THE DAILY NEws. TORIES SPLIT — 'SS.Prince George HOME RULEFOR SPIRITUALISM |) 24RKER Architect IN STEWART SCOTLAND NOW — FACES SCIENCE =» "sna Tremendous Meeting in Trafal-|Searching Test of Table Turning Talk of Patronage and Lack of | | | gar Square Endorses Latest De-| Feat to Be Made in Paris Under MUNRO & LAILEY It Seems to Be Trouble—Must Have Progressives There. velopment of the Home Rule Strictly Scientific Conditions—| |Architects, Agitation—Great Speakers. Camera to Be Used. Stork Building, Second Avenue. | i | For some weeks past the po- | litical atmosphere has shown VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE | Pain arising i Home rule for Seotland and : wn P: ian spirit Rheumatism, ee signs of disturbance. Harmony 8.8. PRINCE JOHN | waies, in addition to Ireland wanlunit ae ee ined: dae ws. STUART & STEWART ag Be Sprain, has not reigned in the ranks of mpage | cos cee eet f] demanded at a tremendous Lib- fered to show ate aveptica "tlie ACCOUNTANTS -:- AUDITORS Slight Cuts, i Van Arsdol square, London. So vast was the] without any physical or material ons Veuralgia Cramp, Bear River Conservative ee | For all information apply to crowd that if was necessary for|aid, and the challenge has bead old nom nome a . Be ccetee A. E. McMaster, Gen. Act. G. 1. P. Wharf | eee cneee _— accepted. | ALFRED CARSS, _C, V. BENNETT, B.A. treated by using | meeting xt Wednesds e i y Se ee Steamelip Lines |, vaill ; bee i 2 a3 ae ey M. Girod makes his offer in or- on Ce pole ng IMAN’S according to 6. ane eanesday CVCNIDE, | (—uun ~~ 1) ier that all might hear. ler to overcome the philosophic | berta Bars. | i.formation given in the |} when the older party men are | | Preceding the meeting an doubts of Dr. Albert Charpentier CARSS & BENNETT Liliman ReB.P. booklet 96 looking to smooth out the fric-| | enormous parade was held. | who stipulates ‘that the aapeite BARRISTERS, Notaries, Etc. es, (illustrated) which is | tion Talk of patronage or lack] Among the orators was Sir Ed-| ments shall be given in a doctor’s| °ee—Exchange block, corner Third+avenue and i é ‘ 7 | inside cartons with a . hag na i | a . 3 Sixth street. Prince Ruvert. ‘2 yh an Th | ¢ ‘the, ipa * oaibie "diharedsel are aa wks vernceta J a laboratory, with doors and win- ; Caen 1/1}, 2/5 |n» ie the , . "Oo +. an nA] ) affairs, whose removal from of-|dows sealed, and under ¢ trong yoklet also contains lthe: ¢ osphere is te Jort-| | Aaa tain ' ore ; P. a5 Saws : 3 3 a maa of aa ! atmosphere is tepid.—Port | PACIFIC | fice is being sought by the critics a light as possible. Cameras are WM. Ss. _— _ 8., D.D.S. land Canal Miner. ers of his policy. He defended his}to pe placed opposite the table ictical value as to cause Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty. + to be in demand for First ee ere Reet conduct of office, vigorously de-|in order to record the success Of] All dental operations skilfully treated. Gas and idand other purposes; | ; , claring that it was necessary for} ihe experiment in a manner hbe-| c#lanasthetics administered for the painless ex- also for ite recipes in res- | | B.C. Coast service — Famous Princess! Ane ate ia ici I a manner D€-~| traction of teeth. Consultation free. Offices: sect of Siok Room. fa luine Great Britain to maintain naval] yona dispute. Helgerson Block, Prince Rupert. fi-12 guisites. E/liman’s added to * supremacy against any combina- Dr. Charpentier also asks] " SS ee eee ene ener the Bath is benef ial, | Princess May ae i vane tpt ie a whether M. Girod would agree| 4lex.M.Manson p.a., W.E.Williams,B.A., 1.1.0 Anin sala | | 4Ol, Arthur Lynch said: If/that his medium should under- WILLIAMS & MANSON ANnmaLSs Saturday, March 2nd, at 9 a.m. home rule is accomplished, we|take to change the equilibrium Barristers, Solicitors, etc. | Ailments may in many in- aL ee ee oe | For Victoria, Vancouver and Seattle stand to make friends with thou- of a pair of scales placed under- Box 285 | “ L | Pee ; ¥ f é scaies p ; stances be relieved or cured . Convict in Gregon Penitentiary | J. G. McNab ? Cannel Agent'| sands of men w ho have helped to] neath a glass cover with an elec- Prince Rupert, B.C | ¢ fo eh eae ase ii sae ogra are Agnes. Argh ovement | make the United States of Amer-|tric register attached to the | (illust 2 en in the atc casa —— | : ies . r , ‘egister attacne Sra ae fx Booklet ROY ‘ Humboldt Bullion Robbery Be- jica whet it is. If England and pointer on the adjustment P.10. BOX 28 PRINCE RUPERT : ’ AL for ANIMALS tween Rupert and Seattle. America s ether the co ei at alah coe { 64 pages, found enclosed in Bea the Elliman EF.A.-Bookiet pi | America stood together the com- M. Girod’s acceptance of these Bey FC IMAN'S prise UNIVERSAL for HUMAN. USE Pe | bination would be invincible.” conditions has raised the great- JOHN E. DAVEY | of ELL ) price Salem, Ore., Feb. 29.—Govern-| W. G. Gladstone and other|,, ARE GOT AH Bs o TEACHER OF SINGING 1/-, 2/- & 3/6. See the Elliman R.E.P. Booklet r Oswald Weat 2 i| —AND— est expectations. Through his | ————— eae found enclosed with bottles of ELLIMAN'S \)\" pret ride «AP mite xan io bone vers of parliament spoke.| medium, Mme. Deimange, he| PUP oF wm. FOXON, ESQ. A.R.A.M., 10N., ENG | _siiman,SonsaCo.Sloug Ragland, THE NAME IS ELLIMAN that he has obtained a full con-| HIGH CLASS The meeting was most enthusi- promises to raise a small round Sea | fess “0 > of . , wi ‘ ; : eney dn an ghey : arn fession from one of the men im ear Bands played Irish music} apje under the conditions fixed and green flags were carried by by Dr. Charpentiér, subject to GEORGE LEEK & CO. yx | tebe : potbdae. cae rAINED OF ALL DRUGGISTS THROUGHOUT CANADA jPlicated in the robbery of the} SIGN WORK | Steamer Humboidt, from which in| |}hundreds of marchers. some apparently unimportant al- MERCANTILE AGENCY |September, 1910, was stolen | OUR SPECIALTIES —__—. Raimi i hace COLLECTIONS AND REPORTS $57,500 worth of gold bullion. | OFF FOR STICKINE ie care Fire, Life and Accident Insurances Twenty-five pounds of this has} 618 3rd Avenue Phone 208 and Green 252 } eee sr HARRISON V. F. G. GAMBLE |} been recovered, and was brought SILVERSIDES BROS May Be Bound for Headwaters of | Cheap Money for Settlers. PRINCE RUPERT URLEG }to Salem and placed in the hands . the Liard River. | Penticton, B, C., Feb. 29.—The of the Governor, who turned it|?P-0. Box 120 PHONE 156 GREEN Bi oy ht Associated Boards of Trade for sieen weit | AVN ;over to Steve Connell, a United] Second! Avenue; near: McBride \ party headed by R. J. Quinn|the Okanagan valley have passed é e States secret service operative. | ; | | > i iW eo ; Se ae ag a : j left on Monday headed for the\a strong resolution in favor of} Real Estate — Loans ith Connell was an agent-of the ; | and Insurance e Fireman's Fund Insurance Com- headwaters of the Naas and Stick-|the government organizing a loan| ‘i 319 & Phone 384 | pany, which carried the loss on SMITH & MALLETT ine rivers, via the Bear River|department, and lending money | 229 8rd Avenue Real Estate and Stock Br ; : okers |the bullion. THIRD AVE divide, taking with them dog/to actual settlers at low rates of | ‘PROVED AGREEMENTS FOR SALE PURCHASED | West refused to say from|| Plumbing, Heating, Steamfittingand [| ta,ms and six months’ supplies| interest. President Bennett of | whom the confession was se- Sheet Metal Work lof provisions. They will prospect |the Penticton board explained | THE IROQUOIS Prince Rupert - and - Stewart cured, but intimated that if it eae Awe 2nd Ave. bet. 7th eee |for mineral and coal and thor- that this system had worked out} were stated which one of the |oughly explore the hinterlend to| splendidly in New Zealand, where POOL prisoners in the penitentiary had the northeast Charles Knipple| he had formerly resided. | Puneast. athe pple) ¥ : Ts els : aati | given the confession this state-| } and John O’Malley were the other} = = —— iccliepecietchielsctaiadiaaall " English and American Billiards jment would not be contradicted.} h h S ‘ members of the party.—Portland Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners.| Twelve Tables SECOND AVE. | West said that there were six -C urc ervices - Canal Miner Phone 4. pet }men implicated in the robbery, ——— and that the other five were FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH cd eee) . al . TARY nown. le said arrests would Services every Sunday in the Pacpacpacsee u a menke Con Ficstihon: S000 GRAMOPAONES§ ni | Foye ieee“. | BSSESSERSS3ESREDSE3ES2ES253eEDNER NESE RED ESSERE SERRE |) Hotel Central Sj firsecs follow soon. 730 p.m. Sunday School and — ee evens ase 5000 AUTO-HARPS ialielialeiaseet Aa nceneideig Teale _,, Bible Cli at 2.30 p.m 3 | we | European and American plan, steam , REV. F. W. KERR, M.A., PASTOR sy ° ° es |S) heated, modern conveniences. Rat 4 2 FT — Backyard Opera. an se Uur al er rvice 3} $1.00 to $2.50 per day. roc ff) f re > $ 500 Gl S FREE \ Ihe tom-cat, leader of the cast, | THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH a ener enemies sheets bi lade eetenioes is Peter Black x 4 Proprietor ft : SEND NO MONEY His solo doth commence; MCINTYRE HALL, SRD AVE., NEAR 6TH S1 %% ©=Save Money and Enjoy Quality Goods R WLS s But. lo, there comes a_ sudden oe inne ae Sunday ae 3x xy | 5 | Simply for selling two cent assorted inet Senn) aN Dah. Saree ne Each mail and express that hi W iF Picture Postcards of famous Actresses, Nast, y 5 Bible ‘Clas 2 3 Riles: —— 3g ‘ ; B} di] HF Funny Some, ant painted ‘Viewer Glesed Which rips him off the fence. REV. W. H. McLEOD B.A B.D. Pastor aon, *S8N88 Vancouver carries ship- Ry i) \ and Golé Mounted Cards, &c., &€. | Worth The Trombone ges ments of goods from our big HAYNER BROS. yur and five cents, all at two cents enc T RST ME ST CHURC eee : v \% | We give you a Handsome Present | ——— Ce ee ta ee ae ae store to all points in British Co- i | UNDERTAKERS anv EMBALMERS wns ray (\ | FRM. “all you need de te 0 send ; Services every Sunday My \umbia, No seprets follow pur. MOmy Bias & Sons ena ap you et once an assortment of Cards and our | COLDS ARE THE SMALL DOOR a.m. and 7.30 p.m. Sunda; Sees eet eert am s I eg aac ia a 8rd Ave. near 6th St. Phone No. 86 SXQ\} latest catalogue containing over 500 beautiful ent ae ae vee chases made through this service oe po Free Prizes. including Watches, Russian Fur REV. C. R. SING, B.D PASTOR ig ; : Fe E Jewell d Sil ith —] Bets, "Phonographs, Gramophones, LEADING TO LARGE ILLNESS. § We handle all our British Colum- Jewellers and Silversmiths ¢% (ee a ey ae ee ae ee dks tiene 4 yp od Cinematographs, Genuine Auto- eT se & Ie Managing Director se a ye way eee ee ee If there is danger, it is well to LAND PURCHASE NOTICES. Se Couver store Write for our il- Vancouver -: B.C Hy vos peti psa Qe eee know it. crapper = s:3 lustrated catalogue, it deseribes : ; Hep 33 E. L.. FISHER catalogue. If you do | > ow yr ¢ y : 7 3. ane we ca ee atl The warning cough should Skeena Land District—District of Cassiar S2 our fine stock and instructs you 2 Funeral Director and Embalmer remember you just the same demand immediate action. Tale notice that Charles William Ham of | $3% née ea inss 1 sft aati tie 3 CHARGES REASONABLE 7 c : . : ; occup a J 0 ) e d car , IT NEED NOT COST YOU If there is a remedy it is well to | peer eee eae non chas the following | ae us ® ; se THIRD AVENUE PHONE, 356. ONE CENT OF YOUR | know it described lands: Se address will bring it free to you oy OPEN DAY AND NIGHT OWN MONEY. WRITE | ’ * Commencing at a post planted at the con- | ee i 74 AT ONCE—NOW TO | Mathieu’s Syrup of Tar and | uence of Blackwater river with the Naas river sie by return mail. Our lines of 2 | C xd Liver Oil prod uces immediate foes two miles south from sie Gp enon one jing pr 4 svhierisia eis ails ee * + r ‘ . Pelegraph cabin. Post marked C . H. 8. W.| & ede z presents comman he | results Corner, thence 80 chuins north, thence 80 chains zt aittent Pott ‘Write today re | e B. east, thence 80 chains south, thence 80 chains | Sf attention Of all, rite today. ee Sef QS O A cold cannot make headway | west to point of commencement, containing 640 gs y I. | she ‘ 21's Say > 41s sec} acres more or less. CPAs PROPEL CBROPRO BRE PHOPR? OP TERS, om: BR, | when Mathieu's Syrup is used, sm mon or Ist cl\uins WILLIAM HAM SRM eee Oneneneeee || TF R RACE ‘revention makes the cure dated September 23, 1911, | | Sept | Pub. Nov. 2. | anes 7 | unnecessary. | | 5 Delay makes the cure most : Re a (The Place With a Future.) : 9S 66 ” ” | ae Skeena Land Di t—District of Coast, | RRA arte PO CPO ON ee ee ee Li eed Y GREENER’S “BRITISH EMPIRE” GUN © * |) dificult. Take notice (ah Stnecanee. ‘Nidnaute, |e omermamenrneormemennorrae Saaee 38) pen ACRE TRACTS AND the World's Best Gun—a Greener Hammerless— | The healing properties of the | ariver. of Victoria, B’ C., Can., intend to TOWN LOTS Within the reach of all sportsmen; it’s got ali the Tar combined with the strengthe- apply a yy perm a 0 purchase the fol- es Shaien daahesine tdaaks if Gace ealures, hard hitting, far shooting, lasting wear. ning properties of Cod Liver O:1 Commencing & post. planted Sel t S raine an or oman and Kitsumkalum Valleys in Small hing better, ‘makes Mathien’s Syrup the | Southwest corner ote south 40° chains, and Large Tracts a} Prices That invincible conqueror of colds. | thence w (0 chains, thence ‘south 46 0 . 0 0 0 e r | or chains, then west 40 chains, enc ) ; | Large bottle 35 cents. 80 chains to point of commencement, con- | t p « Price $63 : ms by all dealers, taining 48( scres, more or dene a | e P. POST & CO. : eee When headache and fever are present with ean a cowelt Keeat | ' Terrace, B. C. a cold take Mathieu's Nervine Powders to De +O ‘ i944 ate er. | ‘ reduce the fever andallay the pain. J. 1 ane nniai 9 ' as ( l atalogue P6 Free | Mathieu Co., Props. Sherbrooke, Que (D) ( Distributors for Western Canada. W. W. GREENER MONTREAL, P. Q. Sr esiiawecicsoreisieciesicceat elie iain acticin ean ,v? . 3keent anc yistric Distric ft y DEPT. A.P., 63-65 BEAVER HAT HILL | Foley Bres., Larsen & Company, Inc., | Sksene ans rise Talanda sg IMPERIAL MACHINE WORKS |WINNIPEG VANCOUVER SASKATOOON le ne eit ed ee eo tonas ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS = F to apply for permission to lease the fol lowing describe ands |H. R, Love, Prop., Prince Rupert Up-to-Date Equipment, Work and Prices Right. Engine Work and Genera! Repairing. Shop, Hays Cove. ! { l l { { { { { l { ! ! Nanaimo Business College ! a are ae l t t | Commencing at & post planted about | | EE TI three-quarters a mile southwest from | | | the southwest corner of Lot 1548, Masset | ‘Inlet, thence east forty chains, thence | | |} south to the north boundary of Lot 1657, i thence west one hundred chains, more or | less, thence north hihety chains, thence} least to the beach, thence along beach to To fit your son or daughter for a business career you must give them a business training. The best place to send them to is the : LL AL AS AL ~~ o~ “FROM HOME TO HOME,” HOTEL ELYSIUM George Young, Agent. Georgetown EE Re eo THE NANAIMO BUSINESS COLLEGE C. E. Perry, Principal Nanaimo, B.C. | south sixty-four chains, thence west to the beach, thence along beach p point of commencement, containing six hundred an G. A. Sweet, Manager. forty (640) acres, more or less, ‘ WILLIAM MOORE, George Young, Agent. | Dated Nov, 14, 10141, Pub, Dec, 15, 1011. OFFICE; EMPRESS THEATRE BLDG. Cor. 6th St. and 2nd Ave. Vancouver, B.C, ; CORNER CORDOVA AND CAMBIE STREETS Ra voint commencement, containing six | AND }hundred and f acres (640), more or) [ner \LFRED M'GREGOR. ANNEX | Dated Noy, 1§ as 7 Pub. Dec. 15 911. ; | Put ec 4) Sid. Sykes, Manager | | | | | | | he Finest, Newest and Most Up-to-date Hotel in Vancouver. | ihm at fe |} Skeena Land Distriet—District of Queen} , Excelle laf, ' K i a Charlotte datends, : | It is the nearest business Our shorthand course includes tuition in / | e ? xcellent Cafe, Moderate Prices. Take notice that Arthur Tremaine, of | - | Saanich, B. C., occupation farmer, intends | copay to Rane Rupert. The Ben Pitman System of awml oO. ») ‘ o apply fer permis to lease the fo ’s fee » within reach shor i | ' 1142 P oO d d db to appl) permission ts fees are with Shorthand s “ Pender Stre i. . ver, B.C. wned and operated by the i) jiwing described lands: Aiba roby Aeaaihacn dh ee « et West Vancou ’ Seenh Peck Radia Matinee an wink Gosoribed |ADGR: ing ot the of everyone. Its tuition is Business English and Let- | Phone 8500. | . y | southeast corner, being elghty cha-ns south personal, and develops the ter writing Boe UU, the American and European plan. | of the northwest corner of Lot 1555, Mas- individuality of the pupil. Commercial Arithmetic ! | um i iin ves | Excellently furnished, — with Sot inlet; hence, Weds ver enoeealt foray Room and board, Is cheap Office Routine 1$| |f steam heat, electric light, and all chains, thence south eighty chains to. the | In anaimo, 1@ pups Spelling and s : = point ‘of commencement, Containing three are away from the distrac- Typewriting | modern conveniences, being abso- hundred and twenty acres (320), more or tions of the larger cities: Penmanship j Mo . s en nnn “ lutely first-class in every respect. ess, snéeatin TREMAINE, ulding <) i : in George Young, Agent, ok EE — - = = oa 7 > | WI So eee een ee Sore Dated Nov, 15, 1014, (Car ED ec tCELs) CMS SEES «| 8 | i Pub, Dec 6. . —<—_— aS J ——— a = ey 2en in Vancou S t th > are equa: any hotel on the A large stock of dry finish- = ver u d Stay a eo 4 PF £ ry a You Shoul y $ coast. dt AMM as Asie eae ing lumber on ;hand. Boat Pp Skeena Land District—District of Queen . . lumber a specialty, Delivery $| me “Charlotte Islands, | It May Mean all the Difference Between Success and Failure to You | made at sbort notice, <4) 3) Pa LL Speer Cea ce ena SS Take notice that W Ulam Moore, of a Tee eae ca ene eee eee mn —______——. 4 Saanich,eB, C., occupation farmer, intends 4a . ly for permission to lease the fol ; , . ia. it Cafe in B.C . . ; 2 Rates: $1 to $3.50 per day. lowing ‘described lands: Ask at Daily News for our booklet teaching how to write shorthand us prices are es lowes any: ute in B.C, European Plan. Rates $1.00 to $2.50 per day. sib .— Cabal a, Pe Commencing at a post planted at the Call on us before ordering. , ; ¥ s “st corne ot 1548, Masset In Hot and Cold Water in each room. > | ee enee east one hundied chains, thence | 4 : 4 4 4 s Se nmr! YYAY “naan vv PPAARAAAAADAA App parted “eww www wee wrewrwrvvYY www