FtlcUy. January 13, 1M9, The Quality Tea SA1ADA" TEA Eagles' Bridge Party And Dance TrntyTMM Tables at Another Of Surrrsful . .. Series -h Wedneintar . K Th?l? ere twenty-two tables ol'cliy rank at the fortnightly brldgt potty pf the Eagle Lodge Wed-neMlay night, the affair being a usual successful, prize - wjr.ner were: ladled first. Mrs. Chris Jensen; Mtmd. Mian Hetty Dicker : third. Mrs. Fred lilffou: fourth, Mrs. Bam I Ionian: men's first. Mrs A. Strand; second. Fred Hit f..u: third. Ted Noble, fourth, tyrs A E. Dickens. The door prize wn won by N. Larsen. After carfl.4. tasty refreshment were served and dancing followed with music by Mrs J 8. Black's Orchestra. Angelo Astort was master pf ceremonies for cards and Robert McKay for dancruj. Frank E1U-on presided at the door The eom-mittee in charfe consisted of William Huuon And'jr Ronald. W Noble Hugh Frrguon. A' Mobile -jiio and Henry Smith. Annual Meeting 0( Ladies' Aid Mrv J. S. Irvine it Itc-Mrtttd TrrUdent of I'nlled Church Organliation The annual meeting of First Un-4 Church Ladies' Aid was held ii.e Farsonate Tlirdav evenint. r,ud shovfng very .tatlsfartory rfiy :s financially over the previous Th officers for IMS were re-flr, ted as follows: Priddent. Mrs. J. S. Irvine, thy Stiles Chaplain. Mrs, January 20. J C Jackson. Announcements All advertisements in this col-mn will be charged for a full month at SSc a word' Toe li, Bridge January 18.' S. O. N Masquerade January 18. Unjted Tea nt Parsopage, 19. Dance Seal Cove If all January 20 prebylrrian Burn's Banquet January 25. Eagles' Bridge January 25. Anglican Tea MUs R. M. pavies Junior Chamber of Commerce onowpaii Krone, wnow nan, janu ary 27. Hospllal Ball, February 3. Cambral Valentine Tea Mrs. 8. C. Thomson's, February 18. Anglican Spring Sale April 13. iv the srrnr.Mn rovm or iuutioi (Oil. Mill ix ruonATK l't Ihr Mallrr or Dip MilmlnUlmllno ' " ' Art" And n Hi Mallrr or llir IMlf o( llnrnli) Mtlnlil' hurln Jarnburn. Irrrar(l TAKE NOTICE it by ordr of III M tlivytnW. ' A T ' 10.18. I wu n JoUrtd Adm,UvljU-U)r of ie NrU.1 r Hiirtild jijfviiid portiia jMvbhtn, del uul ) jmrUrci lwvtag cllm Kalnnt the mid (tiUUi timtoj tt 'WlrMj to nimliih mnp. proixtly vrrt-to inr on or IWore $lvo 2nd day W JWiriiary, A, D. 1939." Wd U JWtlM lndjjty to tlv rtut r rfquiml tq wy ttm tawmt of thejr UidbtdnMi m forthwtui. NORMAN A. WATT OfriotttJ A4mlnitr.tor, . rrliv Rupfrt, n o, DHd th J Oth day of Dcmbtr, A Hotel Arrivals Savoy Charles Douglas and Reuben Mason. Kltkatla; C. F. IJarrisan, 8Jewart; Qle Berg, Usk; ChrUThor-sen. Wells. Itoyaj J- P- Corbett, CNR.; S. Noral. I'fiitre Kuprr Qr p. A. Armitfong. J'orJ Jtey. and Mrs. A. Abraham and child. VfaseU; 8. W- Taylor. Van-j6f lhe weej OHJver; H. M. Pteveniion. Kamloops;' MMrkiey 8hannoj. Uric MASTERY OF AIR IN EUROPE Germany Strongest I'ouer Hut I'ianes Hit A Effective as Hunt From Ship First line air strength of the chief European powers, as revealed by Winston Churchill in an article, give official confirmation to previous estimates that the air arm of the German military machine is stronger than those of Great Britain and France combined. Mr. ChurcfiTfl. 'holder of 'minV" Import- I ant British cabinet posts over a period of years anl an acknowledged authority on the subject! gives the following figures: Germany if early 4KX). France About .7W. Great oHuin-10 Italy-About 1550. The reporu tof the yeT wf rf tft - rt ChMrth.111 P9nU m mi Iheic it great difficulty in eompsr ing the relative air trengJbf of different countries because there is no' generally accepted standard of measurement 'The method I have always em V.. e-President. Mr James Krl-.PW- .h Tl,- wlt thr M e nun?ber of alr-Tt. Serrrury. Mrs O. W. Wilkinson usurer. Mrs. O. Clccone IVm that a country has orgap- Prr correjpondent Miss Dorp-"zea u,r uaan8 na put into the air on a given day and I ma)ntatn continuously in action Thi means that there lies behind the number maintained all the re-tserves, all the training schools, all kind and that the factories are capable of producing new machines 'jn tme of war at a rate sufficient to meet war wastage, which may-well be estimated at sixty or seventy per cent a month. The figures given above arc sub- tect to serious analysis. In apy aji force there are at any moment machines of varying quality from the newesj design to those that may be fqur or five years pld. Tpe pro-portlflii 'iff pew machines in ( Oerman air force is far higher than in either or the western democra clfti. Moreoyer. the German Indus try haj been organized with such Uiorouahncss that the rate of sup- uly In war would fully maintain In continuous action their whoje fjrst- tine strengtli and would enable o steady Increase to be made in spite of casualties. After stressing Germany s strength In the air. however. Mr Clnirphlll proceeds to minimize the Imiwrtnncc of air power, stating that the command of the seas still rests unimpaired with the navies of Great Britain and the United States; that the cancentrated fire pf two or three bajterles of field cannon is still far worse for troop? fo bear thani that of a hundred ilrplanes and that air attacK on civilian populations strengthens and solidifies, rather than destroys their morale. "Therefore," he concludes, "In this dire strait to which the once hoDeful world of the nineteenth century has been reduced, we may, If the worst comes to the worst, say Let the tyrant criminals bomD.' David Brown, charged with sup plying 'liouqr to Indians, was fined bo. with option of pne month's Imprisonment, in city police court this morning. James nines, inaian similarly charged, was fined $25 with one month's option. t V cess Norah yrtterday pn h! lis reii Walter Hume contnue4 to make ood" pro(jfess tgrd repovery at the Prince Runcrt General Has- atlon for appendfcUU at an oper-thp first Mrs. Gladys Halllday sailed last ulRht on the Prtnce George for a trip to Vancouver. ' Whlle'away she will visit Minneapolis and' other cities of the United States apd will lake a rpecial course in the latest ' i . . . . n-uiurra ui moaern nair aressinjf. - Vf - ' - I ClPSTCOLDS ' Za ' DireiPt VbptoTi if relieved by tubbing on -V- VAPOHuil Duckley Shannon, who has been paying a visit to Usk In connection with his mining interests, arrived :n the city from the interior on last night's train and will sail tonight M) the Prtncft. Adelaide for geaUle. Alex Rogers, plonet-r Queen Charlotte Islander, returned to Locke- port aboard the steamer Prince John on its present voyage north liter having spent a couple of tooths in Vancouver. Carl Kermis, well known Massett justness man and hoJil prpSfletor,? IftviBd yesttf Jay afiprnoop M thi-frlncc John frtim he Wafjclj and sailed last ntajjt pj lhe"pflnce Jeorge for a baslnes trip (o yan--ouver. Clarence Martfn. wel known .TOP DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE "l-'.-iry -f " -1 LOCAL NEWg NOTES i Annus GllUs sails tonlaht on the DANCE! Dddfrilpw' Hall, To i Princess Adelaide for a trip to nJgnj V,d PW four-piece ; Vancpuye; t get treatrpept fri?m a'Bng. ,10 I srlall$ for his Injured arrp. I i - - - I yfrnoi acperg, is faying tonigni i"'"1'"" f," w "Htn'f to Vancouver. ' for a trfp to yaricouyer. Ross' Mazzel salieVlast night on' fTvrTr the Prince George for a trip to' WJ, J6 0epr?e f0f ' a trip lo Vancouver. Vancouver. t Tm t)rwKAf TC4 frwA Tf 1i4 haa1 the" gficWJfiy tMn rh'elufUra q t VaneouM ? ? vUlt n over the chri4tma a"d ; ' ' ' . . . New Year holiday season. Dido SUnech sailed, by the fr l.n"I Miss Evelyn Zarelli sailed last hC nri' Hi Prinr ftAnrof fnr i . ' ' ' iJ . f ' L I II1KI1L Mil Mi ? T W? VWI-VMcpum where she wijf'spepd J??ftu.w?Le.. or,itnText slx mpnth visiting ?Uh unniuiiL i i 1 1 ii ii iiipti n n l m ninoe 3 . i p.. her ststef, Uri. Ed. LoVett. Mrj. E. C. McCoskrie. who has been visiting Keie for thp past few weels wilf sali the Princess Adelaide tq'jfigRt' - on her return lo Co. property pp Pprcher Island, saljgf 'bjr tpe frince Peqrge last night 0 hl4 return to Vancquver. 1$. A. Rurljank. C.N.R. division engineer! and" F S. Walton, road-master, left for the Interior on Massett merchapi. arrveJ h the! weekly hjncjiesp qt tftjp Prince Ru py jrom me HSW" unarr w-.pert Rotary Club yesterday, ands on the Prince Johp Jfjterdayl i: Wedhesd.ay evening's train, the for-j raer going to, Prince George and the latter as far as Pacific. II E. Patterson, who has been vjsitlng lcie for the past couple ol weeks as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cameron, will sail bv 1 the Pnceas Adelaide onight on hlf return tq Pcean Falls. Mr and llis. N. J. Carson, parents of Dr J. H. Carson, sailed last night by the Pripce George pn their return to Vancouver after haying spent the past wo or three months in the city. A. p. Sloan, accountant here for the imperial Oil Co., returned to the city on the Princess Norah yes terday morning after spending the Christmas and New Year holidays visiting In Vancouver. Mrs. Sloan and family will be returning later. aft.ermion and sailed last evening William Bell, commissary agent on the Prince George for a bigness here for the Canadian National Jlp to Vancouver. Railways, sailed last night on the Rt. Rev. Joseph R. Crlmont, vet- ran Roman Catholic Bishop of Al- iska, was a passenger aboard the 'rlnce Norah yesterday going hrough to Ketchikan after a trip Seattle ana eisewncrc in me wuth. Hawthorne Oraham, who has Seen yhltlng here with his parent,. Mr. apd Mrs. Charles Graham, saij- ?d by the Princess Norah yesterday m Ids return tg Tulsequah where je Is emplqyed at thp Pojarls-Takp pine. William Adams, who Li identified lth Claxton cannery during the ummcr season and is spending the lptcr her.4, underwent an opera tion ot the Prince Rupert General Hospital on Wednesday for acute ippendicitls. He is reported to be making a satisfactory recovery. Rev. A. Abraham. Anglican Church missionary at Massett, and Mrs, Aoranam arrived in ine cny on the 'PrJnce JPI yestenjay af- rnoon from the Queen Charlotte stands. Mr. Abraham sailed on the trlnce George last night from Vanr pouycr. Mrs. Abraham and child leave on this evening's train for a visit Jn Torqnto. A proposal that the Rotary Club should undertake the University Extension lecture arrangements was turned back to the Prince Rupert Teachers' Association with the promise of support at the regular Prince Oeorge for Vancouver en- route to California and elsewhere In the United States on a holiday trip. J. Southy arrived Tuesday night from Winnipeg to relieve here (ju'rlrjg Mr. Bell's absence, beipg accompanied by Mrs. Southy. John D. Littlepage, well known Seattle mining engineer, was Key men for the contractors In connection with the construction I J pf fortifications at the ept'rance of ji Pripce Rupert Harbor are arriving pvery b,oat these days from Vancpu- Ij yer and Victoria. A couple more arrived yesterday on the Princess Norah. There will also be employment for some ex-service men and militia men on the work. Funeral Notice The funeral pf the. late Rosmus Iversen will take place tomorrow, Saturday, at 2 q'clock from the B. C. Undertakers Chapel. rat rnrjvmiw'Ms ru:mra rMmmmtMamtmxuxwst im tm S H I A MI T A nv C Al r It is a Rood time to recover the kitchen. At thjs January Sale you can do so econqinicajly Domlnlpn Inlaid Linoleum Six feet wide. Regular square yarc $1.40. January Saje ELIO'S FURNITURE TIIIRI) AVENUE Piii cm zu tmxm m mt $1.20 m Prince Rupert sishcixbi RRvci'ix&Bimui taitmsB tm Housewives, Hptel? and Rooming Hous$ Here is a Ileal Buy You fjhpuld Take Advantage of A Lucky Purchase of A Manufacturer r ' Clearance of' SHEETS and PILLOW CASES Mrs. preukelman. daughter of BUh-1 pp and Mrs. Rlx, and family will be g Ieaylng In the near future to join 6 him. 2 Howard Guest, inspector of Ba- blne fisheries. Is in the city after spending three weeks holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson at Port Simp in this district Walker's Music Store Large Stock Music Heinttman, Nordheimer and Lesage Pianos Piano Tuning with "Resonoscope" Phone Blue 389 212 4th St. passenger aboard the Princess Nor-1 " - ah yesterday going through to Jun- j, eau in which district he has inter-ests. " Mr ittlepage n few yearsj ago was engaged fh his work as aj;. cqnsultlng pilnlng engineer in Sov-.j! let Russia. He Is no stranger In the 5 north. VIOLINIST and TEACHER E. I GRANGER Trained In Europe Advanced Students apd Beginners THONE RED 920 Music Ruth Nelson A.T.C.ftl. Teacher of Piano, Theory and Harmony. PHONE GREEN ??0 250 Pairs Double Bed Sheets Snow bleach iinen finished. Actual size of sheets 81 inches by 94 inches with three-inch hem top and onf-inch hem bottom. These sheets are free from iiillng. Close even weave ready for use. Worth double. Saturday only, pair 5Q ppzen 'air of Hlcached Linen Fipjshcd, Vovi Pases Full size with plain deep hem at top. Close even weave, no filling, ready for use. Actually worth double the price. 'Saturday only. Each case Above Prices Are For Cash Saturday Only FRASER & PAYNE'S S. W. Taylor, who has been on ai... i. i S brfej ylsjt- to pie Reward Mining. tance Qf Pprt of SpaIn tne pjpltaL g p son. Mr. Guest is of the opinion g that the climate at the coast is o enjoyable after the usual below zero temperatures that they arer g accustomed to In the interior-. Mr.lg Guest will spend a week" In Prince! o Rupert !efore returning to the ln-;g terlor. I g Utah celery, a new variety ofjg that vegetable, has been proving .o very popular following Its lntroduc-'g tipn on the local market It Is oflg a green color but its tender and lack I o m n . i ... . . . ji m a 0 pi iiqic u us outstanding icaiurc. Originally developed In the state after which it was named, it Is now- grown in the Okanagan district otio British Columbia. So tar as caniS be learned, it is not yet being grown ' .8 o The question of Joining with oth-jS er service clubs to urge upon theS Dominion government the deslra- g bllity of taking action to solve the g unemployment problem in Canada. o was sent to the public relations g committee by the Prince Rupert g Rotary Club at Its luncheon meet- o ing yesterday. The committee will g confer with a similar committee g from the Gyro Club. The resplu- g tm xmtM mm i:KJi.i'XBr:rjrf:'V : International Cafe TIE TRAVELLERS CAFE 5 Has changed ownership and fj will be continued as the In- tf ternatlQiial Cafe under new 1 management with entirely new staff including a first rliss cook. f Full Meals Served for 23c Satisfaction Guaranteed 3 INTERNATIONAL CAFE n 211 Cth Street FREE! Both For 29c S2,10 20c C. W. Breukelman, who left, for ooooooooooooooooOiWoeocH3oooooowooeooooooboi?CHao England some weeks ago, has received an appointment to the Is land of Trinidad In the West Indies. Decorated Fruit Juice Tumbler with Every Pjirchasc of Briten Tooth Paste Ormes Ltd. yfi Pioneer Drtuzgists The (iexall Store Phones: 81 L 82 Open Daily from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. SjinJajrs arid jlolidays from 12 noon till 2 pjn. " p.m. till 9 p.m. tion has already been endorsed by g all the service clubs of Toronto. cowooooooocH5oeooooH3waooooo'ioooHKKjooooooooo$oow Lets Make A Fair Trade Halibut & Herring For HEAT Bulkley Valley Collieries fff;".i ".."wv!jt?WCrwjf-A-.Tr IBB UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamerl'liayPTlihce; Rupert for Vancpuv'er: T4. CATALA EVEK TES- T5. CAIU)ENA FUIIJAY, DAY, 1:34 p.m. ip:30p.m. IJuj VapfSgyfr, fljurs. a.m. Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. If Copyeplei, P(ease Purchase Tickets at Office Furthrj jjrjformaJlQri Reardlpg peseryatlpns. and Ticktts From A. W. NEvVsiAN, Prince Rupert Agent. Third Ave. Phone 568 fc t-. .---p. f vrA'jmjr w I J. H. BULGER Pasteurized Milk Valentin dairy Optometrist rUONE 447 Royal Bank Rldg.