FADE POOR nilLT niT7 -3 BRITAIN GATHERS HER HUGE AIR FORCE AT HENHON FOR REVIEW The Perfect Thirst Quencher For prompt and courteous service Phone 13 Taxi ft,' "SALADA Serenaded Dance, OddffllowV HaU, Friday, September 1. 12S5I ML Margaret McCaffery will be returning her music classes with the openln? of rehool. i204 Mrs. P. M. Rayner sailed last Mr and Mrs. Percy night on the Prince Ruprrt for a were recently married here, the Mrs. T. H McCsbMn at Pseift bers to be present at the ck.dns display In connection with supervised playground work of the club which was held at the Exhibition Hall last night. . Mrs. A!ex McLean, w MacKenzie's Furniture LINOLEUM With cork base. Printed and Inlaid. Large stock to fill your requirements. Patterns and designs to salt your taste. See our new Linoleum and Carpet Department. Phone 775 327 THIRD AVEN'UE OOOOOOOOOOOOlDOOOOOODOOCrUDOmiJOODOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOiJO 5 o s o a a. a s s a s 1 The Very Latest for the Hair HALO SHAMPOO Neither a soap nor an oil. Ideal for the whole family. A Colgate product. Price 60c The Finest of Antacid Powders BISMA - REX A preparation backed by the Rexall Guarantee. We are sole Prince Rupert Agents. Price 75c Ormes Ltd. Jim Pioneer Druqt fats The itesall Store Phones: II tt ti Open Dally from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 noon till I pja. 7 p.m. till 9 p.ra. DOOO0tHCKHKHKHWOHKHMOH3D J. H. BULGER t Optometrist , ' ttoyal Bank Bldg. Fresh Local Kaw and Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 Moose are requested to attend - special meeting tomgni, Friday, at Bond, who 9 o'clock. ,?twi trip to Vancouver bride having formerly been Miss Q tana uicKens. returned to the cl?y tuy .u tw , , - j Mrs. j. t. uamm ssnea b on u" the uic Prince rnnce ueonre ihl night on the Ps Rupert for , fioru a honeymoon "cZl"?n trip to Vancou brief trip u, Van" trip to Vancouver. Mrs. R. W. CasMron. who h been on a visit io Vancouver and elsewhere in the sofeth. tftttrned ver and elsewhere In the south. days to attend sessions of lh? Pacific sub-executive or the Fisheries Research Board of Canada; sailed last night by the Prince; uupert for Vancouver 1 tourer. E. Phlllipson returned to the beorge thU Laieit and most iho recently complete stock Deration at'0 sc-o1 bVk and PPes at Mc- nae " urot Compare McRae's nrirw. home on the Prince Oeorge this Mar Clmic In Rochester. Minn- J J mn,4n. -eta. -eta returned rfUrrned to to th the dtr citv Tin th rnnce uupert Wednesday. Mrs. Mc Cubbin R V aailM) !. nlata on St3DnM Bff at Varift.U nnlnt. t 11 lm me W on uie rnnce ttupen jot a inp wt wuue returning to tne coast. Vancouver. She will resume her nursing duties, at Port KssJngton. Beargeant C. C. JaeUtn. chief of dty j police, and Mrs. Jaeklin and Judae wuugc W w . e r.. Fuhpr risner, nhn wno hv. nas family, who have been on a vaca- been on a trip to Vancouver, Vlc- h swuum uuu wan. tut ut aim up Vancouver isiand,i couver Iiiand. returned to the city arrived on the Princess Louise Ihlc' irom me souw on Prince morning from the south and prov Oeorge this morning. They are ceeded through to Atllh Where he moving residence from Rfth A7- u to conduct a session of Couniv enue West to Fifth Avenue East' Court for the hearing or a civil . In the house formerly occupied by case. Constable D. W. Taylor. j I Dr. A. T. Cameron of Winnipeg. There being no speaker, the reg- chairman of the Fisheries Researcn nlar weekly luncheon of the Prince j Board of Canada; Dr. A. it. Hulch-Rupert Gyro Club Wednesday wasjlnson of the University or British of an informal and brief character. Columbia; Dr. W. A. Clemens, dlr-President W. M. Watts was In the ector of the Kanaimo Flsherlea chair and there was a fair attend- Experimental Station, and R, E ance of members. A snedal Invi- Walker of New Westmlnr a'rfr tation was extended all the mem-; having been here for a counle nf 4nce Oeorse this morning. 2M Lean, whose health Is ho tx&l-l" pW' 'h haS bcn lent as a rlt of iYio vi mnrtt 1 on a Tisu io Vancouver, returmd th.' City Engineer F. N. Good returned to the city on the Prince Oeorge this morning from a trip to victoria ton city business. Norman Watt and fmtttr n,t . aM4Y U11U ?Mlss Florence Watt rimH last night In readiness for the opening of school next week. Wlss j. A. Murray, whp has been on the nursing staff bf the Prince Rupert General Hospital, sailed last night- on the Prince Rupett for Vancouver. T. A. Bryant, school teacher at Metlakatla, who has been spending the summer In Vancouver, returned to the city on the Prince oeorge this morning. Kinderearten on ftniimhir the fifth. Apply St. Josephs Acad emy, 4th Avenue. (206) Mrs. Jones and daughters, May ana uiuan, wno have been spending the summer in Vancouver and Victoria, returned to me ciiy from the south On the Prince George tills morning. Mrs. James L. Lee and son. Forbes, who have been soendlns the summer visiting at Mrs. Lee's home In New Westmiaiter and elsewhere In the south, returned to the city on the Prince George j this booming. NATIONAL VETERANS' SURVEY Men who served In His Brlttannlc Majesty's Service during a period of war are Invited to register under the above survey for service In Canada. ADDlicants should b physically fit and not over slxtv years or age. Register at the Cana dian Legion Clubrooms. 12051 FREE ! FREE ! FREE I Ride Tickets Crescent Shows m.WrCAS!I. PURCHASE-of ONE DOLLAR OR .MORE Made at MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE Available Now Opposite Canadian Legion NEW ROYAL HOTEL j. Zareill Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FItOM HOME" Hates i.M up 60 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 181 P.O. Box 196 COAL Grain Feed Seeds and Fertilizer PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Pbonea 58 and 558 n TP l l HIM ii TT1 .KMfcv&CMPSaA. 1 Hfl'llfc ! Oil II lUs This air view shows some or the hundredc nf arnrUan utr.Ki t tt . . . muuii in iwinris ior me itoyai Air Forrr flDia, r type were represents, many havtag been flown In from dtoUnt part, of the Uht HUie isle E,lg land's ever-U.rrei.u i' re ranks as an important ractor in all discuMions of martial trenth In Earope Int above l, an unusual shot" of the , rf'Ll Paze bomber, built for the RA F It is aid tn h th ,,ia: . .... i iui:y Rev. J. II. Myrwang. new or St. Paul's Lutheran Churcn from Baltic. North Dakota, and Mrs. Myrwang and family arrived in the city from the south on the Princess Louis this morning. Inaugurating the company's schedule of fall sailings to Alaska on a ten day basis. C. P. R. steam- The Bisters bf Bt. Joseph an-ier Princess Louis, Capt. S. K. " nounce " the re-ooenine e-v""ii8 oi of their. ineir.y. Orav such a stage that a special guard had io be mounted over the prison's garden. Announcements All advertisements la this column win be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Catholic Tea September 14. j Eagles Bridge September 20. Queer Mary Tea Mrs. Lineham's September 21. Hospital Bazaar, October 4. CXJJ. Bazaar, October 7. Catholic Bazaar October XI, 12. "Crescent Canadian Shows" H!- ger' and Better. i Country Fair November 24. MISS YOKI Dressmaker Ladies and Children's Alterations Moderate Price " w " ' -'ly-v w irfc wiuuri una lb nmuwri ittinrf mim UNUK RIVER Mining Development Outfit Arrive At Iturrouch Bay After lint Staie of Trip Thr mlnlnff HVltrmnf ftaal . , v iwiiiivtit vrw,s iv "7 amita in pon, ai o ocwck for the Untik Oold property up " the Commercial PauWca r,..i- n . liVii mMir. . ... uWluus .., .ai.uuret iu unuic River-with which and o7 v 7 , .... , . -' u mum Thomas i Minima S o sailed at 10 am. ror Bkagway and Mackay left here on Sunday arrived ther,n,,rnthern P01" 6h?uhad a at Burroughs Bay In Behm Canal u list or 119 passengers of whom 50 back of Ktfehfkan Wnrhy were rouhd trippers. Eleven dh- From there It will be taken into embarked here and about a dozen Mackay, Lakekbj, a. Ginger Coote went aboard. Alra plan ruth I, eomtog north hom vancHlTer t0T toe Job ,.iTrT7 STI.AL STiMi jaii JAIL SI UDS ( packhorses will be used to complete c7!7T. the transporUUon from Mackay if at trAY HALIFAX. Sept. 1: (CP)- City Lake, a distance or three and a a prison authorities thoueht their' ,,if L !fC. only troubles were within .he pri,- ... ..... , w Bunaay Ior Burroui;r;5 Bay lnclud- dlsappear from outjlde gardens. . Thefts of the vegetables reached - lOc WHY PAY MORE Best of all fir Lilt r . Clean, quick, aure, rheap. Ak your Drus jtlil, Grocer or General Store. TUB WILSON FLY PAD CO., HAMILTON, ONT. Harold Davey m 1 r iv ivucnur oi 1'iano Popular Music 20 years experience in Vancouver Free Music with Lesson No Scales The only guaranteed course that benents you rinanclally, playing for parties, etc. Enrol Now? At Hie News Phone GREEN 880 h ammmmmaBmmmammammK. LnJ i music HIUSJC ! M8 N. Lawrence j Vcnetia Fecro A.T.C.M. 1.Teach"1f I PIANo'anuTHEOItV ir. Viollll TlieOry Classes Commencing Sept. 1 Classes Commenting Sept. 1 Phone BLUE 633 PHONE S80 DANCING y LEE HUNO CHONO hodjson Dancing Academy 3j ni n if Classes Commencing Sept. 1 I. LllOD OlieV ilOUSe 8pe.ciallzlng-Ballet, Mexican, 1 1 ftJ" . 0pen Day n nd N'tht . Tap, Baby work fl Studio 121 2nd Ave. Blue 898 I Second Avenue I " Miiaiiiaiiarp wnn r ti (takrn tn over the trail Com pre.-'and there will be A irS na general supplies are being men wwklm on i , taken In Capt Paul Armour low- throughout the w.! t. ed the scow from here to Ketchikan 'Mackay In wruiU: with the Cuprite A Ketchikan well known Sebakw. . tug took it on from there identify wah -he be nrrui ai'.f, it TV ELIO'S FURNITURE Prince Rupert Come Look Over Our Uore Slock Of Battleship Linoleum, Cork, Inlaid, Felt Base Floor Covering Now on I)inplay HEATEH, STOVES, ETC. See Our lTscd F tirnil 11 n l)innr(rtipnl CRESCENT SHOWS . . . Kiddies Days Saturday & Monday 5C AH Rides Will Be 5C SsMMMBJMMaBstMBMBBsaBWBssMiMSsMMBlBssMISi Household Supplies Clothes Lines Ironing Boards Mops - Tubs Pails Paper Towels Clothes Baskets FLAX0AP A Unseed Oil Soap for Household Use Mb. Can 25c Thompson Hardware Co. Ltd.