Adolf Leonhardt wa scuttled and sunk by her crew to avoid rapture by British warship 1 which intercepted her. It was unofficially announced. 4 SENTENCED TO DEATH Convictions In Kniland Arltlng Out of Explosion At Coventry In Augutt SPIRITS REVIVED Uruguay and the exploit of a submarine In entering a Oerman naval base and sinking a Oerman submarine and cruiser. new york NEW YORK, Dec. 15: New York copper pr):e was unchanged to 2c lower yesterday, March closing at 11.28c per pound. NEW YORK TRADINO Weather Forecast General Synopsis A deep depression off Vancouver Island has caused Bales with heavy rains there. The weather ras been un settled and mild In the Interior. West Coas, qf Vancouver Island -Southerly gales, mild with ram. Not Port It lsNow Apparent 4 lue Uruguayan government re t celved a request from the German' govern jient that permission be Riven the Docket batile&htD to rema:n in port for sufficient time to make',,tro' omInS .More Intensiv r i ta l r l repairs to extensive damage sus tained from the battle with BrttUh cruisers but Great Britain demand- sea thirty miles outside of Monte announced that the British naval, nuard outside of Montevideo had. been stronuly reinforced to prevent: the 8ee from escanlng. Unofflc-j lal Indications were that the cruls-l IWDON. Dec. 16: iCP- John the Ivx and Achilles and posiibly Richards and Peter Barnes, con- others Including the aircraft carrier lrted of complicity in the Coy- Ark Royal, and warshlo Revenge entry explosion of August 25 which which were seceding across the At-killed five persons, were sentenced lantlc from the African coast, ta death yesterday Three others Today the mass funeral took place Joseph Hewitt. Mrs. Harry Hewitt nere of thirty-eight Oerman offi-tnd Brtgld Oltara. were acquitted Cers and sailors who lost their lives of murder charges. 'on the 8pee In the battle. Hearses 1 came to tne docus alongside me shattered warship and took off the .bodies which were Interred In the .Protestant Cemetery, an offer of burial ground In the British military cemetery having been declined. As the injured sailors were taken British rrople Oreatly Heartened off the Spee yesterday for removal ny flood News of War At Sea to military hospital for treatment , for their wounds, thousands of Ar- LONDON. Dec. 15: CP -Spirits genUneans gathered in fierce antl-of British people were greatly Nazi demonstrations with shouts of buoyed up yesterday by the fav-i'Down With Oermany" and other orable news of the war at sea in- cries. For some Ume the demon-cludlng the putting of the pocket strations were serious but eventu-battleshln Admiral Oraf Sie out ally were quelled by mounted po of fflmmlulnn in the Battle of .ce and soldiers. Captains of six merchant ships and crew members totalling upwards or sixty have been released from the Spee. They had been captured at sea and held prisoners on board after their vessels had been sunk. A number of last British merchant vessels were thus accounted for. Can She Stay? It had been reported earlier In the day that permission had been granted by the Uruguay govern ment for the Soee to remain In port NEW VOrtK. Doe. 15. Trading . i-- roniilreH tn mend her for, the first hour on the New Yorkdamage but there seems to be some Stock Exchange today totalled no,-'doui,t as to the authenticity of this 000 shares. Industrials were up .23 announcement. Others say the at 149.16 and utilities up .07 at 31.87. g0Vemment has not made up Its - - mind. O.P.R. steamer Princess Adelaide. fiant. William Hughes, arrived In port at 1:30 this afternoon from the south and will sail at 10 p.m. on her return south. Passengers hn thp Adelaide Included SOVIET IS 'UNSELFISH' Moscow Delivers Itself of Sharp Attack Aral tut Swedish Government . MOSCOW. Dec. 15: A sharp at-Mnrk wu delivered bv the Moscow KeconnaUsance Units Crash With Casualties International be pARI3. Dec. 15: CP- Oerman td that law com-1 Dlled with and she be compelled to'Patrol activity Is becoming In- leave. Meantime augmented Brl- "caamgiy neavy on wie wnirrp llth n.Vl ..nit. .r. H3nHln. hv t IfBHl. pafWCUUVTiy WIWKH Vosges Mountains and the BUre video In wait for the Admiral Orat Rl"r- There have been sharp aklr-Spee whenever she may come forth. I '", eawalMet on both qurnt. An pfflclar Fjcpch com- 'f'BifieaDlinct tSl Is expected to mun,(J" noJ 9 proceed to Falkland Islands for re pairs. In London the British Admiralty movements. PUCK RACE CLOSE ONE TORONTO. Dec. 15: CPI Play-1 lng here last night. Toronto Maple ( Leafs and Boston Bruins were unable to break a one-all overtime draw and the teams are still tied In the standing for first place. At' the same Ume. the second place' Montreal Canadlens crept up to within half a game of the top by! scoring a five to three victory over' the New York Americans at Mont-1 real. In the third scheduled game' last night, Detroit Red Wings 1 and the Rangers played a two-all j draw at New York. I Week-end play will be as fol-'. lows: Saturday New York Rangers vs. Canadlens at Montreal, New York' Americans at Toronto. I Sundav Toronto vs. Americans China-Egypt On League Council elected To Seats On Geneva International Body Yesterday GENEVA, Dec. 15: (CP) China and Egypt were elected on Thursday to seats on the council of the League of Nations. China re ceived 34 out of 37 votes. The el ection of Egypt was unanimous. Hockey Scores Pacific Coast Seattle 3, Portland 2. Arthur Brooksbank, Mrs. Frank T. tF. Fitch sailed last night on Dlbb, Mr. and Mrs, George-Crlpps the Prince Rupert for a trip to and Mrs. R. T. Leah. Vancouver. FINNS ON ! RETREAT Fall Back From Arctic Coast Leaving Communities In Flames Halt Russian Invasion On Karelian Isthmus KIRKENES. Norway. Dec. 15: German (iovcrnmcnt Asks for Time to Make Repairs adloy-sterday against the Swed- CP Russian troops were report-While Great Britain Demands This Not Be Granted Uh democratic party which It was ed to have captured flaming Sal- 'asserted was a slave of capitalistic mljaervl last night as Finnish MONTEVIDEO, December 15: (CP) Refuelling of ftnd PWUe Interests Swed- forces retreated uthword except ,i ft 1. i 1 ..I t 4 i si f r, i in anu ne wnai; warm wuuiu iui ic-aiguaiu ucvdvitiiicut tctv the German pocket battleship Admiral Graf Spee began me dljr ap-reciate. it was s-d. to explode dynamic charges in nere tonay amia growing expectation inai sne wouia pui ijf th? -unselfish work- of the out to w;a in spite of the increased British guard outside soviet. ' the harbor. Oil was loaded and the crew worked to re pair damage caused by Wednesday's arshlpa. Battle with British (T i V l'Y'V f German Ship Is Scuttled CAPETOWN. Dec 15: The MM-ton Oerman steamer W NAZIS valuable Canadian -owned nickel mine. As far as could be seen from the Norwegian frontier at Pasvlk nil villages and habitations on th Finnish side, were aflame. The battle for Salrnljaervl was one of the bloodiest so far in the Ritsxo-Flnnlsh war. In Moscow Red Army heads state that a fifty - seven mile spearhead has been driven Into central Finland one-third of the way across to the Gulf of Bothnia in the attempt to, cut Finland in two. In the Karelian Isthmus, mean- lne while, military observers reported in? rcnns in position 10 organize counter-attacks after bringing the Red Invasion to a standstill. The Finns said the Russians had suf- H M. S. Exeter, the British cruiser. r- "- Z riZ fered great losses In casualties and which was damaged In the sameiacf u n ratine fWhtlng eoulcment equipment Including Including Svnl battal'ons of , flerce- rhHnT Finns cling to positions on th Ktrelian front In spite of the desoerate attack of the R-sian to break their lines with witherin fire which was blacVn-ln? the snow and razing the forests'. On the north, the Russians wer advancing rapidly along the CumberUnd and the huge Fnrh w Toonto and , Fo Arctic coast. L-lll..kiH Tt riauki,A tt IaImj4 ' oaiuoin uuiM.c J""' s'lr.i pi.-. With r.ti.HI.,.. I Close Behind 1 TODAY'S (Oouruav 8. O. Vancouver Big Missouri, .12?;. Bralorne, 11.00. Cariboo Quartz, 2.09. Dentonla, .02. Falrvlew, .01i. Gold Belt. .18. Hedley Mascot, .40. Mlnto, .01 Vv Noble Five, .01 ij. Pend Orlelle, 2.10. Pioneer. 2.20. Premier. 1.42. Privateer, .91. Reeves McDonald, JO. Reno, .52. Relief Arlington, .10. Salmon Gold, .02 Sheep Creek, 1.18. Oils at New York. New York Rangers! A. P. Con Last night's scores: Boston, 1; Toronto. 1. Detroit. 2; Rangers, 2. Americans, 3; Montreal, 5. Calmont, J7. 15. STOCKS JoivoatOQ Co.) C. & E.. 2.15. Home, 2.72. Royal Canadian, .18. Okalta, 1.16. Mercury. .06. Prairie Royalties, .20. Toronto Aldermac, .34. Beattle. 1.04. Central Pat- 2.33. Cons. Smelters, 47.50. East Malarttc. 3.45. Fernland, .03. , Francoeur, .41". Gods Lake. .62. Int. Nickel, 44Ti. Kerr Addison, 2.20. Little Long Lac, 2.95. McLeod Cockshutt, 220. Madsen Red Lake, .43 ft. Moneta, .83. Noranda, 77.50. Pickle Crow, 4.15. Preston East Dome, 2.10. San Antonio, 2.24. Sherrltt Gordon, 1.12. Stadacona, .16. Uchl, .78. Bouscadlllac, .03 H, Mqsher; .08. Oklend, .12. Dominion Bridge,. 41.00,- PROVINCIAL LIBRARY Weather Forecast m Zj jvj CTORI Tomorrow's Tides mm wmm High - 5:00 a.m. 18.8 ft. Prince Rupert and Queen Charlotte 18:40 p.m. 175 ft. Islands Southeast winds, Increasing Low 11:00 ajn. 8J It. to moderate gales with 23:11 pjn- 60 ft. rain tonight. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER ' " pmce: cgra -Vol, xxvm.Wo.m" PftiNCE RUPERT. B.'C: FRIDAY, DECEMBER 15,1939? ! - lu-O- Gerr in Warship Squadron At Sea Admiral Spee S" Readies For Sea'Naval I Vessels . , , of a Enemy a a V 1 Are German Warship To Remain In Sishted Off Jutland Not har From Scene of Reported Fight PARLIAMENT NEXT MONTH Sestiun At Ottawa Called For January 2S Election Next Summer Expected OTTAWA, Dec. 15: Australia To Help War WitK Air Program con "f bc en"'i"s for the machines which are to be built and also the machines for the prelim Secret of Squadron Being on the Loose is Out Tow ing in One of Vessels Which British Fleet Torpedoed LONDON, December 15: (CP) The Press Association reported today that German warships were sighted n the North Sea co'nvoying a torpedoed German cruiser, j wo nights ago Great Britain announced that a submarine i-ac' torpedoed a German cruiser, battleship, some destroy- ry. and submarine in squadron formation near the scene CP Cana- 0f the Battle of Jutland. The Oer- '. . dlan Parliament was called Thurs- - man man - had had been been making making desperate desperate: . . . . , . W l . urn . . - . . L aay nigm oy riirne auuisicr u - ;aa . yon Alackenzie King to meet t mU"io- on IXinlnlon-prpvlnclal, relations Is expected to be present-1 ed early in the coming session. jl m 4 vp r r 4 Y"1T" errorts U keep secret the fact that ftI A K f NAHH lllTli LtU UrXl Mu the vwl' were on the high seas. ; on January 25. The sixth seslon The Air Ministry announces that' of the Eighteenth Parliament. Is ex- Iour Naa an(j three British planes j peeled to be the last before a Wfre shot down In an air battle ov-1 general election which will prob- er the North Sea Thursday. Thsi . ablv be held next summer soon i.h rir th nrmin "n Hundred j j Jlillion n DoIUr a tier The nnml PT- ' . . ti..ii-i--j Heligoland n.v. when the u. I gram Is Under Consideration naval base of pectatlon is that the election will Britisn 0iancs encountered the Oer-be fought along straight 'party man as the former were out looking lines although there Is also some for German naval craft, talk of a union government being formed. The present Parliament was elected In October 1935 The report of the Rowell com i-OEBTS ARE I DUE TODAY , FROM AIR By United States payments to the United States wereDanail lVODS Pro- WASHINGTON. D.C Dec. 15: A $100,000,000 program to make the United States Invulnerable air attack is under consideration. Ito Thousands ' of anti-aircraft guns would be Installed at many strategic points throughout the country. The anti-aircraft arm of nation- Finland and Hungary Only Nations al defence is at present "woefully to Make Payments Some 1 inadequate." It is admitted. Were EnvrmoiK Figures . jbeln les? than six.. hundred ei- . - ' . fectlve anti-aircraft guns. WASHINGTON. D.C, Dec. 15, , Only two small debt installment; r j, rj 1 LONDON, Dec. 15: Australia-Is 'ling $244521. Victoria DlIS UUo embarking on a pretentions air r nland. which has never missed, ; w-"11 contribution to he war effort of j trade Its payment of $234,693 andi - that country. She . will provide Hungary paid $9-828 on account Khot Driver and Escaped with planes 'and men and will train other nations sent the usual notes,! Money and Fare Box, Driving most of them In her own country. I regretting Inability to pay. Great Britain will pay half the! in all fifteen European naUons Off In Stolen Car owe $14,604516,10456 to the United! VICTORIA. Dec 15: CP An Stites Great Britain. $5,574,430,- armed bandit entered a bus here 783: France $4,200,332,646. and Italy. Wednesday night, shot the driver. Inary training of the men are $2,025,525,996 with smaller amounts Edwin MulhAland, in the right to be provided by Great Britain. i 1 War News ! CHAMBERLAIN IN FRANCE LONDON The British War Office announces that Premier Neville Chamberlain has arrived in France to spend a few days with the British Expeditionary Force. LOST AT SEA LONDON Ships lost at sea today include the Belgian steamer Rosa, 1103 tons; one man lost and Norwegian Foejna, 7200 tons. eighteen men lost. A lifeboat has ' been found near Oslo with two j froxen bodies in it. ARMY IN TURKEY MOSCOW The Moscow radio reports that a secret clause has been added to the Anglo-French- down the list arm. grabbed the money and fare Today's installments totalled box and escaped In a parked car $161,000,000 In round figures on 1 which the police say may have which $122,000,000 was due' stolen. O-eat Britain and $22,000,000 from' Finland's payment today was dl"l-lp HpI crted to a soeclal fund to make'VJi T Li 1 LLuLjX hospital and medical supplies avail-, able In connection with the war! rl against Russia. TRAINING Turkish mutual assistance pact ' Premier Menzles said the plan in the Commonwealth. FOR AIR I a ri i 4 1 : , 1 ..... 1 . . . 1 TO FINLAND I France and Great Britain Tell' League, However, That War With Germany Is First Consideration New Agreement Is Signed Between GENEVA, Dec. 15: (CP) Joseph Australia and Great Britain To Incerase Commonwealth's War Effort SYDNEY. Australia, Dec. 15: (CP) Prime Minister Menzles announces signature of an agreement between Great Britain and Australia on an Empire air training plan. ;Paul-Boncour, French delegate de- clared at the Assembly of the League of Nations yesterday that France would give Finland all possible aid in defending Itself against the Russian Invasloin but recalled that aggressions which preceded this one "made It possible." The British delegate, R. A. But ler, spoke In similar vein, emphas- providlnr for the establishment wlll result In the training of ten.izlng that nothing was as Import of an army against Russia In Tur- 1 thousand pilots, fifteen thousand ant to the Allies as the war with key. It would consist of 400.000 observers, radio operators andiQermany. FTench soldiers, 80,000 British and Runners at a cost of .50,000,0001 . 500,000 Turks. ispread over the next three years. I -several mousano Australians V atirnilVPI C ., o.,.- Iwlll Pi in Csnnria hut mnst nf allCUUVCl O U' Btiiiv " LONDON A British pursuit ihem wiu complete their training plane is reported to have sunk a German submarine off the Scot tish coast today. MADE THEIR MARK LONDON, Dec. 15: (CP) The Probate Court accepted as a valid signature to a joint will and testament a cross made by. a blind First White cost of the engines for the mach-i WfHTian u IflAQ Ines which arc to be built and also the machines for the prelim- Inary training of the men are to be provided by Great Britain. NEW YORK WHEAT NEW YORK, Dec, VANCOUVER, Dec, 15r (CP), Mrs. Ruth Morton, credited wltlr : having Deen tne urst white wo-'man to reside on the site of the 15: Wheat city or Vancouver, died yester- .j husband when his hand; was gutd- prices were down 8c to ?ic yes- day at the age of ninety-one. She ea Dy nis wue wno couian t, write, teraay wun way closing at B9ic. arrived here In 1808.