Pi iif; IP Ch This odvartsoxerJ is nc published or . displayed . by the,Uquor . Control Board or by tfce i r i m Bargains la USED FURNITURE Combination, Bookcase and Desk 3 drawers and 4 CI "I shelves with glass, doors ?AX Studio Lounge which can be made into one double or two single beds China Cabinet of Q 4 Q Cfl Mission 'Oak Buffet At Eveso plane At violin At $12.50 Round Oak Dining, g J QQ Kitchen. Buffets $5, S6 aad SO Princess Sewing- .Machine-Drophead gQ EUO'S THIRD AVENUE vmtmor- iiioiiiia. SS5 S5 Hall Stand with Mirror Cards That Are Really Personal Now is.the time to -order your Christ-jnas cardsif vou want them- really personal Place your order early and have jcrar own name Imprinted on your Christmas message. We dlfer a wide assortment of attractively Illustrated geet 1 n.g s. expressing your sentiment tn cleverly written and sincere rneases, Order today for that personal touch. Gift, Wrapping, Tajs and. Seals, Fancy Boxed Sta-tlpnery,. Fountain Pen- $18.50 Kitchen. Ranges $18 $22 S2"5ndSa5 Vacuum S10 85 11-tube Westing- Q-fQ IZfi 3.0 If house Radio OX Heate And up; S5 Standard Lamps Si gfi" FURNITURE Prince Rupert Sets DIBB PRINTING CO. Besner Block, Third Street UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD; SPECIAL REDUCED WINTER EXCURSION FARES. Including all meaU and, berth accomodation TO VANCOUVER. AND, RETURN From PRINCE RUPERT CQft AA From Port Sinipson $39.75 voO.uU (Reduced Rate-Fare and one half also apply to Vancouver, from Intermediate polntsj Children (Five years of age and under twelve) Half Fare Tickets on Sale from November 1st, 1939 to Febrarr 29th, 1940 Good to return un.to March 31st. 1940, Steamers Leave Prince Rupert Ar. Vancouver S.S. C ATA LA Every Tuesday 1-30 p.m. Thursday a.m. S.S. CARDENA Every Friday 10:30 p.m. Monday a-m. Tickets and- Reservations from N.B. S.S.. "Cardena- will ieave prince. Kuiiert Friday. December 15th at 9:00 p.m. instead of 10:30 p.m. arriving Vancouver 9:00 p.m. Sunday. N.B. Those intending passage- on the "Catala"- leaving Prince Ruport December 19th are advised, to. make-borWngs NOW., Prince Rupert Aent (FRANK J; SKLNNCR), Third Ave, Phone S68 u convenieni, nease rurcnase Tickets at Office Um Last Revival Meeting Held final Gathering of Series at Citadel Last Night Sujar 10 lbs. Crisc 3 s iTince Rnoert Axmy. ; Air. and Mrs. B. E M-nran. BiU-toor. R. BartleU. BiHrror: A. E. Saunder Massett: J. D. WhitUker. William Colquhoun and D. S. Bon-nallie. Vancouver: H. MrDonald, Stewart: Don Hess. Chicago: W. J. Rennle. Port Clements- A. Jacob-sen. Shlrlev: Mrs. B. A. MacLean and Miss Cecilia M. Bolton. Port Esdngton; G. C. Smith. Usk. Dally advertising m. ine Dallj News is sure to bring dally Announcements All advertisements tn this col-van win be charged for a full month at 25c worts Moose Christmas Tree, Dec. 21. Canadian Legloa Christmas Tree December 23. SXXtf. Christmas Tree December Norkap Christmas Tree, Dec. 29 Eagles Bridge Jan. 10. i a rj t T2T3 CAZLT 1mj iH Urrii, bCOTCH THAT CttCLES THK LOCAL NEWS NOTES w For prompt and. courteous rice. net Phone Phone. 13 13 Twd TuL j I day. Max's Alleys. Dance, Moose December 15. HatL Some bowler wins a tarkey every bo led. ring on the Princess AdetaJde) tonsgnt ir victoria wrier arte wwj fom her husband, f The .final meeting of the series of neo of the Prince Rupert uiHnl Mlharlnffi vhiVi ha v K&n Gtin fTlllh Tiunmlnr T Van Ttarlr conducted, by Major. Moses Jaynes leaves by this evening's train on of Vancouver was held in the Sal- his return to Prince Georn. ration Army citaaei last ntxni. A . i.i . n-i 'nsrlav ovsnlnir tk ' . . . , f ... . .ftihrhkk . . n, i . . SO N meeting tomorrow night. (292) Oddfellows' Xata Fsad lL tonight at W. This year. ..of All Years, give them Short -Wave Reception at its Best on a NEW WAIcmt RADiOi liuWVPSrfJiaH' SH MODEL A J Ai nrtlM. U c. on rxxn un taA tborl it kf,4'" Mpmomwe, Mil II RCA Victor kKmkm. XmomiA littuie Tuomc (4 Matiotw); Bud Sprtxi (Orcnni) OiU M aukt tbon "u" $194.00 LOUJ Down PflvmenT conutniEnTTERms WEEK-END SPECIALS First Grade Creamery Butter-3 lbs 95c Cooking Eggs Doz. Black Fits 3 lbs. No. 1 Onions 6 lbs. 25c 25c 68c 69c 25c Shreddvd Wheat Pkg ilbs. UIUIT CAKE at CASTILE SOAP 10, for ': J. Cooking pears '7 lbs. lie 95c 25c 25c Australian lUUin Z lbs. Creamf and English Avocado IVar. At Dance, i (391) ?7 Carnival Dance tonight. Moose Mrs. Prank XIcGrath. daughter at, . M . .. . Mr. and Mrs. J. J. CrtlMs. whose a,efi marriage took nlaee reeeatlv. will - -.nfn ju-P HIT tVUlWj 1 Een tSooh jwif radio ouj br fiirlr modern, thu yeir Ue your family the advantage , Mw 190 R- VKtor Radio to bring in direct all the newt, while if it newt, broaJciM from all over the world, See and hear the oew RCAVinors we hate 00 duplar nov You II know ytw te aolved the ftmily gift problem. m&mm m 1 k 1 11 1 in MODCLA-S Smart uU aodtt tbtf ir JraranMor, it rnmrwt nooab (or . Hat C.lnr ViMon SurunJio IJ.1 ""f 3 25c 3 10c g 25c 25c 20c COPELAND'S FRUIT MARKET TELEPHONE 872 tf Mara Roller Statute Arena. Cor ner Sad. Ae. and eth. St. After- Frank R. Butler, member of the lxu and evenings. Open Sa tar-Board of Game Commissioners, U. nUI UH .V. IU n . 1 I night on his return to Vancouver c- N. R. A. annual Tor key Shoot i alter attending the annual din- wnw aiiernoon, i-s nun. at Rod Aiiintteoc not. evetjrbodr welcome. ;5oc entry each nateh. Prrejm was testd Dtvtne are Invited to at-Service. AogUean large number of people were pres-: inere was another capacity .liBarl. Sunday evtaJnc nth ent and enjoyed the servke. aadiaace at th auditornim of iDpcwnbec. Aswsnbto in Churrh The Major gave a very. Interest-ra- aieaiortM liigfi scnooii Wed- au at 7:15 pjn. for 7:3t. iS rauan. Army onictr. lie eniereai""" o viuuuaMi your umwu friands j the Army work In Newfoundiand ! PayKta by the Junior Drama Ue i Gift of real value "A PURITY fnrfv.tVir&a r&ar M on4 hfl. ha.M . SOCietV Of th Schnnl Ttl Tr. COOK COOK TUC" mill aw-Mfc.W JVMC 9' B " ' f-v appointments m Newfoundland, 'ormanae was quite as creditable .Canada and A&skx Many were a on ihe opening night. Principal For A Christmas BOOK--apetaUy wrapped for Chrtstasaa Olft. Ask your gro cer or can be supplied bv The the hardships endured bv the earlvlArtnur Sutton aetTi chair man i Siitwaan-Ker Milling Co. Ltd day officers, of b organization iand ann,,un(,er M3i when their kindly ministrations quite frequently met with blows andk,, " derision, HcwW the sneaker h the Army was. at work iq nearly eery country in the world. Even la Germany, where there was. so much, distress, the Army flag. was. still frying and ite members were giving assistance both materially and spiritually to the people of that country. Mrs. Howard Fisher and Mr. Ivan Halsey rendered a vocal selec tion. Also Mr. and Mrs. A. T Jones and the family gave several songs Major Jaynes left later in, the evening aboard the Prince Ruoert on his return to his home in Vancou ver. Hotel Arrivals 2CHot. $175 49 ox. $5.60 Viunf oaonuNa scort BOTTLED inScotland For Christmas Guests Don't Forget This advertisement Is not nuhiLshM ... ... . . Control Board or by theTTreni MacKenzie s Furniture NKW STOCK HAS- JUST AUKLVEU And U very suitable to meet your requirement for cu Season. Olfu r r rnlltir . . . ...11 .1.1. . . miJ They last . - jwic tor tor iimu' r- . Phone 773 ill ww p n You wouldn't bum five dollar, bill. Why burn coal lat itn anthing. lew than 100 per. cent coal heat valor' 0r tl U carefully elected, clean-burning fuel, opecjally phkrA tot masl-mum. heal and low h ronteni. Casts n more than ordinary cal Phone US or 117 Alb-rt and McCaffery I td QUALITY Counts in Coa For Furnace Or Heater 'Radiator Or Circulator - A'tk.i.iif". .H Hi Bulkley Valley COAL SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! allinr l OCEAN FALLS Md POWELL RIVES Steamer leaves Prince Ilupert every THURSDAY, 11.15 p.m. Train leave Princ Rupert for the Easl Monday, Wedneaday, frlday, 6 p.m. Steamer for Ketchikan and'' Stewart every WEDNESDAY, 2 p.m. For fartt, etc., call or writ City Ticket Office, 528 3rd Ave. VMM i ii- - t' If you loic tnythlnir, advertise for it.