not MCI Del - Debs and Julia Arthur Fall Creations in All Their Splendor JUST ARRIVED Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. rKINCK HLTEKT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afterrvon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN Managing-Editor Paid to advance, per week Paid In adrance, per month By mail to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, yearly period, paid In adrance By mail to aM other countries, per year : Classified advertising, per word, per Insertion . Loral readers, per line, per Insertion 'Advertising and Circulation Telephone News Department Telephone DAILY EDITION Member of Audit Bureau ot Circulations 98 3jOO SOU 02 .25 Friday. September 22, 1939. miTODIAIS DR. THOMPSON RETIRES Dr. W. F. Thompson, who has retired as director of Investigations on behalf of the International Fisheries Commission, has done excellent work by placing the Many fishermen claimed that Dr. Thompson would K Men to reason. His one aim was to preserve the fish and in that he did excellent work. This is admitted by all nut ne was very stubborn as to the methods to be employ!. It i possible that now Dr. Thompson has resigned, there mav b a chance in the system of conservation sr. Weather Forecast Radio Sets i ' Are Sealed General Synopsis Pressure re- mains. high over British Columbia Foreign Ships Not Allowed To Op-and appears Jow off the Queen erate Them In United States Charlotte Islands. The weather has Waters been fair and warm throughout this . , ,,,7rr" province i SAN FRANCISCO, September 22: .Instructions have been received West Coast of Vancouver Island to seal the radios of all foreign Moderate-, to fresh northeast to east vessels while In port. This applies winds, fair aud moderately warm, to all United States ports. TODAY'S STOCKS VsMMntr Big Missouri. JO. Braiorne. 9.S0. Quartz. 1.7S ak. Ix-ntonla, jK4 mil. . Fmmev. JK. ''4 & Oidd BeK, .38. g" UrcHrj Maxot, JSi. & Mia to. M. ? Sottie Fire. jM ask. Pacin Nkke M. Peitd OrieUe. 3j63. Pioneer. 2.15. Premier. 1.2S IWdl. Pr.vateer. Jti. Reeve McDonald, .40. Reoo. .45. Rene! Arttngton, .15 atkl. Salmon Gold. J03. Sheep Creek, 1.10. Cariboo Hudson, M. Oils A. P Con.. SO. Calmom. .41. C. Ac E.. 2.18 bid). Freehold. .03. Home, 5.70 ask. '. . Pacalta, .06. Royal Canadian, .IS. Okalta, 1J7. Mercury. .10 lakl. Prairie Royalties, 1. Toronto Aldermae. .45. Beattie. .90 bk. ral Pat, 2.05. Don Smelters, 49.00. East Walartie, 2.20. Fernland, j03. Francoeur, 20. h Lake, .37. Hardrock, 1. Int. Nickel, 48.25. Kerr Addison. 1.69. Little Lon? Lac. 2.50. Mcleod Cockshutt. 1.65. Madsen Red Lake. Zl. Mackenzie Red Lake, 1.07. Moneta, .80. Noranda, 71.75. Pickle Crow. 4J5. Preston E. Dome, 1.24. San Antonio, 1.60. Sherritt Gordon, 1 JO. Stadacona, 29. Uchi .71 bld. Bouscadlllac. j04. Mosher Oklend, Sfl. Oklend. .064. Smelters Gokt .02. Dominion Bridge, 41.75. Chinese Tea .And Sale Is Novel Affair An unusual and colorful affair was the tea and sale held y ester- industry on a iennanent bais umler which the halibut. day afternoon in the social nar supervision. Mrs. J. 8. Irvine. Mrs Boulter; recitation. Sonny Boulter; ' tp. remove the hardship under which the Prince Runertitap flance- Nma Youngman; song, fishermen claim thev have snffprwl (Lorraine Youngman, and chorus PREJUDICING RECRUITING A Canadian Press despatch printed in the Vancouver Province of test Saturday tells of a man being arrested in Toronto and Md on ten thousand dollars bail for'making FnJmentR 1'Vlv to orejudice recruiting. The charge was laid under the War Measures Act, 1939, passed at the special season of Parliament held recently. We are mentioning this because we do not want any of o'?r friends to get into trouble. No matter what their v'iTT on war or on this particular war, they are not at liberty to express them if doing so will interfere with re-cruin? for the army or navy. Some people forget that we are at war. A. McDonald and Mrs. M. T. were In charge of the home cook ing table. Misses Orace Lee, Peggy Wong, Violet Lee, Margaret Lee: and Ruby Mah were serviteurs and Jone Lee was cashier. A fine musical program offered during the afternoon included vocal solos by Mrs. R. O. Large, ac-t eompanied by Miss 8wanna Olof-' son; piano solo by Miss Pat Mc-j Clymont; Vocal solo by Mis Marie Lock, accompanied by Mrs. H. T. was also present. cific. Halibut Sales Masonic, Royal. Foremost, Booth. American 33,000, 9.6c and 6c, J 40,000, 9c and 6c, Pacific. 33,000, 9.5c and 6c, Pa Canadian LbU N., 33.000. ic and 5c, Henry Tolmie Of Victoria Dies VICTORIA, September 22: (CP) Henry Work Tolmie, aged 82, fifth and last surviving son of the late Dr. William Fraser Tolmie, British Colombia pioneer, and brother of the late Premier S. F. Tolmie, died here yesterday. .TBt DAH.T RZW1 Friday 8e ISTARRING HURLERS CINCINNATI. Sept. 22 CP - Hivkv U'altMx s,.rt Paul Dent- ae (New York 3,' Chlcaso . Philadelphia 3. Cincinnati 8. Boston 4-0, Pittsburg 6-7. Brooklyn 5. St Louis ( American League Chicago 2, New York 5. St Louis 2, Boston 6. Cleveland 6, Washington 3. Detroit 7. Philadelphia 6. Games scheduled for Uxlay as follows: Cincinnati .. . St Louis Chicago Brooklyn New York . Plttsburs Boston Philadelphia Americaa New York Boston ..t aevelarid - . i Detroit .1 ... 8 U 79 74 70 67 58 45 League u. 103 84 80 5 81 74 Waihlngton 63 Philadelphia 53 St Louis 54 57 67 66 71 76 81 8S 41 102 fisheries may last for all time, provided it is properly reg- tors of First united church as a Olrkf I4inenn Tc U la tl jbenefU for Chinese wax sufferers. vlUI IluIloUIl IS Dr. Thompson, when he commenced his work, set out felJ?, I?1 to KaCk Ro At ta8t T70 of to fUldr the life history of the haMbot about which little KSS Z r0m was men Known, lie iounu inai me eegs were iaia in ineiserritears and others, in addition open sea where they hatched and drifted out to sea but) to the regulation refieshments. tea nat very far and verv soon they settled to the bottom ' "-"f1 the Chinese j measure of patronage and the fin- travellei far. He established that there was little inter- anciai proceeds were satisfactory , it.. i i i i i ... i"uiununH3tuiiii utavern uie variuua iraiiKS ami ne auviseti1 Mrs. James Krikevsky and Mrs. the Lommission to legislate separately for each colony or or ffroup of colonies. While this worked out well for the oerwtuation of the fish, it is claimed that it worked a hardship on the Prince Rupert fishermen in that it cut their fishinsr season short while the bigger American boats were able to fish at the western banks, a long way from home. Local .Member Returns To Sml-thers After Attending Parliamentary War Session Olof Hanson, M. P. for Skeena, returned to Smlthers yesterday af- T. Petroff gave the affair general lfr ,Ltte,nd;"g1the of ses sion Parliament at Ottawa. Shortly he Is expected to be In the city. Lock; military dance. Miss Marie FOR SALE Approximately fou. by Janet Wong. Teresa Wong, Bet-! ty Wong and Bessie Lee. 1 Master of ceremonies was Ben Lee. I CltssinED FOR SALE acres including cottage and contents belonging to the estate of Erik Eneroth, Oona River $225 Cach. Ofndal Administrator, Norman A. Watt, Prince Rupert, B.C. tf. Rev. J. c. Jackson spoke brief-TOB SALE-Fumlture etc, of four- and City Commissioner W. J. AJdl room Pneni. suite i, aieeie ! BIk. Inquire 3-9 pjn. HELP WANTED FOR KENT (223) CHEAP Chesterfield only, Iron Bed, coll spring and mattress. Phone Red 980. 223) ORDERLY Wanted. Apply Prince Rupert General Hospital mornings, tf. FOR RENT November 1. Premises j now occupied by Boston Cafe.1 Phone 14. tf FOR RENT 5-room flat, reasonable. Apply 733 5th Ave. West. (223) Rusincss Opportunities GOOD opportunity for the right party to buy, lease or rent going confectionery business or rent store next CP. R. Office. Apply P. O, Box 253. (226) nrrrs or mustdent CstMs4 'tnm Pmg Ooe Ur.ust. RMk pMfTC Mi mtkM Otm: tw&re tsaa got. strong as stel Se iwuJsA r Waiters xtered hi tweniy-sutto 5 victory of the seaau as the Refe over the to-ry PhiUes Wtioesay thtffc 3M VMUrAk TViriM-T wm X And yrtm Nul m ;rtsu Iter wwni m wmi tbss.- sM earrv abr any-Mti aw sutler f 'ft--" j urrmauy 3 for hts vwtniy tttwd rtetm? - WwjW Uooa! Lngae- irYln at ira&tt- tgmtm t tft wty i rtsJ- shlp over the St Lewis Crri Ann FvmMk 5iwi f fee who m-ete winniMg OTer th Cbwak Cjmb 9aflt i m u ke-p Ija DudsT WeJf-JKL.y a( C Je ht IMK iwtoim the Tnumiay. Joe Mdwt-tf vi- itutwii T tt asms msbarv tagger won the gaJe yMMc-Jagr in 'iWMfciiMtow i the for the Cards. i aai eurv pma 6f In tlr 'American Lrasrae Ure w Omii Bn New York Yankee, b-r wlttato taki mm! Ftaaer an4 a sa h!-h 'from thr Crdcsto White Sox. ImM vOi kad Cn.t 1 Sta:r -..rr their leadership of etfhteea Ml war Cae Berlin nevsper df games over BiAton Red Sox win fervbrd tfc jpeettd aetm of Ox.-won from St. Louis Browns Oere- -its as the moat unportan; i :.: land Indians won over Washing- since the outbreak .i wr tton Senators and held third place 'ahead of the White Sox. , Yesterday's Big Leame wArec National League HEAT WAVE CONTINUES .Fifty-live Persons !ead A Hesutt Of Exres-ive Temperature In ; California LOS ANGELES. September 22 California's heat wave continued are yesterday with little sign of let up running only about one degree National League Chicago at St lower than the day . previous Loutt. Pittsburg at Cincinnati nfty-ftve death- are attributed to American Le&ge - Detroit at the heat, forty-five in Southern Cleveland. Philadelphia at Boston. California and ten in the San The league stands to date: Francisco Bay region. National Lea roe There were thousands of pros- W. L. L. Pet tratkns. 820 los Angetes recorded loo above, (01 Santa Monica. 105. and Sn Diego. 5jj 104. In Sam Francl-co 98 was re-1 529 corded and Oakland had an all1 40- time hhh of NHS. A rin of! 4439 cloudburst proportions but evening' 417 m un Angetes and iiirtrrwood:nu,t(.r 22i brought Mttte- relief There Js a shortage af milk and cream owing to the hot weather 83 demand lee cream. bwUennilk. 552 foil drink and beer supplies are 53 brim hard prewd. M9 .426 .366 287 California State Trying To Rais Thirteen Million SACRAMENTO. September 2: - f Where to raise thirteen million dollars in a hurry to meet necessary expenditures priding collection of taxes. Is the problem facing the state government Banks and bonding houses are not interested tn stale warrants. Dally advertiatnt. m the Dallj News Is sure to bring dally THE SEAL QUALITY 'JET' GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by tht only salmon canning company with an all tbt year round payroll In Prince Rupert STOVE POLISH Cleam Hot Stoves In Perfect Safety At All IJ.C. Stores CENTRAL HOTEL' ROOMS and CAFE Phone 51 For Best Household Coal MRS. C. E. RI.ACR Th s dvef iemer.t $ not pubKihed or lie, ayed :'.? j "Control Board or by th Government of Br f ih j.-": j SUBMARINE OFF COAST? Of Fsritrment In City I This Mrnlnt Wbale On Utandt The report uf a submarine being rrprtfti off the roast of Atatka rauvd a flurry f excile-ment lhl morning. Pies reports attribute t FresMent Franklin D. llomevelt the Intimation that submarines, not Aracticaii have been sight-eil lying off the nritith OlumbLa rat near the Alaka boundary and of Ihnton on the ttUau cat On the (uecn Cha.41 I and thrf tightint of a hiW m the Wet Cat citWs IIsUa. thlt keinc temporar. t nhuta for a German vubmarbr Il it evident t':'.. the i tmrtante of thh part ci ur raM h reeotnwca 17 mc e fence department t-1 f-' stepn have been lain U rsiri axaimt interff rent f t.':J hlv ping. CARD OF TH ANKS The Cbtoest Y soeiatioa 4h who contribute the CMnese be-' ' ' MacKpnzie s Furniture TABLES . 1 . 2 l(iio Table- Cheat erf ictd Tables End Table Tea Tatlc-Coffee Tables t)traional Tables I led room I'tility Tail Out 3-Way Smoker PHONE 775 FALL BOOKS that YOU can read Farly September noks Include the Following Now Cinolatlnf In Prince Rupert The Grape or Wroth s1 2 Adrenures of a Young Man Do- r " The Web and the Rock V. . Next to Valour The DeVH We Know w!e. i Mr. Emmanuel iM..,. This Porcelain Clay Reaching for tht Stars Ararat , April Was Whea It Began The Explorer The Miracle of jOrean The Midas Touch This NetUe Danger k. Harlequin House .. Doctor Here'a Your Hat Drums of Fu Manchu Paradise Trail . ,.. Outlaw Shcrriff . XaiBBi. Destiny Island ; .'. The Ownley Inn - The Far Down The Captain's Chair - The Abbot's Heel - JtT. F:.' W Grosci - Ben"!.c:5 Maiii:til"l Raym Kei-.i.'dy ti.ljbi . Bht! J. - Rohn.-r Jenki-- Ha: Line' in Corbf' Flaherty f' You Can Head All These and Many 6ther Popular and La J' For Only 73c a Month JOIN OUR LIBRARY for GOOD Kl ""-