests were Mesdames| % cash, ba ; | FOR LEASE—Mcintyre Hall; well heated | O A Naden, Fulton and Ward, Misses beac nice THIRD ANENUE P.O. DRAWER 1524 PHONE No. 8 Law-Butler Co., 3rd Ave.| 04 lshted. J. H. ROGERS, Phone C L Milligat,. First Avenue Phone 186)‘ the hospital suffering with) eas be ‘* Stay Satisfactory + me ie ee : os __.|typhoid fever. His many friends| MONARCH MALLEABLE “S25: . sca met i will be glad to learn that he is| Seattle Times’ Account of the Wanted FOR S A I E doing as well as can be expected. | rw , ots, Lively Bout in Which Figured | = sere ee One lot, t | | Le winds a a | cash, bal the Man Who Is to Meet Joe! wanrep—a rooming house in good lo- SECTION 1. Mrs. Dawson entertained the | Two lots uO r lease, Good tenant . “ive ‘e } ‘ va : ; sh Bayley Here. noly” ‘6 oan Brot vn 319 3rd "ave. 4 23 and 24, Block 8, Section 1, $15,-) Five Hundred Club at her home $50 cash, b u cetetiemenernaneie 4 . : : * cash, balance very easy terms./on Tuesday @vening, last. Iwo lots, > ; 7 > y : ver cent. Apply Do-| Lot 31, Block 16, $8,500. $4,000 cash,| . $75 « ash, As everything referring to Joe} BARBER wanted; 65 per ec ee o, 12 and 18 months, House’an4 barn} | Se oe reds tote. Sea J ea rent $100 per month, | Thee “te , Ss ‘ 75 cash, t Bayley and Pat Scott is of ab-| \snrep—a general servant. Apply Mrs.|Lots 9 and 40, Block 14, $15,000, 1-3] Phi entertainiment for St. Pat-| cae f }sorbing interest to local sports, | Palmer, 720 4th ave. east. Telephone| cash, 5, 12 and 18 months, jrick’s Day, given under the aus-| ?".J0"))! — a : 2 tf $s 3 and 4, Block 8, $10,000. 1-3 cash, . \ the following account of his go} re 9 and 15 months, * ' pices of the Catholic Church,| |with Pete McVeigh at the Seattle) WANTED—Servant girl; other maids kept. | SECTION 2. ;promises to be a huge success. Apply Mrs. L. W. Patmore. Several Gaon 2o8 in this section cheap. | Phe e : FOR SALE. | > » festaurant on Se ! 1 /Press Club smoker, taken from | ° ; one-act farce comedy en-| farm land at Lak General Merchandise Largest Stock the Seattle Times, is given. | WANTED—Position by young man in|Lots 16 and 17, Block 17, $2,100. $1,000/ titled “Ici on Parle Francais” is FOR RENT, 2 * ee | rocery hardware business; 7 years’ | cash, 6 and 12 months, re ‘ : : eee oer cae ar experience; peat OF references given Ad-| Lot 30, Block 22, $2,600. Want one offer) PC pol ted to be especially good, Store, corner S¢ . basi Qes . Draee CC dress A, Daily News St for terms, 7-room house and cabin. "he anage > > secure street up a live ly bout at the Pi ess U lub | Lot 8, Block 25, with two 3-room Phe -manage ment hopes vo seoure Store corner 356 | smoker last night that wound up| w ANTED — Restaurant outft, especially} houses, $2,600, $1,000 cash, 6, 12 and) the Westholme Theatre, but that) "Sitter . . $ c range, also bedding and cheap furniture is months, | finitaly ant . q . Lowest ‘Prices in Northern B. C. |a pretty good show. These boys| fam, ag? bedding, and cheap furniture |, 18 nantHy Block 48, 800. 4400 casn,| Will be definitely announced later. jare both so strong and fast that| &-tf }, 6,12 and 18 months. | wait, ‘ ; ot 24, Block 28, $900, $450 cash, 6 and . : . & eels x |}they will have ip go a JON BOL | deemermer merce merrier 12 Oils, Mr. J. J. Chisholm left on the} ereml H Ku | rt? i j ie tt fey tre ‘led last ; ot 9, Block 40, with 3-room house and Princes May for ; 9 | | . ier Bictaay Ay ae ny ane ed { Business Chances warn, $950, $300 cash, balance 1 and cess May lor a visit to his ’ re “e » CE ‘ is j 2 years, This is @ snap iid home ir orth: | night before one can show his } OLY Hipek a0;-8b00, 4460 6ekb: 6 anal ome in, Portland, Phone 317 | super iority over the other. Tom- ioc ee laces eh | 12 months, s s * ia Cia Tank SECTION 6. . ahi’ ‘ : é } my Burns, the referee, called the} manry—tne Ideal Introduction Club leads|jots s and 9, Block 36, $2,800. $1,400 Mrs. Frizzell has returned] yout a draw. The Ata ae was a] / happiness, Strictly private, -high class cash, 6, 12 and 18 months, from an extensive tour of South-| = BE me me ts se ee ee sales sep sp ms ms sme pe mers ps ar Phone 150 : | and reliable. Best in the West. Address ots 13 and 14, Block 25, $3,000. 1,000 good one, but if there was a} 0s Wilson, box 1776, Vancouver, B. C.| ~ cash, 6 On thie. ‘ of $ from an extensive tour of south-} “ : 24 | ‘ Editor Daily News: _ shade at all Scott had it. lcots 7, 8 and Swi Sh, 98,480. 4-4] CPM coast cities, including Port- The Insurance Peg l In reply to an article in aa Because Scott has been in the|* Dail’ LHOniGe-And tener chulsery wOyE. cash, 6, 12 and 18 months, nee land, San Francisco, Redlands ) paper of March 14, headed “Never Hf ae akties ‘Lahe Rarted “| vb 6, Block 15, $900, $460,cash, 6 end 19 , I ; 4 game only about a year and the| [and for’ pre-emption or purchase 12 months. aygd Los Angeles, Was Any Strike,” I can inform : : : |} Nursery stock for sale. Phone 305.); ots 18 and 19, Block 37, $1,500. $1,000 e:% Bets tak atiena i d eisikel at Mile fact that McVeigh has picked up » O Box 993. 4t cash, 6, 12 and 18 months, 59 d 1 i : | Be quite a lot of experience 1D VAP) ge iim imeem mermemed | Lots y and 4 migekn a eehd. 4860'casb Mr, and Mrs. J. Fred Ritchie F > ots 3 anc , Bloc 5, $500. 250 cash,| , | ;59 and also at Haze ton. ious parts of the country, it was} 6, 12 and 18 months, and son left on the May for Vic- " I was sent up there in response : 1 F Sal { | Block 1( 50 995 cash, 1 and Emp ‘ag : ; tt ; ~! thought that Pete would show or sale j 108 Soa baht Ai Af henge 1) boria, Gintbantore » 4 aL ae ate hae Seat **| Pat up, especially at close quar-| $e te eee ee ere meres mermmade | DOUBLE coeney it: ie aa Pence 16, Seen ke te Policies Wr ma . , © agite . : 750 375 cash, 2 Oo 8. but ‘aean as Tell ey ten P on] ere But he didn't. Pete FOR SALE—Heating stove; good condition ' » Block 11, $550. $175 cash, 6 and LOCAL JOTTINGS. é y e y rorKker ace 2 § wb f ; ( ; é rf . | ees SOR : : tt ~ = . 7| weighed 140 pounds with his ring} cheap, Phone 124 tf Monts. OR RENT - . Mack Realty & laswal nea ateaat ae ry ‘a poke with | costume and bath robe on last ; | net see avenue, near Fulton; eat ee ¢ e . > 7 | 8: ‘r month, af setae ee at ; ere eae night. Seott weighed 129, .so TAKE NOTICE. 4th avenue, near McBride; Sergeant Philipson has re- P.S.—House pave Mr, Littles men, s le saw eee be A ae hee ae " sights That all outstanding accounts due the nar Pi or ; ) : lak Aedar Ginn ant Ge tha. hotell Pete had the better of the weights.| jsely dissolved firm or ching, Now Co. | etiks’ oibke: tis turned from Port Simpson and si | , a But despite that fact, Scott was|are payable to Yuen Now, Kwong Sun Business Lots in New Hazelton. reports the herring industry in armed with a stamp axe. This I _ | Chong Store, 909 Third avenue. 4t Lots in Fort George, right at the G. T. P. : onal lid not comply with |the stronger man in the clinches, | townsite ull blast there. PHONE 301 4 ) co ny i e OO — | ’ . g ¢ f ‘ ap ‘prise Lots in Masset, * * * 1 , ¢ } Some time after when sitting and that was another surprise | ne 160-acre farm in Alberta, near Wetas- PONY Ex PRES feta "hota ea Mine lene Adeanlind to those who know both boys. Notice of Dissolution of Partnership. kiwin; one 160-acre farm in Alberta, G, J. Busch, auditor for Wells,|} nk Nowe! OMe * Was assaultec’| McVeigh is built like a little San-| Take notice that the partnership here-| Real Cowley. To trade both for Prince SYSTEMATIC MERCI Seventh Ave. and F : Margo Express Company, is in} |by one Sears, foreman for Mr. : tofore subsisting between Thomas Stewart| /upert property. , red a a rg 3 x : Pe roe dow and it was expected that he aid the sea te rietts Shanta tia "Have | List your property with us—we have jowr checking up the local office Beggas “tle r Mot |Little’s tie loading gang. would bull Pat around pretty| Gove Fish Market, carrying on business on| ee Inf ion F ot his company If you wish for the truth you ; I Y| Sixth avenue, at the City of Prince Rupert, nformation Free. npany. : ; will probably lagen it in the antint ;much as he pleased, but it was ls hereby wlissolved as from the first day os 64 @ HERE is a special : ee ‘ | Pete who backed up most of the}! nae notice’ tne nae he we Th. COLLART The Curacoa. goes south some! h ti th ! on Monday morning An ‘i tu Bo rat I will not be rn The Curacoa goes south som charm to ictur I 2 : | ep s ; ,0VS .¢ > sponsible or any ebts incurred y . ing yg i ep es | We ar eglad to learn your at- tim wh n the hoys came to INERT RIE Wart I, gelation: ooaeid: Dart Sole Agent j} time during the night. | made about your own : s grips. Scott was in better shape] nership after the said first day of Feb- | Natural Resources Security Co. Ltd. o ave y 7S, ‘zanized 1¢ . 2 | titude toward organized labor. Phan McVeigh. faniho was trainadi rus: 1919: | Bcx 805 225 6th St. Phonp 381 ee fireside. . . Let us show | Yours truly, lan Mcveigh, tor he was trainec ae ated. at Prince Rupert, B. C., this 10th Next boat from the south will] “ shies ° | >a race "se » Pete we day of February, 1912. . rh ndaman’s Ho you how simple picture A, O. MORSE, like a race horse, while Pete wa : JOHN JOHNCOX. be the Chelohsin on Tuesday] Working j }a bit thick around the midriff, By His Solicitor, Lewis W. Patmore. night or Wednesday morning. Free Labor Bureau in eure taking is by the kodak Secy, Joint Locals, I. W. W. inn. extra pounds Pete carried did] ___ ' HOTEL f SALE inesday pecs way. ‘e . es Te ’ Pe eee =|him no good, for he would be The Camosun sailed this morn- GEO, BRODERIUS, Proprietor, LAND PURCHASE NOTICES. faster and stronger if he would Lot with 24 furnished room Hotel ing with passengers for the = Kodaks $5.00 Up buckle down to work and get to REAL ESTATE , good location, Sec. 1, for sale | south, = Brownies $1.00 to $12 '133 pounds. at a bargain price. | ARTAGE am Skeena Land Disttict—District of Cassiar ‘ ¢ vans notige hat Chacen, Wiliam, Ham g| The boys put up a nice bout; | semmmanace seecereeeee | JOHN DYBHAVN 319 3rd Ave |W. D. Vance, city accountant, - LINDSAY'S STORAGE == i ba arly tor be permission to purchase the following | they were trying all the time, and Mere mention of it brings left on the May for his holidays > * . Pie ere at a post planted at the con- | they both gave and took some ; “ - , * e fluence of are ots river with the Naas river! -+iff punches There was not a to your mind the idea of McRae Bros Limited about two miles south from the sixth Dominion | 5!!!! P 2. as nol ¢ Security. ”? > 7 a nie ; . : ‘ ose a ne —" t yr Ror : 2 | fag g 5 a9 Se incon 9a es oe eI knockdown in the bout and those tt: ds the basis of all We Offer For Sale | Foellmer, is unloading coal. She Orders promptly Everything For The Office east, thence 80 chains south, thence 80 chains| who do not think a bout is a good wealth: the foundation of all } goes from here to Ketchikan and PrIGE-H. B.} west to point of commencement, containing 640 | one unless there is a lot of blood : ? lw ill load ore there for the south ” F acres more or values. | ; - f less. . CHARLES WILLIAM HAM | cyille ere sappointe a, | | Peep Kies KUM LUE sn ThA os wt) Dated September 23, 1911. spilled were disappointed. But [The man who owns real The Following Property | Pon Nera those who like to see two well estate owns something G. T. P. Transfer Agents The British Columbia, Captain pee stine » owning Prince Rupert One lot, Block 21, Section 7, Sixth One lot, Block 27, Section 7, Eighth Ave, a ce nny ae ee ee oe REAL ESTATE lowing described jands: | thought MeVeigh had a cineh last Real estate in Prince Ru- lwo lots, Block 1, Section 2, Atlin Ave. | Kor gians a Commencing at @ post planted at the | pjioht were well pleased when the} One lot, Block 13, Section 5, Borden St.,| ” Lots 23 and 24, Block 23, Section 1,/ taining 480 acres, more or less. > “ ‘ , } t Lot as Block 28, Section 1,8 Bo. Half Pub, Dec. 9, walk, gut now it appears that | but the principle itself is Dressmaking and Repairing / 8. Ne aa ake +: hanna ; . | P two year Victoria, B, C., occupation broker, intends | take a chance on hurting his} I have some of the best Second Ave. LIMITED | Porcher Island »rince Rupe Lot 11, Block 32, Section 5, $1,000, Terms, | tiree-quarters of a mile southwest from city. See these: Splendidly Situated Rear 30 feet of Lots 13 and 14, Block 5,| point of commencement, containing six ; snap. 2 Large Lots, Port Simpson LOTS - IN - PRINCE - RUPERT { 10.05 Prince Rupert Lodge, }¥. bein ee AY Exclusive Offerings me ee ot Diam, psoeished boys go to it enjoyed tangible; something that ey ee | BONS OF wont ange 5. ‘very j » of e Sc -Mc- f : } , i 5 ‘i % Take notice that I, Theodore Nichalis, | °Y°!Y minute of th vg Scott-Me cannot be cornered and its Three lots, Block 6, Section 1, on Eleyenth | Meets 2nd { —in— driver, of Victoria, B. C., Can., intend to} Veigh encounter. Those who ‘ice force low street. in Ca apply for permission to purchase the fol- price oreed down. Two lots, Block 8, Section 1, First Ave.| “ , ( southwest corner of Lot :No. 2287, thence | pert is particularly desir- with house | —e Lot 4, Block 27, Section 1, $2,500. enat 80 chains ghence mouth 40 chains, bout was called a draw scott} able It grows more valu Two lots, Block 5, Section 6, Fourth Ave. | | 7 = . lence wes 0 chats, ence south ; . ‘ cae : 5t Uwe ‘ aiue~- 2 lot, ock 9, Section 5, Sixth Av | 1 Bt ie 13, Bek, oe Section 1,] chains, thence west 40 chains, thence north “id not look very good against able as the years pass Two lots eaioek ti Baction 6, Firth Ave, What am 14 34, pair, Good term $0 chains to point of commencement, cou- | Hddie Shannon a few nights be-|% py ie ae One lot, Block 9, Section 7, Ambros | CIALT | > Ose $30,000 pair. Terms, Fee ue ‘ fore, and for that reason many property are not only earn ‘| Off d.. A S : ‘red E, Cowe gen oa art 4 5 ae ‘ y are Ny Cé - Lot it 30, Block 16, Section 1, $3,000. Half nated Oct. 31, rest: , thought MeVeigh would win in a} ing a ‘good pate’ of interest, poparsene? ere | Scott did not try very hard against , nn oe +4 and 16, Block 9, Section 5, $2,100| Skeen® Land op aistnlcta District of Queen Senn ie thas Aik rai growing as the property, be- ontinenta rust Cleaning & Pressing work 0 pair, Half cash, Balance in one and| axe satan that. Alfred McGregor, of » tor he did not care 1$ comes more valuable. ° 160 Acres Crown Granted $00 HOPE ent ay) 508 ae bal ois nd 48 lo ae one fod"lanass inipeane: ef: hand and h showed to much 533 8th Av pair. ,500 cash, bal. in 6, 12 an 8] lowing described lands: 1s m, § ie ; } “buvs” » ff : Real Estate Insurance =" pels, Commencing. at post planted about | better advantage last night. Pete! buys” to be found in thi Per ainsi Messe iten HOt Lots 25 and 26, Block 23, Sec. 7 ———— ; the southwest corner of Lot 1548, Masset| must get in and do some work if| ‘ : : Lots 4 and 5, Block 27, Section 6, $2,800] Injet thence east forty chains,’ thence rr , Lot 39, Block 5, Section : an wre ee Stace) ae south to the north boundar of Lot 1557,| H@ is going to show Scott up. 1$ 4, $2,500 | ' Re aoe C aa : my > ots an oc. ection 6, $3, thence west one hundred chains, more or foie te re ee arty , ‘ - z . . Gs . pair, ‘ less, thence north ninety chains, thence | | Lots 1 to 5, Block 41, Sec- t. from Conra ¢ “O , 8 Sec 95 248 2 -ac one , - ss . * / Lot 20, Block 13, Section 6, $2,500. east to the. beach, thence along beach to FOSTER’S WHISKERS tion 8, $3,500 the 5'lots. A >W A N T E D | Magnificent Hotel Site Section 6, with six-room house, With pundred and forty acres (640), more or) -—_—_ | ath, $2,500, Easy terms. . ALFRED M'GREGOR Correspondent for Toronto Star | | e No. 63 | Frank A. Ellis Lots 19 and 20, Block 34, Section 7, $650 “ each. $250 cash, Dated Nov. 15, tiie YOURE, ABQ. Makes Them a National GEORGE LEEK *k 93. Sec > : State best cash price. Al Lot 4, Block 23, Section 7, $600, Pub, Dec, 15. 1911 Affair. Prince Rupert, B. C. best aula oe mite . 3 caak. 8 per cent, balance on terms, Be sure and give height above street or below grade and if level, unt 3h, Bars 1 rection, 7. 8800,, Quarter! skeena Land District—District of Queen -——- | atte. ‘ Lots 40 and 41, Block 6, Section 7, $1,100 Cherorw islands, Tavhaligate -out 0 an » Block 6, Section 7, $1, Take notice that Arthur Tremaine, of Of course, if a government is Real Estate Mortgages pair. Saanich, B. C., -oecupation farmer, intends , | oer 4 ? FSS Lot 3, Block 21, Section 7, $525. to apply for ission to lease the fol-' sparring for wind it can make a Lots 1 and 2, Block 26, Section 7, $900] lowing deseri ed lands: : ; pair. Easy’ terms, Commencing at a post planted at the| debate last as long as it likes. STOCK & Lots 8 and 9, Block 20, Section 8, $750) Southeast corner deing eighty cha as south De nen Senne s ‘Auctioneer, Appraiser and Property Salesman) Moe's day Evening |2nd St., Phone 44, Near Hays’ Bidg. Every Tues “ rder in th Al! membe! ps tad to visit city are red LAND LEASE NOTICE the ee a it ei ey TIGLAS N, G. poual See. pair, Half cash, 2 teat tees ees eealan thence The tariff commission debate has They will be right. There has Lakelse and Kjteurnkalum farm lands in| north elghty chains, thence | east forty already lasted long enough to| been a change of heart. Fuster | arge and sma ocks chains, thence south eighty chains to the | ali(er he character teorge! has ‘ ‘ { ‘ , | Stock in the Prince Rupert Building &| PO!@t ‘of commencement, Containing three |). at th agra ter of George ) has made up his mind that he : | Skeena Land District—District of Queen Investment Company Liqet 310. 00 per hundred and twenty acres (320), more or| Lulas Foster's whiskers. | will grow younger from now on, Rae —=—=== fae Charlotte Islands. » , . ess, z ‘eaorge Foster’ fA a ie , # 5 ; Take notice that Malcolm Wright Young, share. Cail “at ser gmice for prospectus ARTHUR TREMAINE. George Foster s Whiskers are} What are a few whiskers if you| of Saanich, B. C., occupation farmer, in ear. pa George Young, Agent. a national affair. Think of the} ¢; throw the years in the d : | tends to apply for permission to lease the y Dated Nov, 15, 1911, i. an 1rOW e years In ve cump! R following deseribed lands: Pub. Dec. 15. 1941, agitation in newspaper offices all| along with them? If the minis- egular Shipments of |} Commencing @t @ post planted at the | —INSURANCE— Skeena Land District—District of Queen over Canada when this news/ter of trade and ecommerce keeps soit of the norte! st corner’ Of Lot bot, ‘General Howe Faris : . east of the northwest corner of Lot ibe, M C ff ° < Charlotte Islands. filters in. Every Ottawa corre-| flaking off the burden of time as| FRESH EGGS | thence north to the south boundary cla ery & Gibbons Sanath, gouge Coatellad tresit tateaie spondent will get a wire to sendjhe has done in the last few Heatirce Pin cobe ris Si et baa | THIRD AVENUE to apply for permission to lease'the fol-|the latest photograph, Cartoon- months, no one need be sur- SS eS gt ee ae hg er F ‘ture stort Big Furn Quinton Saskatchewan A W. G RARRIE, lowing described lands: 7 : : Lot 1550, thence west along said boun | mmitcing ata bost planted at the ists from Vancouver to Halifax] prised to see him presently tak-| Received at Ihde goth ‘along ihe aula boundary 5 | nd oth 8 e rj ake 1 . " . . sone } 2 . ence 80 oO e oun a Mian dha’ ofiosre®’ raided let, thence east one hundred chains, thence will make hast to study the new) ing part in sleighing parties and} | the north boundary of Lot 1552, thence 2nd Ave. ® ond Ave: ow th b 8 raide a south aA four Gains, thence west to the point of view, Leader writers} singing college song's. *Such is| F e I M | east to the northeast corner of Lt 18 03 Entrance ¥ New . , » eac oO in 0 of : a iy - i d j yence north t he northwes corner 0 blind pig” in New Ontario it was commencement, containing six Annan ana|Will look behind the changed! the relief a cabinet minister feels r1Zze $ eat Market Lot 1554, thence east to the point of com- | a mere coincidence that the con-| forty (649) acres, pore or less. mask shrewdly surmising 2 ' mencement, containing six hundred (600) | = 4 Read acnAetetels ° garalt oo. WILLIAM MOORE, sk, § y nising €@)when his post combines dignity, | Direct from the Ranct | acres, moré or less | wan IN THE & 2 George Young, Agent, change of heart of which this is) emoluments and nothing particu- ha MALCOLM WRIGHT YOUNG, | ADVERTISE Ws Boag Dated Nov. 14, 19 i j re creted in a hogshéad, Pub, Dec. 16. 1944, the outward and visible sign, far tn ds, pitea Nov. 16, oe778® Youns, Ageat ; P| Pub. Dec, 16, 1944. a