irday. April 20, 1M0. I Central II I III M ml Hotel Arrivals V Royal H E Srott. city - IVrlnce Rupert I. H Clarke, II. Orainger. At M. , u, c. seou, m. t. wirrami, Buruell and William Coa'es r Vancouver: Kennjith :Ur Victoria; J Cook. Wln- i i mill ii i i "THE THRIFTf lTHIOQM TISSUE" DOLLS tVKt:S MAUY SAW BOfrtoN, April 20 tP -Among the iv exhibit mini"" at the New England .p... LOCAL NEWS NOTES WANTED! Your support In aid. Tonight's tram, flue from the of Children's Fund. Moose Ama- easi ai i uu,, , .w-.-- tpur Khow and Dance, Tnursaay. una w .. April 20, 7:30. Adults 40c, Children 15c. Dance only 25c. Mrs. H. C. Rose of Yarmouth. Nova Scotia, arrived In the city yesterday morning aboard the Prince Rupert to pay a visit witn her 'brother-in-law ana sister, Mr. land Mrs. Merrill Sollows. John Currle sustained painful rib fractures and abrasions and bruises about the face yesterday nftpmnnrt .'hpn he fell through a hole in the new Dybhavn & Hanson building at the corner of Third Avenue and Fifth Street. He will be confined to hut horns for a few days as a result. n w rtrnu-n !tsutint rceional auditor the Canadian National airways With headcAiafters at Winnipeg, and Mrs. Brown are visitors In the'rity Thejr arrived oh Tuesday nlghVs tram and wilf sail on h. PtlMt nunerf tonteht for 'Vanc6uver. Mr Brown fs' making a western tour on official business STATUTORY CIIAROn f i i L ' Provincial 1'CUTIIICIUI Constable VAJUSIUUIC I 1 I. . Olsen . Antiques show are dolls which were J0f 'Queen Charlotte City Avlll be ar-the object of Queen Mary s visit to rving on the Prince "John this a London shop and brought here 'evening from the Islands, havln? for he antiques how. m nj, custody 65-year old John 1 'Shannon who has been committed PARI) OP THANKS for trial by Stipendiary Magistrate ' " ' " " I A. JU Mallory at Port Clements Mr and Mrs Vernon Yager sail t vMterday afternoon on tns Prince Ruprt for Stewart. r Jark Macfie. who has been uw W ' irftin(? Iri the citv with relatives will sail by the Prince Rupert to night on her return toRsqulmalt. Mr. and Mrs. John Larusson, Fifth Avenue East, are sailing tonight on. the Prince Ruoert tonight lor trip tb Vancouver. t r.. n Hamlin, who is here in connection With the defence works v.w ptfbllshfd at ths entrance of Prince Rupert Horbor, will sail tonight on the Prince Rupert fur Victoria. tiev Father James Oarrity. par ish priest for the Roman Catholic rhrVi at Kmithers. Is nayinsr a VllUIVti brief vtelit to the city. He arrived from the interior on Tuesday night's train and will be returning to Smlthers tomorrow evehlhr. wiiiinm cnates Tavlor of Van ouver. srand superintendent tor. Ihe district, paid an official visit to the local chapter of Royal Arch Masons last-night and will sail by the Prince Rupert tonight on nt? return south. At the Lutheran Ladles' Aid Easter tea and sale Miss Margaret r y &hmldt. Seattle. of their recent bereavement. a "' . tru winner of a tea rinth and serviettes with number Mm. J. L. MacLaren and Lorna ,on a n0u --: -J . CnrU.JenSen was the win For Goodness' Goodness' Sake W igfc One of the moit remarkable fact about Irradiittd Carnation Milk it tfut in addition to being M good for cooking, o economical and convenient, it i alw a jplcndid milk for bottle-fed babies. Ikcauw it h heat-treated and homo-gtnired it i more digestible than cowi milk in any other form. Carnation is cows' milk--all the food value juit some of the natural water removed. It i always safe when you open the tin always the same wherever you buy it. And ultra-violet light rays give it txtra "sunshine" vitamin D. 1 lundrcdi of baby specialists prescribe Carnation. Ask your doctor. Carnation docs wonders for cooked dishes calling for milk or cream and it saves on .m hill for cereals, fruits and coffee. .Inn Uk. "The Contented Baby is UIIIC IUI V-UWMV.. , ... Cook Book is 15f colorful Carnation free. The big. (postpaid). Carnation Company Limited, vnliott St.. Vanrnuver. M' For Your Cardeninu Supplies PaintinB Supplies Tools and Hardware .for Repair Jobs GORDON'S HARDWARE I IIUIIV dll McBKIDE STREET RADIO-i'e to tbt "Contented Hour" tier j MouJjy uigbt. See your heal neu-paper for lUt'wnt and time. IRRADIATED t f fit C arnation Milk A CANADIAN PRODUti - -rm irradiateo; ' - - Clean Up - Paint Up Plant Up - Fix Up Your Home S NEW AND BETTER $ COLD CURED ICE For the Halibut and Salmon Meets 5 5 the Investigations of the Fisheries Research Station, J Following $ fhe coirinany has Just completed extensive changes and imprdve- ments in ice storage and ice delivery mctnoas. ice for the boats will all be old rfjjl low temperatures, u win i aeed at new hottest weather, as cold is the the hold, even In the J n- mm rnnm. 1 Fishermen are Invited to Inspect the new system. STce than ever before, at no increase in cost, means economy to the boat and Improved quality In fish delivery. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Prince Rupert Co. Ltd. British Columbia COAL (rain Vced Seeds and FeriUizer 1MUNCK RUPERT FEED CO. riiones 58 and 5.18 - . .11 MacKenzie's Furniture $7.50 KITCHEN TABLES Drop leaf hardwood, strong and suiroy. . phone 775 - nnvthinTadvertise torlu II jUU George Hills PAINTING and l)ECORAT.IN;G Sign Wor'H .of all Descriptions Estimates Furnished Free Phone ilLUE 751 A. CamDaenola. who was one of the men collecting scrap iron for shipment south, stated today tnai as no satisfactory reply had been received to a telegram sent to Vancouver In regard to the ultimate destination of the material, he had withdrawn from the deal and ha'd nothing more to do with it. An IntprMtlnc arronnt of hi recent triji to Australia, New Zea land, Suva and Honolulu waff given by Dr. W. T. Kergin In speaking before the Prince Rupert Notary i Club at Its regular Weekly luncheon! i la I today. President W. L. Coates was In' the chair and there was a good attendance of members with a few guests. Fiery, Itching Toes and Fjeeti Here Is a Henn. stainless antlseo-tlc oil now dl"ened by chemists at trifling cost that will do more to helo you ftet rid of your trouble i than anvthing you've ever used, j Its action Is so powerfully uene- tratlng that the itching is instant-1 ly stooped: and In a short time you are rid of that bothersome, fiery eczema. The same is true of Barbi ert'Itch, Salt Rheum. Itching Toes and Feet other irritating unsiaht- I ly kin troubles. You can obtain Moone s uneraia Oil In the original bottles at any, modern drug store. It is safe toi use and failure- in any of the ail-1 ments-noted aoove is rare inaeea IV. J. McCTJTCHEON DKUu ' Announcements Ml advertlMments in tMs col-amn'will be charged a full 'montb: at in a wordV Presbyterian 20." ' ' ish5rK? Bridgf Easter Sale.Apnl C. N. R. A. Annual Hall. April h Moose Cambrai Spinster's Ball, Moose :e, April 25, 8 pjn. rinvs Hand Tea. Mrs. Jack Joy's, J April 20.: Scout Tea. Ml Ilougan'.i Aprji 27.' ' i Hodeson School. Dancing Reeit-! al.' Capitol theatre, April 27, 23. Dance, St. Peter's Hall, April 2S. ' i BaptLU Missionary Tea, May 1. United Spring Sale May 3. St. Peter's Bazaar, May 4. 12 Milk Fund Tea May 6. j Eastern Star Tea at Mrs. Gammon's' home; May' 9th." I Presbyterian ,May 11. NOTICE Sgt: Tea, Mrs. Lakle's Spree, May ORANGE Spring Sale. Metropole; " ' Hall. May 17. j Hospital Tea, Nurses Home, May ,: Navy League Ball May 19. I Commencing Saturday, 'April' 15th, our' CONFECTIONERY STORE Will Open UntiHO:00 p.m. Mussallem's ConfecUone'ry Opposite Canadian Legion NEW ROYAL HOTEL 2 PRINCE RUPERT TO VICTORIA J I AprU 20, Amateur Night, Moose Hall. I May 5. Orand Dance. Moose Hall. J. Zarelll Proprietor "A IldME AWAY FROM HOME Rates $1.00 up 60 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Fhone 281 P.O. Box 198 fl M . r. 1A" ! W 1 1. 1 are making BIG NEWS IN 1AD10 II 1.,.,1 fVnrnninnt nnrl PERSONAL LOANSfc at the lowest rates . . . $31 " - - per in, 1 12 Monthly I.n.tfllmcnts ; v Consuit the mnwRer our neirwt tfindi. You will appreciate his helpful appnh 1 P"'- 6" 'JTT111IHID, '?A SWI WHERE SMStt ACCOUNTS ARE WltCOMt- Take adio .!ith Vou, .Even as Vou Jjk Ideal for boats, the summer camp or for cars. fate H?f!!A Rlark Diamonds? e There's an It.CA.' R.C.A. VICTOR Is made better. v?okHetteV and fs cheaper tc operate Compare 'it-'CATVictor arid know perfecUon In peffurmahce ahd value. New Mantel Type-Complete with aU S29d95 b'itierlesV ;- y.rportable Type-Complete with built In Aerial .95 w ftad balteBes ' iTl. Jxt Us Remonstrate 3 Ingenious lt;C.A. stv n. Crystal Diamonds arefalrlght'; But hey only glitter In the light ' ) King Coal Diamonds win th;, nght : 'I For tliey sparkle in the nlgh A Ton Will Come to You If You Vhone up C52 Pilpott Evitt & Co. IS: ' w.r'" -?gr " " T" i SOUTH W WMUSfER! ciHins at QCEA IALS and P0WELL im Steamer leave Prince Rupert every Thursday, 11.15 p.m. Tvains leave Prince Rupert for the JJaC rV 'Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 p.m. AIR-CONDITIONED SLEEPING CAR For fares, etc., call or write City Ticket Office, 616 3rd Av. v-t-