More War News On Page 5 treatv nn the Grounds of German aggression. , 1 v HI u B mmA mitk wSi oooooooooooooooooooooooc HITLER oooooooooooeo josooooooooo" Chamberlain announced that a bill would be introduced making military service ages between 18 and 41. Even before the session of Parliament, the King signed an order-in-council for the complete mobilization of the navy, army and air force. Complete black-out throughout the country was ordered for. tonight. Complete application of air raid warnings have also been ordered. Censorship has been imposed on postal correspondence directed to "certain foreign countries. First aid stations have been brought up to full strength. Distribution of gas masks is being made complete. Evacuation of children, mothers, invalids to the countryside is being rushed to completion. One million youngsters left London yesterday, many of them leaving their parents behind. Despite the gravity of the situation, the people remain cheerful. All newspapers today emphasized the British obligation to Poland. Attention was drawn to the speed of Hitler's move. The suggestion was made that the publication of his sixteen demands and the statement that Poland had rejected them was an attempt to place .Poland in the wrong light at the eleventh hour. Headquarters Of Fortress Halibut Sales American Arctic. 31,000, Cold Storage. 8.! land 5.5c. The fortress command for Prlncei Norcland, 19,000. Pacific, 8c and Rupert area hn inVn mi head-i 5.6c. quarters In the federal building, "cut. Col. S. D. Johnston M. C D. Is officer commahdlni all military activities in this area. Canadian Joan W II, 40,000, going to Van-rouvpr. Hum. 15.000. Atlln, 7c and 5c. be Jlfetl PATTULL0: Maitland Says Conservative Would I rn.nucrate In Case of Emergency VICTORIA, September 1. (CP) The British Columbia Conservative narty will co-operate with the ad ministration ol Premier T. D. Pai- tullo "if we should find ourselves In an emergency." R. U Maitland K. 0.. Conservative leader, said. The heart and soul ol the people of Canada will be side b;' side with the Empire." Maitland said. JAPS IN SEATTLE Round The World Plane Arrives There Direct From Witehorse SEATTLE. September 1: (CP- The Japanese round the world goodwill filers In their plane Nippon arrived here at 6:30 last night after a non-stop flight from Whlte-horso and It is planned to con-Unue southward to Los Angeles today. The plane had flown from Fairbanks to Whltehorse. "Thei fllert received an cthuslastlc wci-i come here. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C ., FRIDAY, SCJTEMBER 1, 1939 aoooooooaoooooooooooooooo Free City Decreed Part The Polish ambassador had earlier notified the 117TI I A in Foreien Secretary. Lord Halifax, that Poland invoked Yf lLdL tlU the provisions of the British-Polish mutual assistance ( 4- Out ItOMK, September 1: (CD 4- The Kalian cabinet nnoune 4- ed twlay that Italy will refrain 4- from starting any military op- 4- erallons. However, the na- tlon'ls taking full defensive measures and it taking all pre- 4- cautions afainst any eventu- 4- allty. The position of Italy in 4' the event of a prolonged eon- 4 flict U a mystery. King Mc- 4 tor Emmanuel, as spokesman for the nation, has insisted 4 that his government has done everything possible to bring ' about peace with justice. This 4 4' was reiterated in a message by . Tremier Mussolini to President 4- Koosevelt. There have been 4- numerous messages between ery soldier, mindful of the great traditions of the eternal German military, will do his duty to the last. Remember always you are members of Hie National Socialist Party." Long live our people! Long live the Reich!" A blockade of the Polish harbor of Gdvnia soon followed Hitler's orders to the Army and, after a brief period of fichting in Danzig, the Free Port was declared a part of the German Reich by Albert Forsler. Almost immediately Hitler gave his legal approval to the decree. The constitution of Danzig under the Treaty of Versailles was declared dissolved as far as Germany was concerned and For-stcr was named head of the civic government. Hitler thanked Danzig for its loyalty. Next developments were air raids on Cracow and other Polish cities. Later in the morning there was an air raid on a railway station eight miles from Warsaw. Hitler, in a momentous Reichstag gathering, declared that he would achieve the return of Danzig and the Polish Corridor and halt Polish attacks on Germans or die fighting. "I am putting on a uniform and shall take it off only in victory or death." Hitler has dwelt on numerous occasions of late with the possibility of his own death and he mentioned it again in the Reichstag speech. If he should meet death he mentioned Field Marshal Herman Goering as his successor. If anything happened to Goering Rudolf Hess, Hitler's deputy, would take over. If anything happened to all three, then the Senate would select a worthy leader. Dcr Fuehrer spoke throughout as if war was already under way but he did not officially declare war. Hitler went on to refer to recent proposals to settle the dispute with Poland by what he claimed was a moderate formula. The Poles hail rejected this and he had answered with mobilization. His love of peace and his patience had been exhausted. He had last night informed Great Britain, Hitler said, that negotiations were broken off and 00000000000000000000000000 Britain Stands Offensive Of Extreme Violence By Obligations Unless Germany Withdraws Immediately From Poland, Ambassador Will Be Withdrawn-Hitlers "Senseless Ambition" LONDON, September 1: (CP) Prime MihUtcr Neville Chamberlain read to an emergency session of Parliament at 5 o'clock this evening a note sent to Berlin warning that, unless Germany suspends aggressive action and withdraws from Poland, Great Britain will unhesitatingly fulfil its obligations to Poland. If the reply to this last warning is not favorable, the British ambassador to Berlin will be instructed to ask for his passports. The Prime Minister said that he did not suggest that the German replv "is likely to be anything else than unfavorable." He'adtkd : "the time has come for action." Mr. Chamberlain placed the responsibility "for this terrible catastrophe" on Hitler. ".Mussolini has been doing his best," Chamberlain added. He said that "Hitler has not hesitated to plunge the world into misery in order to serve his own senseless ambitions." Then the Prinme Minister continued: "No man can sav that the trovernment could have done more to try 7 Weather Forecast Prince Rupert and Queen Charlotte IslandwModerate to fresh southeast winds, cloudy and cool with showers. PRICE; S CENTS NVADES POLAND ooooocoooooaoooc 3300000 . Reich Under Way Along Full Frontier; Four Cities Under Air Attack Italy To . Stay and keep open the way for an honorable and equitable 1 Home and Berlin settlement of the disnute between uermany and roianti. Had there been the least desire on the part of the German government, the crisis could have been averted." 4 FRONTIER VIOLATED AT MANY POINTS AS DER FUEHRER STRIKES, PRECIPITATING WHAT SEEMS INEVITABLE MAJOR CONFLICT DOES NOT DECLARE WAR BUT ORDERS ARMY TO MEET FORCE IN SUDDEN MOVE-BRITAIN AND FRANCE OBLIGED TO ACT Germany and Poland are at war and Great Britain and France will undoubtedly be drawn-into the vortex of conflict with little delay. Hostilities commenced early today with GermahyV invasion of Poland 'af "several points. Air raids of the' Polish capital, Warsaw Cracow and other cities were early reported. There has also been artillery attack. There was no formal declaration of war by Germany. Adolf Hitler, Fuehrer of the Reich, ordered the German army to meet fore with force. His order of the day to the Army read: "The Polish state has rejected my efforts to establish neighborly relations and, instead, has appealed to weapons. Germans in Poland are victims of a bloody terror, driven from house to house. A series of border violations unbearable for a great power show that the Poles no longer are willing to respect the German border. To put an end to these insane incidents nothing remains for me but to meet force with force from now on. The German army will conduct a fight for honor and the right to the life of the resurrected German people with firm determination. I expect that ev- he had decided to talk as Poland talks "with force." Hitler said that he wanted nothing from the western powers (Great Britain and France) and "we have formally declared we have no claims against them. We do not want to wage war on women and children" he said but added, if an "enemy" dared wage "another" war of that sort he would answer "bomb for bomb, gas for gas." Germany does not count on Italian support, Der Fuehrer said, while, on the other hand, Russia (Continued on Page Tiro J Canada Is Wasting No Time In Emergency Of War; Call Parli ament Meantime Prime .Minister Gives Assurance That Neces sary Defence Measures Are Being Taken Army, Navy and Air Force on Active Service Basis OTTAWA, September 1: (CP) The War Measures iAct of 1914, giving tho government extraordinary powers to act in emergency pending the assembly of Parlia-i ment, was proclaimed following a cabinet meeting today. Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King announced I that military, naval and air forces had been placed on .active service looung. ramamenw ! has been summoned for September 7. The Prime Minister announced I that Parliament will be asked to authorize the government to glva the most effective co-operation possible to Great Britain. Thf militia has been called out 'for the defence ol Canada." Should a field force be necessary, volunteers will be callcdrfor as In 1914. The Prime Minister said that instructions had been sent commanding officers ot various military districts to call outaddltinnal , (Continued on I'aye Tvco) V Vv.