a-da. September 20, 1833. Aerial Squadron From Hawaii To Manila On Way SPZLL IT BACKWARDS! "AM you frt the word MILK", points out Eliif . the Dordcn Cow. "And that's juat what KUM l- -pure, frtsh, whole milk with all the errant left In, powdered by removing the natural moisture content Simply add Klira to cold water wl.uk wil ith a ben eater and you nave an Instant supply of acarry pasteurised whole milk. I cast tv'm'snmd anything tetter for tab, hunt or camp ' KL I Mi H " It's Borden 'i It's COT to be good" Daily News Record In ! Circulation Partly at a result of the war and PEARL HARBOR. Hawaii. Sept.; partly owing to the growing popu- jO -A squadron of United 8UUSUrlty of this newspayer, the dally Man planes, toe number not Being I circulation for every day In Sep disclosed, left jeaterdsy for Manila,' t ember has been weU above 2JXX) i distance of SW2 mile. They will , copies This has been a record for travel by way of Midway and Wake the past ten years Doth city and Wanda Too aqtjadron s the first district circulation are showing ' of a number. marked increase. NEW CROWN JKWKL ACCEITEI) BY KING The work of Frank Dobson. well known English sculptor, and donated by Captain W. Llewellyn Arov the Cup of Majesty." shown above.' has been accepted by King George, according to report: from London The cuo. the obverse side of which Is shown, will to aiaWd to tf crown jewels, reportedly the moat valutble in the MENTHOLATED FACE-ELLE AID! DISPOSABLE HYGIENIC USE FOR HEAD COLDS NASAL INFECTIONS 15g Ormes ltd Ptontcr Druqr;ists The Retail Store rhonea. si u n Open Dully from 8 a.m. till 10 pm. Sundays and Holidays from 12 noon till Z p.m. 7 n.in. till 9 p.m. C.C.F. Candidate Has Gone South George Weaver To Be Encaged Special Work Ai Kesult Of War Situation TODAY'S STOCKS (Otfurtaar B. D. JotMWton Co.) Vancouver Big Missouri, .10. Bralorne. 9.90. Cariboo Quartz, 1.75. Dentonia. .02Vi. Falrview, .03. OoW Belt. .20. Hedley Mascot, .32. Mlnto. .01. NoWe Five. JD3. Pend OreHie. 3.15. Pioneer. 2.18. Premier, 1.25. Privateer. .80. Reno. .47. Relief Arlington, .14. Salmon OaW, 3. Sheep Creek, 1.08. Oils A. P. Cotl. .19. Cafanont. .41. C. it TL, 2.10 Freehold. .03. Home. 2.60. Royal Canadian, .18. Mercury. .10. Prairie Royalties.. 20. Toronto Aldermac. .43, Seattle. 1 02. Central Patricia. 2J0. Con Smelters. 47.00. Fart Malartte. 2.50. Frsncoeur. 32. God Lake, 19. Hardrock. .90. Int Nickel 48.7$. Kerr Addison. 1.72. Little Long Lac. 2Q. McDonald Cockshutt. 1.65. Madura Red Lake. X. M Kraft Red Lake. 1.07. Moneta. M. Noranda. 72.00. Pickle Crow. 418. Preston E. Dome. 115. San Antonio, 1.60. SnerriU Gordon. 1.42. Stadacona. 10. UchL .73. Bouscadltiac. .04. Moaner Oklend. .07 Vi. Oklend. .064 Smelters Gold. .02. Dominion Bridge. 40X0. hi stay,- met members of the local (dub at a social gathering. Weather Forecast DANCING Hodgson Danclnr Academy Clares Commencing Sept 1 Specializing Ballet. Mexican, Tap. Baby work Studio 121 2nd Ave. Blue 898 SWANA OLAFSON A.T.OM. Associate Teacher of Miss Way Piano, Theory Harmony, Etc. Enrolling Stutients for Fall Term IMIONE 815 ! oooooooooooooooooosooooooo EliSIK F. HEAPS A.T.C.M. Piano ad Theory ALL GRADES Private or Class Instruction Beginners from pre-school agt also Teachers' Training Class Twelve Years' Experience 15 IMione n-LUK 997 '"aoooaoooooooooocoooaoDUOooooooooooooaoooouoog oooooo.oooooooooooooaooooo FAST TH8SI THE "DAILY NEWS I LOCAL NEWS NOTES ( 5 For prompt and courteous, ser- Mrs. T. C Wilding, who has been Tlce Phone 13 Taxi tl. on a trip souui, returned rome on i 1 ' the Prince Rupert this evening. J Rerenaders' Dance Oddfellows' Oeoree Weaver. C. C. F. candl-iau, fTiaay, oy:uiii . Dr. Joseph T. Mandy. resident mining engineer and one of the i (222), Mrs. C. H. Hanklnson, wno nas rived safely from Oceanic and will studies. been on a brief trip south, return- UBVC 1UI 0.cet 1" - , lui. ... k. V.n-n,i..r n, ecUon. has been called to Vancou- t ""7 "T" "u I ' "iTu,. " ver headquarters for special work nings iram jut "'y uik following the outbreak of war and snumers w.u ui:u mar not be returning north until i. Miiwi ih time of! Alter . being delayed by return home this evening. . ' Mrs. W. The Misses Dorothy and Evelyn the city H. S. Meadows, local manager of Canadian National Telegraphs, returned to the city on the Prince IRupert this morning from a vaca tion trip to Vancouver and Vic toria Nkk Klllas is leaving tomorrow! the on his return to the University of. which new appears' to be roost storm last night. J. Klzawa ar- British Columbia to continue his uncertain. Mr. Weaver, after a trip through the interior, spent a few days here last week and during P. Armour returned to on the Prince Rupert Macdonald, whe have been on a, this morning from a trip to Van-itrlp to Vancouver and the south- jcouver. 'ern Interior, returned home on th- , 'Prince Rupert this morning. City Treasurer and Mrs. D. J. . Matheson. who have been on a Notice. Open meeting for all trip south, returned to the city i rarnenters will be held in the from Vancouver on the Princ 1 Carpenters Hall Fraser St.. Fri. 8 Rupert this morning. Ipjn. Business viUl to Prince Rup ert carpenters to be discussed. Mrs. 3. O. Reddle, who has been taken a similar position in the city with McRae Brothers. He will re side at Fourth Ave. East. newer members, will give an auto- has been spending biographical talk tomorrow at th'ihere and at Premier, regular weekly luncheon of the . Prince Rupert Rotary Club. 'Mrs. Prevost Laid. At Rest I Many Paid Tribute On Monday Following the service In the Cita del, there was a procession, led by the Port Simpson Band, to Cow Bay where boats were taken for the Metlakatla Cemetery. On ar-i rjval at the beach there, there was a short service. At the cemetery.' the committal address was given by William Brooks of Port Simp i son. I Native friends acted as pallbearers, There were many floral ' offerings. 'JET' MUSIC STOVE POLISH Cleans Hot Stoves In Terfect Safety At All B.C. Stores NOTICE Commencing September 11, R. Shaw, teacher of Violin and Hawaiian Guitar for the Western Academy will be in the rrlnce Rupert Hold Vcnctia Feero A.T.C.M. Teacher of PIANO and THEORY Classes Commencing Sept, 1 rhone BLUE 633 Allan Kerein. son of Dr. and Off Many Special Guards NEW YORK, September 20: (CP The war is affecting Qfe In New York but not to the eye of the tourist on Fifth Avenue. It's all behind the scenes. New York's 18.000 police stroll about unruffled but they're on Mrs. L. W. Kergin. leaves on thULmpri7pn(. ritvnlv one dav ofi evening's train for Toronto where, ta crowds a he will commence medical studies of 100 G.Men are on a at tti.i4 a m.i ffa rived In the city on the Prince Charles this morning from the Isl ands, being here on business in connection with the building of a new msion boat He will return to the Islands on Friday night A vawtftincr nf 1 1 tnttre trvtr 4 a n (uuuiKi va aisv.u- ujkivjs kvwa. idace in Vancouver September 14 1 t Aiiernoon 10 .Memory ui nr- Mls- Ruthana Wood dauzh- Native Woman pected tef of T Wood of SeatUe cumf 1 . . he. bride ot; Robert Glen Irvme-J ' "Many natives not only from their of Mr and Mrs. J. S. Irrlne.l rime village but from other com-Rev A Wilson, formerly of this raunltles of the district were as- city officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Ir-. sembled here on Monday afternoon ne will reside In Vancouver for ihe funeral rites of the late Mrs. Henry Prevost. highly respected native woman of Metlakatla and long prominently identified with work of the Salvation Army. Enthusiastic over the fine fishing he had enjoyed during a month's stay at Tlell Herbert Law-ton of Boston. Massachusetts, ar- Full demonstration was given tl rived in the city on the Prince testify to the esteem In which she 'was held. The funeral service was held in the Salvation Army Citadel with Capt. Ivan Halsey in charge. Mrs. Victor Suddaby of Canyon City led in opening prayer Mrs. Hasley read the Scripture lesson. An address was given by Peter Nelson of Metlakatla. Capt. Halsey gave the Bible mse and sang a solo General Synopais-Pre&sure con- ttaues hiah over British Columbia rhe Foursquare.' Closing and apnrin iow west of the Queen Pra waa b? CaP4- Yamada. The Charlotte Islands Rain has been hmns wcre ,&lfe ta the Artns 01 3s" "NMrer My Ood to Thee" general on the north coast. of Island "Secant of Ood Well Done.-Prr,h West Coast Vancouver northu,t m r-ast winds. Miss Clara Pierce presided at the mo.th Mr Trtth little change In Pan?; temperature. Charles this morning and will saili by the Prince Rupert tomorrow j ' night for Vancouver enroute home. Chinese Benefit Tea and Bazaar UNITED CHURCH THURSDAY, SEPT. 21 From 2 to 6 Proceeds to be devoted to relief of Chinese war sufferers. Announcements All advertisements in this column will be charged for a full month at Kv a word. Eagles Bridge September 20. Queen Mary Tea Mrs. Llneham's September 21. Presbyterian Tea, Mrs. Spencer's. September 26. Boy's Band Bridge Drive. Eaglet Hall, September 27. Anglican Tea Mrs. Neal Carters j September 27. ! Ridley Home grocery shower, Sep-j tember 28, 3 to 6 pjn. I Hospital Bazaar., October 4. I Empire Dance. Oddfellows' Hall (October 6. C.C.F. Bazaar. October 7. Catholic Bazaar October 11, 12. Lutheran Bazaar, October 14. Presbyterian Bazaar, Nov. 18. Anglican Bazaar November 23. Country Fair November 24. Since 1857 Stsirsmt lisve est ptodseUj Csnsds's fm WMsliti ! htvt fcscomt worU-fsnsows for tietlUftee and vsUe. eaqvam CANADIAN RYE WHISKIES . f rodoot o Jos C SstrsinSisUmtsd;ystsrtea.O This advertisement Is not published or dUpJayed by the Liquor Control Board or by toe oovernmeni ox unu&n uwumu. New York Police (221) spending some time in the south,. r J Q j returned to the city on the Prince; Un If at uCrVICe Union steamer Catala, Capt. Rupert this morning from Van-James Flndlay. arrived In port stlcouver. 9 o'clock last evening from Stewart1 and other northern points and, J. R. Balrd of Vancouver, who sailed a couple of hours later for. was for four years In the radio Vancouver and waypQints. I servicing department of the B.C. I Electric Railway Company, has Emergency Duty And Fewer Days gers. I In a hundred places, there are special guards. City and state pol ice guard the vital reservoirs oi the city's water supply against sabotage. Officers are stationed at all the important power plants. Special 24-hour patrols guard the dozen bridges and tunnels that are such Important arteries between Manhattan and Long Island and New Jersey. Brooklyn Navy Yard, where work is being rushed on several cruisers and destroyers, if inaccessible except to workers there. It's the cumulative effect of ad- at the University of Toronto. He for new esplonage( sabotage, vertlslng that counts. uie summer i Rev. A. Abraham of Massett ar a r 7he Morning After TakmgCarters Little Uver Pills Elio's Furniture Felt Base Floor Covering Sq. yd. 32c STOVES, HEATERS USED FURNITURE DEPT. MOOSE BUILDING THIRD AVENUE Smoked "Rupert Brand" Mild Cured Salmon, 15c pkg. For Lunch on Toasted Sandwiches or Hors d'oeuvre One Package Serves Four People K.-eps for Weeks In Refrigerator Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Prince Rupert Co. Ltd. British Columbia SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! calling at OCEAN FALLS and POWELL RIVER Steamer leaves Prince Rupert erery THURSDAY, 11.15 p.m. Trains leave Prince Rupert for the East Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 p.m. Steamer for Ketchikan and Stewart every WEDNESDAY, 2 p.m. For fares, etc., call or tcrltt City Ticket Office, 528 3rd Are. VII it