o o c 0 o I ft PAO TOT7R THE DAILY M A S 1 M r". ' t '- i i AAA Institute 3 STRR RVE A specisl quality old rye of fin Favor. UiorcusKly matured In otic nmom Z S350 LAWN HILL V FAIR HELD LTwo hundred persons from ine a larze deleeaUon. were oresent seoh Peterson 1" OZ. 25 OZ. 40 OZ. Ormes Ltd. "Jjitt Pioneer Driiqej fats The Kesall Store Phones; SI tt 82 Open Dally from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 noon till 2 pjn. 1 p.m. till 9 p.m. Smoked "Rupert Brand" Mild Cured Salmon 15c pkg. For Lunch on Toasted Sandwiches or Hors d'ocuvrc , ' One Package Serves Four People K.eps for Weeks in Refrigerator Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Prince Rupert Co. Ltd. British Columbia AGE GOVERNMENT GUARANTEED The Judges were: . Women's and children's exhibits an Mrs. Nick Schaeffer and Mrs. B. points on Graham Island, save Mas- Monroe. ieu wnicn was prevemea on ae- rieia crops ana Vegetables Nkk: 'last Saturday at Lawn Hill where Floral displays L. Dyson, Robert the East Coast of Graham Island Mallory and John Siagboom. Farmers' Institute held its annual Outstanding exhibits were those ;tfalr. The event was completely sue- of Mrs. DcBucy. who took the Bul- ct srful and proved a real revela- lock-Webster Cup for the best dis-tion of what Graham Island is cap- . , , . pUy ot Rtld prodoc: J iIrs N-rgroos into of producing in the way of and flowers. The capabilities Sehaencr- who had the most artis-ot the women in the way of home Wc display of flowers; Mrs. A. R. .products were also amply demon- Mallory. with the purple and gold S o I MENTHOLATED I FACE-ELLE AIDS DISPOSABLE HYGIENIC USE FOR HEAD COLDS NASAL INFECTIONS 15c , . I o o 0 0 8 o o o 0 0 0 o 0 0 o, o 0 w This adrtrtiiement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by tne Government of BritW- lumbi strated and other tea tores includ- display of flowers; L. Dyson, who ed exhibits of children. All pres- took a special prize for flowers, and ent were pieasea ana impressed. The show was held in the Farm ers' Institute Hall and w opened bv the Institute president, Francis K. Richardson. Mrs. Sybil De Buey. Fine Show Stajed By East Coast of otthe sectary Institute, was man- t -... l r-. ' . uiuui iiuu ujii3 aer of the Fair Mrs. A. J. Cook, for Jams, Jellies and flowers. In the evening A. R. Mallory auctioned off the exhibits which found a ready demand, the proceeds being applied to the payment of prizes, thas making the affair satisfactory from a financial standpoint. Dancing, with music by a local orchestra and Bert Roberts of ?ueen Charlotte as master of ceremonies, brought the proceedings to count of stormy weather from send- Schaeffer, Robert Bletoush and Jo- a nighly enjoyable close. The prize list was as foQows: Bread Mrs. L. pyson. Cookies Mrs. Newbauer. Cake Mrs. E. S. Richardson. Pie Miss Nancy Brown. Chutney Miss Nancy Brown. Jelly Mrs. DeBucy. Jam Mrs. A. J. Cook. Canned Fruit Mrs. A. J. Cook. Doily, crocheted Mrs. P. F. Size Tea Cloth Mrs. B. Monroe. Sox Mrs. Pyper. Cushion Stena Swong. Baby's Jacket Maggie Pyper. Bridge Cloth Mrs. B. Munroe. 5 nour sack, embroidered Mrs. S Monroe. o, Afghan niuiu Mrs. Aits, Hartley. naruey. Dahlias Mrs. A. R. Mattorr Pooooomikhhockkckomoooc - special meeting of the board of ' fllrirfrir of (ha 2AAWWV mstfwsj-M mi-M-wsrrtssssj'sssfssf week. TO LEAVE gr.T, R.McCoII of Queen Charlotte o City Resigns QUEEN CHARLOTTE. Sept. 22. Skidezate Inlet -.General ' Hospital was held last k. r In the absence of th nrxMsnt j Wm. Barry, the vice-president, Mrs I Purple and Gold Dlsolav Mrs. A. k. aiauory. W I I T a I iJger tines Mrs. DcBuev. g Artistic display Mrs. A. J. Cook. 0 Gladioli Mrs. N. Schaeffer. 5' Asters Mrs. A. L. Richardson, g Vegetable Marrow Mrs. Helmer g Christensen. Rhubarb Mrs. L. Dyson. Special prize for flowers L. Legumes Mrs. DeBucy. Leaf Vegetable N. Schaeffer Roots Mrs. Sybil DeBucy. J'oiatoes John Geigerich Children's Prizes 'eeetables Elsie Bruce. Roots Beth Rudze. Cake Geonria Newbauer. Bisket Joan Hewison. Model Farm Tlejl School Part of the Foreign Legion Guarding Madrid great body ist govemr JLBl.Bi.B3UILBiSliJit.SlalMsl I ! JONES FAMILY I ceT'a'-.ve f the .. ".-rj i fcridf? the . 2C ba',.cd j fst SL... . .iyal- I.-. ts gr jp t-i a Rua.,;, a Mcr.s and an irishman. Main ar.i.-Nzi Oermacji and liaUana were members of the brigade. t Hotel Arrivals 'PROMINENT Prince Rupert i Jossch MoUnara, Los Angeles; ,Job Fronssls. Montreal, J. G. Watts and K. P. Caple. Vancouver; O. H. Tjcbo and Miss Wanna lllann, Sfrrtthers. N. R. Brodhurst. O. Kiemta; T. Anderson and O. Han-rm clt: ?.Ir and Mrs O. Water- man. uuui. Mr. mi. and iu Mrs. ub. George Alger; Men's Handicraft Mrs. Relnhart1 and Mr. and Mrs, Neilson Porcher r lowers isiana. Roses Mrs. W. H. Falrbairn. I Bweet Peas Mrs. A. J. Cook. IN CHURCH Archbishop Brucheii Had I)ltln-gubhed Career Known All Over World from an Incurable ailment that The Alaska Transportation Cosj forced him Into complete retire-steamer Taku arrived in port at 2 mcnt. He was taken 111 In October, o'clock this afternoon from Ketchl-! 1919. and never aaaln amwarM in I I a am. -W. m a t 1 a ' . . East over Canadian National Rail- kjue place In the affections of his ways After discharging, she will flock for nearly a quarter of a cen- proceed to Seattle. Keep up to da'e Aatwase regU' larly. MEAT MARKET ! Phone 95. LEG of LAMB Per lb. I O. TTI11 ... I t- ... ' . . BELF -lb. POT ROAST lbs. lz lb. BACON L.MB . ...... ,03 j UJC cnair. Alter loin or LAMB the reading of the minutes and of Per lb ? jarlous reports the resignation of : SHOULDER of LAMB- u. i. n. mcuou was submitted' pPr ib. me ooara ana accepted with gret. The obtaining of a Dhvsician VEAL ,io nu we position of superintend-: ? ent of the hospital was then dls- 8HOULDER nm of VEAL- . I rilKEA1 . rhune SA1LKIIAV SPECIALS $1.00 28c 15c 15c MONTREAL, Sept. 2J: CP Mgr. Bruchesi. 14th biahon of MonU . turv nd his memory was tenderly , cherished. In 1928 Roman Catho-, lies celebrated wHh special prayers the 50th anniversary of his ordination as a priest. Becoming archbishop at the youthful age of 43 years in 1897 for a senera'lon the most reverend Louis Paul Napoleon Bruchesi occupied a commanding position In Catholic life In the city of Montreal.! He won end held this oiaee by a, display of pre-eminent piety, lioc ;holarih- natural oratory, al-i matt untiring energy, linguistic j culture of rare variety ind a harovl faculty u'- for drawing urwwma all an Dsonle peonte to to Pressed t,. , nowers Gloria Dunlop " him and k renins their atfMtion Doily-Lucy Chair-Stanley Bruce. Atklnv. j I lbs. -ml PRIME -2 .u BAoON RIB ROLL V-.VV J QQ aJ JS? s Jted iea mm hTnfS, io Cravon Work Jean Williams Cookies Beth Rudge. DOCTOR for DUC roublM ,aMr and otherwise and! ne never failed to effect settle-1 RUMP ROAST BEEF and ments. The deceased prelate was born in' Montreal In 1855 the of son mju ui an an I SHORT RIBS of BEEF -j Ap Italian merchant. He was ordained , Per lb AUU a a priest in the Major Basilica of ROUND STEAK- Per lb. POKK TIPS OF PORK Per lb. SHOULDER of PORK Per lb. 20 c 25c 20c 8t. John Late ran In Rnmum n. cember 21, 1878. at the same Ume and place as young Delia Chlesa. who on Sentember 3. ,1814, became Pope Bendlet XV. Upon his return to Canada he served for a time as private secretary to Archlblshop Fabre in Montreal, Then he was appointed professor of Dogmatic Theology at Laval University in Quebec and at the same time chaplain to the Ursullne vicjji inese rjocuumi h . OQp tned four years later, In 1884, III--v' health com Relllnir him ti,.j o ftv AuivdU. He spent much time In France and made the acaualntanro nt m,n . . w. .I... 1 1 r famous men. On returning to. Canada in 1885 he was assigned la - r nvi m ftiontreai and served successively1 " a ft. vlta At OI n-U.aaM. A subsUntUl rant from the nro- ROLLED SHOULDER of O Qn vJf. St. Bridget's Church and .vuiciai vlnclal government government toward, towards re- re- VEAL '"""' Per 11 lb. f .. '.pi..JOseP.tl . r; Cnfh. - - It " was WOJl at pairs and upkeep of the hospital FUXET ROAST or VEAL- orp g "e tha . . became widely C was reported. The treasurer's per ,b DC Jmmn Ma pulpit orator of moving ' " re-' IC ffport il . -if . i. ii i 1 eloquence. ""ce. In In 1887 1887 he he ura. was gnnAinl. showed the f1 . appolnt- Improvement of ilflnanrlal rnH.t.nn. fnH . , ROASTING CHICKEN OA ed a c t St. James' Cathedral .eneonraelnff . ,nir. iimJ i Fresh killed. Per lb. O U C In Montreal. g, i r - - r ' w w mu -s y . Jng have been under and more will be done in the near p 7" MJOS- r future. Although the hospital In a better condition than ha ciruuvnunnir n, been for some time. - vnn.UllWIvnUJIW Most pcopie read the classified ads. Do' you? Per lb. BACON By the piece. Per Ib 30c ArchblshoD Fabre exnriuH l ernest wish to have" him named as his - cMsttiviny". "n was manifested 'In Montreal 3 Of when 11 wa" Iearnfd that the late' Pope Leo XIII. In 1897 had concur- rea in the recommenrfnUnn rn r- ...,.,mi,,ivh, vll 30C Au8u,t 8- 189s- Mr- Rruchesl was j Invested with the pallium, Hls.con. Bagajsecratlon In SL Jamc Cathedral by I Archbuhop Begin, later a Cardinal, was made we occasion oi noi oniy a. meat aolesnn ceremonial but of a general and poetic welcome to his important position and Junctions. His Oraec became well and favorably known far beyond the bounds of the Province of Quebec. He was a marked figure in London, at Washington and at Ottawa. The magnificent spectacle of the Eueh-aristic Congress in Montreal In 1910 wa due to the initiative and the nergy of His Grace, and it brought urn renown throughout the Catho- ic world. q. c. city Provincial Constable T. A. Stew- if Queen Charlotte CKy U at "-e on a patrol trip to the M'jrr sby Wand logging camps. Dur--? Li absence. Mrs Stewart is i;..:ig a two weeks' visit In Prince R-pcr with her parents, Mr. and Mr Howard Steen. Mr B. Munro was hostess at an rc x brtdae oartv reeentlv when School children here celebrated Labor Day with a picnic on local grounds. Races and lvtnirfnr con tests were held and prises awarded. A huge bonfire was built on the beach and there the kkkltes gather ed at supper time to enjoy a sub stantial meal prewired by the ladies. In the evening the fire was appreciated by the ad alts and com munity sin glng and muste was en- most entertaining and the winner was Miss Agnes Mathers. High score in bridge went - to w Mrs. A. a. ChrUtcn- W as HlUJItl-Ual If J . . "f I i-w' LAST TIMES TONiilT : Shows. 7;M and yu A Stranie Frontier Bci(l ... 2 Women on a n. ... TERRACE The war Is tak:i trickle of Terrace . of the noi so you ttnff restMs and names among the w OJ P"" Keiresn- up whteh may be menu were served later in the ev- rotl of enlng. At a recent social eveutng the After a long sp-.. guesU of Dr. and Mrs. McOotl en-j weather. It has . Joyed both bridge and "Chtnese, fine and very wanr P. van StssTk left day for a vUlt to J east me wst years oi nu me suilered sugar and cream set Mrs N Shof-, Visitors at Terr . ,un wiui iiw ior iraoawiipnicnfc puouc lie naa occupied vwwwfvov-VS a S un MSS w i reai ana secona arcnounop. aunng sen whlse prige was a dainty ehlnai fer received 'he ronvolation prae dude W Read r? r The fourteen gurr a dowT. to a, Mm Moorehouse ' " delightful u f- ,vr a; i iiirlud-1 and Mrs Woods of T ed Mr a ;d Mr- B Xfu ra Mr and for a visit to her WWM sFCiBlBliBlVTiBlBlViJ Ml a,n ..i . ji. i.immh ft r 12 or. $L2 26' i os. $iJ0 40 oi. $3.10 Th,drirscmJent h not Publlshet or dupuyed by -Control Board or by the Government of Brltuh C:. I Journey with 7 strS3e MJ "Stagecoach" With CUIre T.eisr i, Wajne, Georie Bancroft At 7:JJ and YX) EXTKA ".March of Time ,nd Coming Sat Onh Kits Bros. In 1 Magnet Plus "Jones Family in Ho!! '-T Mrr N Suffer Mr fuesti were Mesdames Blze. T -re- Wunro. C t Chasteney. Roberts, Shaf- f Gordon. HU1, MtColl Christen- Hu acrf Ml MaeCormkk After ,nd Mtal Aine Ua ner a musical hour was enjoyed. ,, . ... W i Mrs A J. Gordon an able ac- r,Uor r mpanist many old favorites were lrJ l aftemoc eung n her guesu Marreau Bruce fYi Roberta. M;Coii. W Mis MatCormirk '1 r -- Saturday and Monday SPECIAL SALE of CARPETS Asminsters, Linoleums, Connolcums, Fcltol Elio's Furniture .MOOSE IH'ILDING Tiiiun aveM'L SOUTH TO VANCOUVER! filing at OCEAN FALLS and POWELL RIVER Steamer leaves Prince Hupcrt every THUHSDAY, 11.15 p.m. Trains leave Prince Ituncrt for the East Mondny, Wednesday, Friday, 6 p.m. Steamer for Ketchikan and Stewart every WEDNESDAY, 2 p.m. For farct, etc., call or irrff Uty Jickct Office, 528 3rd Ms III 1