Friday, December 15, 19)3. Anglican Young People Active !J.i.2.80 fflt&M' 40 oi. M .30 J rSzW rhniir FORK LLTJ3 ot PORK- Lb. KHOULIIER Of PORK - ' Lb TIVK-POINT HAMS Pit lb TICNIC HAM- Per lb. , RI.tCED SMOKED HAM - Prr lb." KL1CKD BACON P'T lh... FIRST GRADE BUTTER 3 lb. : vi:ai, LEO Prr lb. FILLET Per lb. SHOULD Ell Per lb 31 i6i ii70 Iff YjW i ?65 $s m 40i. M.05 -tfy ; iMIIIl T'rXtON rr . . .11 . ... . 1 rtt Ullh. 4 HIS UdVL'l fciacincriii. .a i'liune V Saturday Specials mm r j RUMl' BOAST ol BKRK C lb.- T-BONE " ROAST C lbs. SIRLOIN " Til BEEF OFT Glbi nrtiMr PRIME HID ROLL A lbs and , lb, BACON : IRLOIN bTEAK- 3 lbs ROUND 8TBAK--3 lbs HIIORT .RIBS of REF.F IVr h People's Association took charge of - the service In the Anglican Church on Sunday and the church was well i filled with relatives and, friends. i!i Mbsnn Installed as President 'Bunny) Clarke and Mrs. Aldrod. of Association at Paper Town O'bson. president o: tne as I I ISUClitllUIl. prencucu. After the service, the following OCEAN FALLS. Dec 15-- The (officers for the ensuing year were O-ean, Falls Anglican Young : President. John Gibson. Vice-president. Miss Peggy El drldcc ' Secretary. Mlm Helen Falchen. Treasurer. Miss Joan Potterton. Irish Fusiliers Given Farewell .Village of KitircukU Puts on Parly $1.00 g Sl.00.8 $1.00 g $1.00 POULTRY l'RKSH KILLED FOWL 90 Per lb FRESH KILLED CHICKEN Ofln Per lb. lbs SPUDS For Sold if rs KITZEOUKLA. Dec. 15-- The Athletic Club of Kltzecukla held a v.ctcr.sric'. 2? ouor Control uoara or oy wic llnhl. or.UUiUyrd by the U M GovertimtJit of British Columbia g ,. i'i)r.i:!iBiasJiVi-aiaai. JONES FAMILY K4 MARKET 6 Whifflets The prayers were read by Mr. Apln Affrf rnnt From The Waterironr. and the Irani bv uiu Patricu. aboard the steamer Pdlncess Norah which was In port yesterday mum -ine northbound from Vancouver toj Bkagway. At this port seven per sona disembarked from the vessel. ijix being soldiers to Join local militia unit. Only one person embark- 'ed here for Alaska on the vessel. I The seiners Mary Louise and Mealrice II. frave returned to :nim Charlotte from southern waters where they have been en-. Wed In the fall salmon seining. The boys had an opportunity to visit Vancouver on the trip ana several of the crew members re mained in the city. The large seiners Bertha C, Capt. Jack Haan. and the Zcnar-. di. dpt. Charle Haan. are scm-j most mlovable dance on Mi mday ; w far herrine In the vicinity of night in honor of the Irish Fusl-'pacofl. The crews of the vessels j Hers, Nearly all the village turn-; hope to be heme for Christmas, ed out to bid the soldiers farewell j Herring prices have Increased thiSj following their two months stay. year so hope are held out for a Sergeant Webb delighted the j prosperous season, people with a vocal solo and also with armv drllbi In whteh the Fust- i C. N. It. steamer rnncc jonn. Hers took part ICapt. Neil MeLean. arrived In portj During the course of the evening at 7:15 last evening from Vancou-solov 'Farewell My Love." "You're jver via Queen Charlotte Islands Oolng Away" and "For Sake of Daysj and will sfl?aL 10:30 tonight on Gone By" were sung by the Mlsse. her return south over the same Norah Wesley. Rosle Brown and route. J Anne McDamcs and were met with. hearty applause by the audience. Union steamer Cardena. Capt Norman McEwcn. the village teach-' John Boden. to due In port at 8 30 rr gave a farewell speech to the thir evenin and will sail at 10:30 soldiers which was replied to by j p ro. on her reUirn to Vancouver Sergeant Webb. land waypotttt. ' I i Refreshments were served at . ., ' midnight and the remainder of the evening spent In community sing-; ing led by the Sergeant. PrtplM Brush up on jour wardrobe and hnpr the Festive 10cl rnox: 25c 20c 25c 20c 30c 30c 95c 20c 25c 15c $1.00 No Delivery on Spuds Until Monday IT S A Keep up to dale ao raise GIFT Worth of Any "Perluxc" Dry-CIeaninji for It's the most modern, scientific method tm ovc jnur personality for Scas( Season ft i 4 honeer-lanadian Laundries. w ill plllrTiBsiisfisSs Q1 FORTHF.FT OF RATIONS 1 BMDAY, Dec. 15: (CP "If this For the Fast - . 2? had happened In Germany you Mondays, Wednesdays ana rn- tyj would have been shot without a days , $ pm. M trial,"' said a magistrate sentenc- he EasU m i na three natives to a montnsi imprttonmeiu cacn 101 There were fifty-one passengers my ration. TKAINS j Tuesdays Thursdays and 1 Saturdays : H Pa fcj? YOU CAN'T BEAT IT! Right from the start you're going to like Old Virginia Fine Cut and like it lots . ii It's the mellowest, most satisfying lobacco you ever tucked into a cigarette paper-particularly when you use the best papers ''Giantecler" or "Vogue." Try Old Virginia Fine Cut and give your taste a treat I Package W lb. I in 75 Pocket Humidor Pouch 15t c?r I ooooooooooooooooouoaoaocrfouoooooaooooooooooooooaoooo I Pre-Xmas Specials Men's filtt Sets Containing Shave Lotions. Hair Tonic and Cologne. Regular $225. Special SL50 Colornf Assorledordors. Jn attractive de luxe decanter Regular $2.00. Special $1-35 Fancy Glass Candle HoldersRegular $1.00 each. Special, each 650 rerfume In attractive gift package, assorted ordors. Regular $1.00. Special - 1- 50c Men's Wallets Regular $1.25. Special 75c English Made Children's Flush Toys Reg. $2. Spec $1.00 Ladles Compacts tteg. $2.85 to $130. Spec. $1.15 to $1.00 Attractive rerfume Bottles Reg. 60c to $2. Spec. 25 off Glass Powder Jars In attractive colors. 60c to $1.00. 25 off Special - - Ash Trays and Cigarette Box Sets of three Regular $1.00. Special - 60c rerfume Atomizers Regular $1.50. Special $1.00 Perfume Bottles Regular 50c. Special 25c Ormes Ltd. "Dim Pioneer Drtqt? is ts The Ke&all Store Phones: 81 ft It Open Daily from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 noon till 2 pan. 7 p.m. till 9 P-m. fStSi5511 1 oooooooaooooaKKKiooooxKooooaao KIDDIES nnsissvn ssssm. r l m i i sw i i a i i . i j m j m v j h . j v, mm IS OPEN AT Kaien Hardware: V. H i i The PAGfi THREl i CHRISTMAS GIFT For Year Around Pleasure Is An Arrow White Shirt Come in and sec our wide selection of the world famous Arrow Whites. Here is the shirt to please a man's taste . . . Priced to please every purse. No man has too many. $2-00 to $5 .00 William F. Stone The Store With The Christmas Spirit B. C. Furniture Co. NEW AND USED FURNITURE For low prices it will par you to call at our store as we have the largest stock of household furnishings in Prince Rupert. 1 Pair of New Lofger Boots Size 8ft. Regular price $18.00. Now $19.50 2 Rugs 6x4. Each USED FURNITURE 1 Heater In good condition. At .. 1 Singer Sewing Machine . Special 6 Radios Of various makes. From 5 Dressers Fxom i 1 3-riece Chesterfield Slightly used. Special Phone BLACK 321 (Next Door tc B. C Clothiers) i a AH. WAV I STiawsHiM LI HOTtLS sw $12.00 1 Kitchen Range 2-tone color and copper colls and CRO fifl cast Iron top 2 Sagless 3-piece Chesterfields In rust and Suez. In latest styles. S134.00 to 145.00 New Walnut Dresser $8.00 $6.50 $14.50 Reconditioned Kitchen Ranges 2 50 $24 50 $16.00 t0 $24.00 $9.50 $47.50 THIRD AVF. CANADIAN PACIFIC Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-I'nrifli' To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports S5. PRINCESS ADELAIDE Every Friday 10 p.m. To Vancouver Direct S.S. "PRINCESS NORAH" December 7th, 18th, January 3rd. 18th Winter Excursion Fare Vancouver and Return Tickets on sale.Nov. 1st, 1939 to Feb. 28th 1940 flQ A A Final Return Limit March 31st 1940 VOO,vu Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Paotflc Services Tickets and Reservations from W. L. COATES. General Agent. Prince Rupert, 11.0. If you lose anythirur, advertise for it.