1A. Del - Debs am Julia Arthur Fall Creations in All Their Splendor JUST ARRIVED Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avenue H. P. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor Advertising and Circulation Telephone 38 News Department Telephone 86 Member of Audit Bureau ot Circulations DAILY EDITION Wednesday, September 20, 1939. CHARLES M. SCHWAB nnp I - had to offer, eventually became one of the world's richest men without carinc much about monev or its renuirpent, Tn latpr lifp hp tnlH nf rpflisino' nnp Vinnrlrprl milli'nn rlnllarc HISTORY OF CHURCHILL IN SERVICE ' British Admiralty Head's Achieve-' ments Recalled As He Takes Helm For Xew Conflict .THE DAILY rtEWB Wednesday, StemU 'J- 2.. TJjmDGELINKS ILS, AND CANADA OVER STLAWRENCE fi ft Th?? n,e 'I?'?'.-08 thC St Lawrence Wch cost almost $7.000.CW TOeTrtfe" & Thousand Island" bridee rnntrft.H 9n,M, u. .. vwwvv onage w a a - """"fc uruuijr oi me countless river Islands. maintain proper contact with histo'ry of the British Empire. "t , , , m onber 30. 1874. oldest .n .v. I tell you this Is a very dan- ton of Lord Randolph Churchill gerous place." said the superior and the former Jenny Jerome of officer, annoyed at the colonel's ..tw York. Winston Churchill In , '.. . nu outh UTed I" of being ft?J .A, ? churchllL -But known merely his fathers son after all this is a very dangerous The father was the third son of W4r. h nunlk r..k i Jni91V-WlnSt0n Churchli and a one-time Chancellor of the recalled to the British cabinet Exchequer David Lloyd George made hlra -You have done ( 'Minister nf MnnlHrtr.. nV 1 ... .. .. .. surprisingly l ; cii, -saia an old-timer to Wln- LONDON. September 20: CP)-lSecretary tor War. n 1918-21 he ston in his earlier days. -But you JPerhaps the most versatile states-was S"tary for Air. oWe u all to the fact you are man in British history. Winston n. Randv's son - i wvniiic t.iiiirriiiir " I Leonard Spencer Churchill finds tw,., ,u t himself at the ODenlne of the ... r.t ior , km "Sir." replied the young the time will rnm vouic .-hn a ui -nurcnui was returned iku uin present conflict In the same Job agam to parUament In 1924 and RandolPh U1 be chiefly remem HP ne hplrl neia at at th the. start ctarf nf of lha the First i .. ... hrH lred Ik. the r- i . .... became Chancellor of the Ex- Great War In 1914-Flrst Lord of cheouer in th ,Hmii.,-,. Churchill. the Admiralty. tlon of Btanley Baldwla He heW Twenty-five" years later a bit that post for five years until tht stout and round-shouldered, the Conservative government was oust-65-year old Journalist, author, so!- d by the Labor forces of Ram-dler and politician returns to hu say MacDonald. Churchill was a father of Winston Early Campaigns The scion of the Marlborouahs warmed his hands at the fires of many an adventure from his 'teens historic office as civilian head of ccnslstrnt foe of Socialism. " Graduating from Sandhurmi I the Empire's senior fighting ser- it u r-called Churchia In Com- w" commissioned in the Fourtn I vice. He is one of two survivors of mens spoke strongly In favor of Hussar- u -anted acUon at once First Great War cabinets In the and obtained Wv vaMv i4u 'ilUW iUiC HI W IXJ a H vuu4 Charles M.Schwab, the man Who fought his way from I .JP admtoistratlon. The Eor before the abdication. He was 4a 18?5' nhtlng for Spain m Us nf thp Inwlipst rmsitinns tn nnp nf thp v.:ucf Vnrrhpst thp U ,,.r-i,i wnrlrl !01 ner Slr John Simon. Chan- one of the last to vavta a."0110'8 wh rebels. cellor of the Exchequer, who wa he sailed from England. December' ln 1W7 he MrTed tht British Attorney-Oeneral In 1914 and ll. ms. Appealing to parliament camPaln against the Mad Mul-Home Secretary ln 1915-16. for patience in the matter. Church- ,ah on Indla's northwest fronttw. Viscount Runclman. who as Lord 111 said: "If an abdication were'5"0"17 arterwards he was men Offered him as a bribe bvGermanv not tn rpII nrflnanrPtnlpresident r the Council stepped hart'ly exhorted, the outraie so l!ned. ta despatehes and received Great Britain at thp timp nf tViP war out on September 2, making way committed wduld cast its shadow fe "nl medal with two 11 1-....M Wnkll.nl. V . . J ..14 ; I I . . J II r .. . " tiicn oviiwctu wrth uiieieu iiiiy iiuinun uuuars lor a half interest in Bethlehem Steel he referred the offer to his wife who is reDorted to have replied: "We wouldn't sell for five times that amount What wnnld T An vit h thp the Board of Trade ln the Asoulth administrations of the 1914-18 period. It is written of Winston Church ill that he has "held money and what would you do without your work?" The mo" waTS more offices. Offer was declined. more arts than any other man of Schwab is also reported to have turned down an offer hu t,me ln tne British Empire." of a million dollars a vear to take over the management Z?1!,??,0' Wlnst0n churchin is of the United States Steel Corporation. Instead he took the management of the company on the condition that he half-century, was to take all the profits over seventy million dollars a j wnn Talk of Peace year. He earned over two million a year for himself. His just now London is recalling his views on the possession of wealth are very interesting. He .contribution to Britain's strength-says: enlng ln September. 1914. The "A man with too much money can't really give. He t5?r!t41.0reai was then ,n Us can sign his name to a check-and a certain amount of ffi VrSnyarTy X-run" money automatically passe3 from his possession. But what, nlng Belgium and France, but It's he has rfven means nothing tn him. He does not need it. dTn in to home ports. He has secnficed nothing. He couldn't use it if hp had wouia eeK Pace on fair terms to 1... jthe allies. The aggressive Church- ICUL 1L. ... (iu would have none of that 'It is rrn. i , ... A "There is no enjoyment in rreat wealth. One of th" ino time to talk peace." he thund-preatest happinesses in life is having something to look ered at recruiting meetings up forward to something itM nut nf reach something that and down En8'and. -we are just you are not quite able to afford." teln,?,v! "When a man jeachej th point where he can get any loST it SJSSS a of the yorlds purohaseable things-simplv by writing out a factor in makina impotent from check hp hps r"r lnn?e from hanniness." !the outset ot the First Great War "I have had a lot of ioy in this life which money has Ith? erman Kaiser's fleets. ap-not broueht me" he said. , pointed m mi with instructions Whilp nnccpocinn nf WPolfh hn Tinrh? in An .;Vv, "a-Power and blockading her ,V .7 " merchant marine. , . , , , To il l , greatness, there is no doubt that Schwab was a grent. man - churchiirs next He was an optimist and he enjoyed life in spite of his re? ponsibilities. BIG BUSINESS The hitmpst business nf the country is its government. One of the biggest bie business executives in the lITlflrl ll'QC PIlQwIoC! Af Q iVl UTnll tirVinOl mflnf HIIAnnnn ...r. r. big projects- however, were failures. The Antwerp and Dardanelles schemes brought lus downiai.. So-j; coni-mentators say both were strategically sound and had they been executed vigorously their originator would have emerged the great aenlus of the war. But the Germans took Antwerp and the tn British failed to force the ii ui im " ' t iv-t ai. frjw4ic4u itiivo igab oUttCOo WclB due tn the manner in vvhioh hp dealt with his omnlnvaaa Dardanelles Churchill resigned Evidentlv. thev trusted him and the result was a snirif nf fr.om the cab,net November 15, ' and crossed to France. For i 1815, it - i ii i r- i a .t co-operation that was highly benefical to the companies ax months the former First Lord for which they worked. That was 'hy his services were of the Admiralty was lieutenant-; valuable. He made each man feel that he was an import- COJonl commanding the Royal' ant part of the organization. He'realized the value to the Jtat Fuslllers on the Western' company of good workmen and he let them know that , CUssiFlE FOR SALE Cach. Ofncia! Adminlstrator. ChurchlU was an author from Norman A. Watt, Prince Rupert, his youth up. With every period t -' c tf.' war service In his earlier years he FCR SALE-Furniture etc, of four-l JLrote ?J?0k0a 0cca3i0 two or room apartment. Suite 1, Steele Ife ,S' . Blk. Inquire 3-9 p.m. (223) . ?e I?r,t. 0r'at War h! i writing, have Included "The World It ' " i13" ln four volumes, "My Early II HLLr vi t a a-mrin WANTED life." and a mnnnm.nliU ORDERLY Wanted. Apply Princjl,, lrtat nc"tr- "Marlborough." Runert oPnPrni iin.ni.i "eh" toured Canada and the ings. "-United States ln lectur? serW In 1908 he married Cemntlne WANTED man and wife want nosition on ranch, reasonable wage. Apply! Dally News. i22p) ' The efforts of Mr Schwab to further the interests and & had a S. mS Tvl" UmIk better the COndltlOnS Of the men Whn wnrkprl fnr him aunt. 1 1914 AnMplnnUna war trw, h b.) .J. mm rent (1 Apply (221) ed miir1 favorable comment in the industrial world. On great fleet revlewed by King WOMEN. Copy Names, Addresses for mat suoject ne once said: The first thinp that T hnva v ai op1"" JU'y zo. ome easy wavs borne in mind has been that they we human beings ' n when Z with thp same desiros and motives as mv ovvn. When their August 4 the British ships were Ideas did not Coincide With minp. I rPahVprl thnf thar uum at their aorx.lnteti suiAon in th as certain that thev were richt as I was sure that T was " North Se cutting off Germany's FCR SALE acres Including cottage and con tents belonging to the estate of I the Erik Eneroth. Oona River 1225 1 ,.-,,., i Work. Good Pay, Experience Unnecessary. Write. Acme Advertising. Journal Sq., P o. Box 605. Jersey City. N. J. FOR RENT-November 1, Premises now occupied by Boston Cafe. Phone 14. tf AT.bivfh y aNTEIJ PREMIER Art Guild, the largest personal greeting card company ln Canada, with branches from coas to coast, Invite vou to a;)-ply for nn apency to sell printed, to order Christmas Cards. Sample book supplied wlthgut charge Most complete line of boxed ai sortments which pay our sales staff up tb"50 commission, Ex perience unnecessary. Write Pre mier Art Guild, 576 Seymour S Vancouver. PERSONAL tf.' their work was appreciated. If ever socialism becomes age, Colonel churchin, one da.v'now to get a government an accomplished fact it will be men of the calibre of when sheIla falling about him, JOB as Letter Carrier, Postal Schwab Who will be at the head of it. Big business is good was advbed y a superior officer, Clerk, Customs Examiner. Sten- trainine for men in handlinn- hitr g iffnirs anU anrl in 10 10 move 10 aother dugout.1 ographer, etc Free Booklet. The that w C0-0peratl0n SIS IS . iS better than i,V a"a?. Prov,n ChurehUl pointed out Uiere was no1 M. C. C. Schools Ltd., Winnipeg, competition. other location where he could Oldest In t?aW No Ag "nti t I nhlirrhlll wirf in k. tana i - - " " in uic joio n II 15 til - ) Egyptian campaign which made Its BrlUsh leader "Kitchener of f Khartoum." Churchill rode In the .famous charge of the 21st Lancers 'at Omdurman. He served ln the Boer War -18&9-1902I ln a dual role of fighter and newspaper correspond ent, having a commission in the South African Ll?ht Horse and an T . i nttlgnment for the London Dallv Approximately fo-i.-fPost He Ukfn nrisoner efcaped to take part ln many of major engagements of th? j Hozier, grand-daughter of the Earl 'of Alrlie. There were three daughters and one son. THE SEAL"' QUALITY Hi GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the unly altno canning eompany with an all the year round pavrnll In Prince Km perl CENTRAL HOTEL" ROOMS and CAFE Phone 51 For Best Household Coal MRS. C. E. BLACK Twenty -Five Years Ago September 20. 191J I " front the Runlaru have I tttMd prisoners Or j Juph to commas,, ! enter of the French arroiei I in ueaoMr Prjite Aili - being ashore fur thi- ttt the harbor hao b , and Uk.ii to Victoria t,,r Frank Barrteau ot V thauehgi h ;h JMi J th. Romeo !iaeu oi SeatUe gnUr teVtwni ttNtr ftfttion and Wf nMttlf fMtMK. Hm city of ihftat 'i la ftoiaK aim Oei here on October i it una win r Oie welte,. :hain-loruhf tf Qaaada T1;. i roan wmDuiannii .T:iioric ituiui i'r meae two ooys ntci (ng being ruined On the eastern wu a draw. THAT REMINDS ME- M OGDEN'S IS BEST Ml FOR ALL 'ROUND y PLEASURE 3 l SB I S. " 1 TM 1 1 Wm I Mill I ' U Thorefs a world of satisfaction in rolling your own with Ogden's Fine Cut. For Ogden's does roll a better cigarette a milder, cooler, smoother cigarette -thus, you get roal valuo whether you buy it in tho handy package or tho V2 lb. tin. Of course you'll uso the best papers ejVogue" or "Chantecler . SINGER CLASSES At the Local Singpr Shop Singer Educational Department Instructress Miss J. ARROWSMITH Will conduct the classes commencing Thursday, Sept. 28th at 0:30 a.m. Enrol Now Complete instruction in all Singer Departments Cutting Making and all Attachments. Arrange Now to take the week for this valuable Assistance SEPTEMBER 28th to OCTOBER 1th Full Particulars at MaAs JM