rACF TWO Third Avenue THAT REMINDS ME- ROLL OGDEN'S FOR COOL FRAGRANT Refreshing as a summer bloom is the aroma of 'Ogden's Fine Cut. Test it yourself. Compare it point by point with any other cigarette tobacco and you'll agree that Ogden's has what it takes. By all means try Ogden's and choose the best papers to go with it "Vogue"or"ChantecIer". SMOKING SUMMER SHOES In All Their Latest Colours And Styles Wedge Heels, Dutch Boy, Box Heete and Flange Heels in combination colors in brown and white, wine and white and green and white and muKi colors. - Hie Snappiest Shoes on the Market-Up From $1.95 Family shoe store ltD. "Hip Horn4 of Good Shoes TAKE A LOOK . . . that's all we ask. Isn't This the Ideal Way to Select Your Furniture? Isn't it Better to Get the Fact First Hand to See the Evidence With Your Own Eyes and then Decide? That's Exactly what we want. Come, Look Around and See for Yourself the Heal Bargains at Elio's 5th Anniversary Sale NOTE ! Durinr the Sale Store Open Till 6 p.m. Saturday Xlahl 5 pjn. ELIO'S FURNITURE Thone Green 91 aud ;the i. i Letter Box C. X. R. DEFICIT Editor Dally News: Allow me to sanest that Mr Meithen aei oat of the Senate anc" draw his pay from the C. P. R. As job siont, vary teiteBMnw-; if. although not in the same words. ! If there was unification of tho tvo railroads the C F. R, would ne 1 fall arHun. te C. N. H. isJdn Wilk iff M. wibls lukr (fee aeople waaXl get Hi hi neck as asaal. We nredtrt HILL RINK IS LEADING i.MacDonald and Borland Tied Tur Seeand Place in CVJ. Bowling Lea.ae Gearse Hill's rtnk. unbeaten Si far Uits season, continue in U leadership of the Canadian National Recreation Association i LaTi Bwnns League as a resulx of another Tictory in play thi week, ha Ting defeated D. A. ilai-;Phee s rink 24 to 17. la the only 'ether games to be played so fat 'this week D. O. Borland's rinfc won ow O. P. Tinker's 17 to VI Borland s rink, is also unbeaten so far this season, hating, like Angus UacDonaid's rink, won two matches aad : it none. Wet weather stac-Mcn&iy has interfered with league The standing of the rinks u date as foHowa: W. L. Pts. Hi: t a MacDonaid 2 t 2 Brj-iand 4i.2.F ft; 2 Winstor 2 1 7 Arrol . 2 2 2 MaePbee . ' 1 1 l Frew - 1 2 1 UcMeekm 1 2 Preeee . 1 3 l Tinker t 4 5 Office Supplies Typewriters and Supplies Stationery Printing DIBB PRINTING Company Besner Block Phone 234 THE DAILY NEWS y&jfoj. June 2J. we have M taatto out ths defieK." Exenae e far mentioning the matter affttA an it some of" aaw reader- I kat IhU n-lll .Hr In llu ..- WlOTUinBU of the Vancouver HoteL St. Lonta I ahall not eammenr on jnwe, New Yo,k lon regardinf the matter be- ehteBv - may afford amuesten. huaevrt. 1 tiave .uhI veral a pit"" ract starting In the Far-ttme that Canada waa wasttn IsteBd., seoUand at neeead-a million dollar day needtessh;. London birds entered ftytof came I aassate that yoa are wortr rooyvi hwoH nh sam line of thomht putAbur - wtsh wfeft to to is exactly what I mttW9 .w- BOle. The especially uir warn ksal. aud the C. N R. s part of it. . D T OR88NK. : Griffith pretaata Tlgoroudy t- u'aiktlDton'x bai-baU Baxetiall Standings N-tTuiHlfl-raHif It at it at at at wMeh has bad this matter up i.i Bast"Vt7 ' the air for so lont. That is mere' Philidelflfcli . 11 the so-e-lled. C. N. R. deficit Any- Amerioau Leatue one shouM tnow about the cause Ne" "8 of this deficit In the first place - Bot. just plain ignorance or fane tin- Clerrfand 3a anee. The depression or lack of DetrnM St business need not enter into Ur:ChiPw 71 question although both of tho 1 Philadelphia 31 items do to some extent Thev are Washington 12 thlnes that can be remedied That st Loute leaves just one point with which at 34 at at 3f as as 31 8 .491 -39 -J79 389 THAT SUPPLIES MANY NEEDED ELEMENTS SO OFTEN LACKING IN THE MODERN -.. DIET Drm k... LUCKV LflGER AGE AND PURITY GUARANTEED BY 1 10,000 BONO Alto mikjor HI HTON type ALE SILVF.K .SPRING STOIT fwl Krrwerir Ijtl. Thi -4 it U not paMUk4 "mt !..! iiy i he Uqaor Control Board ( hv the GoTemment ol Brf b Colambla, .NEW AND BETTER COLD CURED ICE For the Halibut and Sairaon Fleet t Following the Investigations of the Fisheries Research Station, the Company has just completed extenatre changes and Improvements In Ice storage and ice delivery methods. lit for the boats will all be old ice. thoronchly en red or ajed at new low temperatures. It will be delivered into the hold, even In the hottest weather, as cold as the storatt room. Fishermen are lnrlted to Inspect the new system. Better tee than ever before, at no Increase In cost, means economy to the boat and Improved quality In Hsh delivery. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Prince Rupert q JjfJ BritUh Columbia ii SPORT CHAT -W have Uvh1 nUKf owr water. Ibem -NaOortalir not -Senators." tEfwry state aanital has tta Srea- ims ne aompaiiR. Pea Ml Lord Rueoery's vietory in the -V oerby with Blue Peter Marks the fourth triamfh for, alt faastty lu h Down fat-1. P'eWOM erls ad won m igft, lSS5and 105. .43 OT ebelauerdM4l(r. uthm kMuc BngMfh fo9taaN elb. md a profit of tOM V5W hut sxi af- " ter petidlnt am $HeW on vound liuiweaarnta and ItaoMat- 545 tng other debts. .396 Oeorge FVmlnc wen the Natlonsl CyeliQC Union 25mu Unrf-oac-ed bteycie race at Heme IIBi. En-!and. defeating X Parkas by at yards In 43 sainutea. 24 aeeoada, Most people read ads. Do you? Uie rtaJrtfte BASEBALL International Series KETCHIKAN vs. PRINCE KLTEItT Friday and Satarday IS p.m. Sunday Afternoon Admbsian Soc Aerapolls Hill NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor -A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates II JO op 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, BC Phone 211 P.O. Box IK THE SEAL QUALITY vac.' GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon cannlnr company with an all the year round payroll In Prince Rupert 5 o 0 o o a a a o o a a a o a a a a a a o a a o o a o o a o o a voflnims nje si $!rsau Since 1857 Siai km bin I fe tut itcj, CANADIAN RYE VHISKIES r l-rtl J C J4'm a Smm Umti4. WirW. Oat n- SEAGRAM'S SPECIAL OLD RYE WHISKY 5 Years old a 40 ox. $2.80 This adrertuemtnt is not pubiutied -r duolayed by t L Crtrol Board or by the Ooternmrnt mi Brttuh Co. -at; II. R. Rlee will sail tomorrow night on the Prince. Adelaide for a ute to VanomiTer FOOTBALL POSTPONtO A the grounds a . A n are being marked off t t J bfW aerte between Kf : kir taj Vio iBgTorsen, Danish athlete. Pfmee Rapert. the Dorr. '... raj beat the world reeerd for 30 klkt Miss Heiea GUiHgt-Vteceftt. who Qo$ footbaB ytf6yi. be t- h metre by strkU&f that diatenee Hi at urejant to Vaneaurec. has re oneec Uaodrjr and V. x io hour. 35 rotnutc; B.lec4s. ner ptttton n the CKf ed ite this ermmg. h o ire Prevtou record lor Ihe walk wa Hall staff. pmf4 until next Tuvdi r , 2:37:37.6. ReprevntaUres of southern ee-uon clubs of the E-agUah Football League hart reoommended that Br istol Ram and WalaaU. bottom t last season, be r-iecied to f ,':.e league. Unaooteasful applies -were made by OMlingham. C Chester and Chelmsford CUy. Phones 11 k. 19 Mussall P.O. Umx s:s ems Economy Store -Where Italian Have .Mere Cent- lla.ve j on tried our CASH COLPON SYSTEM r You re. reJre dWhes. Mlrerware and valuable premJams ni table for gifts. Why not Urt now at no extra eost to yoa? Opposite Canadian Legion 0 Pf0.4t LflASS at thiUvtsS jm-.1 per 10O-RepijWe in 12 MonthljrIniulracnu.... t toy mvubi nmi twf$tacj t mrnTunitj t ir sUl t kd'tnjt ai to fxfU ki ta tmuwi kxrE . . . GomIi the awMUcr U Our noxni bnaca. You gl tjttditt hit belful ttuttit 10 your recKeo. E ' JK.ORMQN1REAL titatiLJiiiia A IAIK WKtlt f HU CCOUXT AIC WUCOMk MaCsussti Sun Goggles Protect Your Eyes 15c to $1 BATHING CAPS New Styles And Shades 10c to 50c Ormes Lid. Jfm Pioneer Drtup iats The Resall Stare Phones: II a K Open Dally from I a.ro. till II pjn. Sundays and Holidays from 13 noon till 1 pjo. 1 pja. tin 9 pjn. SooooooooooooMOooooooooooocaooooooooooooo 1 ooooooooooooooooooooooooooovwoooooooooooooooooo0000 0