page nz as KBV2B-jagaB 133 LAST TLMES TOMf.HT 2 Shm 7 K iad 5:M A ThriBiac Starr f the BriUvh Empire! "THE SUN NEVER SETS" With BASIL RATHBOXE, DOCG FAIRBANKS Jr. (At : JI and 9::i) ADDED , Cartocn "DCTOrniXG AMERICA" FTRANGER THAN FICTIOV Catnlnj Than. Frl Jhn Wayne. Claire Trevor in -STAGE COACir Harvest Festival Service Is Held Geed OnrrrratSon At United Charch In Barns Lake Sunday 4 BURNS LAKE. September 'I Ittr United Charch in Boras f ke held t harrest festival service on siaday evening. The raarcb wa- eVorated with a pra-faataw of aacaal foP-agp. flowers fad produce from the fields and tardea. tasJefufly arranged be pieashers of the Yon-; Ladles' Chair TbT a tod eongiega-Ura in attendance to eojoy the service. The choir rendered two sesee-Haaa. "Dear Land of Heme" frora Fasten' by SfeeNas) and "Won-rens Lore" (Watson. - -a -rat'ited The Prayer Perfect." tx well given br Ifis Dorothy Pans of the hospital staff. T" ennT-TMiita prayed for the rpeedy estaboahraent of a jasi reaee. In the sermon the great need for tbankfalneat in every bart for God's goodness, was stressed fry Rev. Adam Crisp. 'Daily advertistna, m uu Dailj News is sen to brio? dally grimes'- LAV., GET BACK TO NORMAL Heriooal Dtrrrtar Oitlinn War Time Xewr Ftirv Oxer Air i? VANCOOVBR. meat tiu ttase of nr. said Ira DUmorth regional director for BrhJah Colam-t-H of the Canadian BraadcMttsg Corporation, in an address before f Why toil and worry and wear TT f yourself out over heavy wzih-'r&Jr "g? Do them electrically at the snap of a switch with an ABC Electric Washer. Add an ABC Electric Ironer to your home laundry and you have washday labour licked forever. Clothes and linens last longer when washed the easy, modern electrical way. Let us prove this and other' electric washer economies to you by demonstration. STEWART Mr. aad Mt. U 3. Pi enter. after to Prtece Rapes, last week. Choose any ABC WAS HER aVvvaBw av yvYwaoaa tMy tWfVwa FREE Z Urt fkfU RINSO, mn4 wthm vaiwaM (ttu. Northern British Columbia Power Company Limited Griffin PiovtMtel Canon Mr J. Todd alter beams jutloaert bete lor a short tee, retamed last writ tv Sept. R5o P Rapert. to preserve led?- UaaiWcf MjUawwn a. n Caaoaa darter ier s trip as far south as Sa.. Fraaefcea taR be at:er.d3 -r. Gotdea Gate lnseraatk.-ia: Ex. tfcso. retaraed last w?k the Yaneoaver Lions dab. . , . After vtostiar. his archer Le OothniM steo whWi have been Manioc k. at Premier. W Murd : j. taken by the C.B.C. stare the oat- re tamed last week to Pr.iv- R. brr-k of hnstfliries. Mr. DCwortr ert from where he wili pr x raid that the network, with the a- to Hohaad Rock aghthpasr oc re ''stance of the Canadian Press, baa Kef duty. pietcnted its news batetias wtth extreame eare. BmoUafaaifem haj C. C. Mans left by the Cau - beta avoided as far as passible, he Monday an has retain to Pnr.- sakL Rspert after a week's bnsmes- TisH here. . "We hare ezztaded the toelodra- matte troaa oar newwasu and hare c w st-dmm aad no arrtred tnstractrd to aToid oar anaoaBcecs v?k fmm Kgehltaa and aramaue nuiecoon oi we wte.- uke OT oe reamnai mrectar oectarea. vie have also avoided, aad hare often been ertttrWed for it. the eztesrre wse of eoauaeaUtors on the urn." be added. at Hrder here thev hare parahased Thaai- xi Eraas home. Gordea raaaefl. who has been at Par for several months. W: Mr. Dilworth aaaoaaeed that the bxt wek far Yaaeaaver Cyporation is trying as qslekly at roatbie to retarn to Its aorail i. YKmn nt Barn Iak? ' -oenun fehrdmle for the eeorias Ixrt week on his retarn to h ; fall and winter season, which he hose in the taiertar after i v.r -mHeted woald be payer than ss- here with his md, John McKen-al "aad. at the sase time, richer oa. a thmas that really matter." : In rletfaf his address, the speak r asade an earnest appeal to radio I'Jteaers to protect the psbhe imt-' We anat not forget that, un-the sarface of chaot and op--aval of the to, there are fan- r- Haeatal aad abhttas esements in , t - - , ' Ob a reealar voyav f-nm Van- 'Pease stop searching the dial la soarer ria the Qaeen Chartatte n attentat to fJU rrery moment i Islands C X. R. rtamer Prmr th s"e baDrUn of disaster, some! Charles Cant Georce Coles ar- vaaaaafaafafafaaaaaaaaaa anirr ator" inflation of a few; rived in port at 2:M hi moraine I et- that the aatheattc news hasjshe will be replaced on the soath-' aita'ned." he said Look again atbooad voyage, leavtnc at 10:34 Frl-' son. the taoon and the rnzht. br the steai ar' re ember that the btroan John which will carry oat the ran i-iUte and reUtionshlos oat of for the whiter. vhxh nroceed the greatest achlete- Vh iff lets From The Waterfrcnf ajenu of life have not been and Keep up to date. A0vMuse reea nerd -ot be destroyed." larly. r THZ DAILY KTTTS ROYAL VISITORS FROM "MOTHER INDIA" Piclared on beard ship as 'saMMajaawg thap arttnd at Kew V rk are BvVBVktMH Mahrv LLy Aa- BaaBaaBaaaaR Letter Box question or rr.LNCiru: Eaaa; Daily News Priaee e aaai -o amy a ward awoat ..c.dia n icech m wartuae. Aac m Uar Buaanee oar aMOa is laV iteawer as m which yaa crve a Ipaiv as fauow: . "Ta any sacn icest tt ectud i his o4 fast bow. atoag MataVas to the aaL" r .: c tr.e or.e opin-' .r.- I M.' - i-JZi-'X that, ij r your r:t.n to-irh on icrtKitu conerrjna freeeVim t' opinion, that yon siy aeflnitat) . errtaia vie are iOenal. rather than sag-seat that they amy be LQeaaP la any ease, while aettevtet It the daty af Canadixm to aafead aaatry and perhaos Una eoo-from direct invaaur. and art - objectors in lac for reasons which o consider ta lenctby to enamerate here we penon wa saav affirm oar imiiwltlan ta Canadian be very wae to kee participation ta the prinuit Kam- coansei and bms. ear- ean conflict and we heheve It is .ttualy ant ay to make icaae eonverta ar rieJH to brr to aaake converts Any onintons ezprawed one augtib be can- aid or coatioct aad. therefore. Ule- w 1 " mmm im v fcuv for. pacifism which, we as- tt the belief of the con objeew to all wars Mather, as Canadana we believ- that the vast majonty of o-x: people woaid richUy sprir.- to :r. defence of this eoamry were it ta-ancci of direct aick from Eur-ipe or Asta. But in any ever.: vt naLd rtsouaty oph'tid the r:zh af freedom of speech of c .u.v.: tlBBS ablnlan arvl fVhn hn un. losreiy , hold opinions at variance I wtth the asaai ttne of avrernment - 1 tiiicy In aapeart of this view, we eould seareth- do better than quote thai eauaent . Eanshman. Professor ,MJOid taakt in rus Uberty ir. the Modern State." Speaktoc of a r -. i ot tne en trr. ihost eoaotry id involved in war he says b rar, V,7ui are his richu and duties Jien I would begin by maklnc ; n that the fau of bel-rrcscy Ihe does not suspend his citizenship: he owe as much per haps more than ever, the contribution his inatrusted judgment an make, to the public mxL 'he ; 4tl c ;f cn raumt It hink. make any difference to that duty ...Hi thmk the war a jus one, tt is my doty to mocort it if I thtnk it unjust there Is no anernathre open to me except 'tppofKloa to ft ... No cutset can van me that his duty m wartime s so to abdicate the exercise ot his lsdgnier that the executive j has a blank cheque to act as It! -feas-js" ! laski aaas further: "It is evtdtot from our expert- j Oce that to limit the expression f o m'.on !n warUme to opinion attch does not hinder 1U prosecu-ion 'j. in fact, to g ve the executive an entirely free hand, what ever Its policy, and to assume that ; while the armies are In the field, no fibsolate moral moratorium is mpsrauve. That , sureiy. a quite J Impossible position. No pne wit), has watched a' aU carefully the proress of goverasnee ta time of. war can doubt that criticism waa we Most ads Do ou' i OBOsoe Doutrw J DEANE TAK A PEG C JOHN BECC IMPORTED j OLD SCOTCH WH ISKY ! jp- C&f BW . fa This adrertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the GoTernment of British Columbia Tungsten Shipped From Pr. George ContiXBiDCnt 1 rm qenel DKtrUt Ges rvrvard U U'rlUnd, Ontari T,. first rtitairat of Umgsten ' . ;.centrats ever to be moved from P- :,cr Georse atstrlrt was 6a-..ched recently to Wettand, On-:no It nam prat d a ton of the :r. shtaaed br the rolamVnn Tuncsten Co of Wens hi which Prater aad Peers of QMsnet are in- - ed The ptoaact is used (or : hsrdenawt of tteeJ and U tne :reranner af ether shipmesU to o rsade la the near future If t a -rth aeoat SaWO per ton RELIEVE SUFFERING QUICKLY WITH KELLOGG'S ASTHM n RELIEF MTItL DEPARTMENT OF THE SECRETARY Or STATE RKGULATI0NS RESPECTIXt. TIUDhf. WITH THE EXK.MY I BLIC notice u hertDy given that Orders and H-Tradinc with he Enemr hare been enacted a m roancil PC Hit and PC. 7SM, 1 Tif RrnuaUcn are effective from September : law as a oertod of aporeheadd mar. and arr lttr. 19M. v a aerlod el war 1 fo. vtat is a riff sammart M the Retail'. ;.ed ir. faB la the Canada Oarefe on Septerr. : Ai MTtoa who trade or attempts Vb uJ of ' ; uro-oses or arrres to trade, or : i.-cr'.lT : ndtrectly offered or aroaased or atr wit -rte aseantot of the Recalsttaas shs :. e l tr.dinc with the enemy. 2 S transfer made br or on behalf of an r: ..a., comer on the transferee any richts or remed ' .-.d n romoanr or maatctpal aatharttr or ather v -.itiea were is ed or are manarrd shall take am nj' act uotn anv notice of saeh a transfer -.adf in anv reciaur or branch rrr later or other br t . uiion or Provtncl rompaay. whether or oat aarh r . -ttei w othr bosk is keot wttata Caaads. or r shatn hai within Canada any master or braacri r- n anT trarufer of anv securities therein rrtiaterrf-. ji the name of aa enemr Ttr abor Msnmartsed Reroiatn, aBobes lo a: -aaidlrv of the nauonaittv of the trsaaferee. th orauon of the eettfleatM or the sitas af the reu i.ct mav be reetaered. J No share warrants asvabie to bearsr aha. ? t an ahare or stock rsaisteted In the aaaae of a: 4 1 AU property, rkhts and interest la Caaads : " .-e vested an rke CarUxikkn Where aav eaoooa t other see arise tr irtwntsd for aavment to anv company. maaictDS ' bodl or person, aad there M reason to rasp ret u. . behalf of or for the benefit of an enemr or that n, for the benefit of an enemr the soma dae shall be tan Any sam whh wouid have brea payable s . jen -fit of at mean by way of dlrtaead. bHrrea: x 3ebt'-. sad all sarh sams which thaB become pkvA U.e Custodian. ? If any sam has been paid tale aay acrou: trut for an enemy ascfa person ma kmc the Barru' l da by notice at wrtthvc reoatre the oerson to wru to oay saeh asm to the Castodlaa aad shaB also : -th oartaeatars coneernmc same. The oersoo rr- ' nt'n one week after the receipt af the n0e con Provided that in the caae of saeh sams aa ru-rxuted. woaid have beea aayable aad paw ta men Davments to the Cassottata aad at reoatrtnr nr the faraistlnc of parUcaiars shall rest wfth ' :. rr. the aavmrats are made. c Anv Dersca she boJaa or ma as tea far or .-:;rooerty snail within thirty days or within thi: -omtnc into his Dowesatoa or uader hM conu-mmaaieate the fact ta the Custodian. Rewatatjcn extenos u and aoohes to b, n to the credit of enemies aad debt which n , Cut 't r..ert company Dominion or Provincial a: Ravine a share transfer or share retrau .... withm thany days by notke In wrtttna. comnr :. laB partlcatars of any shares, stocks, debr k and anv other obneatmns of the company w .( benefit of an enemy. 1 r.i- Regulation apottes to partnershlos so fsr a-; . rett in same. : 0 Any oeraon in Canada to whom a debt ts "w V an enemy shall within one month tr wfthtn : u tlate notify the CartodUn of such detft. Failure ist'rfiian so orders, forever bar and exUnsetah tr.-- II No person shall brir or Uke or continue "a ar.T action or other proceedlnj retaUiw to the i r. b unless saeh person shall have obtained the wr r'urtodian. 12' Any person who knowinsly or reel less! v n knowing U to be false shaU be guilty of an offenr ::ons , , ' "h" a company. Incorporated or unw : bodv of oersons. U guUty of an offence or default u . h company or other body of person! and everv dir rrry or other officer and every partner or memo! 4d eompany or body of persons, who U knowtnc fence or default, shall also be guilty of such offenco H - Any person mho falls to comoly with the o: . i.iow shaU be Msble to the penalties prescrtbed ' 15 Any sums required by the Regulations to be : uj. unless paid within the time required by aueh B-';rel aJlne rate of five per cent per annum l' The Becreury of State Is appointed Custotf v '-r ihe Regulations. The RetuUtion define the follomlng mrds. wr re summarized: Persor' exlendi to and Includes persons and bo rucrated 'mhereever Incorporated) and uutneoroo:. ut companies and municipal authorttlest and. a " i- orr and administrators. r Er.emv extendi to and includes all Defsons. id . t-. residing or carrying on business In enemy Kcunted bv the enemr. and any person mho is tresi'' - 1 .he Regulations. . t: 8ecuritic extends to and Includes stocks. sh.: deix ntures. debenture stock or other obligations or : i be arer form Issued br or on behalf of any govn: i'.ner authority, or any corporation or company whet : -ut Canada and regardless of the place of registrar rtificates representing same. . "Dlvldendi;. interesU or share of Drolia"' ts dt :. net includes any such parmenU whether payable, w-u an enemy The above summary must not be considered & mnole of the lam- respecting trading with the enero ' . , tlon may be obtained upon appUcatlon of the Custody erty. Ottawa. ' ERNEST LAPO'-Tl v,.- , Acting f : I OtUw September 11th. 1939. ai.