. rr-l TTT i T IT KAl wave. Los yes terday, the thermometer rttehtnc 1M a-10. the highet mark inUen ty-tiw years. There have bee, gix deaths attributable to tne beat and twaoty-two prostration. Late yesterday tbert was a bmij shower and the fofecast la now lor gradu- , ally decreasing temperature, j There wai a flood yesterday In ; the Ban Jacinto Valley where part of the highway was washed out. An earthquake snock was recorded at 8:43 last evening at Salinas. Advertising ts an urveninent. FUNERAL TODAY The funeral of the late Hobart Parott took place this morning at II from the chapel of the B. C. Un- dertakers, Dean J. B. Gibson atlng. Interment was at Fairvlew. FOREIGN EXCHANGE CONTROL BOARD IMPORTANT NOTICE rLtSTSZ &i5S.,n!lr "1 n'at rVreigii Exchange Coutnd Hoard Kan Un established ky Order In Lwuiiril waster aawtorrty of Uw War Maeaur Art. TW fKre tk main provisions of the Order: . A5r.'55 if in his pass reason, owtwsr.Mp or control, any forin exchange, bill of f!r?r'-T Tf y? ff .of taf ehange. having a total value of mate thaa tU00 must deelarr such ? t. '"rthwith. rrms for thin purpose can I obtain! from authorized dealers, that BthorrseddssdrT chartered lutiika. Any foreign etching antulred uWnuently U to be mM to an ' WW, an) resident of Canada having in hi posarssioo, ownership or control any bonds, debenture and MsUar -f"rtti not MMtidr seJiairy in Canadian dollars, and shares in a Company whose head offlre In ovum Caasusa, teeing a total value of more than $1,000, must iwlar them to the Board forthwith. Forma for this purpose may alsa he obtained from an authorised dlr. 5. No person shall l.u - or sell or deal in foreign esehanee except throuirh the medium of authorised dealer st nUm to be anaounrrd by the Board, or through tW Pout Office which has been appointed a special agent of the Hoard to mII forwim esrhanye for mall amounts. 4. No resident maj transfer an CassMiiaa dollars to a non-reniJent, in eiceas of $1W. in any month, without first obtaining a permit to do m. through an authorized .teller. t. No export or import of any kind, in Iodine nhipment of currency, tenuities and foreign exchange by mall or parcel post, mmy i made without a Ikwnee. Licence for the ripart of good and for the import of goods, currency, and aecuritsw will be laued by CooUm officer. The Board is under no obligation, however, to sell fTeira exchange for payment for property imported. Licences for the export of currency, securities and any ether property except p"-K may lie issued only by authorized dealers. Articles to be sent out of Canada through the malls should be taken direct to a post office; otherwUe they will be subject to seizure In the absence of evidence that a lice ore ha been obtained or that the shipment U exempt from licence, as the case may be. tt Special provision le been made lo atoid inconvenience la visiters from the United Slate or abroad. They may bring into or takr out of Canada, without Hcenee, their automobile, personal effects, and In addition, other gad to a value not exceeding 100 In onv month. They may also take out of Canada any amount of money not uaUrr than the amount brought hi. provided that. If the amount to be taken out is more than $100., they should have obtained a certificate of the amount brought m from the Collector of Customs at the point of entry. 7. Provision baa also been made for ordinary transaction af the Canadian public, e.g. (a) Travellers may take out of or bring bock to Canada their automobile, personal effect, and in addition money not in excena of SUM), ia any month without lWewce. (b Any person may import, in aay manner, goods to a value not exceeding $100. in any month without licence, e Any person may. without licence, export by mail or parrel pot gifU up to a value of $. in any month. d) Any ) Msan may purchase, through an authorised dealer or the port office, foreign exchange not exceeding $190. la aay month without a permit. SPECIAL NOTICE TO EXPORTERS 1. Under the Order no person shall export any good or other property from Canada except under and In accordance with the term of a Ik-en granted by the I Ward. 3. licences for Ilxport of Cod km beea eats bit bed as follows: (si General licence! An exporter of gwods doing a regular export business of such nature thst it would be difficult to eot aiferUcidr liaantoJa akucc of each export mat Ttppry dlreet to the Foreign Exchange Control Board, Ottawa, Tor a General licence on form .4. (b Declaration of Good Imported under General Licence: Form B, must be completed by the exporter after each snort of good under a General Licence, and u omitted to a Collector of Customs and Excise. ie) Particular lieencei Any exporter not holding a General licence must. In respect of each exportation of goods, apply for a Particular license m Porta II through a Collector of Customs snd submit it to the Collector of Customs at the port of export. J. Where no foreign exchange ia to be received for an export, the exporter must, whether holding a General licence or not, obtain a permit on Form I), through an authoriied dealer in advance of exportation. 4. lirenre for Iltpnrt of Property other than Good: Any peron desiring to export currency, securities or other evisfciau a of ownership or indebtedness) mart apply for a licence on Form K in advance of export, except in the ens of the export of foreign exchange or Canadian currency for travel purposes when Form II must be used, lu both ea the application muat be made through an authorised dealer. t. No licence or permit ia required for the fallowing exports: s) Good nr other property accepted for export by a t ran port at ion agency prior to the date on which the Order cause intn force. (b) TraveUees' awmpiea. ir) Goods taken oat of Canada by and with a non-reeWent to a value not exceeding 100. in any month, tdl Personal effect iMdongiag to and required by any person leaving Canada. te) Gift to a value not exceeding $&. sent from Canada by mail or parrel pout by any person in any calendar month. (f) Csmadian currency and foretpi exchange net exceeding $100. by any person in any calendar month, g) Any noM-reaitlenl may take with him (Hi leaving Canada Canadian currency or foreign exchange not exceeding the amount brought into Canada by such non-reident when entering Canada. 6. Diapiwal of Foreign Exchange! It Is a condition of every licence to export that the proceeds in forefgn exchange shall be declared and offered for sale to the Board through an authorized dealer as soon as It is obtained; for which purpeee Form (.' must be used. 7. Export by Mail or Parcel Ptt licences and permits are required for exports by mail or parcel post In the ease of exports of goods, application for a licence in Form U must be submitted to the Postmaster at the time of mailing. In the ease of other property, a licence in Form K must be obtained In advance from an authorised dealer and surrendered to the Postmaster. A permit in Form U must also be obtained in advance In the circumatancea mentioned in Paragraph 3 above. 8. Expnrla lo Newfoundland: All the requirements mentioned sbove apply except that in the case of an exportation of goods to Newfoundland from which no foreign exchange Is to be received no permit on Form D is neceosary. 8. The form referred to herein may be obtained from the Board in Ottawa, or as follows: I-Vrms A and U from Collectors of Customs and Kxcic or authorized dealers. Harms C, 1, H, and K from authorised dealers. SPECIAL NOTICE TO IMPORTERS 1. Under the Order, no person shall import any k !. securities, or uther property into Canada, except under and In accordance with the terms of a licence granted by the Board. 2. Licence to Import! Applications for licences to import goods or other property must be made on Form E through the Collector of Custom and Bxcise at the port of entry, except in the rase of a non-resident bringing into Canada Canadian Currency or foreign exchange when Form P must be used. This applies to imports by mail or parcel lut a well as to imports made by otlter means. 3. An lmjwrler deairing foreign exchange to pay for import mu..t apply for the same on Form F through his authorized dealer. If paymeat for an import h to be made in Canudian dollars the importer must make an application on Form (5 through hi authoriied dealer for ermision to do so. 4. No licence or permit in required for the following Imports: (a) Coods or other property which has been shlpjied to Canada from the country of export prior to the date on which till Order came into force. (t) Travellers' samples. (C) Good not exceeding a value of $100. by any person In any month. (d) Personal effects belonging to and required for the tme of any person entering Canada when brought In by and with such person (e) Canadian currency and foreign exchange not exceeding $100. brought In by any person in any month. 6. Import from Newfoundland! All the above requirements and exemptions apply, except that no permit of payment for Imports from Newfoundland in Canadian dollars. on Form G is required In the case G. The various form may be obtained from the Hoard in Ottawa, or as follows: Form Ft from Collectors of Customs and authorized dealers. Forms F and G from authoriied deulers. Form P from Collectors of Customs. Anyone lrcnkinK the law as established by the Foreign Exchange Control Order will be subject to heavy penalties by way of fine or Imprisonment. Anyone likely to be affected by this Order should read the provisions of the Order itself and the Regulations of the Hoard. Further information may be obtained from char-tered directed to the General Secretary of banks or customs officers, or enquiries may be the Foreign Exchange Control Board. Ottawa, or to the Bank of Canada, Ottawa. 1 1 SOLDIERS DON'T PAINT. . "LAST POST" Neither Does Bugler "Blow" Nor Is lieutenant Addressed As Such By Capt. W. W. Murray M.C. ' Canadian Proas Staff Writer OTTAWA, September 20: CP-For some time to eosae Canadian -are. going to find themaatve talking a Strang language, MUttary phraseology Is 30 ng to be bandied to and fro, and tho ordinary civil lan will have to mind hia step, for soldiers are rigid purists when it cornea to lailltary teems and they don't like to neat them mishandled. The civilian must 6; careful not to say he beard a bugler "blowing" "Reveille" just about thi time the mUtaasui came What he heard was setae lusty-lunged strip ling "souadisac iseveiUe." And "Reveille" is the first bugle call of the day. It la the soldier's hour of awakeniog From then on bis time is punctuated by the bugle through a long Hat of calls which in time he absorls until it become second nature. The soldier fits In little jingles to the bugle notes. "Come and do your picket boy. Come and do your guard You think it's pretty easy, but YouU find it pretty hard." j The adjective "pretty- to not the one normally employed, but here tt Is a rhythmical substitute fo ra saltier one that accompanies the bogle call which precedes the mounting of the regimental or camp guard. And by the war. guards are not "nlaced" ar.ywhere: they're "mounted." Quarts recall guardrooms, which ; - "'rn. recall the men in durance vile. These are "d-faulters." that is to any. thev defaulted )n duty, such as not cleaning their rifles or eetrina back to barracks late. t"XfsulteTf" is also a Imsrie call which summons thos "criminals'' to parade before the Prevoat Ber-rijjtwhQ ttS nueutsj chief oT rollce Aid rh? words to De-f-ulters" are There's many a guy in the guardroom Lots o' goad asm hi the hestehr j Ssjsne Other Calls At nightfall Che buglers sound ."Retreat.' Itia: does not mean the troops are fjoins- to withdraw any- iwbsre.'It la mereiy the name for the call which si?nie that ah normal routine work in tha day to day life of the ?o'd!er is finished. At this how the ' duty company-is paraded. Its job U to "find details" for accessary work relating to the secarity of the camp and its personnel. Each company of a battalion has to take this in ordered succession among othsw th ngs. The company "finds" the "Field Officer of the Day." the "Battalion Orderly Corporal" and a host of other details. The word "finds" in military .parlance moans "furnishes." The "FitM Officer of the Day' Is a major, who suoervlses work of all the other detoOJs. When he calls on the gud he is known as "Visiting aauads." The "Battalion Orderly Oltteer" concerns himself chiefly with the cleanlmeas of the vjS PHONES IS and 1 Trlnlded 25c Golden Bantam Corn Royal City. 10-oz. tin. Cn 2 tins Shir-riff's Orange Mar- COf maUde Lge.tin.4s. Shirriffs Jelly Powders Assorted flavors. n Each P.O. Box 375 MussaLWs Economy Store "'Where Dollars Have More Cents" Established 1S10 Independently Owned and Operated We Hare a Complete Stotk of Picklinr Needs. We Offer a Few Below for Your Selection Pickling Onions 3 lbs Gerkins Per lb. ' 25c 10c Bed Peppe Lb. Jar Bin gr Perfect Seat or Victory Brand: ff n Per doz Colgate's Castil Soap 1Q bars in cello pkg. 9 Per pkg Lobster Paste Sea 1 Qp Gull Brand. 2 for Grapefruit Juice sweetened. 3 tins Dilli Medium or 9r large. 3 lbs. aO Green Peppers 2 lbs 19c 25c Woodbury's Soap Deal Con-sirtf of 3 regular size bars and regular size bottle of Hand Lotion. Per set Eureka Bleach Per bottle 10c Snow-Flake Slanhmallows Large 9fi packet Bulk Peanut Butter-Brand. 2 lbs Empress 25c Preserving Pears Bartletts. Z 1.19 Transparent Apples Grown in Terrace. C"J "I Q Per box Prompt, Free Delivery Service Throughout the City Two Telephones for Your Convenience Boat and Mail Orders Receive Prompt and Careful Attention quarters and with the food. He tive call that precedes the ordln-has to inspect the barracks and ary call. This is one of the first put in an appearance at meal- things a recruit has to learn. It times. The troops at their tables saves the Toronto Blankshires are called to attention and h: m dashing gaily out on parade asks if there are any "complaints.' when only the Montreal or the 1 his is where the soldier's chance Winnipeg Fusiliers are wanted. To comes to comment on the "ra- perform an unnecessary parade is tions" served up to him. If his about as annoying as cleaning an-complalnt is well founded, the other man's rifle, defect is corrected, if it is friv- A Lieutenant in the army Is olous, lie is taken' over the jumps, plain "Mr." The Commanding Of-as a smart-alec k. By the way. fleer is "The Old Man," no mat-the "Battalion Orderly Officer" is ter how youthful he may be. Tin disrespectif ully termed the "Order- Intelligence Officer is 'O. C. ly Dog." Brains." The daily "Intelligence . Summary" is "Comic Cuts." The There are three routine bugle s,gnaUlng officer is "Ackety-ack." calls at night-'Tirst Post' at The administraUve centre of the 9:30 pjn- "Last Post" at 10:00 p. Battallon "Orderly Room." m.. and "Lights Out" at 10:15 p. But -orderly Room" also has a m. With Canada mobilizing hosts significance. A man of recruits, the number of young- 4- tor Orderly Room is a sters who in their .innocence arc mq notified that, having corn-given a pot of paint and a brush transgression- he is and told by the old soldiers to "go to hauled before hls command-out and paint the Last Post", is mg officer to requite his sins, likely to be large. , It m -orderly Room" he Is or- The "Battalion Orderly. Ser-'dered to nm0Ye to cap m ths geant" has to report absentees and presence of c Q then shadow the -Orderly Dog." Theifate & sealed. He's committed a "Battalion Orderly Corporal" Is crlme ybe he's lost his pull-responsible for "Sick Parade" through, the little gadget for when troops who for various rea- cieaning the barrel of his rifle, or sons are temporarily under the he.s appeared on parade with his weather are examined for treat boot-laces Improperly crossed. If ment by the Medical Officer. he ordered to remove his cap The most popular -bugle calls In he's stm a free agent within are "No. Parade Today" UmitaUons of the Army Act which is occasionally sounded when the weather is too bad, and "Pay." when ordinarily a full muster if the troops lines up fork the enriching experience of drawing the emclum entsof office from the For the Eaat Regimental Paymaster They Know -Their Own Mail Schedule Monday, Wednesday, and , Each unit has Us own dislinc- From the East CHIMPANZEE LEAVES YOUNG ADMIRER Friday 1 5 pjn. A r,-:enti in pev : corner af the London zoo. "Jackie," tne crumpanzee wno nas won me nearw of hundreds ql London children, is shown taking leave of a young admirer