Tomorrows Tides Ijlirftt ( Ottawa Crntrrt In Tab! In e( Findings or Mr. Justice Davit Minbtfr snd Deputy Cleared Pur tailing Board Recommended Cloudy, calm, tempera- GRAND FALLS, N. B.. Jan. 13: U"l. .An uiiuum occurrence oi brnn H ... .. . . . . .,,s up ,n lnc tit. jonn fr after a December thaw caused n pa i ., .. . . jmii anove th nnm nere. break i l was used ln an ottemDt rr l"e DiocKade but anotner nod of frpczlnir marln further n I . mni. - .... . "hm useless LONDON, Jan 13: 'CPi-Oen-f eral Francisco Franco. Hnanuh In. , fSurgent comironder-ln-hlef. has, Nn rorriintinn :lurnfd down an "PPHcatlon of the t w 1 imperial Airways to fly over Span- uu nwurgem territory in connection with Its commercial air services. The reason given ts Britain's failure to recognize Insurgent con- OTTAWA, Jan. 13: CP-Intereu-UMt centred today on the tabling In! - nrUament of the report of Mr ralaarV I POrion justice 11 H Davis on the Bren1 ai5ai J glUl! mchine gun contracts with refer- II H rtW. enct to cmrgei rnaae usi year .ltuiiut-d JJCI111CU Col. Oeorge Drew, now onurio' by BJ vvi. - - - ----- rxnwrtitire leader, with resDect to. .. ... . v, : " ' inonn imuaio, weighing i; (he IrtUni of . a contract by the De- po ,.rntH u r ormer ptr-jnent of National Defence to! Ptimm MlnM i . mi - . - il,, . cf the gun free and entrusting It to an . - . . a a i I . Li.a-J a ii. . ,T. In ) I sm Mmk v V rrfti irocn me inronc yesieraay . - A . 11 1. . - UC, . 1(1 BLL WIS 1I11B 1 TTJ 1 1 M tm flft rvntv rmcltlv MMim. - ------- - - - he report which re- ifsrd t!a n dence of a long in- In,!, u HeXd n,.,m,,uhi. For r. hr-A irtng October and p0iiotx ln Winnipeg University , . I hfienre nulldlng Tfcejadi ' und that there wasl . ... . .. wiu-tAj, jan. it: L.r a "JBri wmuung. w snann wk fn tne B gyitem u blamed ue asr 71 RmnrTn ' - w v . . v . nw an riMi r m vrmav t..nM.n -. . -- inicvtm MIC KVUIIU U4IU UUIU n m i; in the nature of :rrepliir TODAY'S WEATHER P-Tf R imrt Part rlntirlv ... ..... . 'rUlntrl! Irmtvra- IT';:! L and - Cloudy Kths-est wind, eighteen south mllrs Island Overcast, south- . Am -.', iirr mnes rr nour. rentier 30.01; temperature. 43. Tree Polnt-fihowery. calm: - ".iir ju.ii; icmperaiure, as; 7 t'lnd. flv mlltfta rur hntir" .mvroia ts Alert Bay rart cloudy '7 wind: barometer. light 30.43; r,"i'"' tigiu cnop. t-in Ralnlnir. southeast '"d, flrhf mllr rr hmir- ham. ctorla Cloudy, northwest twelve miles per hour: bare- Vancouver Cloudy. easUrly LX fight miles wer hour: baro- e Oeorge Clear, southerly tight miles Der hour: baro- 'trrace Alyansh -Cloudy, calm. 3. Alice Arm. n.l.i .iu J Anyox- -Cloudy, calm, 34. "Melton Clnurlv. nnrth wind Jmlthcrs- Part cloudy, calm, 28 ums Uke-Brlght, calm. 23. 'CK JAMS AFTER THAW floors of the Science Building of the University of Manitoba yester-v dar. The blast occurred lust half an hour before classes were sched uled to open. Had It been later when thousands of students were on hand the consequences might have been much more serious. HIGHWAY PROBLEM Principal Point at Issue Will Be Allocation of 0ts, Says Member Of Commission NEW YORK, Jan. 13 CP The chief problem for the Canadian and United Stales commissions when they meet In regard to the proposed United States - Alaska highway through Brltun coium-Columbla and the Yukon will be to determine equitable allocation ranarla and the United SUtes. savs Donald Macdotiald, a member of the United States commission I W HO W U litMJl 'V" .v;.-. f Sees Huge Highway A "Cape of Good Hope to Cape Horn International Highway and Airway" was envisaged today as aj ili . --..tit.. ...uVtiM n f o a. by Macdonald, who Is the father of the Alaska Highway project Macdonald said that rapid progress In building the Pan-American Highway, Russian roads In Siberia and other highways In Africa might soon make the long discussed Can adian link Into Alaska the only Important uncompleted section. Maedonald suggesiea tnai mc r.innrllfln and American commis sions hold their projected confer ence In Victoria this spring. She irfta :lghty CALGARY. Jan. 13: 'CP'-Thej Canadian Lesion of Calsarv vetlerA day presented Former Prime Minis ter II. B. Bennett with a bronie buf- fato, weighing eighty pounds, as a token of Its regard. UI UIJ WIGAS LEAK IS BLAMED Macdonald has been an engineer ln Alaska for years. SILO SYSTEM PLANNED SAINT JOHN, N.B., Jan. 13: (CP) Wlth co-operation of Dominion agricultural officials, a silo system will be operated by the Saint John Agricultural Society this year. Seven slloa will be built ln the county next spring. Bulletins WRECKAGE IDENTIFIED 1'rovinclal police headquarters here were advUed today that wreckage found off Calvert Is land, north of Queen Charlotte Hound, had been definitely identified as being that of the Alert Bay trolling boat Eugenie which has been misting lnee December 19 with Hugh Greston and son, Jlmruy, on board. Although it would appear almost certain that the Grextons hate perUhed, a search Is being continued by Police boats for them. JACK WILSON JUDGE PKINCE GEORGE John O. Wilson became the youngest judge In British Columbia today with his appointment to the County Court for Cariboo as announced at Ottawa. NeUon born, the judge Is forty years of age. He has been appointed to the pot vacated by retirement of Judge Fred Calder of Kamloops. (Judge-Designate Wilton Is a son of P. II Wilson K.C pioneer Prince GeorgD barrhter, and is the brother of Mrs. 11. G. Kennedy, formerfy of Prince Rupert). Dally Province says three of four senior officers of the police force may be transferred and one former member may return to duty. The statement followed a meeting of the police commission todav. TORTOSA CAPTURED LLKIDA The Insurgent command today announced capture of Tortosa, 100 miles southwest of Barcelona, a strong point in the government's defence system along the lower Ebro River. The loyalists are reported digging in for a last stand in defence of Tarrogona. lines are being thrown up around the city as the Insurgents draw near. HUNGARY GOES FASCIST BUDAPEST The Hungarian government today announced ad-heranre to the anticommunist pact, other members of which are Germany, Italy and Japan. All preliminary negotiations have been completed. The announcement comes three days before scheduled departure of Foreign minister Cxaky for Berlin to dis-cum outttandlng questions with Germany. SALTED IT Ireland Still Ireland With This Dominion OTTAWA, January 13: CP)- Ireland is still Ireland and not Eire! as far as official Canada is concerned. This was Indicated yesterday when reference was made In the Speech from the Throne at the opening of Parliament In regard to collaboration between the governments of the United ' Kingdom, "Ireland" and Canada In regard to the Inauguration of trahsAtlantlc (air service this year. IREACTION ID OF EUROPE Present Roosevelt's Sew Defence Program Greeted With Mtied Feeling Dictatorships Sarcastic LTNDON. Jan. 13: CPJ President Franklin D. Roosevelt's new J525 000.000 defence program for the United States met with a mix-reception in Europe yesterday. It was immediately approved by VANCOUVER POLICE CHANGESMhe democracies such as Great Bri-VANCOUVER The Vancouver tain but the press of th! 'dictator- shlp greeted it with sarcastic Comment. A Berlin newspaper said, that Germany and Italy would want to know against wiom thei United States felt It so necessary to defend Itself. "Who1 in the' The paper adds that phief W. W. ,orld would think of atUckjns the rosier Vllf remain In cononand. UrrtlHf States' suddenlyrPSSked a 'Berlin newspaper Toronto Member Is Named Tory t Caucus Leader OTTAWA, Jan. 13: (CPi At a Conservative caucus prior to th opening of the session of -Parliament. John R. Macnlcol, member for Davenport. Toronto, was el-. ectcd permanent leader of thei 'caucus. There was also a caucus of I C. C F. members lust before the opening of Parliament. WAS SLAIN ; IN MEXICO General Saturnino Sedillo Dies In Bloody Clash With Government Forces MEXICO CITY. Jan. 13: Oeneral Saturnino ouiununo Sedillo. oeauio. (CP)- former lormer , -p .tv- IN I I A I Y lcollKl8ue ot President Cardenas 11 1 II jrVJU 1 against whom he led two thousand ; : of his followers ln revolt last May. Federal Investigators Believe They i was slain yesterday ln bloody battle Have Found Where Muslca Millions Went with government troops In the hills of San Luis Potosl province. He had been ln hldlne since his flieht NEW YORK, Jan. 13: Federal! when his uprising was discovered investigators believe they are near and frustrated, a solution of the mystery of what! Sedillo fought with Cardenas In happened to the Philip Musical 1910 against the Diaz dictatorship millions. There is reason to believe ;and was formerly Cardenas minis that Muslca had salted away eleven million dollars of the McKerson-Robblns Corporation in Italy for safe-keeping. Muslca Is said to have been friendly with Premier Mussolini. As F. Donald Coster, Muslca made frequent trips to Italy. EXAMS TO BE USED ter of agriculture. Weather Forecast General Synopsis Pressure remains high to the southward on Vancouver Island and appears low northward of Queen Charlotte Islands. Weather remains unsettl- ! I FnEDERICTON, Jan. 13: (CP) ed throughout British Columbia Examination of applicants for such with heavy rain on the north coast, positions as forest rangers, lookout ; Prince Rupert and Queen Char-observers and wardens ln the New otte Islands Fresh southeast to Brunswick forest service Is to be south winds, unsettled and mild resumed after a lapse of several. with rain. years. The decision was commend-1 West Coast of Vancouver Islanded at the annual meeting of the Fresh southeast to south winds, Maritime section of the Canadian mostly cloudy and mild with occaj-Soclety of Forest Engineers. lonal rain. !s 141 Capitol ' 8:30 am. 19', i -f. Hih 21:35 p.m. 18.1 vA TAXI Low ..... 1:43 a.m. 8.9 . . ' v . 15:10 pin. 6.8 It Macey's Coffee House NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER V. Vol. XXV1H No. 10. frfe PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, JANUARY 13, 1939. PRICE: 3 CENTS Hitler Urges Mussolini To Wait BREN GUN Britain Cannot REPORT IN Over Franco opuiii lerniory ice at rnw a;i i AIR BASE f asenf er .Hurt Said To Have Been Definitely Settled Upon As Site For Major Air Defence Centre As far as can be learned locally, the Department of National Defence has defintely settled upon Seal Cove as the site for a major seaplane base development here in the course of its coast defence plans. Something fn the way of calling for tenders for site preparation and, possibly, buildings is expected in the near future. In the development ot Seal Cove there would be considerable escavation work. There would be hangars and other buildings a well as the slipways and other Mructure necessary In connection with handling planes. In all, the undertaking would be quite a sizeable one. The prjct. it U etimated by neron who should be in a position to know, might cost as much as Sl.000.OOfl. The basing of a squadron of twelve planes, it is said, would Involve the employment ot close to 130 person. TODAY' STOCKS iCourvuf it Lt. JotUfctloo ! Vancouver Big Murt;-r!, Bralorne, 11.40. Aztec. .04. Cariboo Quartz, 2.30. Dentonla, .05 V. Colconda, .05 ask. Mlnto. .02Vi. Fairview. .03. Noble Five. .03!. i Pend Oretlle, 1.70. Pioneer. 2.65. Porter Idaho. .02 fe. Premier, 2.31. Reeves McDonald. .25. Reno. .22. Relief Arlington, ,13. Salmon Gold, .101&. Taylor Bridge, .05. Hedley Amal.. .061 Premier Border, .Olii. Sllbak, Premier, 1.75. Home Gold, .00i. Grandvlew, .054. Indian. .01 V. Quatslno, .03. Oils A. P. Con, .20. Calmont, 30. C. & E., 2.30. Mercury. .08 Vi. Home Oil. 3.00. Toronto Beattle, U3. Central Pat 2.55. Gods Lake, .25. Little Long Lac. 2.30. McKenzle Red Lake, 1.26. Pickle Crow, 5.25. San Antonio, 125. Sherrltt Gordon, 1.29, Smelters Gold, .02 Vi. McLeod Cockshutt, 2.85. Oklend, .24. Mosher, .18. Madsen Red Lake, .50. Stadacona, 38. Francoeur, .22. Moneta, 1.40. Bouscaddllac, .08. Thompson Cadillac, .26. Bankfleld, .31. East Malartlc, 2.56. Preston East Dome, 1.58. Aldermac. .45, Kerr Addison, 1.82. Uchl Gold. 1.50. Int. Nickel, 53.50. Noranda, 81.25. Con. Smelters, 57.50. Athona.,.07'4. Hardrock, 1.75. . Barber Larder, .12. Fernland, .10. Dominion Bridge, 35.00. Badly In Auto I NEW YORK, Jan. 13: (CP) CoI.I Frank Long, listed as the first of-1 flciai passenger in United Statesl aviation history, is In serious con-j dltlon in hospital here suffering! Higher Relief Bein? Demanded Demonstration By Staged in London Unemployed Yesterday TALKS IN ROME END Premier Chamberlain's Mission To Meet II Duce Comes To Grief On Spanbh War Can Not Agree from Injuries sustained in an au-i tomoblle collision yesterday. He Ter"trial Demands Leff, To Direct was associated with the Wright brothers ln their early experiments with aircraft. LONDON, Jan. 13: CP Under, organization of the National Unemployed Workers' movement, there j was another demonstration in London demanding higher winter relief. DRIVING ON JEWS AGAIN TO DOUBLE i AIR FORCE I Negotiations Between Italy and t ranee HITLER URGES DELAY ROME, Jan. 13: (CP) Chancellor Adolf Hitler was reliably reported today to have stepped Into Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain's appease m e n t scheme by urging Premier Mussolini to keep the peace for one year before demanding fulfilment of Italy's "natural aspirations." The Chancellor is believed to have advised II Duce to wait for another year, doing this after he learned that the British visitors to Rome had taken a firm attitude against Italian demands for colonies. ROME, Jan. 13: (CP) Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain's mission to Italy to discuss a wide range of questions affecting Great Britain and Italy In particular and the peace of Europe ln general New Anti-Semitic Campaign Under came to grief last night on the Way in Germany Following issue of the Spanish civil war. The , . Incident in Netherlands British premier will be received In audience today by Pope Pius, who BERLIN. Jan. 13: (CP Follow- has prepared a special plea for 4&i,.l?gatlei ot , sfvtlnx-JuartoridL peace, .antUwillthenopack unman wraumr uiiumgs m me in preparation ior leaving ior noma Netherlands. Nazi police are start- tomorrow. Diplomatic conversations lng a new drive against Jews in between Chamberlain and Musso-Oermany. Jews who were released llnl were announced last night to from custody around Christmas are have definitely ended. There wai being rearrested. .deep gloom in British circles. To-"A new crime of international 'day Prime Minister Chamberlain Jewry" is the way one Berlin news- and Foreign Secretary Viscount paper described the incident in Halifax were to meet with the Holand. .French and United States ambas- . ' sadors to Italy. Lord halifax in- , formed the ambassadors that . Chamberlain had failed to get any i promises from Mussolini and had refrained from making any for Great Britain. The nature of the hour and a half audience with Pope Pius at the Vatican was not of- This Seen in Federal Government's flclally disclosed. . Augmented Defence Program An official statement yesterda7 I Objects of Purchasing Board said merely that a conference hai 'been held between the Premiers. OTTAWA, Jan. 13: (CP) Under The customary clause that "pro-the government's program of de- gress had been made" was lack-fence force expansion, as Indicated lng. In the Speech from the Throne at It was learned that Mussolini opening of Parliament yesterday, had definitely refused to withdraw observers foresee ti possible doubling Italian aircraft and troops from of the present Royal Air Force the Spanish civil war, Informing strength of two thousand men, also, Chamberlain that he was commit-the addition of much equipment In-1 ted .to assist in bringing about a eluding new and faster airplanes. Franco victory. ' I The objects of the defence pur-' Chamberlain, on the other hand, chasing board, which it was an-1 refused to agree to granting of Jnounced would be set up, will be to 'belligerent rights to the Insurgents (take the excessive profits out of, so long as Italy refused to wlth-armaments business and to pro- draw. tect the government in contracts 1 The question of Italian terri- with private companies. KILLED SON FOR MERCY Louis Greenfield Could Not Bear to See Youth Suffer Further With Paralytic Spells NEW YORK, Jan. 13: (CP) New York has been stirred by a new' "mercy killing." For years, Louis Greenfield told the police, he had been tortured by the sight of the suffering of his paralyzed seventeen-year-old son. Yesterday the youth had another spell and Oreenfleld pressed handkerchiefs saturated with chloroform to his nose. He died. torlal demands was left to direct negotiation between Italy and France. Yesterday Prime Minister Chamberlain was shown a demonstration of military training of youth as carried out in Italy. In drill, fifty boys turned their guns In the direction of the British Premier who merely smiled. Railway Loan Oversubscribed Fifty Million Dollar Issue For Ca nadian National Goes Over Top OTTAWA, Jan. 13: (CP) Hon. Charles A. Dunning, minister of finance, announced yesterday that the 50.000,000 Canadian National "I couldn't bear to see him suffer Railways bond Issue had been any more," said Greenfield. oversubscribed. ' .