Squalus Inquiry Being Deferred IWficullles Encountered In Ualslng Ill-fated Undersea Craft to Surface WARHtNflTON. D.C.. June 16. Investigation Into the recent tragic sinking of the submarine Squalus which was to have commenced next Monday is postponed until July 1 bv which time It la hoped the 111-fatcd undersea craft will have been raised. In making announcement to this effect. Secretary of the Navy Claude A. Swnnson stated that un-j expected difficulties had oeen encountered in the work of bringing the Squalus to the surface with her dead Infirmary Burns; Patients Saved Institution at Klamath Falls, Oregon, Destroyed by Fire KLAMATH FALLS. Oregon, June 10. Pnrtv-slx natlcnts were remov ed tn anfplv when flro destroyed the Infirmary here with loss estimated, at $25,000. The league standings to date: TODAY'S STOCKS (Court? b. LI. JutuuLoa Do.) Vancouver Big Missouri. .14K- Bralorne. 11.85. Cariboo Quartz, 220. Falrview. .03J,4. Oold Belt, 25. Iledlcy Mascot. .80. Noble Five, .0114. , Pend Orlelle. 1.33. Pioneer, 2.40. Premier. 1.85. Privateer. 1.28. Reeves McDonald, .18. Reno. .52. Relief Arlington. .lift. Reward, .0U4. Salmon Oold. .10. Sheep Creek, 1.18. Cariboo Hudson, .15. Hedley Amals.. .01. Oils A. P. Con.. ,14. Calmont. .32. C. & E.. 2.00. Freehold, .03Vi (ask). Home. 2.25. Pacalta, .05V. Royal Canadian, .20. .Okalta, 1.06. Mercury. .06. Prairie Royalties, .21. Toronto Aldcrmac. .32. Beattlc. 1.26. Central Pat.. 255. Cons. Smelters, 41.75. East Malartlc. 2.56 Fcrnland. .04. Francocur, .20Vi. Oods'Lake. .34. Hardrock, 1.08.. Int. Nickel, 47.50. Kerr Addison, 1.94. Little Long Lac, 2.95. McLeod Cockshutt, 2.11. McKcnzle Red Lake, 1.32. Moncta, 1.16. Noranda, 78.00. Pickle Crow. 4.80. Preston E. Dome, 1.59. San Antonio, 1.75. Sherrttt Gordon, .98. Stadacona, .50. Uchl Gold, 1.41. Bouscadlllac, .04Vi-Mosher. .16Vi. Oklcnd, .08. Smelters Oold, .04V; Dominion Bridge, 28.75. us an for them St. Louts Cardinals who lost 8 tr. With Oerman I troop movement 3 to Drooklyn Dodgers. The Yanks Assure France That She is Ileadr ward the frontier reported on needed Gambling And Vice Ring Being Probed Frtler.l Offleers Are rating Visit to Klamath Falls, Oregon j K A.UTH FALLS Oregon. June " Fft.ii agents here invesUgat-; alleged extensive gambling : ' Men ring on-rating from Kan-r ity to Portland I Torrential Rain In Golden State Four Inches In One Day Constitutes iierord for Fresno FTfFUNO. June 18 Torrentla, Mr falh have been recorded In this ; af of California In Fresno there r.. a rerord preclplUtlon of lour Iir . In a single day Considerable . Jmage has been done but one run to shut out to Meet Force With Force in c arge urge scale, scaie. inaicauons inaicauon. sun still point poini the me Cleveland Cleveland Indians Indians and and thev thev Event of Agression he imminence of a Na move are n0 lew than ten-and-a-half t-j.;v.si Slovakia by way of mill- games ahead of the Boston Red PARI8, June 16.-Poland has ln- V occupation Fleeing Slovaki- Box who took a six to three formed the French government sr are still seeking refuge In trouncing at the hands nf the that It is nrenared to meet force P 2nd Harvard Awards Scholarships To Graduate Students ")S ANOELE8 June 16 -Brlga- Detroit Tigers whose eighth with force In the event of any act if straight win It was. The Chicago aggression against Poland or Dan- Whltc Sox took both games of a zlg. double-header from Washington senators and are comfortably ensconced In fourth place In the American League standing. Tht New York Giants continued their winning streak with a victory over Chicago Cubs and are likewise comfortably fixed In fourth plate r rrf University has awarded In the National League. ' totalling . -eight scholarships, for graduate study. Reclp-n luried Johnathon J. Wright. 311 and Thomas J Sullivan. ertv rf San FranrUco. Call- Yesterday's Dig League scores: National League Boston 6. Pittsburgh S. Brooklyn 8. St. Louis 3. New York 7. Chicago 4. Philadelphia 1. Cincinnati 4. American League Cleveland 0. New York 1. -Detroit 8. Bqston 3. Chicago 5-4, Washington 1-3. St. Louts at Philadelphia, to be played at Tater date. Bulletins WANT LAW ENFORCEMENT That the laws in regard to closing stores on Sundays and holidays be enforced in all respects was the substance of a resolution pasted jesterday afternoon at a meeting of the executive of the Prince Rupert Retail Merchants' Association with President G. V. Wilkinson in the chatr. A tele-gram to this effect is being dispatched by the Association to the Attorney General at Victoria, KINO'S FAREWELL , HALirAX Huge bonfires light- ' Ing the coast with a queer glow were the last sight of Their Ma- i jesiles, the King and Queen, as they sailed on their return home I to F.mtand via Newfoundland. , Canada's farewell was provided by j 150,000 people crowding the Hali fax waterfront. Their wild cheers mingled with boat whistles. A mass choir of 600 sang HAuld Lang Syne," "Will Ye No Come Rack Again?" and "God Save the King" from a breakwater. Fishing boats, Including the Rluenose. yachts and commercial craft f ill- fed the harbor as the ship left. TO MAKE TEST TOKYO Dome! News Agency announces the Japanese "inner cabinet" has decided to make the Tientsin issue as test of status of all foreign concessions in China. The British government an-noiices its intention to resist actively any Japanese attempt to force Great Britain to co-operate with Nipponese efforts to establish a "new order" In China. The statement says that Great Britain takes a "most serious view of the demands." CHIEF SHOULD RESIGN? VANCOUVER Mayor Lyle Tel- 1 , 1 Would Call Halt To Aggression And Arms Race NEW YORK, June 16. In a mag- . 1 1 r 1 rtL . 1 ! r bound from their tour of Canada and the United States. London is already preparing to give Their Xfolfttttat a trrmt welcome On ar Tomorrows Tides Weather Forecast tm hi High 0:36 a.m. 21.9 It, Prince Rupert and Queen Charlotte 1331 p.m. 192 ft. Islands Fresh to Strang Low - - Jtli Kxn- 1A il- northeast wind, shifting to northwest, s7r?. Jn. 6iIt, cool with rain. w NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER V XXVIII . No. 140. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, JUNE 16, 1939. PKICE: CENTS ' 1 ' '" ' J V; - French Submarine Is In Disaster HITLER TO HIT AGAIN? Paring Cash To Itoumania lot Stores of Fird Move On Slovakia Yesterday REDS AND YANKS WIN Leading Teams In Both National And American Leahies Increase Their Margins LONDON. June 10: Interna- NEW YORK. June 18: CP -ual observers see Indications ol Cincinnati Reds. In the National ;. i'.ner series 01 uerman nasi League, and New York Yankees ,1 .uL.klu i it.- - A - 1 - ucs piuuauiy iU uic iwriu. tit American i.ath Improved uii o auu mwruiot w mr margins of leadership as n - jrom Heron, uerman) result or yesterdays play. Th now purchasing large supply ,-ftcd the Phillies 4 to l i oosiuiu irum iioum-nw ano ana are' five amc up oh the Und ersea Craft Fails To Come Back To Surface As Result Of Dive Off Coast Of Indo-China i POLAND IS ALL READY FOUJl OFFICERS AND FIFTY-MVK v!T' ABOA-RD OFFICIALLY FEARED THAT THEY AP.E LOST DOWN FOR THIRTY IIOU-.S I0V PARIS, June 16: (CP) The navy ministry announced today that the French suhmarine Phenix, with four officers and fifty nine men on hoard, failed to reappear after a dive Thursday mornin? in the Day of CVrniranli, French Indo-China. Thirty hours after the Hive the communique expressed anxiety for the men's .safety. It said that unattached ship? of the Navv, irrlrido-China hejran searching immediately. Camranh Jfar is the location of a large new French naval hascVhich is under construction. WELCOME Script Instead Of PLANNED Casn For Relief London Already Getting; Ready To Receive Their .Majesties Follow 'lianxe of Tolicv i Adopted by City Of Los Angeles ing Tour of Canada and . . ., , . ANGELES. June 6.- Tht United" ,tL0?r State, j -'ty nf , Los j Angele- has decided that 1 1 1 " U1 lcI tn future hi script XONDON. -JunflUja: With" the! mtead of In' cash. King and Queen now homeward ! Likes Hitler's ; Friendly IIC11U1V lTidliilCl Manner HELP FROM UNCLE SAM Neutralib Act o be Amended Favor of Great Britain, jl is Expected in LONDON. June 16. British hope cf aid from the United States in 'he event of war. at least to the ex- -' mWiw munitions and sud--! wHv acceible to Great Bri tain end her all'-, are great!' j brightened following receipt of the j official report of Sir Ronald Lind-jsay. British ambassador to Wash-:ipton. on the recent visit of the King and Queen to the United :tes. Legislation amending the Un'ted State? neutralltv laws is ex-. peetd as a reiult of the spirit engendered by the visit of Their Majesties. The visit of the King to the Un-ltd 8tates. according to Sir Ronald')' renort was an unmitigated success, devoid of discord and with a measure of enthusiasm exceeding pII cxoectatlons. KING IS i GRATEFUL Expresses Appreciation of Service Rendered by Canadian National HALIFAX, June 16. His Majesty the King received 8. J. HungerXord, chairman and president of the Can adian National Railways, Immed iately previous to the departure of IS KILLED AT JUNEAU Well Known Yukon Flier Perishes When Ills Gas-Laden PLnne Hits Buoy at Juneau JUNEAU, June 16: (CP) Pilot Charles Tweed perished late yesterday when a Yukon Southern Transport plane carrying 26j -al'ons of cased gasoline struck z rooorin? buoy and burst into flames while taxiing for a takeoff from Gatlneau ChanneL Co-Pilot Cecil Pickell escaped by leaping from the plane. Young Conyicts Are Recaptured Youth From Colorado Reformatory Are Starved Into Surrender BUENA VISTA," Col.. June 16. The remaining two of six Colorado -eformatory Inmates who escaped at the first of the week after having for a time held Warden W. H. John- ran as hostage, were recaptured without resistance. The lads, sev enteen years of age, were starved into surrender. Baltimore High School Pupils Are Suspended BALTIMORE, June 16. Following the recent seizure and branding of rival -iii h nnvAuLml Tticlr Majesties from Halifax lastla Jewish boy. eighteen Maltlmore from the station to Buckingham, evening. Afterwards Mr. Hunger- High School pupils have been sus- Palace. The day following the American Dancer Finds German ford issued tne following. message' pended A more complete investl- mnnarchs will ride in state to the Furhr- Fniritininr " an oincers ana employees 01 ine.sauun proceeding Ouildhall where the Lord Mayor will give a luncheon. Oueen Mother Mary justments." 1 Asserting It was make anything like a genius out of ifhi nvpmire child," Dr. Scheidersi iora sa.a ... 'deplored a widespread that the "logical thing' ror Liuei particularly of Police W. W. Foster to do is to resign because results in the mayor's campaign to rid the city of vice "thus far arc not satisfactory to me." tendency. 1 among educated per sons, to satisiy tneir own egos Dy 'forcing their children Into Intellectual moulds Ill-suited to their na- jtlvc capacity or temperment." Compelling children even be-'fore they are able to hold their books upright to recite poems, count up to 100, or name offhand the streets of the cities In which they live, were named by Dr. Schel-ders as among the practices used In jparental efforts to develop precoc ;gcr of the B. C. Packers; J. P. D. Mine arucie, oecrevarj 01 other officials of the company in Cordell Hull calls upon all nations persons , w Malcolm and to stop aggression for a period of w R Arnold were overnight vlsi-y'cirs and to halt the armaments tors In the city In the course of race,.! a coast tour. Companion and the I MUNICH. June 16 the world. The Pittsburg brurette, luck It was to attract the letters." she said. "As If I had any- 1 thing to do with Hitler's politics or, j Canadian National system: could help It if he liked my act. land 5.5c. I'm glad he did. Big Feet Are Giveaway Of Young Convict NEW YORK, June 16. Two prls- "Before departing from Halifax (CP) Miriam nls evening at the close of his vls- Princesses Elizabeth and Margaret! Verne, the American dancer, sees a It to Canada and the United States, R.e will meet the King and I different Adolf Hitler than most of His Majesty the King exprassed to Queen as they land at Southamp ton. , Average Child Is No Genius 1 Psychologist Scores Efforts to Over Develop Youngsters CHICAGO. June 15: CP Proud parents are advised by a teacher of psychology to stop trying to make "geniuses" out of pre-school age children. Dr. Alexander Schneiders, psychologist of Loyola University, says parents cause "Irreparable harm" to youngsters by helping to develop either "social or educational malad , me hi appreciation of the uniform whose excellence of the railway service on atten- his long journey over the lines of tion of the Relchsfuehrer, .says: the Canadian National and, accord "Every time he has Joined our ingly. I have pleasure in congratu-iittle parties, I have been Impres- latlng the officers and employees In sed by his easy, friendly, but pol- the various departments of the sys-Ished manner. And he Is capable tern all of whom have contributed of Jollying one a bit." in some measure to this highly sat- Mlss Verne has always seen Hitler Isfactory result. Their Majesties in moments when he has shaken travelled. In all, 4ol miles over the off cares of office. "Maybe thaUs Canadian National Railways and why I don't get this Impression of . some 80 miles on the Canadian Na- flcrce sternness which the world i tlonal Steamship Prince Robert seems to associate with the Fueh- from Victoria to Vancouver. I have rer," she says. ;, expressed to his Majesty the deep "My Impression Is one of friend- pleasure which we have all had in Uness. He smiles often, listens to serving him" my bad German attentively and Is' always making jokes. We always! talk German, I never heard him venlure one word of English." Halibut Sales Publicity resulting from friend-ship with Hitler apparently has summary f rlohtened the Pittsbure elrl a little, t American 41,500 pounds, . .. , , She was not sure It would be help-!and 5-5c-Impossible to ah ! Canadian- 35,000 pounds, tut tu Itb ttttiVt T hnvp hnri .vn nprfpptlv nastv and 5c and 6.9c and 5c. 7.8c 6.6c American Arcade, 16,000, Cold Storage, 7.9s T t , 1 enn -tu n . T n and 5.5c. I Enrpka. 14.000. nclflr. 7.8e and 5.5c. Canadian Ed. Lipsett, 10,500, Cold Storage, 6.7c and 5c. Lois N 17.000, Cold Storage. 6.9c and 5c. 5c. Rio Rita. 7,500, Atlln, 6.6c and ious youngsters, loners escaped from Castle Williams, DU went to Vancouver, fov Governor's Island by swimming I General's Memory Is Said Damaged Million Dollar Suit Entered Against Moving Picture Concern CAMBRIDGE, Mass., June 16. dier General Andrew Jackson Houston, eighty-four-year-old son of General Sam Ja:kson Houston. Texas reovlutionary hero, today filed a million 'dollar libel suit against producers and distributors of the motion picture "Man of Conquest." a biographical film of his famous father. The suit charged that the picture caused injuries to the memories of Sam Houston aiyl Mrs. Margaret Lea Houston arid damaged the reputation of Andrew Jackson Houston, their son. Head Of Hudson Bay At Jasper Patrick Ashley Cooper Having Fine Time At Mountain Resort JASPER PARK. June 16: Patrick Ashley Cooper, governor of the Hudson's Bay Company, making his first trip to Jasper, Is losing no time in seeing as mucn as possible while here. After a day of motoring and golf, he and his party spent all day Thursday out on Beaver Lake testing their skill against the speckled trout. Mr. Cooper Is accompanied by Mrs. Cooper, George W. Allan, chair- Takla, 43,000, was In yesterday man of the Canadian Committee, land p. A. Chester, general in half mllp tn hp Rmnklvn shore I Mr and Mrs. Conner are mipsts but they were captured four hours! PACIFIC CHILD DIES Jin the point cottage which was later because one had a big foot.! 'used by members ol the Royal par- 'Malkln. one of the directors, andjPolk.e whne combing the Brook- Vernon Milton Patrick, eight ty on their recent stop at Jasper. ivn waterfront tw a nalr of larce' months old son of Mr. and Mrs. toes protruding from under the ' John J. Patrick of Pacific, died yes-door of an abandoned shack. Theyerday afternoon In the Prince Ru-threatened to shoot and out came, pert General Hospital where the two very crestfallen young convicts, child had been a patient for a week. ,and golf course 1 Both Mr. and Mrs. Cooper are de lighted with their Xlrst visit to Jasper National Park and have thoroughly enjoyed both the Lode ft I) I 4!