PAGE POTIH Cooling Refreshment Enjoy the smooth mIlow goodness ci a natural and complete beer Vancouver CapIUno's Vitamin Conditioned Laer! Tt malt yeast vitamins. (B aufl Vitamins Men belong to berbut which are lost In marn nitration are restored, to. Vancourer Capiiano'i Lager by an ezclutWe process. That'a why it haa the same hearty flaTor the vitalizing qualities that characterize the famous European beers, and the tine old brews that Grandad knew. Relax and find new energy with Vancouver Capllano's Vitamin Conditioned Lager the Complete beer? ORDER THE BEER THAT GIVES YOU MORE Phone C54 For Free Home Delivery CAfMLANO BREWING CO. LTD. VANCOUVER, I aT Y:U4rf VITAMIN CONDITIONED LACrER Cspttma kit mule il fotiibk- for ill fistroml Im kt At firtt m Cuil to rnoj tiuiMi etmJilionti tttr I nrw kith ffdlirf lor ktrr krrmrj m B.C. REPOSSESSED 1930 FORD COUPE And 1930 FORD SEDAN For Quick Sale at Attractive Prices. Cash or Terms. SEE MR. DOUBLEDAY at PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL I huiwav I STEAMSHIPS I COMMUNICATION L MOTELS CANADIAN PACIFIC Transcontinental . Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Porta SS. PRINCESS ADELAIDE Every Friday 10 p.m. To Vancouver Direct PRINCESS LOUISE September 16th, 2Gth, October 6th, i7th,.27th Direct Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services Tickets and Reservations from W.'L. COATES. Ccneral Agent. Prince Rupert, B.C. ETYSSJTBffl UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. acumen, LeuVc rrtnee Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S CATALA KVKUV Tilth CAKUENA PHI U AY, IM V I -.ti imm 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver, ThurS. p.'iri. ' Hue Vancouver, Monday a-m. If Convenient. Plcaso Purchase TickeU at Office Further Information Regarding Reservations and TickeU From PRANK J. IVInc Rupert Agent. Third Ave, Phone 5fi J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Hank Hide. Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 67 This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia Many Enlisted At University C.O.T.C. Complement Was Speedily Filled Yesterday Four hours after recruiting opened for the Canadian Officers Training , Corps at the University of British j Columbia the complement of 137 was filled. Many were turned away. 1 SPORT CHAT I : I Famous as an apostle of clean A willB and moral Integrity for the fifty cent classifleo ad. VANCOUVER, Sept. 20: (CP) often make you many dollars. athlete, the rugged carrer of Amor Alonzo Stagg, grand old man of American football, stands as the best argument for his Ideals as he enters his 50th year of coaching this season. Fifty years a football coach and at 77 he Is still In the thick of the gridiron wars. Out at the little College of the Pacific In California, Stagg is preparing his 50th team for the fall wars, applying all the strategy, psychology and general football knowledge he's picked up in half a century. i When his record-breaking coaching service at the University of Chicago was ended by compulsory retirement in 1933, Stagg characteristically refused to quit the game and Is rounding out his I career in the comparltlve obscurlty.j oi a smau campus in Stockton, California, where he is regarded as a first citizen. A generation which thinks of A. A. Stagg as an elderly mentor on the sidelines is likely to forget that he was once an atb-.; lete In his own right. He received the same flattering prdfesslonal offers as the star performers of today but, Intent on a career In some form of wider service, he turned them. all down. Stagg was born in West Orange N. J., one of a shoemaker's eight children. The husky boy worked his way through grade and high school, through a preparatory ac- pings that fill his modest cottage all accent that he is the Orand Old Man of Football on the basis of ethical qualities that are not reflected in the won-and-lost column. "I take my football very serl- TX9 daily Hans AEVdUfda. fUiuUf Mi, mi. Young; Actress May Wed 64-Year-Old Sultan Martin Over St. Louis Cardinal Now Only Two-and-a-half Games as Result of Yester days Play , ( 1 CINCINNATI, September 20: , lCP)-Cinclnnatl Reds had their margin of leadership in the National j League cut to two-and-a-half (james yesterday when they were routed thirteen to one by the ' lowly Phillies while the second place St. Louis Cardinals were taking a six to one decision from the: Brooklyn Dodgers. The Chicago! Cubs moved back Into third place' LOUIS IS FAVORITE they work. This view is not one that Stagg contrived later in life ademy. through Yale, through two but was expressed 'way back in years of post-graduate work there 1890 when, after attaining famo and through a Y. M. C. A. college! as a great baseball pitcher a: offering. a course in physical dlr-tYale, he was offered big money ectorship. Stagg nailed his colors o the mast as a football coach who put the welfare of his boys I above every Inducement of money or renown. Bet he has been loaded J down with honors and the plaques, I cups, scrolls, resolutions, honor-j ary degrees and newspaper clip time and teams. again by professional At that time he was in training' at the Y. M, C. A. and was offered ithe modest sum of $2500 ii year to take over athletics at the University of Chicago which then was Just building. "After much thought and prayer," he replied. "I feel decided that my life can best be used for my Master's scr- j vice In the position which you have outlined." Thus was the be-j ginning of Stagg's celebrated 41-' year stretch at Chicago, termln- ously, but I try to preserve a ated In 1933 when he had passed sense of proportion," Stagg says, his 70th milestone. Brought up "In talking to youns coaches it among heavy-drinking laborers in has been my practice to emphas- West Orange, Stagg formed an lze not taking the game too much early and life-long aversion to to heart but to get tlielr big satis- drinking. He never smoked and faction out of the good they are gave tip, coffee at 13 because h doing for the youth with whom wanttd to .bs a wrestler . iff 1 The engagement of 24-year-old Lyrla Cecilia Hill, former London actress to the 64-year-old Sultan of Johore Is expected to be announced very shortly The Sultan, ruler of a 7,000 square mile state In Malaya, recently parted from his Scottish wife, the former Mrs. Helen Wilson, whom he married In 1930 The British government Is expected to register its disapproval of any marriage between the Sultan and the young actress. REDS' LEAD IS REDUCED I. Baseball Scores Yesterday's Big League scores: American League Chicago 2, New York 6. St. Louis 2, Boston G. Derott 8, Philadelphia 4. Cleveland 9, Washington 10. National League Philadelphia 13, Cincinnati 1 Boston 3, Pittsburg 5. New York 2, Chicago 3. Brooklyn 1, St. Lnuls 0. Baseball Standings ahead of the Brooklyn Dodgers. In the American League the New Cincinnati York Yankees took their 101st. st- Loutee victory of the season with the Chicago White Sox as their vic National League Y. 86 84 Chicago 78 Brooklyn 74 tims. The Yankees margin of lead- New York 89 ershlp Is now seventeen games Pittsburg 65 over the Boston Red Sox who won Boston - 58 6 to 2 over the long-suffering St. Philadelphia 45 Louis Browns. , Ani.rican League New York 101 Boston 83 Chicago 80 Cleveland 79 Detroit 73 Washington 63 Philadelphia 52 Five to One That He Will Defeat St. Louis '.. 40 Bob Pastor Tonight i L. 54 57 66 64 70 76 79 03 43 59 63 C3 63 83 01 101 Pet. .611 542 .490 .401 1 .423 .323 .701 585 559 .556 .518 .432 .304 .284 f" DETROIT, Sept. 20 Joe Louis ' " ruleva .fjfe to ohC favorite to de-'l or the East fea-tBob P.astor ,in their scheduled Mondays, Wednesdays1'andJ,Prt iwemy ruuna. doui nere tonignt. it Fridays .n U even money that Louis will beat From the East Pastor before the eleventh round.1 Flve- thousand people read the pays to let them have to sell. i ttch Rupert Daily News, ir know what vot, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays 11 p.m. Baptismal Rites At Decker Lake Special Features At United Church Harvest Festival Service DECKER LAKE, September 20 j A harvest service was held Inthel Decker Lake Hall on Sunday af ternoon by the United Church! minister. Rev. Adam Crisp on Burns Lake. Donations of fruit. flowers and vegetables, alsoi sheaves of grain were provided and tastefully arranged by members of the congregation. During the service the rites of baptism were administered to the I following children: Robert Charles Saul. Infant son .of Mr. and Mrs. L O. 8aul. Harold Davey Teacher of Piano Popular Music 20 years experience In Vancouver Free Music with Lessons X Scales The only guaranteed course that benefits you financially, playing for parties, etc Enrol Now' At the News r VSMSnSBBBBIBtMSSMSBBlKHSSsassMi ritSMBSMSSSSSS II MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE 317-319 Third Avenue West Where Dollars Have More Cents Quality Prompt Service After the show drop In and try our milk shakes, sodas and Ice cream. We also have a complete stock of fruits and vegetables Phone 18 L 19 P.O. Box 575 Steamship Sailing? For Vancoum Tuesday Catala Thursday!. Prince Rupert 1 SO PJa. 11 i nir Friday Ss Prin. Adelaide 10 pa, S Carden-a i0 30 September 18 and 2(U is. Princess Louise rrom Vancouver Suriday Catala Wed Sa. Pr. Rupert Friday Ss. Prlneew Ss. Pr. Adelaide ss Card en a P m. ID tja. Ingrld Andrea Moren. infant',. Rupert piu- j wi ... a i . rrom Stewart and Premier uuutuivct ui w. uuu Aua. J. uor- en, I Donna Marie Funnell, and Stan- Icy James Funnell. children of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Funnell i September 21 Louise Tuesday ss. Catala For Stewart and Premier Sunday . Catala ... Friday Ss. Prince Thursday . prince piu. tin. pin. 11 30 Un. Rupert 9 pm For AlireArra, Naas lllvcr and The Sunday School children tooc;1' Simpson-part In the service and suitable! Sunday ss. CaUU . . 8 jun. recitations and readings were abh ' From Alice Arm, Naas Klvn and given by Stewart Smith. Ellen Port Simpson Mould. Jenetta Merrill. Ingeborg Tuesday ss. CaUU . 11 30 ajn. Paulson, Myri Ooodwln and Jean r'or Ocean Falls Goodwin I Tuesday ss. Catala 1 30 pa. A picture talk on "Jesus and the' Thursday ss. Prince Children" was given by Mrs. Adam j Rupert 11 13 pa Crisp w.ho also presided at th Friday as. Pr. Adelaide 10 pa. Piano From Ocean Falls- The service proved to be motti impressive and was well attend-) ed by the people of the Decker Lake community. Wed Ss. Pr. Rupert Friday Ss. Pr. Adelaide as. Cardena 10 to. 4 pa pa. COAL Grain Feed Seedi and Fertilizer PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Phone SI and 1U NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Itates 11.00 up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Wster Prince Rupert, B.C rhnne 181 P.O. Box IN MacKpnzie's Furniture TABLES Radio .Tables Chesterfield Tables End Tables Tea Tables-Coffee Tables Occasional Tables Bedroom Utility' Table See Our 3-Way Smoker PHONE 775 The Daily News is a member of the Canadian Daily (Newspaper Association, of the Canadian Press and of the udit Bureaus Circulations. It ts'the only paper north of Vancouver and west of Edmonton holding membership in these organizations. B. C. FURNITURE 1 iMcClary Kitchen Range At 1 Majestic Kitchen Range At I Kitchen Range With Imperial Oil Burner 4 Coil Bed Springs ' At, each 1 Stewart-Warner Fine Cabinet Radio r i DeForest-Crussley Short Cabinet Radio-Late model Phone BLACK 324 USED FURNITURE $28.50 $27.50 $45.00 $4.00 $22.50 and Long Wave $49.50 1 3-Plece Chesterfield Suite-At 2 Baby Cribs At, each 2 Washing Machines Next Iloor To B.C. Clothiers $35.00 5-Plece Ivory Bedroom Sultf .At 7-Piece Light Oak Dining Room Suite 3 Vacuum Cleaners From, up 13-piece Chesterfield Suite Tapestry and velour ao $36.00 $7.50 $47.00 $45.00 $17.50 $7.50 $39.00 THIRD AVENUE