TENEMENT HOLOCAUST Child Turned ffhoM: EMit Arc Drowned After Nine Years Canadian National I'ortrr lias Unique Ksperi'rife With Blind Boy WINNIPEG. June 22: Nlns years ago porter O. H, Schmltty w cf the Canadian National Railways MONTEREY. Cal.. June 22. Five persons are dead and twenty-eight seriously 111 from the effects of eating poisonous mussels. Baseball Scores National League Philadelphia 2, 8t. Louis 14. Boston 0, Chicago 3. New York 8, Pittsburg 4. Brooklyn 2, Cincinnati 1. American League Chicago 8, New York 0. St. Louis 0, Boston 0. Cleveland 9, Washington 8. Bridge and Morse Creek Bridg 'will have to be closed to traffic on October 1. mi "Hays Creek Bridge was built for It IS loading, frame creosoted lumber structure on concrete foot lng, with an asphalt bridge plank wearing surface. This type of structure, while being more ex- ' pensive In original cost, Is cheaper In annual cost than untreated lumber structure because of a much longer life. "However, considerable work and ralpulatinc will be necessary be- T" ry r.rrifore ' any definite estimate can be attended a group of blind chlldrea Bdnir going nasi cast from from the the prairies prairies.' ttr,Vft, al' Among them was art etgni-ycar c'.d lad from Southern Saskatchc-n wan on his way to the Brantford.j J Ontario, school for the mind, mis morning porter Schmltty, aboard the Continental Limited from the east had occasion to speak to the porter in the next car. He heard a call and turned to find a tall youth at his side. The blind boy had rccognucd his voice. Five Dead After Eating Mussels rohonmn KlifllfMi Prove Fatal At Monlerey-aiany Others Seriously III eattle Mayor Is Anti Gambler Sees Urge Syndicate And He Would Like To Have Chance Of Trowutlng It SEATTLE. June 22. Testifying at the trial of two former promin ent politicians, Mayor Arthur B. innellp charced that a large " gambling syndicate was operating In Seattle. .He told the Superior Court Judge that he would welcome the opportunity of prosecuting members of the ring. More Depression In United States Senate Committee Says This Will Come If Government Doesnt Change Policy WASHINGTON. June 22. The rvmmiiifi' which studied Escaped Convict, Taken In Northern Wisconsin, To Be Charted With MattMin Affair City Faced With Major Financing Problem as Result of, Report of Cily Engineer Turned in to City tacoma, June n-.-An escaped 1 ' . . m I convict named Olsen who has been LommiSStoncr IWlay re-arrested in Northern Wisconsin - . I after having slain two deputy City Engineer F. N. Good, in a report to City Com- sheriffs is declared by police hers mi ioncr W. J. Alder, has announced that Hays Creek to timuiy associated with and Morse Creek bridges are in a state beyond major 'ISJSSWK paira being effective and will have to be closed to traffic Ld xtt offence. on October 1 this year as dangerous for traffic Cost of' replacement of the two bridges with untreated lumber fclnDPiDl? IC 1 estimated at $75,000 and more than 1 I 1 11 l il the British submarine Thetis and the Franch Phnlx Search h Abandoned PARIS, June 21. Naval and air- In 1923 and Morse Creek Brtdje hi. pane unlU of the French Indo- i:a. twin oi untreated lunn-r , fc-5ihortlr after my arrival hen;, I parried out a fhorvi;h Iris ecti-., Inquiry at the local elevator this morning elicited the Information that no intimation has been recelv- led In that quarter as to prospects, I if any, of using the house for grain shipments In connection with car goes under tne recently granted subsidy for this port. However, It Is understood that the Canadian Transport Co. Is considering handl ing grain at lest as part cargo, possibly with lumber and canned salmon, in making shipments this fall from Prince Rupert to the United Kingdom or Continent. After Two Years Warrant Served DUIIW uv - ,..j nroflt-sharlng plans In industry .ana, aner pieaaing gumy, was rc I H.m.t the ttovern-'manded for eight days for sen 1 i Tomorrows Tides Wealher Forecast She High 3'2 a.m. 18.2 ft. Prince Rupert and Queen Charlotte 18:22 pjn. 19.2 ft. Island Moderate northwest Low am- ffc winds, partly clear with light scattered showers. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER yd, XXVIII No tf PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, JUNE 22, 1939. PRICE: CENTS British Bluejackets Halt Japanese HAYS CREEKWESTVIEW BRIDGES CONDEMNED AS FROM OCTOBER FIRST BELIEVED i KIDNAPPER mcnt's attitude toward business tence. McDonald Is alleged to have .,, ,.,.,n,v4 that unless It was al- slipped out of town after cashing tered the country faces an lmmedl- a $47 check with Frank Walls. ... ' ii .momniovntent and there being insufficient funds to semi-depression conditions. cover. Dan McDonald Pleads (Suilty In City Police Court To Charge Of False Pretences Dan McDonald, for whose arrest a warrant was Issued on July 7, 1937. was taken Into custody In the city last night by Constables D, D. .Mclndoo and John Lockl Today he appeared In city police court on a false pretences charge Has Paraly$is iDEALLs. ICease Interference that if creosoted lumber Is used. The is thus faced with LOU GEHRIG city thej T171VT A WTE Fa1 ' problem of devising some means of ItlYl Ail UuU NEW YORK. June 22 CP-An- flnanclng new spans. Westvicw will nouncement made yesterday that have to receive first consideration United States Senator Confident Lou Gehrig, star first baseman of a, with the closing of. the brldge.j That Squalun, Thetl and Phenlx the New York Yankees, was suffer-that nart of the cltv will be rn.-n -1 ri t . . .n. i Cng from chronic Infantile paraly . ... w - ----- iilvsi ! c fms.iwam lu inv i riim I i 1 1 1 1 ii if- iiai miv" gmnand Pimlbly .More U.e Their petty cut ott to venU.uiar traffic! Utm In New Vork City Fire t IciAt cast end tw0 dcJ sis was the result of a rerxrt by HalibutlSales American Vancouver Big Missouri. .15. Bralorne, 11.90. Cariboo Quartz, 2.09. Dentonla, .02. Falrview, .0314. Gold Belt, .33. ; Hedley Mascot, .82..' Mlnto, .014. 4 ; Noble Five, .Oli. Pacific Nickel, .15. Pend Oreille, U0. v Pioneer, 2.51. Premier, 1.86. t Privateer, 1.28. Reeves McDonald, .18, Reno, .50. ; Relief Arlington, .135: Reward, .Oli . .' Salmon Gold, .09. Sheep Creek, 1.17. , t Cariboo Hudson, .08. -Hedley Amalg., .01 V'4. Oil A. P. Con, .14. Calmont, .32. C. & E., 2.00. Freehold, 03 ask. Home, 255. Pacalta, .05 Vi. Royal Canadian, .19Jj; OkalU, 1.05. Mercury, .06. Prairie Royalties, .21. Toronto Aldermac, .31. 'Beattle, 1.26. Central Pat., 2.50. Con. Smelters, 4155. East Malartic, 2.50, Fernland, .04j. Gods Lake, .37. Hard Rock, 1.04. . 'I Int. Nickel, 48.00. Kerr Addison, 1.90. Little Long Lac, 2.95. McLcod Cockshutt, 2.05. Madsen Red Lake, .38. McKenzle Red Lake, U2. Moneta, 1.15. Noranda, 78.50. Pickle Crow, 4.65. Preston E. Dome, 1.55. " San Antonio, 1.79. Sherrltt Gordon, .95. Stadacona, .50. Uchl Gold, 1.39. Bouscadlllac, .08 ask. Mosher, .14. Oklend, .08. Smelters' Gold,04i. Dominion Bridge, 28.50. i sor nations. PRIVATE Governments Had Nothing To Do With Transaction Involving . Japanese Canned Salmon I OTTAWA, June 22: (CP) The recently reported purchase of Japanese canned salmon by British Importers did not Involve the British government directly or indirectly but was merely a deal between private commercial Interests, Hon. W. D. Euler. minister of trade and commerce, said iPROPOSE EMBARGO Organization Being Formed Local) To Combat Aggressor Nations WASHINGTON. DC. June 22.- Mavr Clinic exnerti who examined1 Delegates from various organiz- vtl T . ,, ur Eleventh Avenue and Mc- Senator W. Warren Barbour Is de- Gehrig who voluntarily retired from atlons of the city met last eve-YO,clr :u" . T rUi Cljrmont Park and via Hays Creek mandlng a further Investigation active Dlav on May 2. endlnz a con- n"8 decided to form a local wvc;: ues wc mi in vne nwruc- and the dry dock road. mm the circumstance', of the Saual- .am, rmr at 2 130. branch of the Embargo Council 1 , M T . ' 7715 enlnta rfPon H as fol iu, ,ubmarine disaster. He Is con- games, feared that w search u trrday and it it lows: ,fdent dlsastfr cf the ruins may tveal even more i beg to report that Hays Creek associated with those which befel t !ms aiming to place embargo on all I 'aggressor nations. A provisional committee was set up consisting of Dr. R. E. Coleman, Thomas El- Ilott. M. Chung Kee. Miss Ruby Mah and H. Harcus. l' A further meetlnz of all Dersons I and organizations Interested Reserve Decision Upon Appeals To Privy Council OTTAWA. Jun 22: iCP The Supreme Court of Canada has re- Southampton, served decision on the constltu- . tlonal validity of the proposed Dominion law to abolish appeals to the Judicial committee of the Privy Council. Ketchikan Ball Team Is On Way Dido Gurvlch. manager of the Prince Rupert baseball teamT6r thn International series, received a tele gram this morning from Vern Ho ban, manager of the team, that the First City party of With Tientsin Cargo When Sailors Arrive Naval Boats of Great Britain and United States Defy Order of Nippon to Leave Swatow American Fleet Moves Into China Port TIENTSIN, June 22: (CP) Sudden appearance of British bluejackets halted Japanese examination of cargo being discharged by a British lighter while blockaded British citizens were "heartened by a message of sympathy and hope from the London government. With two British cruisers standing by to receive them, evacuation of British women and China Heet have abandoned the Blanco, I3fl00, Cold .Storage, 7.7c heid whea arrangements will completing their lSjOOOtnlle search for the French submarine ,na "c Phentx which sank June 15 with the In 'Anrtl 1930 imd I found botn o of geventy-one lives. krtrlffftt In nri Af irwwMrH1 i. Wat' V X VB f .W"lulBHr w , M nVP ntjfArn!-. Jun" 22 pal". I have since carried out ful! s ry Bodle of ri-h "lrn kp-s hi wre inspection every six months and! JJrgJJOn VjOVeiTlOr he hl''Tv 'nln a dough near repairs have been completed, The dere hav been recovered. Five of' present rate of dcay in all parts them were still in the car Thesc-iof the bridge structures Is now dan left the road when a child s fast that even major repairs caught hold of the steering wheel are useless and both bridges will nd turned It sharply be dangerous for traffic after Oc- - - itober l. 1939. . . . "With regard to future replacc- InniarnhoroH Vniro ment. I have designed a brldee Favors Fair Deal For Labor People EUOENE, Oregon, June 22. Oovernor Charles A. Sprague pledged his support to "decent wages and working conditions" in addressing a labor federation convention here. No Word Here Yet But Tis Expected Wheat Will Move I Canadian A. IC, 1,600, AUln, 6Zc and 5c. TODAY'S STOCKS (Courtesy 8. D. Jotmstoa Co.) I King-Queen I I Are Acclaimed I On Returning I LONDON, June 22: CP King George and Queen Eliza- beth rode back into the heart of the Empire tonight amid will shouting of multitudes after be made for a public mass meeting Journey that took them across ui niwiiM utjvs ana means iar me t me Krmiirsi iuauiuuii vu- -r Dlaclne of an embargo on aggres- ada. Hundreds of thousands lined the royal route from Wa- terloo Station to Buckingham Palace and there was similar acclaim at Southampton where Their Majesties landed. Prin- cesses Elizabeth and Margaret Rose were carried out In a des- troyer to meet their parents before landing. Queen Mother Mary and the Dukes of Glou- 4' cester and Kent were at SITE NOT DECIDED- Fishermen's Floats Had Been Held Up Temporarily Owing To Defence Department Using Seal Cove In connection with the proposed v-.trhivan new fishermen's floats, announce-' ment 01 wnicn was maae a iew children from the blockaded settle-nent continues. A limited amount jf food supolies is being run :hrough for those remaining. Meantime two British and two United States destroyers stood by in the harbor of Swatow, occupied by the Japanese yesterday, despite 1 Japanese order or suggestion that foreign warships and nations withdraw from the newly captured South China port. Foreign naval forces were doubled during the day and, except for the departure of twenty women and children, the. American and British communities stood pat, LONDON. June 22. The American ambassador in charge of foreign affairs delivered a protesting speech against Japanese penetra tion of American properties in China and against stoppage of sup plies and the Japanese blockade of Kulangsu. the foreign area of Am-oy. Thus the United States enter ed the Far Eastern situation In spite of Japanese efforts to isolate Great Britain in the first stage of its campaign to exert Its domination over foreign areas. Prime Minister Neville Chamber- lain told the House of Commons to- I I Jay that the government hopes the I rr i 1 1 1 1,1 , . . 1 1 negotiations but that. "If those negotiations fall, we are considering what further steps might be taken." The United States Asiatic fleet, ith 2000 officers and men has ar rived at Chef 00, China, for summer manoeuvres in North China waters. Are Appointed To Church Boards sixteen will leave there at 11 o'clock "1U1 ' uev. w. u. i.rant iiomngwortn and tonight and Is due here between the government has been working Rev. j. c. Friiell Chosen By on th for and 10 and 11 o'clock tomorrow morn- .lt General Assembly lng. Stan Morin will be umpire of .w" a acrra,nSfd ,0L,the to CT Ktvtit n f Caul frwe Tnan rna CI T balls and strikes for the series and I1"""" " 7" " " T. Cyril Masl, base umpire. New Jersey For Betting Golden Flower Of Chungking Marries Young Doctor Who Saved Her Life CHUNGKING, June 22. Most famous woman guerilla warrior, Miss Golden Flower Tsal, who lost one husband In battle against the land naturally the fishermen would like to get as near town as possible whereas the pulp plant would be better a little way out. WEATHER FOItECAST General Synopsis Pressure Is relatively low Inland and high off the coast. Rain has occurred on Vancouver Island and over the nor thern part of British Columbia. West Coast of Vancouver Island- Japanese, has married a young , Moderate to fresh winds, shifting to doctor who saved her life, military west, showery first, but clearing at dfspatches reveal. ,nlRht. MIDLAND. OntJune22: (CP) partment for an air base so a new: Rev-. W. D. Grant Holllngworth, islte had to be found for the floats. , formerly of Prince Rupert and now 'Several sites had been suggested of Medicine Hat, Alberta, was nam- and, as soon as lt Is definitely 1 to the board of missions of the ! decided where lt should go, the Presbyterian Church In Canada by work will proceed. This might be the General Assambly In session this fall. The money was voted last here. Rev. J. R. Frlzell of Van- vear but lt could not he used until couver, also formerly of Prince Ru- TRENTON, New Jersey. June 22:jtne defence department had de- Pt, was appointed to the educa- Voters of the state of New by a large margin, have endorsed a state constitutional amendment favoring parl-mutuel bet4 ting on horse races. Famous Woman Warrior Weds elded on Its location There Is still said to be a possibility of securing a pulp mill for the city and one of the sites suggested for lt is at a point opposite Falrview Cemetery. Both the pulp mill and the fishermen's floats 1 are very desirable Improvements tlonal board. Attorney General Is Extravagant Demand Made That Head Of United States Legal Department Start Curtailing Ills Own Payrolls WASHINGTON, June 22. Representative Roy O. Woodruff, Michigan Republican, demands that Attorney - Oeneral Frank Murphy take action on his own recommendations 'for drastic curtailment of public payrolls 07 trimming the personnel in his own department. He charged Murphy has 120 special assistants.