AY? ouT OF WORK a ‘ NEXT MAILS ’ poem the Ad. Y For South ; a gpobsin oO aie es Wednesday, 11 p.m. mee George...... Friday, 8 am, ¥ e . e \ Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist 5A PRINCE RuPERT, B.C., Monday, Marcu 4, 1912. "qe mia: : "PRICE Five Cente = = NEW LIGHT PLANT MACHINERY IS UNDER STEAM INOTHER BLAST ACCIDENT IN ALLEYWAY... — LIBERAL CONVENTION VERY ENTHUSIASTIC Financier This Morning. asting in Alleyway Between Se Second and Third Avenues Cleared) _ ‘*revia! to Daily News. \Otgaicitton of an Education Ca Caiipsign ‘Bevan Which is to Cover | London, March .4.—An aitempt Out Whole Rear Wall of McLaren’s Office in Albert }was made to assassinate Leopold) Eyery Constituency and be Continued Until Election---Dr. | Rothschild, the noted financier Block This Morning, But Fortunately ab he walked St Swithene lane} Kergin, Vice-President; Duncan Ross and George R. No One Was Injured fired, An arrest has been made. Naden on the Executive Committee and tons of rock poe aes s tate Mac-| It is also the second moor Government’s Old Junk. BY DUNCAN ROSS province was represented with a ont » pear| Laren, 10 had been sitting in} tre ’ i. Molaro ‘ : : ‘ through the rear} his ‘private office midway from which Mr. MacLaren has | Provincial Police Officer W. Special Correspondent to The Dally News.) f1]] delegation and those present DYNAMITE SCARE ay. suffered. When they were blast- Vancouver, March 4,—The Lib- Mack Realty & Insur- Gods ‘as today superintend- re ; ts pr ae re the sNipbiens of “all Wade at eral convention concluded its or fs ai Wah ene raeh 7 Preloneae é "ee = a: ‘ ht : : _ 8; Mr. Brewster was elected presi- old iron and other junk, the} : : ; ? ‘ f Franols urt House. labors Saturday after the most| dent, Dr. Kergin and F. J. Deane | debris of the registry office fire, : , t ‘ to be made revenue productive.| Successful meeting ever held in| Vice presidents and Duncan Ross} San. Francisco, March 4,—An Soon Mr, Chalmers, the flash-} ing for the new city hall a few Luent picture man, was there and} tons of rock were deposited in the his morning, smash-|took a picture of the memorable office he then occupied in the inch planks of the}scene, the quartet mentioned} Wallace block, smashing windows y's office in the Al- | | | a | | vall to kindling. It was| Standing on the big rocks with a! and furniture. Perhaps the : land George R. Naden are on the] @XP/osion of gas in the cellars of care anyone, even i¢| Shelving pile of other rock for @| powers of evil are following up gee, poe <4 RR ac the history of the party in the | executive, réphninn baie Fi oth the Hall of Justice yesterday aia | background, The rear wall was/|{his particular insorance man. Warm, clean rooms at Savoy.| province. Every portion of the} ; e ee ei caused a profound sensation and . }entirely cleared away and ee The platform adopted was most} spread a report that the building DesRosiers was standing alley had come down in an av radical, including land for the|had been dynamited. Little dam- | ie Second avenue en-} lanche and filled the room. Some | settler only. Woman suffrage and| 4ge was done, » with Miss Curtain] Of the fragments weighed over |local option were also advanced fy iy i Parl : K. V. Evitt when a big) Rn, jas a labor for the legislation. The Presbyterian Ladies’ Aid, os ? west of McBride, will hold a deli- iiling over her head| ‘The accident took place on the ii was decided to put up can- : rrow passage from | alley between Second and Third Sap sad | didates wherever the Liberals ieee a on W Se et ee mashed through the} avenues, which the city is now have a prospect of winning, and} '®'200N and evening, April ord, voncussion caused | cutting through. It was said to Magnificent Machinery Added t to o City Electric Plant is Making © °@ 0» 20 educational eam-|i the ehureh hall tt swing open and in a| have been caused by the drilling paign in every constituency in the > Gs EORIRERAERNG By? SATS ARUN: glass she rushed! striking a fissure. It is the sec-} Good Under Both Full and Overload | province. Organization is to be- For row boats and launches the street. Thej|ond blast accident doing consid- gin at once and be continued un-| telephone 320 green. Davis boat followed her. Be-|erable damage on this alleyway. til the next general election. house, . | GEN ERATING JUICE ABUNDANTLY om IARD HITTING BY REY. KERR Two Thousadd Four Hundrad Volte Murad Through Water Rediengee Hy re LY OF SUPERB NEW CHURCH AT “MEN ONLY’ MEETING SUNDAY = *’°°"piine"onty Wait Switchboard to Serve City Amply HANDED OVER TO DR. CHOWN | “Danger—keep out” was the;il of some 2,400 volts of elec-| News representative happened to ara DUNG PASTOR STRIKES AT THE SNAKE OF SOCIAL VICE AND energ . . : ‘ | and father to protect his women- | with the city service wiring a ; increased, but the engine and| Rupert, to whose energy the suc-| in the evening a great mass gath- terms Rev. F. W.|folk, and that only the meanest] resistance, but a simple device | thews and the burly expert ee rator ave never a sign of cessful opening yesterday of the/ ering of members of the Presby- ‘ 8 : ; ‘ IR, é ; ‘ » Statac re y ro e| generator gave ever a sig oO ; - od the evil of the|kind of cowards would screen| known as a “water resistance” | the States were carrying out th = |new church building is largely|terian, Baptist and Methodist which he would| their. wives and daughters be-| Was used, a barrelful of water ; " ° —| due, took part in the service, as|}churches assembled in the new illogether The|hind the skirts of fallen girls which under the passage through | At 3:30 p. m. when The Daily Continued on Page 4.) lalso did Rey. CG, H. Raley. |building to hear Dr. Chown | altogether, ’ kK al existence he at-| was the pastor's sturdy argu- =| Most interesting was the cere-! preach, the sister churches hay- ) fall to men, The] iment, money of handing over the key|ing graciously given up their | such a segregated area| The Mayor and members of the MONTENEGRIN | , . Council were present at the THE WEATHER. test. . naloeeial NO CHANGE IN lof the new church. Mr. Peter) evening services to share in the social life of the} City | Me Lachlan handed over the key| Methodists’ rejoicing. Further juestions, “If a| meeting, with many representa- ae 9 to Rey. Dr. Chown, who accepted | celebrations are to take place listriet be neces-| tive citizens, and the general im- FORGERY CASE Tor twenty-four hours ending 5 MINERS STRIKE on behalf of the Methodist|during this week and next Sab- d then I would]pression exists that Rey. yay a. m. Mare h 4 Bar. 30.058:| Chureh — a. Beside yes ir away from the city| Kerr made a_ stout stand in | max. temp., min. temp., | a Sane Phe yery plank-|straightforward manner for his} yjg,x Rocovich Before Magistrate | 30.0. Million Colliers | Out and Quarter | ‘ Fulton street, he de-|convictions on the sad old sub-] — momultin Today Charged with Weoaiao wae anata at tanereds RING STALWARTS COPPER id a young man’s steps|ject that has bafiled generations | Forging Name Illegally Trans- Case Dismissed. ways Short of Fuel Hundreds , e lemmptation that spells|of legislators, ferring Lots. | Ross Filieh. an Italian, aceused| of Steamers Held. ’ » h for him, rere a ee te of assaulting another at Kelly’s| : TL NRE J | YOUNG PROGRESSIVES ACE ing sentence of the DISCOVERY Nick Rocovich, accused of forg-| cul, appeared in the police court] Special to Daily News. the one in which he ing the name of Nick Martinovich| today. Complainer failed to ap-| London, March 4,—With over oetengeeeen he would have a book to a document transferring two| Pear and the case was dismissed.) million miners gut and a quar- GOING TO BE A LIVELY CAMPAIGN—TWO CONSERVATIVE record of the names IS A FIZZLE ofa areas hates ata ier of a million of other trades) Q@ONVENTIONS ARE ADVERTISED--MANSON NOW LIKELY oun requenting die, there was little change in TO BE WITH THE “ALSO RANS.” area, the volume Mullin today. W. E, Wiltiams| KIND j the coal strike today. ‘The rail- ‘ in his defense. There} ways are feeling the shortage al- The they are going to give the nomin- police court open for appeared » old line ring Conservatives : n the Gravels of Coch- Se ae ea ; ate : a , ie y nh at all times, No Colors in t the Mining ex-| 2s 4 large throng of Monte-| ready and the competition has/haye put out a despairing effort] ation to the man who tried to sell i WV. Kerr pities rather rane Declare ? 8 }negrins present, The case, owing} ended in one line running but one Tset the energetic litie f| the ut to the sleuth sent here ders Now Under- | ates : eae jlo olfse ie energetic politics oO lem Ou o the sleuth sent here ‘ the erring women, pae—siar airing to the need for tedious interpre- | train and exchanging tiekets to} the young Progressives and in|by McBride to straighten out the ponsibility of their going Great Hardships. tation, looked like being a pro-| jthe north, Hundreds of steamers | the language of one of the lead-| split in the Conservative party. are held in the docks. The fee l-|, ing between the men and owners | | is good and there are little pros- rs, forceful and pieturesque but} Ritchie, it is now explained, acted |not polite, they have “coppered| under a mistaken impression, He a mi ‘nahi » Alberta se F : wits | the game” of the men of progress|is persona grata with the Two | deed met with .ap=| gold strike in (40% era while Martinavich was in Europe. | Skipper, They Caught Her. | ; lby announeing a Conserv: sae Man government and he is also his audience, there! district proved to be a fizzle, Ac- | Pp nn danitine | MAM dah’ fats ereonalie DOnaIAy te Aha Shea si iemtaea : t| ; ent applause, cording to mining ee mt . it bitdig | will be remembered that the 1 district. It is therefore held that ''s vigorous conten-|trace of gold is to be founda ¢ Not once = only ut Bolus gressives opened the ball in this|he would prove a successful can- I let ” | | s| I it ly at the door of tracted one at noon. The defense} 0 ‘ Jews Laglasts Northbound All but Lost ppeal to the young Special to Daily New , is that accused was instructed to} aglasis Northvoun but, Thanks to Rupert to be clean Calgary, March 4,—-The alleged sell the lots by complainant! J. H. Rogers and an Obliging pects of disorders, Re re ee ae | © death penalty should! the ground staked Large num-~ twice yesterday the Md ship campaign by announcing a con-|didate, out with merciless} bers of the amateurs who rushed Curacoa pulled up when > anteana | vention for the 41th, which is} But other candidates will no all found guilty of|to the district are now undergo- IS ADJOURNED °°: on her northbound trip | | next Monday week, while the con-|doubt be presented in the full any prom-~ r onvention and the proceedings ire bound to be interesting, while those of the Mossback conven- ion, from the very nature of things, must be cut and dried, vention of the mossbacks ealled for the Saturday previous, as greeted with some|ing hardship without but the preacher was|ising results. lest about it. Doubt- _— - laughter met his Indoor Baseball. Morning—Defense is on Usual) Iwo separate special launch trips} lion of the idea that Gprescents vs. Teddy Bears, at Lines of Foreigners’ Liquor) wu.,. jade o to accommodate passengers who ” Two Witnesses “Examined This} liad all bul | their passage.)§mashed Store Windows in| Knights Bridge and Brompton Yesterday—Thirty Arrested— Leaders of the Progressives who were seen this morning do to the waiting not appear to be at all alarmed ive revenue through] Auditorium; March 5th, Game “Clubs.” teamship in harbor lt was Attempt to Burn Post OMoe. about this move, claiming that|every man there acting as a mere : re salled ¢ 45 shi Admission nae ees ; p : ——- ee i. ; l valle ave 1” the las rents from the red- called at 8:45 er. nt st thanks to the stentorian services gatas t D i Nowa) they are assured of a full con- | galley slave under the lash, : ct should have their] 25c. Skating after the &% oe This morning the Zarelli blind| jf steamer Agent J. H. Rogers pecial to Dally mi vention of real Progressives} ne erent * 7” eee “| pig case came up, but was ad-|with a megaphone that the see- London, March 4,—-Bands of from every part of the district, ‘PEKIN MUTINY journed after two witnesses had}ond party of laglasts got their} suffragettes again ran riot yeS8-|and that many of those who come —_—— given evidence in order that the| chance rue first party arrived|{erday and at Knights Bridge and|to attend the Stalwart conven-| Estimated That Three Thousand tion will stay for that of the Pro-| Persons Have Been Killed. PRINCE RUPERT TWENTY MINUTES AGO mine pitosen ee aut Bane ene ot ea the PeAneRE Ee eee Cre RON ee ea. | ——__—__———_- a ae Zarelli case Mat Viedick}of Mr. Rogers, and they got a qutfored, Tho-moinen: were Armee Of course the Mossbacks have Special to Daily News. Look out! There'll be another big blast in five minutes of the Grown Bottling Works said] launch and reached her, Off she with pena a eens ee Manson for their candidate, They Pekin, March i.—According to Mack Realty must need additional insurance that he had delivered liquor to|started again, and was passing) 000 worth of plate glass. ut Y | have to. They have no voice in} Yuan Shi Kai, throee thousand ; : y Zarelli’s place, but a good deal|the Foley-Welch dock when an-|were arrested, }the matter at all, But the Pro-| persons have been slain since the riment goes into junk busines—must need campaign of it had been paid for by other} other party of passengers dashed Last night a woman was found) gressives have the chance of se-| present mutiny started, The city \ parties than Zarelli, The clerk} onto the whart Mr. Rogers hard-} pouring oil on a pile of shavings] lecting a candidate of their own | is quieter today, but heavy ar- more candidates announced this afternoon, at Maynard's 4-2-3 bottle store|ly thought he could do it, but with} at the general post office, and is|and they are going to do so, Not|tillery firing is going on south More power to your elbow,’ Mr. Matthews. liestified that $216 worth of liquor}a huge megaphone he used his|charged with an attempt to burn | blindly, however, or with any of of the city. The railway tine to \re light almost here, but what's the matter with moon- lhad been delivered and that most!lungs to such good purpose and| down the building, | $he impetuosily of youth, Phey | Tien Tsin is again opened, For- ? ; lof. this had been paid for by|with sueh good au hority that Se are desirous of showing the | eign troops have arrived in large a Zarelli himself, Gase proceeds|the Guracoa waited again and a For sale——Soda fountain and| enemy they know the game of|numbers, and the safety of the Nothing . » wt Pk 6 saat shina ae sither. . . ‘18 Wrong with Rupert's sunshine supply, eth too the party out.tall appurtenances, ©, H, Orme, tf) polities pretty well already, 80 | foreigners is assured, tomorrow, second launch