r " S'.l 22. 1639. PR.ct, SCCHvUjril J 2G', HI. .. bottle $.'.75 "Hlc SO' C . 4iH bottle $5.60 jlH J. T Msndr Tells of Career In Several iuumnr .!.k sketch ef hU own Africa, his technical a education day In .! later Mfe In Can-by Dr. J. T. Mandy. engineer, at the i . uncheon of the ' Rotary Club In the f.ife yesterday after - t. Africa of British D r spent tbe early an Ofttrtch farm. t : slightly an expedi- . father Into Mata-Kq the laeorporat-- :un of the country Later came the J arid differences with Eneland for hU later sent to Frle-j vhoo! and later T : .v .-ralty. Those days him an Interest -. Of-man chararter i.jbMity of the av- fill IS 1 flit lllltil dement la not published or dlspisjed by the Liquor Hoard or by the Government oi BrltUh Columbia Life In Germany, South Africa And Later In Canada ONION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Sleamtr Leav rrlnce Rupert for Vancouver: T.SS. CATALA KVKItl TUI T.S.S. CAUDKNA FRIDAY, AY. 1:3ft p.m. 10:S0 P- "ue Vancouver. Thurs. p.m. ! Vancouver. Monday a.m. II Convenient, Hem furrhe TlckeU at Office . t'-'KT In -irmatlon Regarding fleservatloiu and TkkeU From 1HANK J, SKINNKIt. Prlnre Rupert Agent. Third Ave. l'bone 5C Harold Davey Teacher of Piano Popular Music M years experience In Vancouver F" Music with Lessons No Scales The cniy guaranteed course ir,al bitflts you financially, Playing for parties, etc. 'II Mil J. H. BULGER Optometrist Hoysl Hank Hide. 1 II I I COAL I accept authority. Most Germans looked forward to the day when they eouJd meet and defeat the British. They drank to "The Da)" Der Tag. Regimentation was carried wt from the top to bottom. Each was subservient to the one above and each took It out on the one below. The lowest grade of all, having no other man, took It out on the animals by Ill-treating them. In no country had he seen animals so badly treated as In Oermany. When starting out to practice his profession Dr. Mandy came to Canada and chose the district of Co lecturing campaign which he car- rted oat. Later In the war he went' to Siberia and was not demobilized cntC 1919. Since that he had prac ticed his profession in British Columbia. GueU at the luncheon Included Rev. A. Abraham, Oeo. Norrls of Vancouver. Jarvis McLeod and Lieut Commander C. D. Donald. have to sell. I CANADIAN PACIFIC Transrontinrntal Trans-Atlantic Trans-Parific Vancouver "via Orean Falls and Way Porta 1 PRlNCFUfi ADELAIDE Every Friday 10 pm. To Vancouver Direct PRINCESS LOUISE Br utember 16th. 26th, October 6th, 7th, 27th f j: nrrUons at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services llrkrts and Reservations from 1. ("OATHS, r.enrrsi Acent, frlnre Itopert. H.C. Grain Feed Seeds and Fertilizer PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. phones 58 and 558 Fresh Local Raw and Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY FIIONK 657 I Mr. and Mr. A. T. Ivaraon. alter j a vacation trip a far south at San I Francisco where they attended the Pacific International Exposition, to the city on Wednesday. Mlss Nancy Brown, who has been at Tlfll for the part eight months, arrived In the eity on-the Prince Charles for a two weeks' visit with her sister and brother-in-law Mrs and Mrs. John Vierlck. Mr, and Mrs. Alfred Adams and eraae German to brine to th f' fnlly. who have been spending Wits best qualities owing to suppres sion by military leaders It was difficult to realise German ambitions. The Oermans were always ready to the summer on the 8keena River In connection with the salmon fisheries, will sail by the Prince John to night for their home at Massett Dr. P. E. Moore of Ottawa and Dr. A. L. McQuarrie of Vancouver, medical officers for the Department of Indian Affairs, after a visit to thtt district on official duties, left by Wednesday evening's train for Haz-elton after visiting which point they win proceed to Vancouver. Eagles Bridge 'Party Success balt. He was there when the war I broke out and he at once offered .opening Affair or Season Held his services. He was assigned a Wednesday Evening With Twenty Tables In Play The first bridge party of the of the local Eagles' Lodge was held Wednesday night In the Aerie Hall and. with twenty tables in play, was a very successful affair The Drice-winners were: Ladles' first. Mrs. Norton; second. Mrs. H .Smith: third. Mrs. L. Tusvlk: men . : first. Mr. Cleiand: second, F J pi.- ...,. Bnn.rtFeaby: third. Mrs. F. M. Crosby people read the Dally News. It Attr refreshments were n. m ut thm knnw rhit ot . rved and dancing was en-oyed ' m u .i-Li Ait k - from midnight until 2 am Andy Ronald was master of rere- ttltwiIm FYonlr miun nrMirffl at the door and Henry Smith and A Monteano were in charge In the kitchen. 'ooooooooooooooooaooooooo -'1 VASIK F. HEAPS g A.T.CM. g Piano and Theory i ALL rilUOES o o Private or Class instruction $ Beginners from pre-school ag also Teachers' Training Class S Twelve Years' Experience Phone BLl!E 997 S OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCrt' II DANCINfi Hodgson Dancing Academy Clares Commencing Sept. 1 Specializing BalJet Mexican, Tap, Baby work Studio 121 2nd Ave. Blue 898 NOTICE Commencing September 11, R. Shaw, teacher of Violin and Hawaiian f.ultar for the Western Academy will be In the Prince Rupert Hotel MUSIC Vcnctia Fccro A.T.CM. Teacher of PIANO and THEORY Classes Commencing Sept. 1 l'lione BLUE C33 SWANA 0LAFS0N A.T.C-M. Associate Teacher of Miss Way Piano, Theory Harmony, Etc. Enrolling Students for Fall Term PHONE 815 tarn dailt nimr PAiri THREA LOCAL NEWS NOTES Serenader' Dance Oddfellow' For prompt and courteous ser-Hall. Friday, September 22. 222 ! vice Phone 13 Taxi tf. , Mn. Henry Comer arrived In the city on the Prince Rupert last ev-' enini from Stewart to pay a vlsK '.with her sister. Mn. John MeRae, !8mith Block. First of aerie, bridge and dance. Moose Halt Sept 24. Admission 35c. Commence t:30 psn. sharp Mrs. T. W. Brown saHed last night on the Prince Rupert for a trip to VaiMMfver and PenHeten. racks at Esquimau COLDS; FIGHT UISERT right wbertM you (td JtwlU swlft-sctiag VICKS VAPORUft Robert Brasell sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for a trip to G. E. Phtfttpwn saHed last night on the Prince Rupert for a trip to Vancouver. Mist D. 8fcahnd, who has been , vlstting for the past couple of weeks at her home In the city, will sail by she Prtoee John tonight on her re turn to Mattel. Gwynn Thompson, who has been oaying a visit here with Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hoftby. sailed by the Prince Rupert last night ofi his return to his home at Burllnghame. California. vBRINGS INSTANT EASE from Bride-Elect Is Honored By Shower Honoring Miss Betty Cameron, whose marriage takes place early next month. Miss E. M. Earl entertained at a miscellaneous shower at her home In the Angus Ap art ments. I Mail Schedule for rhe Eaart Monday. Wednesday, and Friday 5 From the East-Tuesday. Thursday and pjn Saturday 11.00 p.m Announcements All advertisement In this column will be charged for a full month at 25v a word. Presbyterian Tea, Mis. Spencer's. September 26. Boy's Band Bridge Drive. Eaglei Hall, September 27. Anglican Tea Mrs. September 27. Empire Dance, October 6. Neal Carters k Ridley Home grocery shower, Sep- ,tember 28, 3 to 6 pm. j Hospital Bazaar, October 4. Eagles Bridge October 4. Oddfellows' Hall C.C.F. Bazaar, October 7. Catholic Bazaar October 11, 12. Lutheran Bazaar, October 14. Presbyterian Bazaar, Not. 16. Anglican Bazaar November 23. Country Fair Novembr 24. Bride Is Honored At Shower Party Mrs. P. W. Weh and Mm Lilian Croxford Hostesses for Mrs. Jack Armstrong Mrs. ,224 iLHIan tecses P. W. Wesch and Mb Croxford were Joint hos-on Wednesday evening at the home of the former. Fourth I Avenue East, In honor of Mrs. Jack Armstrong Jr.. formerly Miss Cathie McMeekin. After playing rnff Um tailed lat nl.ht n &mt 1" whcn P2 the Prince Rupert for naval bar- I were Mrs. Jack Armstrong and Duncan, the bride was the (Mrs. recipient of a daintily decorated carriaie containing many tweful gifts. Delicious refreshments were I served. Those present, besides the hostesses and guest of honor, wert Mrs P. Stegavlg. Mrs. Duncan, Mrs. J McLeod. Mrs. E. Hart. Mrs. T Christoff Mrs. R, Carries, Mrs. A. Davles. and the Misses Margaret McMeekin. Blanche Jensen, Margaret Slevert. Alice Hallberg. Adele Freda Mussallem, Helen Miss Dora Cummings sailed last,Musall'ra- . loia Marv fllnjm Fern Jensen. nigni on me tnnce ituptxi lor a lslt to Vancouver. Iand Armstrong. UNITED IN MARRIAGE! Miss Frances Stegavig Becomes' Bride oi uaniei jiomsen at Quiet Ceremony A wedding of much local Interest took place at S o'clock last evening at the Parsonage of First United Church. Rev. J. C. Jackson of NUNS HUNT ANCIENT TREASURE r aVBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaB 4dfl9sft RMflauH ,swsuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuual 4ja1puK -waB a 'HHHjKajMHSiaassted 3Jsi2ssWjssssB Nans of the Home of the Compassion of Jesus at Thames Dltton, England, are shown in the basement of the thousand-year-old convent, digging for treasure by the light of bicycle lamps. Three "diviners" sensed the location of burled treasure, and, as the convent needs funds, the sisters set out to uncover It themselves. The House of Compassion Is one of the oldest houses In England. It was mentioned In the famous Doomsday Book of William the Conqueror. Boy Scouts Reorganized ficiating, when Miss Frances Evelyn i Arrangements Being Stegavlz. younger daughter of Mr. I Another Active Season This ind Ur O Steeaviir. 134 Havs Cove Winter Circle, became the bride of Daniel j Morrison, oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. I Although war service threatens M. Morrison, 823 Borden Street. 'tn remove more of the leaders be- The marriage ceremony was quietly jf0re 1, the two troops of Boy conducted In the presence of onlyjgcouts In Prince Rupert are get- me parents cu me cunvriw& une orearuzeo i or anoiner acuve ouple and the attendants. season. The bride, who was given In mar-1 Ernest Meadows has taken over riage by her father, wore a pretty ias actliw scoutmaster of Prince dress of pink net and lace .with Rupert troop following the de- Cove with Ken Daktn assuming the duties of assistant scoutmaster following the enliatement of Cecil Fitzgerald. The aDDeal of M. Saika of Port Made ForjEsjingtoj, against a conviction and fine of $300 by Justice of the Peace C. D. Pogson for keeping liquor for sale is being heard In County" Court by Judge W. E. Fisher this afternoon. W. O. Fulton Is counsel for the crown andT. W. Brown for GIVES UP CASTLE small veil and carried a shower, parture ot Robert Yerburgh with I LONDON. September 22: The acuquet of carnations. The brides! Monty "Vhieberg as assistant scout-' Duke ot Norfolk has given up his maid, Miss Clara Stegavig. sister of I master. Rev. Roy Dumford Is car- castle for the use of the British-he bride, wore peach taffeta wtfryjng on as scoutmaster at Seal government at this time of crisis. mall jacket and bouquet. The --m roomsman was A. D. Vance. Following the ceremony a recep- ton was held at the home of the( bride's parents where many friends :athered to tender their felieita-; ions to the couple and duly celebrate the occasion. The couple received congratulations and best vtshes under a large white wed-1 line belL The rooms had been ?ally decorated In pink and white.' The bride's table was centred with a large three-tier wedding. ;ake which was duly cut by the; bride. The toast to the bride was) proposed by the groomsman and; responded to by the groom. Dellc-i lous refreshments were served and. the festivities continued into the morning with music and dancing. Miss Bonny Perkins sang as a vocal solo "I Love You Truly." Music for dancing was provided by Mike Colussl and Robert March. Many beautiful gifts testified to the popu larity and esteem In which the couple are held. Both Mr. and Mrs. Morrison have lived here since early childhood. The groom Is In the service of the freight department of the Canad ian National Railways. They are taking up residence In the Steele Block. SPELL IT BACKWARDS "And you get the word MILK", points out Elsie, the Borden Cow. "And that's juit what KLIM U pure, fresh, whole milk with all the cream left in, powdered by removing the natural moisture content. Simply add Klim to cold water whisk with a beater and you hare an instant supply of creamy pasteurized whole milk. I can't recommend anything better foe baby, borne or camp." KLlM lis "If it's Borden's it's GOT fo be good" MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE 317-319 Third Avenue West Where Dollars Have More Cents Quality Prompt Service After the show drop In and try our milk shakes, sodas and ice cream. We also have a complete stock of fruits and vegetables Phone 18 & 19 P.O. Box 575 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor -A HOME AWAY FROM DOME" Rates $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 191 B. C. FURNITURE Used Furniture Values We carry the largest stock of reconditioned household goods consisting of Kitchen Ranges of various makes, Remington, Underwod and Corona Typewriters, Bedroom Suites, Dining Room ,Suites, Chesterfield Suites, Beds Springs, Baby Cribs, Buggies, Radios, Sewing Machines, Washing Machines, Carpets, Rugs, Etc. PRINTED LINOLEUMS In assorted patterns. Special, Square Yard Phone BLACK 324 Next Door To B.C. Clothiers 39c THIRD AVENUE