her 1..Vff Bu tiiiki) avenue Coal Xanaimo-WellinKlon PAPER TOWN HOOP PLAY r rt Hall ol 8eaon foneiuae. With Ocean Tails Defeating HIU llelta OCEAN FALLS. Dec 15 The .'1.H III M1Q UUIi lAUWM'l ichedule ame to a close Sunday Ust with Ocean Falls defeating Del-It Bella Indians In a McKenil Cup iiusle. ttie score being 39 to 25. The Simpson brothers. Lloyd and Dill. 2m a bang-up ssr.r at guard ! x th1 local while Foot. Naxamo- tnd Burgess were responsible for xosi or. the eormg, Bulkley Valley Turkeys Direct From The Farm If iou want jood Turkey from the Bulkley Valley place your wdrr now. The supply 1 limited but the price W rljht. Tint fljv Number 1 blrdi at 30c a pound. Coal Coal "We Know our - Its wefAea onscdes Jje f Foothills Hulklcy Valley For warm comfortable home stoke up with our carefully selected coaL We stock coal for all purposes Furnace Cook StoTe Heaters. Our coal has the hithest heat content so start enjoying Its comforts by filling your bin nw. Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. Phone 631 rhone C32 aas ouLstandlns for the visitors. I A fifty ceat ciassmeo. ad, vvnile Windsor often make yom many dollars. Hume Pearson Conrad MelUn . Tyler Handicap Totals ... Malkins I8klnner Connell lkley J Market ss Handicap .. ITlmnu (Mcintosh Handicap Totals ... Home Oil Crlpps ... . Sloan Klnsor ... Wlaht KeUet ;. Handicap rotais 111 193 231 . 174 112 1 563 1 132 69 -146 .153 157 274 931 1 .159 ... .177 341 ... 217 221 124 . U39 140 207 165 149 126 142 919 2 131 74 53 126 150 274 808 2 172 129 157 160 136 124 878 The league standing to date Is as follows: W L Pts I Bankers 5 1 5 Malklns 4 2 2 Hom Oil 2 4 2 DCS and T.O. 1 5 1 Hockey Standings . I'acitic i m Coast Leatue The lunlors nrovided tne teature i a no game of the evening by playing a porliana 0 i 5 23 m. - Ft tt J.l.t ttlalM line orana 01 diu vq ucjcuw uu Seattle 4 0 5 20 Indian rivals by a margin of six National League polritiV " Jimmy Bryant played a. W D L F lovely game at guard foe the home xoronto 7 tam ttllh Freddie Oienbun'. Har nn.,nn 1 ' ' UU31V1I old Oahan and Adams netting thr canadlens . 7 P0"1" .Rangers 4 It was a battle from start to fin- Chicago -. 6 Wt with the vUltora taking an ear- Detroit 4 ly lead only to have the score equal- Americans 4 lred al half t.laic. I Baskets by Oxsbury. Oahan and J Adams la the final momenU of thej game gave the local lads the edjei until the last whistle blew. 3 3 2 6 1 2 1 3 4 4 3 6 9 10 35 33 38 27 26 27 31 NIXDED PAINT JOB 30 20 23 A 22 23 29 19 40 35 39 CAPlLANO B RtWiriu m. ..-rum... u, Th,a adrllH,,t u -,ul public or di.ulayea ,v u.r u, of Uritlsrt (yolumbls 11 11 8 P 17 17 16 14 13 10 9 BEACONSFIELD. Eng.. Dec. 15: uCPFalllng to whiten the front, Vide and bac& of his car as called wUI for In the blackout regulations, motorist was fined five shillings. SSliK rhone 6.V4 For dBfaMsg SimBsBB' Uome jFs&frlBsim r IflNCOUVIR, B.C. t I 5.: .THE DAILY HEWS BANKERS jSKI CLUB Total l a wniicneaa i. in lead: enlarges ' SPORT CHAT .irom. -f" "'r'"' T, tn .I.Ut Uma MM4 tiAVfl o full n 1 V An v r - . nan after 12 rounds at New Xork Mi The Ski Club members have been X'econd d'ence 2 bu.vy the last month or two clearfm ,V "i urunir j.u . . , , vi me erown ne Km 130-new ski runs ana iney nooe ior h jj - cestui Yvtutu ' 240 falls to a depth of fifteen feet on 216 the mountain side. , 84 "Shake Chalet News," the club Mrs. J. R. Morgan arrived in the 112 magazine, Is to be bigger andLbctter "ty on the Prince John last even-559 this year. Mr. Strowger's ske,tche ng from the Queen Charlotte Is-3 . will be up" to their usual fine stand- lands and sailed on the Prince Ru- 131 ard. pert for Vancouver. 118 108 162 274 883 3 ; 153 121 214 177 194 124 983 Give jiHospital Auxiliary Tea And Sale f ror the firrt Ume in nw iJ-yrarr ,. ... ..... Ranker, staved al the top of the rih n. to Provide rfne careen Paulino Vzcudub' was. vTorfech Atodllaryi,of Uie serviteurs Mrs. C. M:Carthy. Mrs. Connell. Mrs. Geo. Bryant, Mrs. . W. JficbolLr. Mrs. J. H. Canon. Tea Room Mrs. S. V. Cox. Mrs. j. iverson. Mrs. reng. Raffles Mrs. J. Preece. Mil Cashier Mrs. Geo. Hill st. Home-cob king Mrs. Llneham. Mrs: 8. A. Kellback. Edith Oandy. . ' t APPLE this Christmas A WONDERFUL GIFT APPLES ... in lmxcs . . . in hampers! Fresh, tasty, colourful it vrould he difficult indeed Plan now to J gift so perfect. Jft;IV-V aAUA4 UUTV V maav everyone on your Christmas list. There are apples in quantities and varieties to suit every purse ai.d taste! - 1 " . it.-; ' M. Order YOUR Christmas rapplesfearly IHIIUMON nEP.WmiENT OF;.GUI(XTURE, OTTAV.V II onmrmU0 Jmmrm G. Grdinrtt Mlnittrr HBsSSSSftBSSSSSm aMBHf JffjBSSSll BssssvSsssssssSssBssSffrSBssssssssss.ssBBBsssss Bssssssswli'flBssssssf Send In Ypwr , , NewsEarlicr , -T- rv Pin iiowune league hcuhm-: AninaJ Accomodation on xnocitea out in jiwj -.6.ir ..prince uupti i - r - r ... . . day night by winning a two game to. M gawmJU MounUln , tag match at New York four years Ter, sneceisf ul tea and sale artsjig from tnnnaunB r t I one victory over Malklns while, ln I ag tnls week when he met De- ofr homocWng at . the,r,nurea late wa? pew., tftrDally N-i the second fixture of the evening. tr0t.s Joe Louis, tnert two- jeaosie yesterday me rooms - iu ..7 . - Home Oil scorea a ciean u.wu mij, from tne wona iwc j i i c vctmi wri wm - - - v , . . three game to nil victory over DD. chalet, being too small to acccm- butt,er Jarted fnt round aalnj chrysanthemum contrttaUona .To insure S. andT.0. High aversige scorer of modate the hundred members of the Bnvn B9mber who had met,. p jiitr wa, general llcation It will be necesMryt t the evening wa. Tyler of Barikersean FalU Ski Club, a contract has dfeated Pastor. later his menot and the following tadiea f011"1" iiSltSlS? i with 256. .been given to Mr. Robinson -of Bella, un5UCCeafui challenger for th tooh m br thafr .f 5X Tnriwtdual aeorlM wa. at follow . CooU. for extended arcomodatlon ,mt, ,0.rOund bout. . . witfini poW...pfb.ttinw ... '.. l. o III lrtn-,ln TT.P nW - .1 IWXCIMJIB ---r ankers i i" oamu wuum..... na 166 187 184 home will have a fireplace ana 148 19T 141 sleeping " accommocauon .' ror inoae I Dr.rrc Mn n A. Rix. Mr J. II. Seventeen montns alter winning 8 mows. Mrs. F. Rogers and ... a i 11 IT I::, 7. . ... tm. world neavyweigm duxidb m j a HInton ?ih ixi viia i wnn wixri ui n aKC liiu iiuui aiiu n . i - . 184 148 266 283 75 73 10C7 1974 1 2 io t04'htf ini'viAtr Viik-a hik tin un th the mountain mniintnln th the before. Otherwise It may hot be published. ssl.BB'BBIBBHisBfiB.JtfBWHilHBHSsfc noAT w.s:l. Daily at T p.m. TROTIEP'S DOCK A turkey was won by N. MusaUem with ticket 124. W.'AVWW.'AWAVJWV A Christmas cake was won by f Fresh Shrimp Season's Greetings From I MILLER'S FLOWER SHOP I 300 THIRD AVENUE 3 ! With the Festive Season. Mr. Miller returns with a larger and finer display of Fresh Cut Flowers and Potted Plants. Drop In at Rupert's new flow- I I er shop and see the assortment J .MILLER'S FLOWER SHOP i Stands fcr Satisfaction and j Dependability Sj Phone 7.77 Itox 516 J ' ftVAWWWAW.VyjV.V.W 1: COAL, Gram Feed Seeds and Fertilizer t PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Phones 58 and S5I BOB'S Beauty Parlor Next to Q.&S. Grocery Phone 318 Bob Ritchie THE SEAL QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Soclteye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon - 'i Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll Id . Prince Rupert MINERAL ACT T Notice To lirllnqurnt Co-ownrf To John W. Altlru anil Oondrr ntrkr. iljntf of Seattle. Washlnjton. V. S A. f WHEREAS there ene owners other-thn myself to the extent of more- ' than one- quarter interest la each nd all of the Star No. 1. SUr No. 3, Stox No. 3. Str No. 4, Star No. S. Star No. . star No. 7. &tar No. 8. Star No. 9 auu Star No. 10 Mineral Claims situate on the north td of Porcher bland hi Chlsmore Pawae about 600 feet from the beach In the Skeena Mining Division, Province of British Columbia: TAKE NOTICE that unleae you 1 A3 pay within 90 days from the date here of the sum of 11537 50 being your proportion of the expenditure required for the yeara 1037. 1938 and 1939 by Section 28 of the Mineral Act, K. S. B. C 1936. Chapter l&l, together with all oosta oc thla notice, to the under signed, the registered owner of said Mtoersl Claims, your Interest on said Mineral Claims shall be forfeited . and becctn veeted In the undersigned .who has made itm required expendtturea. DATED at Prince Rupert, B O. thfe 8th day of July, 1939.