.9? I i 7iL 1 , . . I 1. I L II ,1 '1L.1..U.I -L-' " II -Ijjg " ! rSSA m I Vic fteople real'ue the amnting extent of the fishing Inrfmfry in Hritith lUttitmUia. The talent government figure tltotr l fr( priHlnrtioH' rolin" 7,JJ.iJI. 7ir rnV ilrm irn Oiii-i.Si(mrt irilni utliieof illJH.636. During theealeiuhir yetir 193? rifxtrf amoimfri lu f",in,A '' to film J J -niftf riVi. Silver Spring Lager' IWr is, internulionnlly known for its fine flavour and uniform quality. It has been onuof ltritili Columbia's most popular beers -Tor nearly a quarter century. SILVER SPRING Lager Beer This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor lYintrol Hoard or by the Government of British Columbia. Trainbg School or Prince Rupert Young People A very enthusiastic meeting was held on Tuesday evening at the Presbyterian Church when representatives ot the various youth - organizations of the Anglican Presbyterian, Baptist and United Churches arid Boy Scouts met to make arrangements for the Lead- ; er.hlrj Trunin? Institute to be held in, this city from April 28 to May 5. ' The chairman, Ken Harding, explained briefly the purnose of the training school. He stated that at last the people who are leaders 01 . who aspire to leadership in Chrls-tion youth work will have an opportunity for valuable training un der Bert Fiddes who is being sent by the Religious Education Council for B. C. to conduct the cburs This will fill a long felt need. Mr. Fiddes Is highly experienced In youns people's work and will bring with him many new Ideas and methods to Prince tRupert. Following this Introductory talk Mr. Harding was elected chairman of the Training Institute with T. Johnstone as Registrar. A discussion ensued as to the most suitable place for holding thesessloru. Rev. E. E. Brandt generously offered the use of the Baptist Church hall which was gratefu'Iy accepted. It was decided that th? course will be conducted each week-night during Mr. Fiddes' vis-It and wiM be dpen to leaders or aspiring leaders from the age of 15 up. It was decided to hold as one of the chief features of the Institute a Boys Rally open to all boys belonging to Sunday Schools, church organizations or Scouts, be tween the ages of 10 and 18, and; also a Youn" People's Rally. j Arrangements for the Boys' Ra'.-j ly were pladed In the hands of ai committee with Rev. R. C H. ! Durnford representing the Angll-' can Church as chairman, assisted! by Malcolm Wilding, representing I the United Church; Harold Ivar-, son. the Presbyterian Chirrch: j Tom Johnstone, the Baptist j Church, and E R M. Yerburgh. the Bov Scouts. ( The YounK People's Rally Is ty j be In chartre of n committee eohJjw) j slating of Jack Hopkins, represent: fng the Anglican Young Peoples Association, and Ned Tobey, rep-t resenting the youth groups of thpj United Church. f The whole proceedings were marked with .?reat enthusiasm and ft was felt that, as a result of the training school, great benefit would accrue to the young people of this city. THE WORLD AT YOUR FIRESIDE Comfortably ensconced in your-own special chair beside your own fireside -with your newspaper open what a feeling nt jiecurity and relaxation I Here, amidst familiar surroundings, you can follow the swiftly' moving pageant of the twentieth - ; century. All the drama, the pathos, and the kaleidoscopic events of today are brought to you in vivid word pictures seen through the eyes of trained newspaper observer' in every part - r .. !'-.0JLt.ne,worl(1 Your newspaper is your richest source of authen- tic information and will provide, through Its many and varied departments, a world of information and entertainment for THE every member of your family 1 Keep abreast of the times 'form the habit of reading your daily newspaper every day! I il 3 i I 111 9 k1 U MJ 9 J VANCOt VER DAJLY PROVINCE Th DAHJ. NEW? Whiff lets from The Waterfront THE umM .loll" ' J.l Ln.v.h.w 1300 U """- J. ntl "TTj Imi 4t nr. pnn.ira It mmnt Hmnt f .000 .000 .000 .000 .001 .001 .Oft) fmwvalH tauyand wlthi hlth OJN.IL steamer Prtnce John Cnpt. 'trltlve vilu'e. oMttttlH egff- hie) Oeorte Coles. Ur due at ri -j ifw flta af MMUIU. thW evehln from Vanconver via irc ,,tu ilt flln Afrt- (he Queen ChtrlMt Itlinds. The f,tlM They mUJt jy. baijed 20 vessel ws at Port Clements be- m(nu(cj tween A and 5 o'clock this morning. sciiooLiimisi: VAKirnv the Education Alhortty rxpeH-mentln with ureerV boards arid BRIDLINGTON. Eng.. April 20: C jellbw shalk. In plaec of the new toneh nf em'r Is beln fib "iffd bhek- and-whlte com-Introduced hi nrldllngton schools, blnatiou Inquiries Invited I llMIVt WH b til"" T0 rrtngnl thmtih Th floyil IUnk bj bun) untlT all ovrr Canada. With the win ter ovrr, you loo may l mrtirrinK a Home Itoprovemmt Ifmn to rrir, rttrnd or rm'ue jour mrij. If to, tl Manaxrr of jour oaret ltoyal IUnk liraixh will m drliKbtrtl lo talk it ovrr ilh yoti. Dnp in nrit tinn )ou arr rawing. ROYAL BANK CLARIDGE SHOES OF. CAN ADA OVE 00 BRANCHCS IN ALL PARTS p f CANADA .1 .-. Mi The iMosl Outstanding Line of MenV Sluies Made in Canada Fit, workmanship and the very neurit In style. Made by the famous makers of Astoria Shoes. These ilJoes are In a class by iliemselves. 9 styles to choose from Priced $5.95 The Home of Good Shoes CENTRAL HOTEL ItOOMS and CAFE Phone 31 For Best Household Coal MHS. C K. BLACK T, f tr Family shoe store ltD. J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Bank BIdf. 8 4 BaseballStat.dings ! yery Finest New Yqrk St. Louis While halibut landings continued jj'sl?n '""" heavy at Prince Rupert yesterday, , there was a marked falling ofY at ; , y'. Seattle where only three local boata "f'""f" wefeMn'wfth 12.000 bounds, matket - J, " Pn frig their 'catche a follows: May-,1-"1080 belle 3.000. Chase. fcnd'fllta Rosarlo. 3.000. Wilis. 7M,c and Cc: 'lilHcum.' 6.000. San Joan. 75 ; and .,"77 3c. Each of the ilirre.vU lmd,J," &tctWor cod for which me. and 2te as paid. st The Seattle schooner Northern. U'SSSfta faint. Arm. i.,r. the latert vBS- . ......... r- American W. 1 .1 1 1 0 ..r0 1 0 0 I 0 0 )Q '0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 el ofUhf A"1ifllft iMdilti rieet la be ecjulnned with radiophone. She u.tlMi ItOir.r.O. ri.KASI Pc: 1000 1000. loon w im W J400 JJ00 I 1000; (iftew " ' 'LJUL'' 1 ,,r Hwspheof the talt model iXraitsets Installed St a cot or$5Qo. Q.APF TOWM Anrll V- pP- SALAD TEA ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooc-c c:r-- .. Gordon & mum Arc Exclusive AKents for KUiniDAIRC Onlv rrikiftiro has Cnld-Wttll-.-Th 1839 No oilier remxerator will otieratf , frlgerator la as "trouble free." I - See Them on Display Priced from.M2Lil Huy Them on IUy Trrim OOOOOOOpOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC00000999; OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCWJOOOOtn000000 POGCC300H Bauer & Black "VELURE" Vanishing Crei -Smat ft irr. 1 O o Makes tiands ootter ana omc o 0 s Vanishes Quickly 39c And 59c Ormes Ltd. Uji Pioneer Druqpists The Itetall Store I'honr II C 0rn Daily from a.m. till 1 p Simitav anil Holiday from It noon till f 1 p.m. till 9 p.m. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPOOOOOOOOOW9041 Take Pride In Your Citf t s 't It Pays To Use CLEAN UP WEErf ('ommencinR Sunday. April 1G Phone 282 Any Aflcrnimn for licmovnl of I'ulijjj. Clean-Up Week Use Unpro .Paint to Beautify and rrlwl Your Property Sold ny Thompson Hardware CoJ ANT1M0 PAINTS - W They Cost No More But Last Lonjer-So'il SILVERSIDES BROS. Walker 's Music Slor Larce Stock Muslo Helntiman, Nordhelmer and Lessee rianoa Piano Tunlnr with "Ileionoscope" Phone Blue 389 212 4th Bi rtiiMiraaWJt wean jui- - - Pasteurized W VALENTIN D' ru 0'