i .1 -TT. 5 HQE TOUR Tift DAILY NEWS Thurtdiv Apr'. t-iiii i, . j. Direct Importers of: FINE CHINA, DINNERWARE Hotel and Restaurant White and Green Band Vitrified Ware Various Sizes of Glasses for Beer Parlors BASEMENT STOKE Max Heilbroner Diamond Specialist Girl Guides Plan For Busy Season TORONTO, April 20: (CP) The King and Queen have long been actively interested in Scouting and Guiding and the Oirl Guides of Canada are looking forward to special duties and celebrations In connection with Their Majesties' visit in May and June, In addition 1939 will be memor net?, I ?.'VffifcV m.(..i. r.i m able for the National Girl Guida Camp to be held in the collegiate grounds at Rothesay, N.B., July 14-21. Guides across Canada are busy with plans for this gathering. There Is to be a Guide tour of the Dominion arranged to precede and follow the camp. The New Brunswick Guide Council will be the hostess group for the national gathering. The Daily ewi is mi A. D. C. caper fflffiwy iiuiiKoiiii mis gorgeous rue may he yours absolutely 11(1,1,1 A genuine 0 x y loot Congoleum Gold Seal Rug one of this year's smartest patterns! Just imagine it Inyour living room! There's nothing to write or sell no labels or wrappers or anything to put you under obligation to buy! Here's all you have to do: Visit your dealer where this prize rug is on display. Over 2000 dealers are making tiia offer. Underneath the big Gold Seal that guarantees the rug to be genuine Congolcum, a secret number has been placed. If you guess the correct number or if your guess is nearest to the correct number, the prize rug (or your choice 'df"any pattern in this size) is yours at no cost whatever. Why not make a point of calling on your dealer today? Look over his stock of lovely Congolcum Gold Seal Rugs and sec what winning will mean to you! Remember flak. there's no red tape just guess the number and win this rug! MacKenzies Furniture A Complete Line of Congoleum Is Carried in Stock For Your Requirements i rcsn block Arrives Tomorrow See Them Eagles' Bridge Party Enjoyed Twenty Tables at Successful Affair Last Night Followed by Dancing Another of the series of fortnightly bridge parties and dances by the Eagles' Lodge which have proved so enjoyable and successful during the past winter took place .last night. There were twenty tables of cards and the prize-winners were: Ladies' first, Mrs. A. Ronald; second, Mrs. McGrelsh; third. Mrs. A. Astorl; fourth, Mrs. William Roth-'well; men's first, R. Adcock, second. D. A. MacPhee; third, K. Carslon; j fourth, D. Nickerson. I Winner of a door prize was Mrs D. Crittall. After cards delicious refresh-ments were served and dancing followed with music by Mrs. J. S Black's Orchestra. Angela Aswri was master oi ceremonies I for cards and Robert Mc- The committee in charge con sisted of W. Noble. K. Hunter. A Montesano, A. Ronald and H. r. v mm The rug illustrated ii CiiMsir, Congoleum Gold Seal Rug No. 507. jDNGOLEUM IWXSRUG g) rm mom it tax Jj j 10 GS The Gold Sral li affixed to the turfite of all frnuine Gold Seal Congoleum whether in rug form or bjr-the-yard. It ii your guarantee of com plete latnf action. Look for ill 5 PECIAL OFFER If you purchase a genuine Congoleum Cold Seal Rug during the period of thii con-teit and then prove to be the winner of the prize rug, you have the option of taking the prize rug or of hiring the full purchate price of the rug you hare already bought refunded. Thii ii your opportunity of getting a rug of larger Ize FREE. CONGOLEUM CANADA LIMITED MONTREAL Make Your Entry for the CONGOLEUM Free Rug Contest At Gordon's Hardware We Carry a Large Stock of the Newest and Most Popular Congoleum Hugs A Verdi Life And Works Subject Indies' Muic Club Meets Wednes. day Afternoon1 at Home of Mrs. Kergin The Ladles' Music Club held its fortnightly meeting yesterday afternoon at the home of Mrs. W. T. Moose Ladies' Sale Success The Women of the Moos held a spring tea and sale yettivday afternoon in the Moo- Hall, the affair being very enjoyable and drawing out a large crowd of ladle. Mrs. Hugh M. Smith was general convener. Mrs. Thomas Morgan. Mrs. Ar- Xergtn. Fourth Avenue WwL Mrs Ban. Mrs. W Shelford Darton presided and had' . -harge of the program which had to do with "The Life and Works of Qulseppe Verdi." Mrs. Darton read an interesting paper on some of the veil known Verdi operas and the program included the following numbers: Piano solo. "Quartette" from "Rl-goletto." Mrs. H. L. A. Tarr. Piano solo, "Drinking Song" from "La Travlata." Mrs H. O. Johnsen Piano duet. "Anvil Chorus" from "II Trovatore," Mr? W. L. Stamford and Mrs. E. J. Smith Vocal solo. "The Tempest of Mr Heart." Mrs. Oarfleld MtKlnley Vocal solo. "Oh I Have 8!ghd to nt Me." Mr. J it Mr.Leod Vocal duet. "Home to Our Mountain." Mr. R. O. Large and Mrv H. N. Drockl"y. Piano solo. "Sctvenir de Trova tore." Mrs. T. A. MrW-ie Piano mlo. "fl?te AWia" an March" from "Aids." Mrs. J. C. Tkr At the eontliwjrwt if the orcnram the hetss served dalntjr Try a ClasMfled FOK SALH firfthlnB flisfiEO FOR KENT CLEAN, Well - furnished modern apartments. Phone Red 444. tf. FOR SALE -1937 deluxe Fordor Sedan, good as new; mileage 15,- 000. Phone Blue 972. tf. CLAPP Block for sale Building 50" by 80', 3 storeys, eight 4 room flats with bath, pantry, monarch range in each flat; two stores 25' by 80'; full sized basement; foundations good. Building cost $16,000. Taxes owing $1500. Owner Instructs us to sell equity for $1,000 or submit best offer. H O. Helgcrson, Co. Ltd. C03 FOR SALE Cheap. Cruiser "Bonanza". A real off shore boat, good accomodation and equipment. Engine most reliable and In first class running order. Terms to reliable party. Apply Hubert Ward. Cow Bay or Oreen 157 tf FOR SALE Cheap. Launch "Dlxl-s Rupert." Length 35 ft. Imperial heavy duty gas engine fully equipped in first class condition. I Suitable for pleasure, trolling or patrol purposes. Call Newcombe's Confectionery. Seal Cove. tf. FOR SALE SEALED TENDERS for ' the purchase of gill-net gasboat belonging to the estate of Jos. T Harowksl, will be received by the l undersigned up to noon of Wed i ncsday, April 26th, 1939. The J highest or any bidder not nec-: essarlly accepted. Length 28 ft., ; Beam 7ft.. 7 h.p. Vulcan. Terms i strictly cash. Official Admlnls-, trator. Prince Rupert. B.C. , FURNITURE .for sale Fine solid dlnlngroom suite and solid wal-I nut bedroom suite, etc, Phone i evenings, Red 413. (tf) I FOR LEASE ' FOR LEASE The whole of the J two upper floors of Alder Block; I 36 rooms. Furniture for sale. Ap-. j ply W. J. Alder, city Hall. tf.' I FOUND FOUND Four keys on ring. Owner can obtain them by paying for this advertisement at 'Dally News office. tf.1 Greenville Band Buys Instruments Leaders of the Greenville Concert Band left this morning aboard the gasboat Northern Light on their return home to the Naas River tillage after speeding a couple of days here to make arrangement for the purchase of forty new in 1 liniment for the band. The In thur SilversW and Mrs. W. Held' lrumenU are Cxpecll to be de-had charge of the tea room. Mr.j,med here o5out the middle of Robert Murray and Mrs. H. B. East- i Iay ' i t ii I , man pourea ana we serviicurs were , I Mrs. R. OUke. Mrs. W. R. Overend.i - mmmmmm Mrs. Chris Jensen. Mrs. Fred Hunter and Miss Margaret Smith. Mrs. O. Stegavlg was cashier. Ladies in charge ot other departments of the sale were: Raffles Mrs. V. J. Llneham and Mrs. A. J. Croxford. Sewing-Mrs. F W. M. J. Keays. Candy Mrs. Peter Wlngham. Mrs. A. Halg and Mrs. Walter Long-wtlL An acceptable musical program presented during the afternoon with Mrs. W. Carr and Mrs L Tu Orlmble. andlvik In charge of the arrangements. Mrs. Sam Haudenschlld. I Included vocal dueU by the Misses Home Cooking -Mrs. Sam Hou- Pierce and accordion solo by John- V. Tattersat and Mrs. ny Wick. GENUINE SCOTCH WHISKY f n , IV. t mw tlili t4 I4 Uttk WMtl . . . im 4 in pw.t it yf aHiti.wm k4 f mm vrw tf it y 56i,oi. $3.23 40oi. S4.8S This advertisement Is not published or displayed bv he Hquor Cntrol Board or by the Government of UrIUsh Columbia. THE NEW WOOLENS ARE HERE FROM TIP TOP TAILORS M'tirn jou ee tltee you'll demand a new iilt because valar like those offereJ by Tip 'lop tills Jtaxin don I happen ctery day. EVEKV CLOlll, EVERY STYLE IS OUTSTANDfNfJ Musi $25.95 Individually Tailored P. CRAVETTO FOURTH STREET i ic tilth Nelson A.T.C.M. Teacher of Piano, Theory and Harmony. PHONE HKEKN 390 Dealer I Prince Rupert TIP TOP TAILORS LTD. Ladta! You too ran have your garments Individually tailored by Tip Top Tailors f ' Mr. Cravctto will be at the -L Terrace Hotel Saturday. Monday and Tuesday DAY and NICIIT SEUVICK Phone 13 Taxi PAT MAIE Opp. Post Office, 4th St. ONION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver; T.S.S. CATAI-A EVEKY TUKS T.8.S. CAItDENA FltlOAY, DAY, 1:30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. Put Vancouver. Thurs. a.m. Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. If Convenient, Please Purrhane Tickets at Office Further Information Hcgardlnj Reservatlous and Tickets From ITtANK J. SKIN.NF.lt, Prince Kupcrt Ajenl. Third Ave. Phone 568 i TONK1IIT inH I m!!1?" 4 Last Complete Show I j SMASHING llO.MANTICMiT ODRAMA of ADVENTUt Tliree women jf x brave, young, nr.. taking the g.mu lose only once i with their owi. 1 1 ; -.' who race the The Thrills Thst Come Wit, Their Spllt-Stroad toe. The Heart Tin, Hehlnd Their Dm. Ing Ufttf AUCI CON1IANCI NlMCT FAYE-BENNETT-KtllY TAIL JOAN DAVIS CHARLES FARRELL JANE WYMAN KANE RICHMOND (At 7:p0 and III! PI.I S -The Korltt Rtportm In Time Out for MuroV WlIJi OlorU Ut'urt. Ml-bir' WhiVs At I 11 llnl tVOKI.O M:VS I l Or." Office Supplies Typewriters and Supplies Stationery Printing DIBB PRINTING Company I Beiner Block Thone 234 THE SEAL QUALITY ''uot.rrt GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Fineat Pink Salmon Packed by the onU ,tB" cannJnf company with an w the yeax round osJroU " Prlre Rupert in tii: m riu:Mi: rot cr i "Rl11 loi.r.Miiu In tl.f M.ttrr of Ihr .Wn.lnMn Art- And , t.mil III thr Millrr o( lh i:' Artluir llnn, ln"a- j,,, TAKE NOTICE that to 5f 4 nunlntrator of tin- tUie tt thur Bnovni, drcnJ. 0111 ,A Jttti rmvlnx diUrui tUt ' are mby rrquiml tn : ' brfw pnflirlT trrtflrd 1o m r :;! the, tatji rty of Mjt a. D- .. in DATED Ait rort ' 'r Uth jly of April. A.D. JVJ9. JANET WW mo' ' AdnanWra-trix