THE DAILY NEWS LAND PURCHASE NOTICE ee / / ) e | it pe aily Ne r I lew sic VERSION || Skeena Land District—District of Queen } a 36 0 siauds The Leading Newspaper and the Largest Circulation in Northern B. C. OF “THE VAMPIRE ||. axe notice atte ‘ict Maron oung, of u., vccupaliol spuister, ite us } Victoria, B. w apply for periiiissiou tu purchase wwe Published by the Prince Rupert Publishing Company, Limited | ° A fool tt ‘re s she lo es ands: DAILY AND WEEKLY nox rere Was, and she le ct following duscriee, Dust pisnted at the a oe ae ¢ 2s. PLP P= FPL Poe» on thenve . Ae we her pride | . va i att 0h | soutued orber OF Lut 1552, tuence west 7 7 owe ° CRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVdRisING—50 cents per inch. Contract rates kven as you and I tu the i ‘riieust corner of Lut Na Porn ae gee wee Ae we 4 ‘ ox . . . Lee 1 sue y beach, ence aiung beach Ww , on application. To a bunch of conceit in a mas- uae of Sanaa camel: r niuibing one . Ue g VIAL = re SUBSCRIPTION RATES—To Canada, United States and Mexico—Daiy, 50¢ 0 e culine hide— aundred and four (104) acres, More OF v4 S76 wee “70 eo, |; BONN P* 7 3 ‘. per month, or $5.00 per year, in advance, WEEKLY, $2.00 per year. All Others saw the faults that could, “ ELLEN MARION yor Re. » é ¢e bod we é bee. } on , . . i“ eurge ounk, ¢ oe Countries— Daily, $8.00 per year; Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly BESNER & BESNER, PROPRIETORS ; es be denied Dated Nov. 18, 404. vance. sut the fool saw only his manly Pub, Dec, 16, 19114. ~ * The New K Hotel non the European * " Daly “lows Building, Tuied Ave., Prince Jt ep Sas So Set! side . . . ; m > c dejo DS Oe I aily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. C. Telephone 98. provements. BI (Even as you and I). lake nouce that d, dames T, Fullerton, BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES | FIRST AVENUE, PRINCE RUPER! Cece nied io apply for peruissiua ug student Llene ) apply uv - Oh, the love we laid on OUr OWN) Ww purchase me ulewig described lauds; carts uuuUeUcIng &@t @ pust planted o2® Chale he art's grave edst ol Naas iver aud 40 chiaills suull Ui ha ital Bi: PP" Pan €éve Skeena Land District—District of Cassiar, Faia aginsine 5s § New York—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd St., New York City SgeaTTLE—Puget Sound News Co. ’ Core . aE £ ) mpuel 0. S¥7 Sku), Uience 4 With the are of our head and 4 etre shore thence 24 chais West, Wwence LONDON, ENGLAND— The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, Trafalgar hand 4y cals suUth, LENE IS ene wk Cullis d2 ais east tw pull © vlu- Square. a 0 é Belongs to the man who did not pucnibynil it; CUMLALLILg 1ou acres, Mure know r sess, SuBsCRiBERS will greatly oblige by promptly calling up Phone 98 in ca 3, T. FULLERTON, a y ge by Pp pully g up P’ 9 se of And now we know that he never K. H. plewart, Agent, non-delivery or inattention on the part of the news carriers. | Cor. Fraser and Sth. Choice Wines and Cigars bcenad 4 oe ee en a eee : : ; ceeneietiahintimeinn ener teen ee 2 ‘rince Rupert, Dec. 11, 1¥11. could know) Ash Sees atk pe t ee |RUPERT'S PALACE OF COMFORT And did not understand. DalLy EDITION. ee MARCH 4) — _ Skeena Land District a. of Queen Ime ater Lharivite isiands. © as i sr best she a A fool there was and her best Take police tual Juhu scolt Young, ol a VERE | Servian Labor Benefit Society | gave Saaiuch, B. C., OccupaiuD Lermer, Inde tu appay for periuiesivi lu purchase Lb BOURASSA WILL PROBABLY VISIT RUPERT. No. 195, Even as you and I). ty apply fur ‘peruussion Ww yt z | ene Of. noble thought, of gay and Lumuuetciug &t & pust Pialied at the % ; ._ | Meetings held every Ist and rd Sunday of the grave Vo tue tweah boundary Ol Lt 3601, dbosive We announced a few days ago that Mr. Bourassa is going month in the Carpenters’ Union Hall eh as due to] cae) ang ue said Dounuary Wo fue see \And all were accepted as due suurt, jmence TuuUWilg wivug Lhe shure bo | f Pe 5 » 2 ” z 2 ry 2? ns yr" 7 9 T for an extended tour of some three months’ duration through) G. vukK born pi ae x the knave), | tue pus Ul CUOMMMELCEMELI, CULMLUIG the west to explain his policy, as he conceives it to be misunder-| os se oe . jy | tire MunUred wud siAly-oue (S01) werEs, JUHN SLUTT YOUNG, But a fool would never her folly) juore or sess | e stood. Fortunately the trip is not to be made until after the! nytig , save. George Young, Agent. Quebec elections (a somewhat indefinite date), for in this way I —»-9-0-9—o— } (Even as you and I. Dee eae cada C 10n his western explanations cannot be used against him in the east. | a E TO hich the R D. S RK } ; Oh, the stabs shi hid, wien i | okeena Lund District—District of Cassia. in the long interval he will perhaps find time to find out whé ut + Lord forbid Kaprrrengreercnyre: oo Tone tergerrae may his policy is since the Conservatives have come into power. His > —General Hardware— fidtad ever been really planned. © | \yteum, vocehinte tu purcuase she ful explanatory articles in the ‘‘Devoir’’ but exhibit his inability or| |She took from the man , Who) ¥ ie ieenuy sb 6 post planied abut 6. : a } ; : i | CUMS & pus a unwillingness to adopt a clearly defined position. He writes like|® Builders’ Hardware didn’t know why | mies edo Ul the Neds Miver aud BbuUuL do if Valv & Pipes \xford S . And , st y he never | ovvel luues url uf AiyYalisl, tuenee Lvilh | alves ipes Oxford Stoves And now we knhov . eiguiy Climilis, cast viguly Clas, suubu a@ man in a quandry. | 3 gq Y : bg Gesidtivets Mirai knew why) | wimuty Cliditis, West Giguly Clduus bo pulls The announcement that he is to take Mr. Armand Lavergne | And did not understand Lt ee ee a aaa Is the Time When The Daily News Appears each day oo my H. PF. Mubter, Aged, politically; si “the time had not come yet to fight the Borden ‘cebagcaeire: sp eg game was new | And when it was played she took jake police Luwl i, LARULINE JUHNDSUN, purchase tue ivlioWwilg Gescribeu lauds: frying to keep his faults from) wor ov cits to tie svutiewst corner vi I with him is also amusing, for has not Mr. Lavergne said that) ¢ itera sacs P . * . ‘ 4 sled Uctl. 31, > he personally favored Mr. Graham for South Renfrew, but not i¢ SECOND - AVENUE The fool was loved while the| ruy. vee. 14. fiven 4 ‘ and I jokeeud Lund District—District of Coast government’? The attitude of these men before the election ae Oe ; HuLLgEd. rg ‘lear e q “vy were. acc y ir words ag: s 7 i Vaucuuver, DB. L., USCUpelivld lmarrivd was clear enough. They were, according to their words, against Seatac: A aS, Se ine Sa SRE the navy, against corruption, but above all, Down with Laurier. Littl ’ NEWS Plodding along as most of us LUMBeNCIg Bb & pusl pimuled wt the Now that they have vanquished Sir Wilfrid Laurier they es ency do STE ee dar a sthanma Aaeaitae Magazines :: Periodicals :: Newspaper view See rei tee de cee een aed . bleh bulla @ are supporting, if not abetting, political dismissals and appoint- ments, and even practically supporting a government that has ! iI ow dad neat ven as you and I. ‘ > MiVlie West die Ul Lui Jduod, lLucuce not yet repudiated the Laurier navy. No doubt one of Mr. SIGARS :: TOBACCOS :: FRUIT: : r ae rye ye arene Ce ae ee uv puild vl CUlmiNehOCINELL, CUllai Bourassa’s disciples, Mr. Sevibny, has introduced a motion which G.T.P. WHARF And it isn’t the ache of the heart) ‘“® °’" Sete twit INL JUHNSUN LANULIAL VHASUN, K. Carr, Ageul. will not come up this session, for the repeal of the Navy Act, as, or its break indeed, after such a campaign of “Point de Marine, had to be aat stings like a white-hot Dated Dec, 28, 1911 i, duu. 15, 112, Drand— | done, and we m: "eS » the re is i ors a good | on ant e may presume that there is within doors a good 1836 1911 ftw aie ae ARNING TO KNOW suousin Lane: Siaeret-—District: of Coder: | deal of discussion ant f ree s + g : Kange § t cus 1 and planning, and possibly fighting like . that she raised a God vals “cuiien iar ata abarn fea blazes,’ over the need of satisfying both ends of the country; The Bank of And bent her head to kiss the rod] ¥! 'tiuce Mupert, Bu, vecupaion uuner, 3 y mie bo Bppiy LOL Periidissiol buy Purchase but it is wonderful how politicians in power can get together. ror one who couid not under-| sie toliowing described jauds | Luluehcing @| & pust plauled @t lie Meantime the bold buccaneer who made the trouble seems, ir . British North America stand. vujuWest Curner of @ silell islsud sDuul ° Bees —maenaiteiieanie ii ile ans ewenly -Live ze Chailis wor tl ud tWo (2 his minute-gun articles in the “‘Devoir,” to be whistling saitsasale r ey for a breeze to find which way to trim his sails. The Statement eenere . : ou have a legitir uaili> task vi tlie WurlliWwesl curuer of Lui oZd, Nauge eo, -vdst Distiricl, Purchei ‘ 75 Years in Business. ripe niente aS aad Righmeetaeshdssaainapasininieslacltiie 3 ae su, UL juliuWilg tue sure libe ib of any kind to make | ‘ . » burke. iy direcuun about twenty Capital and Reserve Over $7,300,000 DON’TS FOR BOWLERS. ZU) Ciidulls by Lue Bult ead ul tue iniduu, j] uence i @ sUULUWesterly UireChiol ahullg ret ee en eT ane wt silure dite avuul iwemy (2 isi the consistent, judicious ing columns of THE DAILY you money returns much g expenditure The Reasons POPOL OODLE LOL OEE LO LEA ETE at highest current rates. r THE DAILY NEWS ee et when the features that are surprisingly charming. They are awakening ‘ MUU COMMA BDU Lurly (40) acre this eminently proper pride there is a strong dose of doubt that Don't grip the ball too tight. vub, bec, hy. the Don’t play the side ball until jake Dulice that 1, Paul Curtiss, clerk Mayor will have his instructions to keep the real cost a deep, livery. nC a & Post Piabied oD Lit count up—lInterest compounded | once before delivering it. wuwice Hurl OU Chuius, thence east J ig 15U acres, Mure of less, Dated Uct, 31, 1011 received. line, keenu Land District—District of Coast The new city hall is beginning to take on architectural Don't try to learn ina day. tit Pull Ui CUldCeClNehL, Melle & " ; Don’t use too much speed at} ..o81e ov ies, among the citizens a dormant civic pride. But mingled with ‘ ' ABHAHAM H. BAKBEK ee , ; Money Earning first, Dated Dec. vty, WAL. the building is going to cost fifteen cents or two bits more than Money Don't loft the ball. ey . oe ; : ‘ : i. een 1 Disirick—District of Cuus the original estimate. There is the divvil of it. No doubt “duke Duuve thst | ul ¢ het Small weekly or m onthly de- you have mastered the centre de-| 4! Yitburm, intend bo apply Lor periitiosion ? » purClidoe tue bOLiOW Ug Uescrived laud dark-blue secret until the provincial elections are over posits in a Savings Account soon bound sid : ° Sat 5 + ; 2 = if aii ‘ > puiind #ud abuul Uve cheikh — Don’t swing the ball more than ai’ nial” Beka: CAE aad IG ABO lus, Uielice suULn OU Chiatis, Luehce Weel Don’t start with a jump; walk] , cere Fo "D safht: “SOE MiutLse eluent, Cul one and run two steps. ‘ PAUL CURTISS Deposits of $1.00 and upwards Don't deliver the ball with the Fred b, Cowell, Agent, right foot in front. Pub. Dec, 9. Don't step on or over the foul Prince Rupert Branch — Hange 6 Don't think you can change the Take notice that i, Michus Beganis, couk, —l oe ooo eee No Man Need Use Poor Printing Unless He is Willing F. S. LONG, Manager. course oO » ‘ ‘ or ac} vi Victoria, B. L., Intend bu apply fur per p e course of the ball after it ha suissiun luo purchase We fuliowmg dt left your hand. ribed lands Commencing ust planted on wu Don't allow the alley birds tol pom ons eiuiie Creek, where. tle , > OOF nilimal branch of the G, T. P. Hy. Crosses el your goat. Williams Creek, apc about ten (10) chaius Don't expect a strike because} iiom the creek shore, thence south 30 iuins, thence east 40 Chains, Ueuce north | you hit the head pin. 50 chains, thence west 40 chains to point Don't throw away a spare be-} vi SO rare coplaiming 120 Ucrer, tnore u ess. cause you think you were entitled MICHAS BEGANIS. q . Fred Ek. Cowell, Agent jto a strike. Dated Oct, 31, 19414, Don't think the other fellow Pub. Dec, 9. has all the ck; plug away; : . 1e luck; plug @WAYs) x ceena Land District—bistrict of Coast, things will change. Range 5. Take notice that 1, Joun Argiraclis, car penter, of Victoria, B, C., intend to apply ior permission to purchase the following AN ) ASEH TICK described lands LAND PURCHASE NOTICE, Commencing at @ post planted about one ES a aed and one-half miles northeast from tht intake of Trout Kiver, on the West side Skeena Le stric ric sassiar.| Ul Lakelse Lake, and about five 6) chaius attie, Wash,, occupation wovdsman, in- | °! Chains, thence west BU al weak. lends to apply for permission to purchase | Wurth 50 Chains, Lhence east BY Cabin be the following described tands puint of BURR aT erent containing 640 +8, more or less. Commencing at a post planted four} 4°'e, y miles east of the Naas River aud about pour PER ee live miles north of Aiyansh, thence west metan Ocre4: Moda” ’ ‘ AN ee eighty chains, thence south eighty chains, Set ar re LAND LEASE NOTICE thence east eiguty chains, thence north Pub. Dec, eigtty chains to point of commencement OLAS on es skeena Land Distriet—District of Coast, Skeena Land District—District of Queen Dated Oct. 81, 1911. ! me Hange 6, : ’ F Take notice that 1, Samuel Helliecs, Charlotte Islands 2 Take notice that Malcolm Wright Young, Hun, Deo... 24, gardener, of Victoria, intend to apply for « of Saanich, B. C.,, occupation farmer, in permission to purchase We following de tends to apply for permission to lease the |Skeena Land District—District of Coast} 4 rived lands: following described lands: Range 6. Commencing at @ post planted on the Commencing @t a post planted at the Take notice tha, Augustus W. Agnew of} north side of Williams Creek, about ten / -| chains back from the creek bank, and southeast corner, being about one mile | Prince Kupert, B. C,, occupation civil en about tty chains southeast from Where east of the northwest corner of Lot 1551, /| @ineer, intends to apply for permission to 3 ; l thence north to the south boundary purchase the following de Soriba sd jands: the Kilituat branch of the G,. T. BP, right | Lot 1550, thence west to the east boundary Commencing at a post platted at the} of-way crosses Willams Creek, thence |. & of Lot 1550, thence south along the said | southwest corner of Lot 636, Range 5,| s0uUth 40 Chains, thence east 40 chains, bs boundary to the of said | Coast district, thence south 40 chains more thence north 40 chains, thence West 40 f southeast corner u § = Lot 1550, thence west along said boun- | or less to east bank of Hocsall River, thence} chulis to point of commencement, Con feo} ti aks rere dary to the east boundary of Lot 1549,|fvullowing said east bank northerly and) taining 160 acres, mere or less. P thence south along the said boundary to| Westerly to mouth of Falls River Slough, SAMUEL BEILTEES the north boundary of Lot 1552, thence | then following bank of said slough easterly Fred E, Cowell, Agent east to the northeast corner of Lot 1552,/to point of commenssment, to contain 60 Dated Oct, 34, 1011, thence north to the northwest corner of | acres more or les Pub, Dec, @ * oo Lot 1551, thence east to the point of com- Al jGUSTUS W. AGNEW. 9 tmencement, containing six hundred (600 Dated February 1, 1912. . a leu S ru ‘| acres, more or leas Pub, Feb. 10, Skeena Land District—District of Coast MALCOLM WRIGHT YOUNG. Take notice that hathieen Agnew of Mon ‘ George Young, Agent, rene occupation spinster, intends to apply ol Var and Cod Liver Ol » ; Pubs “pee, 18, ion skeena Land Distriet—pisteict of Coust,|(heHind lands: | Putte the Followink ————— Fi) | , : . ; lange 5. K neing ‘ . not ] hb Take notice that I, Dagobert Auriol of ieittinak ohei ag 1 a posi planted at the only stops a cough but cures i : ; ; _ | Nanaimo, &. C., occu etloD maronase he | 035, Hange 6, Coast district, distant 18,78 : oe THE DAILY NEWS appe the afternoon of the b day .»% notify everyone | The man who 7 and Satisfied Most people able to buy any kinc ——_—______— : , pild prefer a man’ ®fen- | of printing is able | | eral character and | * may re. — wll Do 90... versonality to be in Fie 2 eee aes id peeping with his PPR nn“ to offer. < "Royal Hotel | Cor. Third Avenue and Sixih St. THE DAILY NEWS is ! best possible’ medium + anything else it in- i The F g ae o » Finest Rooms dicates to people printing—so its dis ie hen acriinned astrous not to care and steam heated * about your printing who see it that he dealers, as it immediate doesn’t care. Hot and cold bath Dining room and the lookout for snaps ments. FOR HIGH CLASS PRINTING OF ALL KINDS SEE THE ‘‘NEWS JOB ”’ y THE DAILY NEWS point, It 1s read by Corley & Burgess, P Daily News Building PHONE 98 Thira Avenue ! { ! restaurant / ! { ! ! * gent and prosperous and the northern part men and women have regularly where they Their patronage is the RA A The Proof POLO OL OL OLA OAEL EEE THE DAILY NEWS is D nd and more merchants al Slo as an advertising mediu! their advertisements in th them handsomely Many . Skeena Land District—District of Coast Range 5| lo appiy for permission a cited, tesults follow . - 1 Take notice that I, Alfred Christ Garde of | follow a aie chains south from the northwest corner of it. Its tonic and restorative ||! Prince Rupert, B.C, occupation mining engin: | Commencing, ae post planted at the | tie suld lot, thence west 40 chains more or . eer, intend to apply for permiss to lease 70| southeast corner of Lot 4484. thence south | (085 to the cast bank of the Hocsull River, roperties enable the system to aauanuititand tallow Hees corner 0 0 thence southerly along said east bank tk proj y as follo’ 40 chains, thence west 40 Chains, thence | oii or palis’ River Slough, thence tol- Commencing at this post planted 1-4 mile east e she 2 chains to « ie ea north 40 chains, thence east 40 h 4|4owing bank of Falls River Slough easterly permanently throw off a cold. beesall of the Tyee Station, G.T.P.Ry. and approximately | point of commencement, containing + ‘ @ 4 rf] | 27 1-4 mile ast of Prince Rupert, thence north acres, more or less Se ROMtheniy 40 POins | Of See ey | 40 chains, th east 20 chains, ther : DAGOBERT AURIOL, to contain ¢0 acres, more or Jess 35¢ for large bottle. k = chains (me or less) to railway grade, e Fred &. Cowell, Agent, BA TEPEEN AGHEW westerly 26 chains (more or less) following said Date Nov, 10th, 1044. Augustus W. Agnew, Agent, | I : Dated February 1, 1912, DAILY NEWS, : i , | grade to point of commencement 1 cont Sold everywhere. | 70 acres more or less fe Aa eee ALFRED CHRISTIAN GARDE J. lL. MATHIEU CO., Prop, SHERBROOKE, | Date Jan. 81, 1912 | | Pub. Feb. 8, 1912 | Skeena Land District——District of Casslar.|!rince Hupert Land District—District } lake notice tnat James Ewing Macrae, : Coast of Vancouver, occupation real estate agent, | Take notice that I, Lemuel Freer, intends to apply for permission to pur-| Vancouver, B, C,, océupation broker, 5 chase the following described lands; } tend to apply for permission to purchase } ae Commencing at a post planted about} the following described lands F. M. DAVIS AY DAVIS seven miles distant and in an easterly) | Commencing at a post planted on the BOAT HOUSE | direction from the Naas River, and about) shore in a northerly direction from Port eight miles north of Aiyansh Indian village, | Nelson Cannery, marked L. | 8.E, corner, rf | | General Machine Shop and Ship’s } thence north eighty chains, thence @as\/ thence 20 chains north, thence 20 chains = Car antariny. Also agents for Fair- orgaty chains, thence south eighty Chains, | west, thence 20 chains south to shore line, ence west eighty chains to point of} thence east along the shore to point of | | Pub, Dec, 9, Pub. Feb, 10 ro re) D Ml iV E. Pe 4 banks-Morse and Knox Gasoline | commenceme mt | commencement, containing 40 acres, more Pleas. Gasoline Engines and Ac- JAMES EWING MACRAE |or less i, cessories carried in stock, P. Rutter, Agent. | N ‘REE Dated Oct, 84, 1044. | Dated Dec LEMUEL FREER 14, : Launches and Bouts for Hire N.E. end of Wharf Pub, Dec, Hl ™~_CG PG =—77-——SSSaaanaeaneaneaeaeee eo eo Pub. Jan,